IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
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May 2019 publication has started and publication will continue till 28th May 2019
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Indexing will start after 26th May and minor corrections are accepted till 26th May 2019.
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Nguyen Thi Dieu Ha
The study investigates the language learning strategies (LLSs) employed by first year English major students at School of Foreign Languages (SFL), Thai Nguyen University (TNU) and to find out differences in the use of LLSs among the students of different language learning experiences measured by years of learning English. Two data collection instruments used are a questionnaire adapted from the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990) and an interview. The study was conducted with the participation of 100 first year English major students at SFL, TNU. The results of the study indicate that all the LLSs were used by the 100 participants. In addition, there were a number of variations in the employment of LLSs among students of different language learning experiences. It was found that the more experienced students used LLSs much more frequently than the less experienced ones.
Hoang Huong Ly
The old-fashioned, teacher-centered language classrooms have long been dominated in most EFL teaching contexts. Materials are based on imaginary characters, reading and listening texts revolve around pre-selected topics which may have little interest or even demotivate learners. It is time for us to choose an appropriate approach through which we can motivate, inspire learners by letting them do whatever they want to do instead of what they are told to do. Project-based learning might be the solution.
Ajala O.A, Aselebe L. O, Abimbade S. F, Ogunsola A. W
The effect of Magnetic fields on a steady two dimensional boundary layer flow of heat transfer with three different streams of variable viscosity electrically conducting fluid at T∞ in the presence of thermal radiation was considered. The governing equations which are partial differential equations were transformed into ordinary differential equations using similarity variables, and the resulting coupled ordinary differential equations were solved numerically using collocation method iterated with the aid of MAPLE 18 software.
Ruth Wangari Kanyiru, Prof Gideon Kikuvi, Jomo, Dr. Dennis Magu Jomo
Globally, 535 000 children died of measles in 2000. By 2010, there was a global push to improve vaccine coverage which resulted in a 74% reduction in deaths. These efforts contributed to 23% of the overall decline in under-five deaths between 1990 and 2008. However, in several countries in African, measles is still a major public health problem. Rubella remains a threat to pregnant women and their fetus, with more than 100 000 children born each year with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). (World Health Organization 2012).Kenya in May 2016, introduced Measles-Rubella (MR) combined vaccine in its nationwide supplementary immunization activities (SIA) campaign. However, since its introduction, the coverage has been very low especially in urban areas.(SAGE,2016.
Dr. Raktim Swarnakar, Dr. Hafis Rahman
Pressure injury (PI) is such a common complications that impair quality of life and become the source of sufferings for the patients and care-givers in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. Management of PI in SCI population is also expensive specially in developing nations. Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is simpler, cost-effective, safe new approach towards pressure injury managements. As second-generation Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), PRF contains more growth factors than PRP. There are no studies on PRF membrane use in PI management in SCI population. Following PRF use there was improved granulation tissue formation in this patient. Here for the first time PRF membrane use in PI management in SCI population has been reported in this case.
Bikash Hazarika
Food self-sufficiency, food security and nutrition security are the essential components of food and nutrition security. Therefore, food security should ensure both adequate food availability and desired nutrition. Food security is a major problem of the state like Assam, because of shortage of food grain production, poverty and lack of nutritional knowledge.
Ain Noor Azman, Fauziah Mahat, Zaidi Mat Daud, Ridzwana Mohd Said
Introduction: In Malaysia, SMEs are the potential and future growth to the economy of the country. However, they have not been given enough attention as the various researchers have been biased towards larger and listed enterprises in Malaysia.
Ghazaly Ama La Nora
Research Title: “the Practice of the Political Economy Discourse of Media Industry on the Sindo Newspaper through the Development of Headlines for the 2014 Presidential Election Campaign”. The research aim is to analyze the political economy discourse in the headline of the 2014 Republic of Indonesia President’s election campaign, in Media Indonesia and Sindo Newspapers.
Umar Tambari, Armiya’u Muhammad Aminu
Young, matured and mixed leaves samples randomly collected from the wild stands of Parkia biglobosa tree species at the Dundaye district area of Wamakko Local Government of Sokoto state were analyzed for mineral compositions as influenced by seasons and leaf development (age of leaf). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) were used at 5% to analyze the data and separate the means.
Explore on the factors affecting implementation of public procurement policies and procedures in public entities in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were staff competency, compliance strategies, role of management style and Information and communication Technology.
Masinde Khasabuli Luke, Dr. Anthony Osoro
This study intended to explore how Leadership styles of headteachers’ have an impact on students’ academic performance in all public schools in Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were: examine how leadership style, induction of teachers, the motivation of teachers, and organizational culture affected students’ academic performance in Bungoma County.
Terry Komo, Daniel Mokaya, Caroline Musita
Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to under-nutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about three million lives a year. Under nutrition puts children at risk of dying from common infections, increases the frequency and severity of such infections, and contributes to delayed recovery. Under-nutrition has been associated to poor cognitive development, poor academic performance and adversely affects social skills in children.
