Kanda Jena And C. R. Mohanty
A field trial was conducted during the period from October, 2013 to January, 2015 to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and quality of Bermuda lawn grass (Cynodon dactylon) cv. Selection-1 and to determine the most suitable dose for establishment and maintenance of a quality lawn. In the present investigation three levels of nitrogen viz., 10, 20 and 30 g/m2, three levels of phosphorus viz., 5, 10 and 15 g/m2 and a fixed dose of potassium viz., 5 g/m2 were tried along with untreated control (viz., N0P0 and K0) comprising of 10 different combinations. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were applied as urea (46.0 % N), single super phosphate (16.0 % P2O5), and muriate of potash (60.0 %) respectively.
Kashif Waqas, Shuja Ur Rehman, Arsalan Ashraf, Hafiz Muhammad Zeshan Safdar, Mahnoor Qayyum Khan, Kinza Tanvir, Rimsha Iqbal, Faisal Iqbal
To check and analyze the effect of nickel sulphate toxicity on radish plant, a research was conducted in the old Botanical Garden at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. In different concetrations of nickel sulphate solution (10, 20, 30 mM), Raphanussativus specie of radish (Mooli Day-40) was grown to study the morphological parameters like shoot and root length, shoot nad root weight, number of leaves, total carotenoids and chloropyll. Ni-stress remarkably reduced the growth attributes of radish plant. Results were reported after data collection and applying statistical anaylsis by using latest software packages. A noticeable drop in physiological and morphological attributes was recorded. However in biochemical attributes level of chlorophyll a and b was reduced while subsequent elevation was noticed in carotenoid concentration.
Kidanemariam Gidey Gebrehiwot
Tourism-led growth hypothesis argues that international tourism is a source of economic advancement through generating foreign currency, creating employment opportunities, stimulating greater investments in infrastructure and inspiring the development of other economic sectors that ultimately improved the living standard of the citizens of a country. Knowing the importance of tourism sector, Ethiopia has taken this sector as a strategy to achieve its short and long run economic objectives. Therefore, the principal objective of this study is to validate the Tourism-Led growth hypothesis (TLGH) in Ethiopia over the annual period 1991-2018. To attain the envisaged objective, the standard Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) and Phillips–Perron (PP) unit root tests were applied to check the stationarity of each series.
Agung Sakti Pribadi, Made Warka, Slamet Suhartono
Conflict of authority and legal uncertainty related to coastal reclamation in coastal areas and small islands surfaced in almost reclamation activities in the area, especially the implementation of reclamation in the Jakarta Bay. Although the reclamation at Ancol Beach was successful in the 1980s, it does not guarantee that the reclamation will run smoothly and successfully in the era of regional autonomy. Various regulations have emerged that regulate reclamation activities and the authority to manage coastal and small islands. Such a lot of rules actually makes stakeholders more uncertain to use what regulations are in accordance with the interests of their respective regions.
Yoyok Subagiono, Teguh Prasetyo, Otto Yudianto
In Indonesia the development of the concept of Restorative Justice is something new, Restorative Justice is a form of justice that emphasizes the involvement of all parties involved in a particular crime, both the victim, the perpetrator and the community to jointly solve the problem in dealing with the consequences of the crime, with orientation to improve, create reconciliation and satisfy all parties. As diversified, Restorative Justice is carried out outside the formal process through the court to demonstrate law enforcement and a sense of justice properly.
Cookey, A. Grace; Iboroma, S. Daopuye; Maduelosi, N. Jane
Adsorption capacities of acid-modified (MoMB and MoMR) and raw (RaMB and RaMR) mangrove bark and root sorbents on hexavalent chromium ion have been evaluated with respect to pH, adsorbent dosage, particle size, concentration of hexavalent chromium ion and contact time using batch adsorption technique. It was found that acid-modified mangrove sorbents exhibited higher adsorption capacities than raw mangrove sorbents.
Rizmeyni Azima, Delyuzar, Betty
Phyllodes tumours is a rare biphasic tumours, this is composed of neoplastic stromal cells and evolution containing epithelium. The stromal tumour is more cellular and increased. Phyllodes tumours are far less common than fibroadenoma and de novo arising, and not from previous fibroadenoma tumours. The bad changes are the feared malignant are increased stromal cellularity, anaplasia, high mitotic activity, rapidly increasing tumour size, and infiltative edges. The incidence of phyllodes is <1% of all breast neoplasm in 0,1-0,5%, with the most incidence occurring at the age of 30- 40 years old.
