International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2024 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

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Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies and Performance of World Food Programme in South Sudan
      Ms. Veronica Nyidier Chagai, Dr. Peter Wamalwa Barasa
Abstract: Sustainable supply chain strategies are of paramount importance among humanitarian organizations for several reasons. The World Food Programme in South Sudan has adopted four key supply chain strategies, namely supplier relationship management, green procurement, reverse logistics, and transportation optimization.

      Ms. Peninah Babeeyo Nakato, Dr. Peter Wamalwa Barasa
Abstract: Competitive public contracting procurement practices consist of both competitive and non-competitive contracts, negotiated and non-negotiated contracting obligations. With competitive contracting, tenders and awards on public contracts are competed for through public bid advertising when services are thought by the public to provide them with either services or goods (products) upon successfully becoming the best competitive bidder and winner.

      Mr. Joseph Wekesa Namaulula, Dr. Ibrahim Nyaboga
Abstract: Project management is the process of providing people with something of value by using particular knowledge, skills, tools, and processes. The goal of project management is to achieve the projects objectives within the allocated time, financial constraints, and performance and is done through planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling the numerous activities that go into a project. This study aimed at assessing the Influence of Sustainable Project Management Practices on Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations Projects in Turkana West Sub-County, Kenya.

      Septrial Arafat, Muhammad Iqbal Fauzan, Dian Safitri
Abstract: Tegalweru Village is chili center production in Malang. This demand has led to the cultivation of chili plants across three growing seasons to meet the needs of partner companies. Conventional agricultural practices have reduced soil organic matter, resulting in degraded soil properties despite high yields, and have negatively impacted the agricultural ecosystem and surrounding environment. Research indicates that land in Tegalweru Village with slopes below 10% exhibits better quality in terms of water availability, pH, and soil organic matter compared to land with slopes above 30%, regardless of terracing.

      Meshack K.M Yego, Barry Ayumba, Antony N Njoroge
Abstract: Background: The tibial plateau is the upper most surface of the tibia bone which forms the knee joint together with femoral condyles. It has a medial and lateral condyle. There are increasing cases of osteoarthritis of the knee with increasing age and trauma, hence the need for knee arthroplasty to restore functional anatomy of the knee. Arthroplasty requires accurate sizing of implants to the damaged knee, which will be guided by knowing morphometric measurements of Kenyan tibial plateaus which are unique to those of other populations.

      KABUYE Joel, Dr. Mugiraneza Faustin
Abstract: Purpose of this paper was to assess influence of school leadership strategies on students’ behaviors managements in secondary schools in Rwanda Case of public Gasabo secondary schools. This research was supported with organizational theory and production theory. The researcher used descriptive research design for data collections. The participants were students, teachers, Head teacher, deputy head teachers in charges of discipline and studies. All respondents were 1485 including 45 HTs, 45 DOD, 45 DOS,225 teachers,450 parents and 675 Students from 45 schools located in Gasabo District, Rwanda. The Yamane formula was used to calculate the sample size of 315 respondents. The participants will be chosen by using different methods where researcher used random sampling and purposive sampling. Researcher used questionnaire and interview guide as data collection instruments where Questionnaire was designed to students, parents and teachers and interview guide were designed for schools’ heads and deputy school heads in charge of disciplines and studies. Researcher used IBM.SPSS 21.0 in analysis procedure.

      Aurea Estrada Reyes
Abstract: This study evaluates the practices of manufacturing firms in Metro Manila to inform the enhancement of an entrepreneurship curriculum. Using a descriptive research approach, data were gathered from management, employees, and clients to assess practices in product development, innovation, technology, marketing, finance, planning, and evaluation. The results indicated significant differences in the evaluations among these groups, with the exception of innovation. Recommendations include updating the curriculum, promoting industry partnerships, and incorporating practical training. While the findings offer valuable insights for aligning educational programs with industry needs, limitations such as sample size and company selection suggest the need for further research. Overall, this study provides essential inputs for improving entrepreneurship education and fostering stronger ties between academia and industry.