Eliyas Ebrahim Aman
This study was conducted with the aim of finding the determinants of financial distress in the Ethiopia banking sector. The study mainly employed a quantitative research approach from 2012-2016 using sample data of 15 banks. To comply with the research objectives, the researcher used secondary sources of data. To measure the effect of determinants on financial distress multiple regression analysis would be adopted. The finding shows that Profitability and liquidity have a positive and significant influence on Debt Service Coverage. On the other hand, average inflation, solvability, and firm size have a negative and significant impact on Debt Service Coverage. Therefore, it concluded that micro and macro factors extracted from variables significantly correlated and have even better ability to determine financial distress of Ethiopia banking sector.
Gipson Raphael Ole Kinisa
The specific objectives of this study were; to assess the contribution of VICOBA on livelihood, to identify challenges associated in VICOBA, to identify the number of member benefits from VICOBA and suggest mechanisms to improve the delivery of VICOBA.
Gipson Raphael Ole Kinisa
This paper exploits on effectiveness of educational policy is in curbing school dropout in secondary schools in Tanzania, a case of Dodoma City. The specific objectives of the study were to explore the effectiveness of educational policy on alleviating school dropout of secondary schools students, to determine challenges facing educational practitioners in implementing educational policy, to find out the magnitude and growth of drop out in Dodoma Urban, to examine setbacks facing education investment in relation to dropout and to examine the financial and social impacts of drop out in secondary schools .
Maurice Junior, Nicholas Twoli, David Khatete
Physics is key in STEM and plays a major role in National development yet its performance and enrollment in schools has not been impressive. This paper is based on a study to determine the use of Learner- Centered Instruction in the enhancement of Performance in Physics among students in Kenya. The study deployed Descriptive survey design. The study subjects were Form Three Physics Teachers and students in Migori County. A total of One Hundred and ninety two (192) students and twenty (20) teachers across twelve (12) schools in the county undertook the study.
Refia Nurcahyanti and Eddy Suprayitno
Albumin has a big role in healing wounds, especially for patients after surgery so it is very necessary for the body. HSA (Human Serum Albumin) the price is relatively expensive so the need for another alternative is cork fish. However, the fishy smell of cork fish is less favored by the people so it is necessary to process it in the form of cork fish albumin powder to minimize the fishy odor.
Temesgen Alemu Terfa
The paper aimed to analyze selected news stories of Ethiopian Television. Accordingly, the study focused on the critical reporting practices and how the media station covers development news stories. Besides, the study also examined the kind of news the media station prioritized. To do this, the study mainly used qualitative content analysis as a major tool. To substantiate the data, interview also used as another tool of data gathering.
Vasco Zacarias Govene, Lin Tong
This scientific work, is the result of the study of some Semi-Empirical methods used for estimation of the load capacity of the soil-pile assembly, using data from the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Like case of study, the construction of the Central Hospital of Jing Zhou (1st phase), located in China, Hubei Province, City of Jing Zhou is used. For this paper, three Semi-Empirical methods, developed in countries outside China, and already used in other parts of the world, were chosen. These methods are: the methods of Aoki and Velloso, the method of Decourt and Quaresma, and the method of Meyerhof.
Researcher Gulnora Usmanova, Researcher Nurbol Maidanovich Karakulov, Associate professor Nasiba Iranqulovna Safarova, Researcher Xumoyun Olim ogli Asadov
This article outlines the importance of mathematical-statistical techniques in natural geography. Also, the ideas of scientists who have studied mathematical-statistical techniques have been analyzed.
Moh. Imam Hidayat and Eddy Suprayitno
Fish Cork (Ophiocepalus striatus) is a fish that belongs has a high content of albumin. High albumin levels in fish Cork makes this fish is known for its utilization in the world of health as HSA (Human Serum Albumin). In General esktrak albumin has a fishy scent so that processing into powder is considered a proper way. the use of penyalut skim milk and a alginat natrium to reduce the fishy odor and maintains albumin albumin powder during the drying process
Ajay Sudharsan L
Dharamshala, a hill city with natural beauty and seasonal tourist attractions. A Fluvial Himalayan Glacier serves this region for the water source as well as aesthetical rich landscape with snow capped mountains. Part of Himalayas, McLeodGanj located in the Upper Dharamshala within the Planning Boundary and it has the highest elevation of 2800m above MSL in this city. It has a great trekking route from Dharamkot to Triund Peak which is been known for adventurous destiny.
Jadvani pritesh, Vibhani Parthiv, Vyas Dishant, Shingala Ravi, Umraniya Deep, Prof. Gevariya Nikunj, M.E.