M Taufik Siregar, Delyuzar, Lidya Imelda Laksmi
Prostate disorders are one of the main causes of quality of life disorders in men. Since 1994, the total PSA value has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a marker of early detection, determining the stage and prognosis in prostate cancer. Many studies have reported the benefits of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in tumor cells, where TILs are effective in slowing tumor progression, although the mechanism is still the opposite.
Ahmed Abbas Hasan, Hassan A.Farman, Anaam Mahdi Dawood AL-KHASRAJI
Background: Royal jelly was secreted from cephalic glands of nurse bees as product, this product has many activities on health especially the infertility effects. This study was design to determine the royal jell activity on rats males.
Adeline Leo, Delyuzar, Betty
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women with approximately 23% cases of all cancer. It has been known that signaling through IGF-1R is involved in growth of many cancer especially breast cancer, for example by affecting cell proliferation, survival, invasion, and metastasis. One of the receptors in IGF pathway is IGF-1R. The research of IGF-1R expression and clinicopathological features in breast cancer patients is still controversial.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Nguyen Doan Khoi
This paper concerned the environmental pollution of water used for Pangasius farming. Principally, pond must be located and constructed to minimize negative impacts on the other users and the environment. Particularly, the main environmental concerns in the Pangasius farming sector are the waste-water released from the farm to river. Therefore, the water in pond farming has to be taken care of and cleaned. Generally, if the Pangasius farmers pay much more attention to waste-water treatment before discharging to the river, they will avoid the problem of a polluted water source.
Md. Shamim Hossain Biswas, Dr. Md. Asraf Ali, Dr. Mostafijur Rahman, Mr. Md. Khaled Sohel, Mr. Md. Maruf Hasan, Kausik Sarkar, Abu Shamim Aminur razzaque
The cryptography is the branch of Cryptology. It is a combination of mathematics and computer Science. It is the study of obscuring information in cyberspace. Cipher is a set of algorithm which comprise of encryption and decryption. The cipher paly important role in modern technology. The technologies involving communication including the Internet, Mobile Phones, Digital Television, and ATM machine rely on cipher in order to maintain security and privacy. Thinking about aforesaid importance of cipher in cryptography, in this article, we have designed a smallest cipher which may be efficient in RFID chips. The smallest cipher has been comprised of five mathematical operation: Exponentiation, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction and Division based on systematic study of classical cipher. The proposed cipher is a keyless cipher, but it is very efficient in secret information passing.
Anna Mariana, Delyuzar, T Ibnu Alferraly
Meningioma is one of the intracranial primary tumors that often occurs with the incidence in the United States covering 36% of all tumors in the central nervous system. The growth of solid tumors such as meningiomas is highly dependent on angiogenesis. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Fibroblast growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) are angiogenic factors that mediate positive regulation for angiogenesis. Both VEGF and FGF-2 examinations in previous meningioma have been carried out, but using blood serum samples.
Abdulaziz Mosa
This study investigates the socio-economic impacts and determinants of micro and small enterprises (MSE) using 100 samples of MSEs in Wolkite town. The majority of enterprises in the surveyed town are MSE and large numbers of the residents made their livelihood through micro and small enterprise. The finding of the study reveals that MSEs have socio-economic impacts such as employment opportunity and income generation. In terms of sector, manufacturing creates more job opportunity than service and trade sector.
Mr. Keshav Anand, Mr. Uday Anand, Mr. Shivraj Anand, Mr. Sandeep Datta, Dr. Mona Joshi, Miss Nidhi Kumari and Mr. Durgesh Kumar Chaudhary
The aim of the present study is to depict the properties of Contrafeedant® formulation under the brand name Onteem®. This when applied on the plants, it distastes the insects from feeding on crop, make uncomfortable to oviposit and make insects unstable to hide in the plant canopy to get exposed to insecticides application. This can be integrated and used with chemical insect control, which can help & manage the insect population under economic threshold level of attack involving the good agricultural practices.
