IJSRP review and publish:
- Research Paper
- Case Studies
- Analytical papers
- Review Article
- Argumentative papers
- Survey research and data analysis
IJSRP Publishing Policy & Ethics:
All authors must adhere with below guidelines before submitting paper for review.
Originality: IJSRP adhere Zero percent plagiarism policy. Submitted paper must be 100% original. If you are referring any other paper, you should have proper permission to use their research and proper reference/citation should be given in paper.
Research Work: As we say research work, we mean your paper should be proper research, new innovation or further research work.
Open Access: IJSRP is open access platform. All accepted work will publish in our monthly journal and freely available to all readers. Author should agree to provide their research work in open access after publication.
General Guidelines & Formatting: If there are more than one author in paper, all the authors must be in mutual understanding before submitting paper to IJSRP. Your paper must be properly formatted and adhere IJSRP standard of paper formatting. Submitted paper should be in
single or double column standard paper format.