A cycle which is operated by hand and stores power in spiral spring and uses it to drive and gives more rest to driver. This cycle is operated by hand so that it can also used by physically handicap people. This cycle is inspired from rowing cycle and we have modified the mechanism in rowing cycle. We have utilize the spiral spring to store the potential energy and use it whenever required and when spiral spring drives the cycle the driver can take rest. For workout this is best cycle. Rowing motion is better option for workout so, that for sportsperson this cycle is best for workout. We have also used a particular spring for we can get high speed rather than regular and geared cycles. This cycle has highest speed then other cycles. By regular effort we can travel more distance by use of spiral spring. It is more efficient. By use of spiral spring in rowing cycle for replacing constant effort in regular cycle and use the power of spring and gives the rest while driving the cycle. We can drive this cycle in any road condition.
Mohalidin M. Tuya, MohamadTaha U.Abdulgapor
This paper presents the value of spirituality, Family and Integrity in Islam. It is also towards on the bangsamoro culture, tradition, customs, practice, institution, belief and socio-economic way of life.
Binod Bade Shrestha, Bishowdeep Timilsina
The aim of this study to evaluate whether or not Body Mass Index (BMI) is associated with the severity of Acute Calculus Cholecystitis. In this study 50 patients were enrolled and categorized as obese (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) and non-obese (BMI< 25 kg/m2). There was a significant association between BMI and severity of ACC (p=0.01). Similarly, the severity of ACC was more in obese female patients (p=0.05) whereas such association was not observed in obese male patients (p=0.18). Increased BMI is associated with severe form of ACC.
Gertrude Vwononi Evusa & Violet Kadenyeka Mugalavai
Vernonia hymenolepis species is a weed that is found in various parts of Africa and has traditionally been used as a vegetable because of its nutritional and medicinal value. The species complex in the genus Vernonia Schreber in Tropical East Africa were collected from Mt. Elgon (K3), Kakamega (K5) & Narok (K6) in Kenya and investigated to establish their proximate and micronutrient composition using traditional methods. Results revealed a high quality and quantity of nutritional elements. The leaves had a vitamin C content of up to 1.6g/100g and a mean content of 303.2mg, 242.3mg, 19.6g, 1.2g, 430.8mg and 133.8mg per 100g dry weight (d.w) of Na, K, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn respectively. Protein levels in the leaves ranged from 11.2-18.1g/100g d.w whereas P and N were found to be 190-390 mg/100g d.w and 21.1-57.9g/100g d.w respectively. Both proximate and elemental significant differences were shown in species from K3 & K5 at P<0.05, except in moisture, N, proteins and Vit C. It is evident from othe nutritional analysis that Vernonia hymenolepis species are highly packed with essential nutrients for good nutrition and can therefore contribute to dietary diversity to help curb malnutrition in the different regions where they grow and thus the need to domesticate them.
Dr. Archana Singh
Leprosy is one of the oldest human bacterial disease recognized by a Norwegian scientist Armauer Hansen working in Bergen in 1873. Leprosy is still one of the infectious diseases and major health problem of developing countries. Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. M. leprae is pleomorphic, straight or slightly curved, rod shaped gram positive bacteria. It is strong acid fast bacilli and occur in the human host intracellularly.
Ms. Simarjeet Kaur, Mr. Sidaveerappa Tuppad
Mental health and rights have explicit intrinsic connections and have emerged as powerful concepts within the rights based approach especially so in backdrop of the weakening public health system, unregulated growth of the private sector and restricted access to health care systems leading to a near total eclipse of availability and accessibility of universal and comprehensive healthcare.1 Aim: To assess the knowledge regarding rights of mentally ill patients among GNM Interns of selected nursing colleges at district Sangrur.
Samson Hansen Sackey, Junfeng Chen, Samuel Nartey Kofie, Ninjerdene Bulgan
There are vast application ideas in Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) but their prime disadvantage is that the energy of nodes are limited and energy cannot be supplied. Most traditional routing protocols encounter complications in WSNs. In recent times, thorough study of brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithms has been applied in many fields and now we use it to solve routing problems. Initially, the low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is considered using fundamental operations and then optimized using BSO to extend the lifetime of the WSN. The proposed routing algorithm relies on a novel fitness which considers energy and distance. The outcome of LEACH is evaluated and compared; obtained result shows that the proposed approach performs more effectively.
Baring, Charlito C., Alegre, Emybel M. PhD
The study focused on the difficulties encountered in solving quadratic equation of the grade 9 students in Taligaman National High School. This study aimed to determine the difficulties encountered in solving quadratic equation of the grade 9 students. This study used descriptive research procedure which tested the hypothesis or answer question concerning the current status. In gathering the data needed, a survey questionnaire was used to 121 respondents randomly selected from grade 9 students in Taligaman National High School. The researcher used the random sampling design.
Fazal Ahmad Afzali
The main objective of this research paper is to postulate the relationship between political stability and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through panel and time series data analysis for the period of 1996-2017 in South Asia and Afghanistan respectively. This study uses the multiple regression models represented by Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) for South Asia as well as VAR and OLS for Afghanistan.
