International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 14, Issue 7, July 2024 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

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Conversion of waste heat, acquired from aerial vehicles and other equipment, via specially designed thermoelectric devices, into electricity
      İnji Aliyeva
Abstract: Every year, 16.9 million flights take place from all over the world. During the flight, each of these planes produces a huge amount of waste heat due to using fossil energy. This waste heat is produced as a compulsory outcome of energy- using machines and engines. As we all know, fossil fuels account for 70% of the energy produced worldwide, and this production generates a significant amount of waste energy. This means that 35–45% of the energy in fossil fuels results in electric power, and the rest becomes heat. In order to improve aircraft efficiency, my goal is to convert the waste energy released by an aircraft's engine into electricity.

      Sharon M. Musalimwa, Dr. Stephen Asatsa, Dr. Josephine Muthami
Abstract: The study aimed at examining family functioning and mental wellbeing of married couples in Ongata Rongai Ward, Kajiado County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to: assess the relationship between family communication patterns and mental well-being of the couples, establish the influence of family problem-solving techniques on the mental well-being of the couples, investigate the relationship between family behavior control and mental well-being of the couples, and determine the influence of family affection on the mental well-being of the couples in Ongata Rongai Ward, Kajiado. The study was guided by the Bowen’s System Family theory.

      Shriyansh Singh, Dr. Pramit Saha
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study on meta-learning techniques for the efficient fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs). The research investigates the application of meta-learning strategies to enhance the adaptability and performance of LLMs with limited computational resources. The findings demonstrate significant improvements in fine-tuning efficiency and model performance, as evidenced by statistical analyses and experimental results.

      Danilo P. Facon
Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved into a critical component of business strategy, crucial for sustainable development and enhancing corporate reputation. This research evaluates CSR programs and practices among selected companies in Metro Manila, focusing on planning, implementation, monitoring, and ethical responsibilities. Through descriptive research methods and purposive sampling, data were gathered from EEI Group of Companies and R.I. Chemical Corporation, analyzing responses from managers, employees, and beneficiaries. Statistical analysis, including weighted mean calculations and ANOVA, revealed insights into CSR implementation levels and identified hindrances such as resource constraints and environmental challenges. The study underscores the need for continuous improvement in CSR strategies, advocating for enhanced monitoring, alignment with global ethical standards, and targeted investments to overcome implementation barriers. These findings contribute to the literature by providing practical recommendations to strengthen CSR impact and organizational sustainability in Metro Manila.

      Nuwan Talawitage, Sumira Ariyasinghe, Sampath Dissanayake, Wasantha Bandara, Chaminda Karunasena, Sumith Baduge, Nanditha Hettiarachchi, Gayan Kahandawa
Abstract: Harnessing the power of ocean waves holds great promise for sustainable electricity generation. There is abundant sea wave energy around Sri Lanka as an island nation. There are numerous sea wave energy harnessing techniques implemented around the world. This study delves into buoyancy-driven wave energy conversion systems, specifically focusing on the up-pumping method. We explored how different shapes of buoys—cylindrical, spherical, and cubical—can optimize energy capture. Additionally, we investigated how placing a steel buoyancy cover at different heights within each buoy affects performance.

      KALISA Hafiz, Dr. MUGIRANEZA Faustin
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of TVET Programs on youth employability in Rwanda, Case of Rwamagana TVET schools. This research was supported with employment searching theory, Human Capital Theory and Transformation Learning Theory. The Researcher employed a descriptive and correlation research designs. The participants were trainees, trainers, school managers and company owners. All respondents were 890including 600 trainees,150 trainers,15 school managers and 125 company owners.

      H.L.S. Chathurika, R. Nanayakkara, H.L. Priyanka
Abstract: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) represents a significant public health concern due to its potential to cause preventable mental retardation. Early detection through screening programs is crucial, as it allows prompt initiation of treatment before irreversible damage occurs. In Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Health has implemented a nationwide screening program using TSH assay methods (Radioimmunoassay – RIA or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay – ELISA) to identify infants at risk. This study focuses on evaluating the challenges encountered in the CH screening program at Teaching Hospital Mahamodara (THM) and District General Hospital – Matara, with the objective of improving service delivery.