      Noraini Zulkifli & Iasmul Azham Ibrahim
Abstract: The rise of China as a new superpower has resulted in an increased presence of Chinese power in the South China Sea. Even China’s action of building military installations in the Paracel Islands has had an impact toward Vietnam. This action has prompted Vietnam as a major actor in the region has taken a diverse approach to address the issue. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contributed to China building military installations in the Paracel Islands, to study the impact on Vietnam Security and further analyse the approach used by the Vietnamese Government in addressing the impact of this China State action. The theory used in this study is realism and the concept is the Power Transition Theory, national interest, balance of power and power struggle

      Nouf Ayed Alenazi
Abstract: Amidst raising clinical benefits costs from one side of the world to the other, this assessment bounces into strong strategies for thinking for managing these expenses while remaining mindful of care transport. A lot of ways to keep costs down need to be put in place for the next cash store from clinical benefits.

      Nouf Ayed Alenazi
Abstract: The patient-centered care (PCC) model promotes a change from the traditional clinical experience to a more personalized approach, centered on the patient and their required healthcare services. This paper scrutinizes the issues, plans, and what it means for healthcare organizations to embrace PCC models the rely on secondary qualitative research, the main challenges of the in-healthcare professionals, the financial constraints, and the organizational barriers that are being addressed. The ways to achieve implementation success, involving training and education programs, stakeholder engagement, and the use of information technologies, are also explained. Case studies represent both victories and learning experiences even from the failures, in theory, they give us dangerous opportunities regarding both technique and regulation.

      Nouf Ayed Alenazi
Abstract: This research focuses on how Lean Six Sigma is done in health facilities with a Systematic Analysis of Literacy and case studies. Such a study proves Lean Six Sigmas capability to uncover improvement opportunities and enhance quality, workflow, and patient outcomes in healthcare settings. Factors to success include strong support of management, frontline staff involvement, and the facilitation of data-facilitating problem-solving.

      Chijioke Goddie Onyegbu
Abstract: Total Quality Management (TQM) has become todays modern practices in business ventures therefore become very predominant in almost all organisation worldwide, penetrating in today’s business society. This article reflects on the extensive literature review being carried out. It also highlights the organising, structuring knowledge and leading to the need for future research. The Quality Management literature review exposed the quest to the following: The work explores the notion of TQM, specifically focusing on Product Quality (PQ) and the effect of Quality Management in the service sector (QMSS). It also discusses the backdrop of Quality Management theory and analyses its practical implementation. Implementing Total Quality Management and Management Innovation is essential for organisations to achieve a competitive edge in the ever-changing business environment.

      Raja Chattopadhyay, Dhanveer Singh
Abstract: The cloud environment allows businesses to easily access computing resources as needed improving flexibility, efficiency and cost effectiveness. It also supports data storage, teamwork and the smooth deployment of applications, on platforms. This article explores the changing landscape of integrating data, in cloud environments discussing trends, ongoing challenges and effective strategies. As more organizations turn to cloud services for storing, processing and analysing data the need for data integration becomes crucial.

      Dewan Juel Rahman, Al Amin Mahfuz, Most. Mithyla Zaman
Abstract: The source of this work is Enterprise Cyber Security Management using Kali Linux and Scapy. Scapy is intended to be used to interpret a large number of protocols, transfer them over the network, accept them, include requests and answers, and much more. A larger percentage of the most difficult tasks, such as identification, vestige routing, probing, unit testing, raids, or network innovation, can be handled by this with ease. It also performs admirably at a plethora of other inelastic tasks that most other tools are unable to handle.