N.Vasundhara, M.Hindumati, Manoranjan Mahapatra, C.Rama Mani
Background: Cervical cancer is very frequent, being the second most common in women worldwide and the second most common of genital tract cancers in India. Around 80% of Carcinoma cervix incidence is in developing countries. Aim: To inspect the squamo-columnar junction of the cervix and identify suspicious areas by using colposcope for early detection of cervical cancer.Objectives: Through colposcopic screening, carcinoma cervix can be detected at an earlier stage. Appropriate measures can be taken for early and correct management at the right time.
Khonnazarova М.Т, Majidova G.D
This article involves the information on the biological and ecological features of the white linear moth butterfly. The white linear moth can develop in two full generations and can conduct winter at the stage of adult worm of third generation in the Tashkent region. White linear moth’s one generation develop during 65-70 days. They damage agricultural crops such as cotton, carrots, and corn, barley and wheat plants. This moth is also a pest of agriculture.
Arofat Abduxamitovna Nugmanova, Nurbol Maidanovich Karakulov, Shoxid Xusanovich Saidmuratov, Shahlola Rajabovna Sayfullayeva, Gulchexra Axmat qizi Xodjayeva
This article describes the main problems of youth employment in Uzbekistan and their solutions. In addition, the problems of unemployment among young people as a whole are analyzed.
Dr Georgina Okpala, Dr Ude Williams, Engr. Echefu F. Emeka
The main purpose of this research work was to examine the federal character principles in Nigerian public services exercise towards an output efficiency at the national planning commission (NPC) its relationship with the recruitment exercise in the public service. This was prompted by the fact that there is growing disenchantment in some quarters about the implementation of the federal character principle, which they believe leads to the violation of the merit principle and lowering of standards in the recruitment of personnel into the public service which will serve as a way of recruiting and promoting less competent staff into the service resulting inevitably to poor performance.
Mahmoud E. Dorrah
A Monte-Carlo study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of different materials to shield the photo-neutrons emitted from radiotherapy LINACs. Several materials were tried at different thickness. Though neutron fluence decreased using all the tried neutron shields, paradoxically they increased the neutron dose to the patient. This is probably due to thermalization of the photoneutrons in the shields, increasing their capture rate in patients tissue.
Mahmoud E. Dorrah, Afaf A. Ateya
A Monte-Carlo parametric study was carried out to investigate the nuclear properties of Th-Pu-U fueled model of the LR-0 reactor when moderated by mixtures of heavy/light water at molecular ratios ranging from 0% up to 100% D2O at increments of 10% in D2O. The mass of control rods needed to make the reactor critical and the potential reactivity in heavy water were tallied at the 11 heavy water percentage moderators being studied. It was found that the changes in these tallied parameters with heavy water percentage in moderator were not monotonic. Very large negative reactivity was found at 90% heavy water moderator.
Amare Wondimu Gebremariam
The EFL learners are reluctant to speak English in spoken class than practicing the target language through trial-and-error. There is less progress in their spoken skill and they have poor achievement in spoken assessments. Thus, the study was to find out the students’ attitudes to their English language oral errors. To do so, 100 systematically sampled grade 12 students and their English language teachers were respondents of the study. The study has come up with the following findings. Majority of the students hold erroneous attitudes towards their English language oral errors. They are afraid of making oral errors, demand perfect accuracy, fear of taking risks of making errors. They lacked opportunities which encourage their learning of speaking English. Thus, they had decreased communicative competence in spoken English. This is because of their negative attitudes to their English language oral errors. They feel that their oral errors are indicators of their weakness and they perceive errors as bad habits to be avoided.
Selemon Thomas Fakana, and Alemken Berihun Mengist
Tourism is travel for recreation, leisure, education and training, visiting friends and relatives, shopping, transit, pilgrimages or business purposes and staying in places outside their usual environment for not less than 24 hours and not more than one consecu-tive year
A. D. Angela, M. Jennifer, I. Muhammad
Water scarcity has become a problem for many rural and urban communities in Ghana due to evolvement of small scale mining and heavy industries polluting most of the surface water. Rainwater harvesting has become a major source of water for the inhabitants of Nkamponasi, a community in Tarkwa.
Delal Ezzeddin, Chen HongBin
Knowing greywater characteristics is essential to evaluate the potential for reuse and to determine the appropriate treatment system. This research was carried out to estimate the quantity and analyze the quality of greywater generated in the urban city of Aqaba. The results revealed, that an average of 107 Lpcd was generated which is the largest recorded so far in Jordan comparing to other urban cities. Greywater compromises 53% of total fresh water consumption and 75% of total households’ wastewater.
Ilukor Geresom, Prof. Ndungutse David Majwejwe
Background: The prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases is an aspect of public health significance in most parts of the world especially in developing countries like Uganda. Mbale, a district in Uganda has showed the same trend. Outbreaks of common diarrhoeal diseases including dysentery, enteric fevers and cholera are regularly reported among children under five years of age with increased cases of sickness and deaths.