      John W. Robbins
Abstract: Water pollution is a pressing global issue, with various comical constituents in water bodies playing a significant role in public health. Fluoride impact on health is a central aspect of this debate. On one hand, fluoride plays a crucial role in dental health. It strengthens tooth enamel and is known to reduce tooth decay and cavities, making it a valuable tool in public health dentistry. Water fluoridation, a common practice, has been credited with improving dental health, particularly in communities with limited access to dental care. However, the controversy arises from the difficulty in controlling the dosage of fluoride individuals receive through water fluoridation.

      John W. Robbins
Abstract: Alzheimer disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder with a complex genetic underpinning. While most cases are late-onset and associated with aging, early-onset AD presents a unique and often more aggressive form of the disease. A specific genetic variant, the APOE ɛ4 allele, has been established as a major risk factor for AD. This comprehensive analysis explores the influence of rare genetic variants, particularly APOE ɛ4 alleles, on the emergence and clinical manifestations of early-onset AD. Understanding the genetic factors contributing to early-onset AD is critical, as it affects individuals in their prime years, imposing substantial burdens on both patients and their families. The age of onset is a critical determinant of AD clinical presentation. In typical late-onset AD, episodic memory impairment is the primary symptom. However, a subset of early-onset AD patients exhibits non-memory symptoms, including language difficulties, visuospatial impairments, or executive function deficits.

      HLS Chathurika, R Nanayakkara, HL Priyanka
Abstract: The National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL) is the largest teaching hospital in Sri Lanka and the country final referral center consisting of 3280 beds. As biochemical tests are widely used to diagnose diseases and monitor treatments, Biochemistry laboratory plays a significant role in providing health care. The Biochemistry laboratory of NHSL receives more than 1000 tests on average per day. An error that occurs at the laboratory may cause a complete change in diagnosis and the treatment process. Therefore, the quality of service provided by the laboratory should be optimized.

      Ramakrishnan.M, Manikandan.M and Ravanan.R
Abstract: Distribution free statistics helps to estimate the survivorship functions from incomplete observations. It does not include any assumptions about the distribution of survival data. Kaplan-Meier(KM) and Nelson-Aalen(NA) estimators are very well-known models in distribution free methods, which are applied to get the estimated survival probability of various subjects with different predictors.

      Fridah Nyamoita Obwoge, Dr. Mary Namusonge
Abstract: The inefficiencies in service delivery by the government, and poor performance reports demand for a search for solutions. The performance of organizations is linked to organizational structure and hence the need to consider how organization structure affects organization performance. This study sought to determine the effect of organizational structure on performance of the State Department for Higher Education and Research in the Ministry of Education. The theoretical review was based on application of institutional theory.

      Dr. Rawaa Mahmoud Hussain
Abstract: Makkah is a sacred town for Muslims around the globe. It is an old city drowned in history, whose founding dates back thousands of years. Over the centuries, it has been a home for significant occurrences related to the history of the world in general and Islam in particular. The holiness of Makkah, its tremendous significance, and its old history make it essential to apply principles for new knowledge or science that specializes in everything affiliated with this holy city. Therefore, Makkahology is the science that explores everything associated with Makkah, including spiritual, historical, doctrinal, economic, cultural, civilizational, metropolitan, geographical, topographical, and other elements. Given the city of Makkah’s position and sanctity from a religious perspective, this area retains its importance and priority. Also, the Makkahologist would be the scholar conducting this study related to Makkah.

      Abeer Ali Al Kharusi
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the effects of the financial technology or fintech solutions such as the digital payments, digital lending, and mobile banking on firms’ performance in Sultanate of Oman. The study adopted a quantitative research design to gather information from 180 firms with the help of structured questionnaire. These solutions portray different levels of impact on firm performance as elucidated by the results. Mobile banking was also identified to be a major positive factor that affected the firm performance across operational and financial indicators. Ever however, the firm performance had a negative correlation with digital payments wherein it seemed to point at challenges or inefficiency.