Enda Esthy Latheresia Sitepu, Richard Hutapea, Kristina Nadeak
Introduction : Condyloma Acuminatum (CA) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) especially types 6 and 11, which can be found mainly in 90-95% cases. Clinical features may be papillomatous papules or nodules found on the mucous membrane or skin of the external genitalia, perineum and anus. It is transmitted through sexual contact, both genito-genital, oro-genital and genito-anal.
Novita Widiyaningrum, Siti Masitoh, Rachma Hasibuan
The purpose of this research is to describe the development of children through the storytelling method of picture-card media. The childs development is the ability to speak. Research methods use quantitative research with quasi experiments. The population is kindergarten students aged 5-6 years. Data collection techniques using observation guidelines with an indicator of the ability of the child can answer questions of characters and characters in the story and the child can continue some of the stories listened to. Data analysis techniques using one-way variance analysis test. The results showed that the value of Fcount 5.167 with a significance of 0.026, meaning that childrens development for the ability to speak is influenced by the storytelling method of picture-card media.
H. E. K. Fernando, T. M. J. A. Cooray
Financial sector plays a vital role for the economic development of a country. Stability of banks is vital for a profitable and healthy financial system of the country since they provide funds for investment by controlling funds from savings to productive uses for money. Licensed Specialised banks (LSB) operating in Sri Lanka are mainly engaged in lending for national development projects and lending in regional level but legalized to limited engagements in foreign exchange.
Vineeta Khare, M.D;Ankit Agrawal, BDS; Prashant Gupta, M.D.; Shelley Saxena, B.E.,MBA
Introduction: Microscopy is the simplest and the most important step in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. But the microscopy requires considerable experience and is bound to human errors. Artificial intelligence (AI) based microscopy can be an answer to this problem. AI can be used even where expert microscopists are not available. Sevamob provides artificial intelligence enabled healthcare platform to organizations. It uses deep learning for image recognition, machine learning for triaging and computer vision for object counting.
N. Malizia, G.L.M. Dinicolò
The research carried out to date on the subject of youth gangs have studied the phenomenon from different and sometimes radically opposite angles. The “gangs”, moreover, have taken on characteristics and reasons to be peculiar over time and space. It is thus impossible to trace the identikit of an immanent and hegemonic band model, and any attempt to do so can only prove to be partial and reductive.
Justus Kaisa Nyang’acha, Prof. Oduor Okoya, Prof. Naftali Omolo Ongati
Heterogeneous motor vehicle flow models are developed to take into account of local and major changes such as the increase of motor vehicle types and number, increase of the number of lanes, lane shifting characteristics, overtaking and identification of areas prone to accidents and congestion. Lighthill - Whitham and Richards motor vehicle traffic model, investigated how homogeneous vehicles travels in a one dimensional, single lane road; without curvatures. Petrosyan and Balabanyan
Hestin Atas Asih, Amin Setyo Leksono, Zulfaidah Penata Gama
This study aims to determine the impact of the use of pesticides on chili (Capsicum annum L.) on the diversity of soil arthropods on land with semi-organic and Conventional farming systems in Dau sub-district, Malang regency, Indonesia. Arthropod sampling was carried out using the pitfall trap method, measuring the abiotic factors of soil temperature, soil pH, air humidity, and light intensity as well as the interview method. Arthropod diversity data analysis was analyzed using Microsoft Excel by calculating the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H ), evenness (E), dominance index (ID), and taxa richness (TR).
Udayanga, J.B.P, Weerasinghe, I.M.S
Psychological capital has been receiving increasing attention of global academia as it is deemed as an important controller of human performance. In business management it has extensively been explored, however no significant attention has been received to sightsee how the concept could be effectively used to swell academic performance of
Suparwoto Sapto Wahono & Ulfa Khodijatul Qodriah
This research is about improving the students’ writing skills using English movies with subtitles. In this research, the movie used is short movies applying the narrative text to make the teaching-learning process effective. This research applied a Classroom Action Research. The research was carried out in two cycles. The steps were namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data of the research were completed by using quantitative and qualitative data. The research finding showed that after using the English movie subtitle, the students’ writing skill achievement improved.
Afrizal Zahri, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the impact of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction at CGV Cinema in Palembang. The used data are primary data obtained from a survey of 150 customers CGV Cinema in the city of Palembang, which were selected randomly.
Ajobiewe A. M, Olorunsogbon B.F. and Alaba J.O.