Askarov Tahir Askarovich, Akhmedov Mirhalil Dzhalilovich, Fayziev Yokub Nishanovic, Ashurmetov Ahmadjon Makhamadjonovich, Dalimov Kenjabek Sabutaevich, Tuhtamuradov Ziyadulla Zikrilla, Umarbekov Sarva
In this study, the activity of cytochrome oxidase was studied in different periods of the ischemic hepatic parenchyma and obstructive jaundice. It has been found that when liver damage occurs at different periods of ischemia and obstructive jaundice lead to inhibition of cytochrome oxidase.
Mustapha Ibrahim, Lawali Barau , Mansur Alhassan, Zainab Sambo Gidadawa, Hayatu Dan Galadima
Population growths in urban centers in Nigeria have significantly increased the generation of wastes in urban areas. Inadequate waste services have led to illegal burning and dumping of wastes on open spaces, which is degrading the environment and creates profound public health concerns. This paper aimed to access the implication of illegal dumping of solid wastes in Sokoto metropolis, Sokoto State, Nigeria.
M. D. K. L. Gunathilaka
Bryophytes are the first dwellers of land plant history. The global context of bryophytes species is comparatively obtained much greater concern with the emergence of the concept of conservation biology. Literature from 1860 to 2017 was used along with e-resources for the review. Literary evidence revealed a rate of destruction or degradation of bryophytes has increased. The unawareness of people regarding the value of bryoflora has increased the rate of destruction. Considering both the ecological and economic value of bryophytes this review emphasized the necessity of conservation measures to protect bryophyte species.
Variza Hawa, M.Parulian Hutagaol, Netti Tinaprilla
In the era of globalization very tight competition between the companies, thus encouraging the development of expectations subscribes. The Company is required to maintain the market by increasing quality. Basically, customers will be comparing the quality of the products supplied by the cosmetic company XYZ with quality products that customers expect.
Dewi Suranti, Yupianti, Maryaningsih
This study aims to measure the quality of service of agricultural extension workers at the UPT. BPP Sukaraja uses the Fuzzy Service Quality (serqual) method by grouping question attributes into five service dimensions criteria, namely the dimensions of Tangibles (Direct Evidence), Reliability (Responsibility), Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy. Based on the results of the study showed that the value of the gap gap that requires the priority of improvement and improvement in service quality is the dimension of Tangibles with a negative gap value of -0.45, this means that the expectations of farmers are still not achieved. Based on the results of these gap can be a motivation to continue to improve the quality of service to farmers for UPT BPP Sukaraja.
Jyotsna Joshi, Bhaskar Somayaji
We examine 75 economies that have displayed remarkable changes in the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) scores. Additionally, the paper explores relationship between increase in their competitiveness over a period of eleven years (from 2007-08 to 2017-18) and the development pathways followed by them.
Anila ghani, Sidra-tul-muntaha
The objective of this study is to determine the antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants like Mentha selvestis, Osimum basillus, Rosa indica, Rosa sinensis, Punica granatum. The aquaeous extracts was obtained by distillation method by liebig,s condenser. It was applied on skin patients who had Acne, dryness, pimples with pus, Malassezia furfur, fusarium proliferatum. It was found that Mentha piperita was most effective for Malassezia furfur. For fusarium proliferatum it was found that basil showed best result as compared to DMSO. It was found that for Malassezia furfur DMSO showed zone of inhibition 16mm as compared to mentha piperita which had 25mm. In agar plate of fusarium proliferatum DMSO inhibited 0.6mm area as compared to Osimum basilicum which had 25mm.
Heru Dwinanto, Lukman M. Baga, Agus Maulana
Strategic management is the accumulation of management effort and team to maximize all the resources to winning the competition in industry for long term purpose. Strategic management is an action to formulate strategy to achieve the company objectives.
Asha Kumari , Dr.Asha Kumari Prasad
Child malnutrition is the major public health problem over the world. Developing countries are highly affected. Protein-energy malnutrition occurs when there are deficiencies in protein, energy foods or both, relative to a body’s needs. Nutritional intervention programs run in all over the world to reduce the prevalence of childhood malnutrition. MTC runs with Collaboration of UNICEF and State Government.
Grace Ndwiga, Eliab S Some, Mbaruk A Suleiman
Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers among women in Kenya. Screening of the cancer is done through self-breast examination, clinical breast examination, and mammography. The success in the management of breast cancer is essentially dependent on the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed and therefore screening is helpful at identifying the disease in the early stages. The study aimed at assessing knowledge, attitudes and breast cancer screening practices among women in Thika Town, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Iroko O.A.