      Md. Shamim Hasan, Md Forhadul Islam, Tasmi Sultana
Abstract: Fire hazard is a physical hazard in industries that are taking lives more than ever because of the lack of Fire Alert and Rescue Navigation systems (FARNS). Fire disasters are becoming more and more troublesome day by day in industries. People are dying in high-storied buildings and industry sectors due to fire hazards. IoT and OpenCV can bring new aspects to Fire Alert and Rescue Navigation systems. The OpenCV-Based Fire Rescue Navigator System can be used to locate the location of the fire hazard and deliver emergency fire alerts via online and offline channels. Contrary to expectations, firefighters can quickly and easily reach the affected area and save lives. A reliable fire rescue navigation system and monitoring solution are essential to our industry. Our system presented an insurmountable way to rescue fire occupants utilizing an OpenCV-based Fire rescue navigation system which can also overcome internet and power outages in devastating fire hazard situations.

      Ms. Jane Mwende Mutula, Dr. Peter Wamalwa Barasa
Abstract: This research endeavoured to Analysis the Elements Influencing Electronic Procurement Performance in Kilifi County Government, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the effect of public procurement regulations on electronic procurement performance in Kilifi County Government; to establish the effects of staff competence in ICT on electronic procurement performance in Kilifi County Government; to identify the effect of managerial commitment on electronic procurement performance in Kilifi County Government and finally to assess the impact of Information communication technology infrastructure on electronic procurement performance in the Kilifi County Government.

      Dr.Cyrus Nganga Njoroge, Dr. Ayumba Barry Ramadhani, Dr. Lotodo Teresa Cherop
Abstract: Fractures of the femur due to increased road traffic accidents are on the rise and lead among orthopedic trauma conditions at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH). The best treatment is open surgery with fixation and stabilization using implants, mostly because fractures are either old or due to lack of equipment for closed or percutaneous surgery, leading to blood loss necessitating transfusion. MTRH experiences excessive blood cross-match relative to actual transfusion, wasting reagents and blood.

      Islam Uddin Shipu, Dipasree Bhowmick, Nondon Lal Dey
Abstract: Mechanical energy is a versatile and accessible green energy source, increasingly harnessed to power small-scale devices via innovative flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators (F-PNGs). These devices convert mechanical energy into electricity using lightweight materials such as Barium Titanate (BaTiO3), poly dimethyl siloxane (PDMS), and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). In this design, BaTiO3 nanoparticles were embedded in a composite film with PDMS and MWCNTs, sandwiched between two copper electrodes. The BaTiO3/PDMS/MWCNT composite PENGs, synthesized for this study, produce an output voltage of ∼8 V through periodic cyclic beating.

      Verah Magoma Mecheo, Fredrick W. S. Ndede, Job Omagwa
Abstract: The liquidity position of microfinance banks (MFBs) plays a pivotal role in their financial stability and ability to fulfill their mission of promoting financial inclusion and alleviating poverty in Kenya. Equity financing is a significant source of funding for MFBs, yet its impact on the liquidity position of MFBs remains unclear as documented in empirical evidence. Hence, this study investigates the impact of equity financing on the liquidity position of microfinance banks (MFBs) in Kenya and provides recommendations for policy and practice.

      Gayathri Purushothaman, Chithra Alagusundaram, Jennifer Ramesh
Abstract: Klippel-Feil syndrome (KFS) is a congenital anatomical defect that occurs due to the failure of fusion of two or more cervical vertebrae in the neck region. The physical features of the condition include a short neck, low hairline at the back of the head, and restricted movement of the upper spine. Otologic anomalies have been reported to be seen in 60% of patients with Klippel Feil syndrome which includes unilateral, bilateral and external, middle & inner ear pathologies. This case study focuses on a 4-year-old female child diagnosed with Klippel-Feil syndrome presenting with bilateral hearing impairment, combined vestibulo-cochlear-semicircular canal dysplasia along with delayed speech and language development. A detailed audiological evaluation was done and the results are further discussed.

Abstract: The fabrication of metal components by powder bed fusion and direct energy deposition is time- and energy-consuming and expensive. The filament extrusion AM-based technique uses a unique metal feedstock that combines a multi-component binder with sinterable metal powders, followed by de-binding and sintering to produce metal components at an affordable price. The polymeric binder is essential component for a successful fabrication part and to maintain its mechanical strength. This study describes the fabrication of stainless steel 316L (SS316L) components using the fused deposition modelling technique (FFFm) through a number of optimisation phases.