The study focused on the effect of malting sorghum and soaking of maize for weaning food with a view to producing an affordable and nutritious complementary food for low – income families. Seven formulations were prepared as sample A to G. The samples were subjected to proximate, functional, anti – nutritional factors and sensory evaluation.
M. Maliki and E.U. Ikhuoria
In order to solve the challenges facing agricultural waste disposal and energy scarcity, several researches to convert agricultural waste to biogas and to increase biogas yield have been conducted. However, studies that establishes maximum biogas yield in conjunction with improved biogas quality are
Kresnawati, Siti Hanila
This research was conducted in order to obtain the best innovation strategy for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) to improve the economic welfare of the coastal communities of Sukasari, Lawang Agung and Kunkai Baru, Seluma Regency. Mapping analysis of potentials and problems that occur in BUMDES in coastal areas is done by using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method through SWOT analysis techniques and Criterium Plus - Analytical Hierarchy Process analysis.
Indra Yacob, Delyuzar, Joko S Lukito
Myofibroblast is a contractile cell type that has a high capacity to release ECM which will eventually cause fibrosis. TGF-β regulates the development of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT) and promotes fibrogenesis. TGF-β acts to encode proteins that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth and play a role in the main pathway of the myofibroblast signaling which will ultimately lead to fibrosis. TGF-β can also act as a tumor promoter through epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) regulation.
Delyuzar, Sinaga BYM, Yunita R
It has been proved that diagnostic cytology of tuberculosis through eosinophilic mass containing brown particles feature can be used to establish diagnose of tuberculous lymphadenitis. The eosinophilic mass containing brown particles is not a classical hystopathology feature of tuberculous infection. Many patients with TB-HIV (Tuberculosis-Human Immunodeficiency Virus) do not show classical feature of TB on pathology examination. Some studies suggest that there is another Mycobacterium strain relates to cytology feature as a specific lymphadenitis.
Felix Kilonzi
A customs union refers in general terms to a political structure established by two or more states apparently not only to create a free trade platform but also to establish a common trade policy towards third countries, including the creation of common trade barriers. While progress has been made so far, significant aspects of these modules remains to be done. There has been problem of non-uniform customs tariffs existing within the E.A member states slowing down faster integration. The main purpose of the research study was to establish the institutional factors affecting implementation of customs integration in East
Ramzi Odah, Phd, Ala Lahloh, MA.,
Young people under 30 years of age represent about one third of the population, while the percentage is close to half among women, but empirical evidence indicates that the representation and participation rates of these two groups are low. Comparative data indicate that there is a sharp decline in the participation of youth and women in the municipal elections in 2017 compared to the elections in 2012; that there are several reasons behind this decline, including the high rates of consensus lists, in addition to the low percentage of party lists, and the low participation rates in voting.
Daniel Papan, Zuzana Papanova, Veronika Valaskova
The aim of research paper is to describe approach to determine the dynamic response of reference historical buildings in Slovakia due to transport involved microtremor by theoretical and experimental way. The dynamic analysis results of the reference historical structures include in the universally accessible database. Summarize standardized criteria for microtremor traffic effect on the historic buildings abroad and for Slovakia region to establish a basis for their assessment criteria as specified group of buildings. Determination of seismic resistance to the effects of traffic seismicity.
G Gunasegaran Gopal
This conceptual paper explores the state of innovation and factors that need to be implemented and rectified to improve innovation initiatives in Malaysia. Although many initiatives had taken by Malaysia to build and improve the innovation ecosystem in Malaysia, the outcome of innovations in Malaysia is not par with other countries in Asian continent.
Dr.Dinesh Dutt Sharma, Dr Manish Kumar Mahala, Dr Rishabh Bhargava, Dr Ajay Malviya
Cystic hygroma is an aberrant proliferation of lymphatic vessels resulting from abnormal development of the lymphatic system1,2.
Nicholas Pindar Dibal, Adegoke Taiwo Mobolaji and Yahaya Abdullahi Musa
This research work discusses on the estimation of an unknown rate parameter of an Exponential distribution using Bayesian methodology under the Al-Bayyati’s loss function with different prior distributions. The rate parameter of an Exponential distribution is assumed to follow non-informative prior distribution (such as extension of Jeffrey’s prior distribution) and informative prior distribution (such as Gamma prior distribution, Gamma-Chi-square prior distribution, Gamma – Exponential prior distribution and Chi-square-Exponential prior distribution).