Biomass accumulation may affect the carbon status of developing seedling through shift in photosynthesis “source” relative to the respiratory “sink” within the plants. This study investigated the influence of biomass accumulation under different light intensities (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and soil textural classes (clay, sandyloam, sandy, loamysand and loamy). The study was conducted in a 4 X 5 factorial experiment in Completely Randomized Design (CRD).
Peter Bol Gai Kuany, Prof, Xuefei Zhou , Dr. Ahmed A. Abdelhafez, Islam A. Abdelhafeez
The suffering of the South Sudan people from oil contamination occurred in 1997, with the starting of oil production in the then Sudan, followed by reckless exploitation of crude oil and transportation of this crude oil from prospected sites to the Port of Sudan and finally to its way to market through international water.
Temesgen Alemu Terfa
This paper examined the practices of news and source usage in Ethiopian Television (ETV). It assessed news and source selection criteria of the media organization. The study also focused on the major source of news and speakers in the news. Besides, factors affecting news and source selection was also another objective of the study.
Neha, Dr.Asha Kumari Prasad
TB continues to be a major public health problem in India & results in a high burden of morbidity and mortality. Though India is 2nd largest populated country in the world, it accounts for nearly 26% of the global TB burden.
Ebtihal Fernana
During the 19th and 20th centuries, it was firmly believed that technical progress was a value that should not be specifically discussed, because its process was in accordance with a valid understanding of the position and relation of man and society to the nature contained in anthropocentrism: a man is in the center of the world, and Everything that is good for him is good for nature. The perniciousness of this relationship is increasingly manifested as an ecological crisis, the conditions of which are rising, and existing understandings can not offer a solution.
Rosemary A. Okomo, Jane Owenga PhD, Daniel Onguru PhD
Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of a tissue that starts in the cells of the breast. It is a major health burden in women both in developed and developing countries. Most women present with breast cancer at advanced stages when little treatment benefit can be derived. Kenyans aged 18 years and above are at risk of developing breast cancer.
Rufina Stephen Hamafyelto, Ishaq Abdullahi
The study was designed to investigate factors responsible for school enrolment of pupils in primary schools in Maiduguri and Jere local government area of Borno state. Documents studied included school enrolment registers and school attendance registers. 95 primary school were involved in study (Maiduguri = 52, Jere = 43).
Anna Partina, Mugi Harsono, Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri, Tulus Haryono
This research aims to test variables that are able to predict Organizational Citizenship Behavior using Social Exchange Theory. Social Exchange Theory is a very influential concept to comprehend employees’ behavior in their workplace. There are three variables assumed to become the predictor for extra behavior using social exchange theory concept, namely Perceived Organizational Support, Leader Member Exchange, dan Psychological Contract. There are390 manufacture employees in Yogyakarta used as respondents in this researh, using structutral equation model as the analysis tool. Variables in this research are measured using multidimensional measurement. The result of this research shows that those variables are predictor for Organizational Citizenship Behaviour.
Salahu, Mohammed Lawal, Ilyasu, Yakubu Ahmed
Nigeria became a fostered nation in 1914 through the amalgam of the conquered areas by the British. Since then, deliberate efforts were made to nurtured the amalgam communities into nationhood during the colonial period. With the attainment of independence in 1960, successive government lost no sight in manuring the Nigeria nationhood project through a number of policies and programmes. Though these efforts have kept the hope of evolving a strong united Nigeria nation live, a catalogue of issues and challenges continued to undermine the project. It is in the light of this, that the paper attempts an examination of essential issues towards Nigeria national integration and sustainable development. Using historical research methodology and content analysis the paper sum- up that the issues notwithstanding, the project Nigeria nation is not only releasable but set her on the path of growth and sustainable development.
Abdurrahman Bala Yusuf, Mohammed Danladi Tukur, Amos Caleb, Abubakar Ibrahim
This paper examines the “impact of Downstream Oil Deregulation Nexus Petroleum GDP and the causal relationship between downstream deregulation. Petroleum GDP.ARDL technique was used in analyzing the regression estimates. Based on the findings, the study found a Two-way causation to have existed between PPMS and petroleum GDP and between PPMS and PMSP. The regression estimate has indicated a positive significant impact between PMSP and economic growth (proxy petroleum GDP).
Mulualem Daba Tola
Qeerroo fi Qarree from the whole parts of Oromia region emerged to stop the accumulated humiliation, decimation, and marginalization of Oromo people through strong peaceful struggle in Oromia region since 2014 G.C. The main objective of this study is to make the issue of Qeerroo fi Qarree the part of academic discussions, debates and critics. In doing so, the study attempted to review and describe specifically Qeerroo fi Qarree (youth Male and Female) of West Shewa Zone struggle movements in the pre-transition period and changes and uncertainties took place since the transition period in the west shewa zone. Social movement (SMT) and political process (PPT) theories are employed as the major theoretical frameworks
Reynaldo DC. del Rosario, MA. Ed.