      Jeremiah Sitati Wasike
Abstract: Retirement is commonly associated with the conclusion of formal employment, whether due to reaching retirement age, medical reasons, or redundancy and could also be initiated voluntarily through early retirement. The process of transitioning to retirement was known to impact individuals’ social identity, influencing their well-being in diverse ways. Depending on the psychological significance attached to their formal job, individuals experienced varying effects as they navigated this transition, often relinquishing their work-related identities to prioritize personal roles.

      Vuong Huu Vinh
Abstract: This article delves into the conceptual metaphors of “sorrow” in the song lyrics by John Lennon. Utilizing a focused analysis of the songs lyrical content, it seeks to decode the layers of meaning encapsulated within its verses. Through the lens of conceptual metaphor theory, the research elucidates the various source domains used to map onto the target domain of “sorrow”. The investigation reveals how such metaphors not only deepen the emotional resonance of the songs but also reflect broader author’s perceptions of sorrow in song lyrics.

      Gada, Tolla Melka
Abstract: Airlines are suffering from each competition. Service quality is typically defined in terms of consumer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to measure the service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction at Ethiopian airlines. To this purpose the researcher has studied the service quality of the airline using SERVQUAL model instrument developed by Parasuraman.The findings of this study are based on the analysis of a sample of 320 respondents of Ethiopian airlines international Customer.

      Mina Sabar
Abstract: A significant turning point in the history of Indian education is the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which embraces inclusivity through revolutionary changes and signals a break from the past. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental ideas of National Education Policy- 2020, inclusive education, features of National Education Policy- 2020 promoting Inclusive Learning, implementation mechanism, role of stakeholders, aim and objective of inclusive education as a driving force behind the creation of inclusive learning environments.

      Linet Akinyi Origi, Dr. Moses Odhiambo Aluoch, CPA Anthony Thuo
Abstract: To improve the mortgage finance market growth, studies have been done on financial market and growth of mortgage market. However, most of these studies focuses on other countries creating contextual gaps. Other studies, though related to the current study focused on effect on financial structure on other dependent variables, creating a conceptual gap. Some gave conflicting results while others applied weak methodologies hence the motivation for this study.

      Mr. Mohamed Yassin Kassim, Dr. Peter Wamalwa Barasa
Abstract: State corporation currently have adopted supply chain management practices to optimize organizational performance fully. The studys general objective is to assess the effect of supply chain management practices on organizational performance in the Kenya Revenue Authority. Specifically, the study sought to analyse the impact of e-procurement, inventory management, quality management, and supplier management on the performance of the Kenya Revenue Authoritys organization.

      Joseph Muthama Peter, Dr. Edward Kobuthi, Dr. Godfrey Mwamba
Abstract: The church in the world has been one of the most peaceful places intended for holistic fellowships and Christian worship of God. However, different studies conducted in the recent past have revealed that the situation has significantly changed. Churches across the globe are experiencing numerous waves of church conflicts resulting from different factors. This study was designed to explore and establish the influence of church leadership conflict management on congregational growth in AIC Church, Machakos Region. The main areas of focus were church leadership training programs, leadership potential/skills, financial management, and transfer of church leaders.

      Afrijhon Saragih, Wisnu Isvara
Abstract: Handling natural disasters in Government Procurement is included Procurement in the Handling of Emergency Conditions. In terms of handling natural disasters, specifically for handling in the infrastructure sector, most of which use state finances, both APBN and/or APBD, are carried out with a specific government procurement scheme for the procurement of construction work. In Indonesia, implementation of contract is one of the stages in the procurement of government construction work.

