International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

Online Submission

Call for Papers - August 2024 Edition (Volume 14, Issue 8)

Authors are invited to send their research paper through online submission at IJSRP review board. All the submitted papers will be reviewed as per full double blind international refereeing process.

The Research papers should be drafted in IJSRP paper submission format and sent at ijsrp.editor@gmail.com or editor@ijsrp.org for review.
We don't accept power point presentations.

All the received paper manuscript will be sent to our reviewer borad and the reviewer comments, plagiarism report will be sent back to authors by email with in 7 days of submission. We index all published papers with Google Scholar, BASE and other indexing partners.

Research Paper Submission August 2024 edition (Volume 14, Issue 8)

  • Initial Submission Accepted upto [Slot 1]:
  • Payment & Final Submission Accepted [Slot 1]:
  • E-Publication:
  • Print Edition (TOC) Release:
  • 26th July 2024
  • 4th August 2024
  • 6th August 2024 to 28th August 2024
  • 30th August 2024
Submit Research Paper *We accept research papers in two slots (Slot 1: until July 26th, Slot 2: until August 15th), with publication beginning on August 6th, 2024. (i.e. 6th August, 12th August, 18th August and 28th August). Your research article will be assessed and published sooner if you submit it early.

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