This study was conducted to identify, record, notate and compile the original tunes of the ‘Pasyon’, which was part of Philippine tradition and cultural heritage. It aimed to preserve and promote the century-old passion tunes so that the next generation will continue to treasure it. It dealt on the identification, gathering and notation of holy week passion tunes in the town of Santa Maria, Bulacan, Central Luzon, Philippines. The respondents in this study included old folks who frequently join in the Pabasa ng Pasyon during holy week. The population was composed of fifty (50) old folks of the town, whose ages range from 60-100 years old. The study was conducted in March of 2019. Interviewing of old folks and recording of holy week passion tunes were used as procedures in gathering data in this study. These century-old passion tunes were notated and used by local band musicians in accompanying Passion chanters.
Ukwayi, Joseph K., Akintola, Abayomi & Angioha, Pius U
This study examines the use biometric security in business organization and its impact on checking corporate crime in Cross River state, Nigeria.in carrying out this study adopts the descriptive survey research method was adopted in selecting three hundred and eighty one (381) samples from four corporate organizations in Cross River state, using the purposive, proportional stratified and simple random sampling technique. The instrument of data collection is the questionnaire. Data collected from the field was analyzed using tables, frequency distribution and ANOVA (one way analysis of variance). Findings revealed that biometric security helps in checking corporate crime in business organizations in Cross River State, Nigeria. Organizations should undertake training for all its personnel’s as a way of equipping them with the necessary biometric technology.
Attah, F. M & Angioha, P. U
An employee who works under good working condition works with the feeling of safety and this increases productivity. But bad working condition affects employee wellbeing and performance. This study seeks to examine the level of relationship between working condition predictor variable variables (remuneration, working hours, office design and job security) and workers wellbeing and productivity in commercial Banks in Cross River State, Nigeria.
Rifqi Muhlis Saidi and Titik Dwi Sulistiyati
The lesser yam flour is made from the lesser yam through the drying, refining and sifting process. Lesser yam flour contains high inulin which can be used as a prebiotic and healthy for the digestive tract. The substitution of yam lesser flour using concentrations of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. Texture analysis using a texture analyzer and inulin using spectrophotometry. The highest texture value at F1 treatment is 9,16N and the highest inulin level is at F4 treatment is 3,06%
Gathaara Hellen Wathoni, Merecia Ann Sirera, Christine Wasanga
Cultural perspectives of individuals motivation are not clearly understood and this presents a challenge in effective conceptualization and contextualization of clients’ problems in therapy. To understand this behaviour of Africans in Kenyan culture, both cross-sectional survey and ethnographic research design were used. The study was carried out in Kenyan universities due to their rich cultural diversity
Gathaara Hellen Wathoni, Merecia Ann Sirera, Christine Wasanga
Africans have their own culture which frames their worldview and little is documented about this and what frames their personality. This empirical research was conducted among Africans in Kenya in order to understand their personality development and the implications of this on multicultural counselling. The Kenyan universities were considered as the site of the study due to their cultural diversity.
Michael S. Muli, Reshana L. Thomas, María G. C. Hernández
Transboundary water resources need the cooperation of national governments in the development of policies and strategies for development. A holistic approach on sustainable development with an emphasis on protection of the water basin for the continued use o the resources for all partners is ideal but often hard to achieve. Despite this, there have been 295 water agreements made over the world compared to 327 conflicts. As climate change and anthropogenic activities continues to hold ground as major aspects in water resource management, sustainability is key in ensuring development, peace and adaptation reign. Focusing on the Omo River basin, a DPSIR with qualitative analysis was done on policies and strategies that are will come into effect and are already in place to establish their social, cultural, economic and environmental effects. Based on the current trend, the main focus of both governments seems to be on economic development with an avoidance of any possible negative effects of energy, agricultural and industrial projects.
Abdul Mohammed
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of regular exercise programme on the health related physical fitness of obese and non-obese undergraduate students. To achieve this, purposive sampling technique was used to select a total of sixty four (64) subjects who were further divided into experimental and control groups through the simple random sampling technique from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. The experimental groups of obese and non-obese went through interval training programme for twelve (12) weeks. Both the experimental and control groups of obese and non-obese went through pretest and post-test in the 12 minutes cooper distance run test.
E.R.S.P.Edirimanna, K.K.A.Sanjeewa, R.G.A.S.Rajapakse, Shyamalee Kohombange, A. K. Rathnayake, K.R.C.de Silva, D.C.K.K Dissanayake
A study was conducted to investigate the effect of Chitosan on seedling growth and grafting success of Jack Fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) variety Father Long. Chitosan was applied as a seed treatment and seedling spray to root stock before grafting. It was used alone or combines with fungicide (Mancozeb 70 WP) and Albert’s solution i.e. commercial formulation of macro and micro nutrient mixture. Results indicated that spraying of Albert’s solution (2g l-1) was the best treatment for higher growth of seedlings. Seed treatment with chitosan (20 g l-1 for 90 min.) or Mancozeb (2 g l-1 for 90 min.) and foliar spraying of Albert’s solution showed higher dry matter accumulation of seedling compared to other treatments.