      Mr. Mutturaj Bisinal, Mr. Nazeersab Balagar
Abstract: The first case of covid-19, a contagious respiratory illness brought on by SARS corona virus-2 (SARS COv-2), was discovered in Wuhan, China, in 2019. The COVID-19 epidemic has impacted people worldwide, especially educators. It has also had an impact on every demographic. In order to offer all-encompassing care, appropriate direction, and counseling, the awareness program nurse must evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected school teachers.

      Luke Nandasava
Abstract: Public safety is paramount for sustainable development of urban areas and holds profound influence on the quality of life and social fabric within urban areas. City planning and design has a role in strengthening social relations between people and their sense of safety and reducing the potential opportunities for crime in urban areas. Urban planners and designers face great challenges when designing a new city, the most important of which is the security challenge of providing safety for urban areas. This paper aims to meticulously examine the intrinsic connection between urban planning and the fortification of public safety in urban areas.

      Nhung Hoang Thi, Que Nguyen Thi
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the need to develop an English coursebook for non-English major students in master’s programs with the orientation of preparing for their VSTEP3-5 proficiency tests and the level of acceptabilty towards the use of the proposed textbook.

      Berebere Versity
Abstract: Gender is a fundamental social construct that shapes our experiences and opportunities in all aspects of life. There are varied and diverse definitions and opinions about what exactly gender is. In the field of international relations, gender has traditionally been marginalized.

      Mohamed A. Adan and Dr. Peter Simotwo
Abstract: Safety of storage facilities also plays an important role in enhancing service delivery in public hospitals. Safety measures ensure both the stock and personnel’s working in the stores are secured from injuries, sabotage, theft and adverse weather conditions. However, at ESCRH, several problems have been experienced in the storehouse of the hospital. Some important items experiences shortages without the knowledge of the store’s personnel. Sometimes items take a long time to be located causing user department to start complaining to the procurement department.

      Nimo Hassan Ahmed and Dr. Nyandoro O. Kefa
Abstract: One of the contributing factors to health access issues in Isiolo County is the long and frequent delays that happen in the implementation phase of health projects. Such delays are caused by low capacities of the county in monitoring and evaluation. Adherence to the requirements of project planning, budgeting, M&E, and reporting is quite poor in the health sector (Republic of Kenya, 2018).

      Mrs.Vaishali Gadade, Mr Gururaj Guggari, Dr Suchitra A Rati and Mrs. Mahadevi Horaginamath
Abstract: Human milk banks provide a solution for mothers who are unable to supply their own breast milk to their child for reasons such as a baby being at risk of contracting diseases and infections from a mother who has certain diseases, or when a child is hospitalised at birth due to very low birth weight and the mother is unable to provide her own milk during the extended stay due to living a long distance from the hospital.

      Ms Jescah Webure, Dr. Barasa Wamalwa
Abstract: The hospitality industry, particularly star-rated hotels, heavily relies on efficient and reliable supply chains to maintain high service standards and customer satisfaction. By specifically investigating the impact of supplier financial stability, reliability, flexibility, and ethics on supply chain performance, this research seeks to provide valuable insights that can guide hotel management in optimizing their procurement strategies. Understanding how these individual factors contribute to the overall supply chain dynamics will not only enhance the operational efficiency of star-rated hotels but also contribute to the broader knowledge base in supply chain management within the hospitality sector.

      Shyamala Mathi, Rahul Bala, Nibin Varghese, Sairaj Parkhe, Sanket Salekar
Abstract: Automated Electrocardiogram (ECG) classification and arrhythmia detection represent a cutting-edge frontier in cardiac diagnostics, poised to revolutionize the identification and management of cardiovascular disorders. Leveraging advanced machine learning methodologies, this report delves into the development and implementation of an automated ECG analysis system. Specifically, the integration of the state-of-the-art EfficientNetB7 model and the versatile Random Forest classifier is investigated for its efficacy in discerning complex patterns within ECG signals and categorizing them into distinct arrhythmia classes.