ELenga Dorothee Bibiane
Experience shows that our colleges are composed of classes with large heterogeneous groups. Its members come from diverse backgrounds, with different linguistic and cultural heritage and diverse learning habits. This heterogeneity imposes in pedagogy large groups a distribution of tasks and roles, different from those found in the usual classical situations.
Sathish K R, Swaroop M, Achudan TS, Vishnupriya R
Thresholding is an important task in image processing. It is a main tool in pattern recognition, image segmentation, edge detection and scene analysis. In this paper, we present a new thresholding technique based on Tsallis and shannon entropy. The main advantages of the proposed method are its robustness and its flexibility.
Dr. Dipen Tayung
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most influential philosopher as well as social reformer in the contemporary Indian philosophy. His earlier life was influenced by his mother’s religious outlook and this has encouraged him to practice truthfulness, honesty, non-violence for the duration of the whole life. Gandhi is well known in the domain of politics and social reform than in the field of education. Nevertheless, he is one of the greatest teachers of mankind for all times to come “a prophet of its spiritual regeneration.
Katamu, C. H., Dr. Nabiswa, F. & Rev. Dr. Odhiambo, E .O. S
Inefficacious response to terrorist attacks in Nairobi County is regularly evident in accounts of inadequate preparedness of response organization. Infighting, incompetence and long duration taken for response to attacks is recurring and costs for not addressing their preparedness level is
K. M. Panditharathna
This study investigate the relationship between Relationship between Corporate Governance Attributes and Voluntary Disclosure Level of Sri Lankan manufacturing companies listed in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). The corporate governance attributes include ownership Concentration (OC), Board Independence (BI),CEO Duality (CD) and Number of Female Directors (FD).In here research use relative disclosure index for measuring voluntary disclosure level. Further researcher chose the 31 companies as sample of the study.
Amare Wondimu Gebremariam
As my previous study indicates, majority of the EFL learners are reluctant to speak English in spoken class than practicing the target language through trial-and-error. They have negative attitude towards their oral errors. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess factors contributed to the EFL learners’ negative attitudes to their English language oral errors, and to identify the effects of the attitudes on the EFL learners speaking skills.
Phurailatpa Pooja Sharma and Sahadevan Jawahar
A Seed germination study was conducted at Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University, India during February 2019 to study the effect of silixol plus on germination and growth of rice. The treatments comprised of five levels of silixol plus viz., 0 ppm (T1), 1ppm (T2), 2 ppm (T3), 3 ppm (T4) and 4 ppm (T5) and were laid out by adopting randomized block design (RBD) with four replications. Among the different levels, seed soaking with Silixol plus @ 2 ppm recorded higher values for seed germination percentage on 3, 5, 7 and 9th day after sowing.
Kelebogile Ofaletse, Reginald Oats
This case study responds to a growing concern among educationist of the need for provision of quality education at early childhood level. The focus of this particular study was on code switching at reception classes in Botswana as a strategy for academic excellence.
Usman, H. Abdu, Abdulmalik, B. M, Mohammed, Danladi, Badara, B. Bakoji, Kawuwa, A. Sarkile
Solid waste generation and management in Nigerian urban centers is a replica of what is obtained in most cities of Africa and other cities of developing countries. It is characterized by improper collection; transportation and disposal coupled with lack of data to facilitate in planning for sustainability. These problems therefore, informed the need to develop a strategy for sustainable solid waste management.
Sanam Vaseem Shaikh
The title of the paper is “Plath Children- Her Treasured Creation like her poems”. The main intension of the paper is Plath insecurity with regard to the future of her children. It reveals the apprehension, anxiety and uncertainty that Sylvia goes through when it comes to the care of her children. The kind of fondness and minuteness that she has for her poems can also be traced in the upbringing of her
Sara Mifrah, Oumaima Hourrane, El Habib Benlahmer, Nadia Bouhriz, Mohamed Rachdi
The exponential growth of available scientific articles provides researchers with many new challenges and opportunities. Researchers usually analyses divers’ scientific papers to find those pertinent to their research. Citation sentiment analysis is an important task as it can help researchers in identifying shortcomings and detecting problems in a particular approach, determining the quality of a paper for classifying citations that it is positive, negative or neutral in the weighting scheme and recognizing problems that have not been addressed as well as possible gaps in current research approaches.