      Alwiyah Fadlun Alaydrus, SEM Nirahua, J. Tjiptabudy, JJ . Pietersz
Abstract: The aim of this study To find out, study, analyze and discover the legal principles that underlie the rights of customary law communities in managing marine areas. This research is Normative Juridical in nature . Where library materials are the basis (knowledge) of research which is classified as a secondary source of material. This research also examines positive legal provisions and legal principles.

      Dongare Dipankar, Amit Naik, Prashik Waghamare
Abstract: The integration of machine data into vehicle design research and development has been a prevalent practice in the automotive industry in recent years. This field has experienced rapid growth and maturation, evolving from basic exploratory data analysis to the utilization of data in machine learning and advanced analytics. While data science applications are commonly discussed in the on-road vehicle sector, the off-road automotive industry is also embracing these technologies.

      Salsa Nur Indarwati, Harun Nasrudin
Abstract: This research aims to produce student worksheets oriented to Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to improve students critical thinking skills on redox reaction material that is feasible in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) study using the 4D development model, which was limited to the development stage and a limited trial with 25 students from Senior High School 1 Sooko Mojokerto.

      Wael Brinsi, Koloszár Laszlo
Abstract: The emergence of environmental issues such as the depletion of natural resources, climate change, and the increased awareness of green purchase behavior have received interest from both researchers and industrialists. Although great progress has been made in this area, research on green products is relatively limited, especially in Hungary.

      Pooja M Tevari
Abstract: Electric load forecasting or future electric load prediction is necessary in both domestic as well as industrial sectors. Since electric energy cannot be stored, it is necessary to predict the future electric load in every sector. If the load forecasting is incorrect on the transmission side, a high load current may travel through the conductors, potentially damaging them. The increased loads result in more current flowing through the conductors and ultimately through the equipment, load forecasting is also important in the distribution system. In this work, the techniques of linear regression and random forest regressor have been used for future load prediction. The main purpose of this work is to determine the best regression algorithm for future load prediction with reduced error among both linear regression and random forest regressor. A front end form is also developed to determine the future load.

      Pamela Tholakele Maphosa
Abstract: This study examines the factors influencing unemployment in Zimbabwe, focusing on the relationship between unemployment rate, GDP growth rate, and inflation rate from 2000 to 2022. Using various econometric techniques, including the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis, the research investigates the significance of these macroeconomic variables. The findings indicate that while the inflation rate significantly impacts unemployment, the GDP growth rate does not.

      Ali Rahuma, Othman Ahmed Othman
Abstract: In the modern economy, the role of customers and their needs are decisive for all activities and production of companies, so marketing is defined as activities that should be captured. The market demands that measures be established that will satisfy those needs and thus bring maximum profit to the company.

      Rosemarie Salas-Catarman, Maris T. Lasco, PhD
Abstract: The study aimed to identify the strategic integration of Blended Teaching Approaches in Teaching Mathematics of Southwest District, Division of Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte. Moreover, the study also sought to ascertain the relationship between the level of perception of Mathematics teachers and student engagement in Blended teaching approaches. The results were used as the basis for teachers training program.

      Hassan khawaji, Hazem bahkali, Fayez Alasmari, Abeer Mubaraki, Fahad Noshaili, Rayan Alnamei, Hussain El Sharif, Mohammed Alfahmi, Ahmed Alfifi, Abdurahman Almalki, Abdulelah Shamakhi
Abstract: The healthcare enterprise is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by speedy technological improvements and the increasing integration of synthetic intelligence (AI) into diverse patient care factors, administrative processes, and leadership practices. Among these innovations, AI has emerged as an effective device that can revolutionize healthcare shipping, improve affected person results, and reshape the panorama of healthcare management, especially in the nursing profession. As a cornerstone of healthcare, nursing has usually been at the forefront of adopting new technology and practices to decorate patient care.

