International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

The International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP) is a high-quality, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal that emphasizes on new research, development, and applications in a variety of topics in science, engineering, and technology.

IJSRP publishes online journal with ISSN 2250-3153; DOI is: 10.29322

IJSRP Journal:

IJSRP provides an open access research journal for scientists, scholars, researchers and engineers to exchange their research work, technical notes & surveying results among professionals through out the world in e-journals or print publications.

IJSRP Current Issue
IJSRP: Current Issue

e-journal: IJSRP, as a member of the environmentally conscious community, encourages e-publication by publishing all of its journals through a monthly edition to the IJSRP Journal.

Print journal: IJSRP facilitates the widespread of information to institutional bodies by providing the online print version of journals in the form of e-book.

Being an online journal, IJSRP does not provide hard copy of monthly subscription and promotes minimal print of the online content.

Online Publication:

Call for Papers (February 2025):

Call For Papers

All researchers are invited to submit their original papers for peer review and publications. Before submitting papers at IJSRP the authors must ensure that their works in original or refereed form have never published anywhere and be agreed upon the entire fraternity of authors. The authors must also agree and adhere on originality and authenticity of their research work.

Written manuscript along with abstract in IJSRP Format should be submitted via email at editor@ijsrp.org.

You can find more details at Online Submission.

IJSRP review and publish:

  • Research Paper
  • Case Studies
  • Analytical papers
  • Review Article
  • Argumentative papers
  • Survey research and data analysis

We provide DOI number to papers after publication.

IJSRP Thesis Publication:

Thesis Publication

IJSRP invites authors form internationally top ranked research institutes, universities to publish their Dissertation or Thesis work. Partial publication cost should bear by individual or institute and 50% will be funded by IJSRP.

Authors can publish their research in form of Monograph or Thesis.

More details:

IJSRP Indexing:

IJSRP index partners include BASE (Bielefeld University Library), Google Scholar, Citeseer and others. We have our own research library (OARD) based on OAI-PMH.

Google Scholar Indexing

Google Scholar: IJSRP Journal researches are highly indexed in Google Scholar. Our published research has received 35666 citations, with some papers being indexed more than 750 times. Our h-index is 77, while our i10-index is 910. Researchers can access our indexed research papers on Google Scholar by clicking on this link.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Digital Object Identifier (DOI): IJSRP is active member of Crossref and all published papers are issued DOI number since March 2018. You can easily search for our indexed papers on CrossRef by visiting the CrossRef Search Engine or clicking the link provided.

Open Access Research Database

Open Access Research Database (OARD): IJSRP maintains all published papers in OARD which provides open access to listed papers among universities, researchers and scholars. OARD is based on OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocols which help to index the research papers worldwide.

IJSRP Indexing Partners

Researchgate.net: Researchgate.net is a world-class platform for sharing and discovering research. IJSRP Journal researches are widely read and discovered on Researchgate.net. Some of our published research has received up to 27K+ reads on platforms with high citations. You can find all of our indexed research papers by clicking on the given link, or you can search for papers by journal name or paper title.

Other Major Indexing:

Digitally signed e-certificate

IJSRP e-Journal [ISSN 2250-3153]

News and Announcement

7th February 2025: February 1st slot has been published, Read Here.

7th February 2025: Alternatively, you can email us at: ijsrp.editor@gmail.com in case you face any issue with editor@ijsrp.org.

30th January 2025: Publication in January Edition has been completed. Read January Edition Here.

30th January 2025: We suggest to mark ijsrp.editor@gmail.com and editor@ijsrp.org emails to safe sender list so you get emails in your inbox. Find more details check at this link.

SJ Impact Factor [2023]: 7.662

[Provided by SJIF]
IJSRP Impact Factor

ICV Score : 70.03 points

Index Copernicus

DOI: 10.29322/ijsrp

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