      Bigirimana Jonas
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of monitoring and evaluation Systems on the performance of projects in non-governmental organizations: a case of development projects in Gitega, Burundi. It is built around the following objectives: (1) to assess how organizational structures for monitoring and evaluation influence on performance of non-governmental organizations; (2) to determine how human capacity for monitoring and evaluation influence performance of non-governmental organizations; (3) to examine the influence that project monitoring and evaluation plan has on performance of projects in non-governmental organizations; (4) to establish how a costed work plan for monitoring and evaluation influences performance of projects in non-governmental organizations.

      Dr. Subaj Bhattarai, Dr. Raja Suwal
Abstract: Objective: We conducted this retrospective descriptive cross sectional study on cholelithiasis diagnosed on abdominal ultrasonography in a tertiary hospital of eastern Nepal. Methodology: Study population consisted of 6278 persons (1381 males & 4897 females) who were examined by abdominal ultrasonography at Koshi Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022. All the patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis were taken from computer record and data was analyzed.

      Freda Kalema Nyaga and Prof. Kennedy Mutundu
Abstract: Health service delivery data ought to be collected regularly to not only enhance the health services quality and care itself, but also inform constant changes that are less costly to the government and consumers of health services. The World Health Organization stipulates that the provision or delivery of health services is an external output of the inputs into the health system, including procurement and supplies, the health workforce, as well as financing. Although an increase in such inputs ought to translate into enhanced service delivery and access to services, this is not always the case necessitating WHO to call for regular collection of data on health service delivery to not only promote the availability of health services, but also guarantee adequate access to such services.

      Geraldine Salmasan Adlawon
Abstract: The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of mentorship, funding, and incubation programs as perceived by QCU Entrepreneurship students during the 1st semester of the academic year 2023-2024. A descriptive research design and quantitative methods were employed, surveying 349 students through stratified random sampling to ensure representativeness. Findings highlight the pivotal role of mentorship, with positive perceptions across all student demographics. However, dissatisfaction with funding support emerged due to complex bureaucratic processes and limited financial resources. Additionally, neutral perceptions of incubation programs suggest areas for improvement.

      Md Tawfiqur Rahman
Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into national defense and intelligence systems is crucial for modernizing and strengthening the security infrastructure of nations. This research paper examines the current state of AI in defense and intelligence in Bangladesh, compares it with neighboring countries, and proposes crucial steps and applications for enhancing Bangladesh’s capabilities.

      Jacob Ochieng Onyango, Dr. Athanas Osiemo Kengere
Abstract: Currently, the concept of risk appetite is a contemporary topic among large organizations, sparking in-depth discussions and investigations. However, there is considerable confusion surrounding this subject, particularly when it comes to crafting a comprehensive statement on risk management. The big question is whether each primary risk type should have its own statement or if there should be a universal statement covering all risk appetite within the organization. The ultimate objective of risk appetite is to attain corporate goals, and this applies to both banks and microfinance institutions.

      Wosu, Chimene Omeke
Abstract: The research considered the design of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) for the production of 2 million tons per year of magnesium chloride from the neutralization reaction between magnesium oxide and hydrochloric acid. The design and temperature effect models were developed from the conservation principle of mass and energy at steady state process condition. The design models were simulated using MATLAB at fractional range of XA ≥ O ≤

      Yu-Ting Huang, Ming-Cheng Shih
Abstract: Synthetic dyes have been in use for over a century and have been extensively applied across various industries, including leather, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. However, unlike natural dyes, synthetic dyes are less environmentally friendly due to their poor biodegradability, and some can even be harmful to the environment. Consequently, untreated wastewater from industries using synthetic dyes can lead to water pollution. Various methods exist for treating dye wastewater, with adsorption being particularly economical and effective, making it widely adopted. The efficiency of the adsorption process directly impacts the overall cost of wastewater treatment. Consequently, numerous studies have been conducted to enhance adsorption productivity. Analysts have utilized several kinetic models to investigate the adsorption mechanisms of dyes to identify ways to improve adsorption efficiency.
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