      John W. Robbins
Abstract: In the synthesis of (+) – Amphidinolide K, the optically active aldehyde 3 was prepared first protecting the alcohol 6 as a triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) ether. Ethers are functional groups characterized by an oxygen atom bonded to two alkyl or aryl groups, and this protection step is essential for controlling the reactivity and stereochemistry for the molecule.

      Elicia Dewi Angela, Harun Nasrudin
Abstract: The research aims to describe the feasibility of a cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) oriented e-worksheets to improve student’s critical thinking on base acid material. E-worksheets qualifications cover validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The type of research used is R&D with the 4-D model, but in this research, it is only limited to the develop stage.

      Rita, Morounkeji, Bolusemihi, Prof Adedeji Daramola, Prof Dare-Abel Oladipupo, Adeogun Michael
Abstract: As the global economy struggles with climate change, the built environment is the focal point for sustainable solutions. Green building is designed, to minimize resource consumption and environmental impact, which plays an important role, in mitigating climate change. within the context of green buildings, as a response to climate change challenges, this paper critically examines the ecological and performance aspects, of incorporating natural stones in Green building designs. This paper is to explores the use of natural stone as a sustainable material in green buildings, considering its environmental impact and its contribution to climate change. This paper would have an impact on environmental protection, it would reduce energy consumption, and pollution to create an environmentally friendly society.

      Khumbulani Maphosa
Abstract: Is it not absurd that in this age of development policy enlightment and with an open source colossal of epistemological evidence drawn from global case studies, Zimbabwe’s ‘Second Republic’ is still adopting a cavalier approach to development-induced displacements?

      Bernard Asamoah Afful, Godfred Agyemang Safo, Eric Okyere, Christiana, Asante
Abstract: This research examines the dynamic nature of the transmission of COVID-19 utilizing an autonomous and a non-autonomous model. To begin with, we investigated various qualities of the model, such as the solutions’ boundedness, the existence of disease-free and endemic equilibria, and the local and global stability of these equilibria.

      Bernard Asamoah Afful, Godfred Agyemang Safo, Eric Okyere, Christiana, Asante
Abstract: This research examines the dynamic nature of the transmission of COVID-19 utilizing an autonomous and a non-autonomous model. To begin with, we investigated various qualities of the model, such as the solutions’ boundedness, the existence of disease-free and endemic equilibria, and the local and global stability of these equilibria.

      Ignatius Wekesa, Joseph M. Mutungi & Dennis M. Ndambo
Abstract: Despite the establishment of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to prevent, investigate and recommend offenders of ethical conduct and corruption for prosecution, the two vices persist within Kenya’s public service space. This paper sought to review the level of awareness on the commission’s mandate, the impact of decentralizing her services and effectiveness of her anti-corruption strategies.

      Chayon Saha, Dipro Ghosh, Trisha Paul
Abstract: The modern era is encountering several challenges in the field of computer vision. Image processing applications are extensively used across several domains, such as face recognition, object identification, criminal identification cases, medical imaging technology, traffic control systems, machine vision, and other related fields.

      Luthfiyatul Mustafidah, Jennyla Puspitaning Ayu, Ida Herwati, Lailatul Kodriyah, Mat Zudi
Abstract: This study examines the implementation of stunting prevention policies in the work area of the Demak District Health Center. Qualitative research using a cross-sectional approach. The measurement of the independent variable is standard basic size, communication, characteristics of the implementing agency, economic, social and political conditions, the tendency of the implementer while the dependent variable is the implementation of the stunting control policy at the Guntur 1 Health Center in Demak Regency.

      Yobi Nagoya Pratiwi, Fahmi Ajismanto,Guntoro Barovih, Febrianty
Abstract: Purpose: The primary goal of this research is to offer information regarding the evolution of carbon emissions research and its relationship to company sustainability in the digitalization era, so that it may be used as a reference for future research development in this subject. Also, to answer the question is it true that the level of carbon emissions can be a factor causing the companys sustainability?.
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