Alfred Rufer, Pierre Villeneuve
A vehicle powered by compressed air is developed, in the context of zero emissions and short distance delivery in a city. The compressed air powering system is composed of a filling station, a transfer line to the vehicle, the vehicle side reservoir and the compressed air propulsion system.
U. Sai Meghana, B. Ramya, Dr. T. Ravi Chander.
Background: The Study to assess the risk of cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients in different age groups in various territory hospitals.
Kuchkarov Asomiddin, Eshtemirov Eldor, Khujanazarov Uktam Eshtemirovich
Education for sustainable development with the collaboration of the State Committee for Nature Protection, Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the republic of Uzbekistan was adopted and stages of sustainable development are represented. Besides environmental problems of the south Uzbekistan region are closely illustrated with the case study tasks of the endemic plant species in the article.
S. R. Aadhi Sree
The Criminal Justice system in India is derived from the British model where control and prevention of crimes, punishment and rehabilitation of offenders and protection of individuals and their property are some of the accepted principles. Many countries of the world have realized the need to extend assistance and services to the victims of crime thereby changing their way of dealing with them. Nevertheless, the position of victims has not yet changed in India where they are treated as mere witnesses for prosecuting and punishing the offenders. As such they are deprived of their rights.
The world of encryption is evolving every year. Hybrid encryption is a unique technique which combines both symmetric and asymmetric encryptions. This research study focuses on using a super server to create unique private keys which is in turn used for encryption and decryption of data. It is an efficient and modified technique which makes use of ‘Hybrid Cryptography’. In this technique of hybrid cryptosystem, a public-key cryptosystem (asymmetric cryptosystem) with a highly efficient symmetric key is used.
Maduelosi, N. J., Akinfolarin, O.M. and Ikechukwu Confidence
Oil was extracted from the seed of Allanblackia floribunda using hot water floatation method. The oil was characterized and used for production of biodiesel through transesterification process. Evaluation of the properties of the biodiesel obtained was done. Physicochemical properties of the oil were measured and the results obtained show that the oil is edible and can also be used for industrial purposes. The viscosity of oil was 30 Cm2S-1, density 914 kg/m3, smoke point 210 ˚C, flash point 270 ˚C, cloud point 25 ˚C and refractive index of 1.464 nD40. Transesterification was carried out at a temperature of 60 °C for 60 minutes with 6:1 mole ratio of the methanol to oil and 1 gram of KOH as catalyst.
Raynald Pradigo, Khairina Nasution
Background: Androgenic alopecia is the most common type of hair baldness in men. Obesity is a risk factor that can cause androgenic alopecia. Until now the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the severity of androgenic alopecia is still controversial.
Peter Ademu Anyebe
The law of evidence comprises the rules and legal principles that govern the proof of facts in a legal proceeding. These rules determine what evidence that should or should not be considered by the court in reaching its decision. The law of evidence also concerns with the amount, quality and type of proof required to prevail in litigation. However, in a criminal matter, there are a number of issues which either the prosecutor or the defence will have to prove in order to persuade the court to find in their favour.
N. Malizia , M.V. Aponte Valverde
Social control has been, and continues to be, one of the most debated issues in the entire social sciences panorama. Still today one wonders what the objects of control can be, how they can be identified, labeled and, above all, kept on the margins. The problem is that, in most cases, there is no process and historical view of the reality in question: sociologists think of “social control” as a set of tools or intentional measures designed to correct, reintegrate, contain or restrain the minorities; this way of thinking tends to conceive society in general as if it contained two zones: a central sphere of more or less autonomous, self-governed, “responsible” subjects and a periphery of deviant under surveillance and control, whose access to the central sphere is monitored from different guardians (gate keepers) and whose identities are marked, at least in part, by their label of “deviants”.
A.I Mudannayaka, D.S.W. Rajapaksha and K.A.H.T. Kodithuwakku
Surface coating is an inexpensive and effective method to preserve the internal quality and prolong the shelf life chicken eggs. Mineral oil is one of the commercial type coating materials with proven results. Therefore, this study was planned to determine the effect of beeswax, gelatin and Aloe vera gel coatings on functional properties of chicken eggs. Four hundred and fifty (450) brown shell eggs of 32 weeks old Lohmann classic brown layers were obtained and randomly divided into five groups as ninety (90) eggs per group. Four egg groups were randomly coated with one of the four coating materials: mineral oil, beeswax, A. vera gel and gelatin.
Eka Yuliati
Community-based tourism development is closely related to community empowerment and gender mainstreaming. The existence of the Kenjeran Beach Amusement Park managed by the Surabaya City Government provides ample opportunities for local residents to trade around tourist attractions. The obstacle to developing community-based tourism lies in the low ability of human resources in the field of entrepreneurship to increase business scale, innovate and improve according to the demands and standards of tourists.
Tadessu Fikre, Berhanu Alemu and Shashie Ayele
The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of Effective Microbes (EM) treated grass hay on feed intake, digestibility, growth performance and economic feasibility of Washera sheep fed on natural grass hay basal diet. Twenty Four growing (8-9 month) intact male Washera sheep with initial body weight of 14.802±1.965kg (mean ± SD) were blocked in to six blocks based on initial body weight and animals within a block randomly assigned to treatment diets.
Ranjith Rajeswaran, Oviya K, Deepika jayachandran, Pachiappan C, Sangeetha Ganesan, Divya S
Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) is a bio-electronic device stimulating Cochlear Nucleus directly by-passing the inner ear and auditory nerve. ABI performed routinely in adults and children who are not candidates for CI. There is dearth of research available on documenting the long term outcomes concerning auditory comprehension and speech and language development in children with ABI.
Ranjith Rajeswaran, Yetisurya Sasikumar, Jennifer Ramesh, Pachaiappan C, Mohan Kameswaran
The auditory brainstem implants are designed for use in adults with Neurofibromatosis II in order to restore the hearing and assist them in being able to hear all the sounds in the environment. Recently, the ABI has also been indicated for use in children with congenital inner ear malformations who would not benefit from hearing aids or cochlear implantation is not feasible due to anomalous cochlea. The ABI’s have been recognized as an effective treatment option in children to reinstate the hearing.
Fems, Seimiekumo Solomon, Zifawei O. Kennedy, George Deinbofa, Oberhiri Oruma Godwin
Libraries have been a fundamental fragment of educational and information sector of any university. The success of any library largely depends on proper management. Several libraries, including the Niger Delta University library, have suffered catastrophe as a consequence of insufficient administration and weaknesses in handling delicate information as regards members of the library, difficulty in storage space restraint, searching for, and finding desired books, availability of library and library materials at all times etc.
Shephali Singh, Kavita Kaushal, Simratjeet Kaur
Objective: This study has been performed to check the immediate effect of Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise Versus Relaxed Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Oxygen Saturation in young healthy adults.
Akanbi Sunday Olugbenga
One important way newspaper and magazines bare their minds on issues and challenges in a society is through editorials. The editorial is a potent channel through which public and community opinions are measured.
Akanbi Sunday Olugbenga
One important way newspaper and magazines bare their minds on issues and challenges in a society is through editorials. The editorial is a potent channel through which public and community opinions are measured.
Akanbi Sunday Olugbenga
One important way newspaper and magazines bare their minds on issues and challenges in a society is through editorials. The editorial is a potent channel through which public and community opinions are
Eng. Faten Thalji Al-Mawajdeh, Eng. Essra Mohammed Al-Nsour
clinical laboratories’ tests are an essential parameter affecting patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Significantly, 60% of medical cases are diagnosed based on laboratory tests. Quality control system and ISO guidelines aim to improve clinical laboratories work process. In addition to that, accreditation authority plays an important role to guarantee continuous improvement and audit.
Eng. Thair Akram Haddad, Eng. Ahmad A. Alslaihat
wearable sensors devices combined with smart phones applications play a significant role in better healthcare management for chronic conditions. As well as, communication technology and data collection and analysis provide a broad medical application for remote health care management.
Eng. Mohammad Jamil Alhusban
This paper highlights a new removal technique performed recently to osseointegrated dental implants utilizing a heating approach. This optimization technology ensures the uprooting of the capsule perfectly. Moreover, it ensures minimum necrosis of the embracing area.
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