Jeremiah Bvirindi
This study sought to assess the effectiveness of the Public Service Association (PSA) in Zimbabwe, using Harare as the study area. The study employed a descriptive research design with a study sample of 323 respondents. Self-administered survey questionnaires were sent to 317 respondents and in-depth interviews with six key informants were held as data collection methods.
Dr Malvika Gaur, Dr Arathi C.A.
Background: Neonatal sepsis is associated with high mortality and morbidity rate, as the clinical manifestations are nonspecific. Therefore, the need arises for early diagnostic markers of neonatal sepsis like Haematological scoring system (HSS), C-Reactive protein (CRP), Procalcitonin (PCT).
Nyathi Lubelihle Marcia, Amos Simwela
Elephant population management in Southern Africa has been an issue of concern for over 50 years now and continue to be an issue as their rate of reproduction is exceeding the carrying capacity of the land and the resources available in the ecosystems for their survival. Ecocentrism is a philosophy that advocates for the respect of non-human nature and that making decisions about nature should not be human centered (anthropocentric) or done just for the benefit of humans.
Godfrey Cotty Ungaya, Professor Pontian Godfrey Okoth, Professor Edmond Were
In the East African Community (EAC) region, coordinating policies and regulations on tourism was geared towards increased coordination and pooling of resources towards tourism-related improvements in areas of improved road and air access, fewer visa restrictions, increased cross-border movement of people and goods, and more harmonization of national policies as well as on safety and security. This objective can only be achieved through creation of supranational structures with clear defined roles. In EAC region, the East African Tourism Wildlife Coordination Agency (EATWCA) is mandated with this task of marketing the region as a single tourism destination.
Dr. Gilberto de la Garza-Galvan
Musculoskeletal disease is a common clinical problem, part of the physical examination of these body systems is the range of motion measurement of the joints. Current clinical tools for estimation of this parameters are visual estimation and the universal goniometer, With the advent of less expensive smartphones and widespread sensor availability, there was the development of a great number of apps that allowed the use of a smartphone as a goniometer. The purpose of this paper is to document research develop-ments of creating a laser-aided goniometer with a smartphone, and suggests to create a business opportunity from this idea.
Raditya Pinandita Rasyid, Eddy Suprayitno, And Titik Dwi Sulistiyati
Albumin is one of the most abundant proteins in plasma, accounting for around 50-60% of serum protein and 3% of the bodys total protein. Albumin is a relatively small molecule with a molecular weight of approximately 66,500 Da, and consists of 585 amino acids which are arranged into three repetitive homologous domains and two subdomains.
Malik Tahir Mahmood Awan, Muhammad Haseeb Arshad, Hassan Altaf khan
A number of evaluations regarding frequency of HBV & HCV in general population have been carried out but only few focused blood donors visiting tertiary health care units. This study focuses upon gender distribution, age distribution and residential distribution (urban and rural) of Hepatitis B & C positive individuals, It also reflects most prevailing mode of transmission of these viruses among subjective individuals.
C C Kariyawasan, C S Botenne, U S Ruhunuhewa, D M C Dissanayake, S A C D Ranatunga
Thrombocytopenia is a common finding in haematology practice and most often requires many tests to identify the cause. The study was done to evaluate IPF as a screening test for thrombocytopenia, to evaluate IPF as a diagnostic test for thrombocytopenia with associated increased thrombopoietic activity and to evaluate the difference in the IPF according to the age and sex of patients A peripheral blood sample was analyzed by the FBC analyzer and (IPF) obtained. SPSS 20 was used for the statistical analysis. A P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
David Ogega Monandi, Dr. Kepha Ombui
This study focused on determining the effect of human resource planning on organizational performance. The objectives of the study were to establish the effect of Human Resource Planning on the performance of Kenya Power & Lighting Company. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The unit of analysis which is the study population consisted of the employees of Kenya Power & Lighting Company. The unit of observation which is the target population consisted of the 1,173 employees of the organization who work within Nairobi region and Central Office, while the sample size of the study was 128 respondents.
Jack Ogony, Simon Karanja, Henry Athiany
Over 3 billion people across the world are at risk of malaria infection every year. This burden is compounded by the fact that approximately 2-3 million children live with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria and HIV account for a significant amount of morbidity and mortality with an estimated 22.5 million people living with HIV. While Cotrimoxazole prevents opportunistic infections in HIV-infected persons, its effectiveness in preventing malaria varies especially in children.
María Gabriela Contreras Hernández, Wang Hongwu
The Urban Water Service requires the adoption of a tariff system that recovers the costs of water resources and the establishment of individual national water-pricing policies that help to achieve sustainable water use. Also, water rates (tariffs) can be used as an auxiliary tool for consumption control, seeking efficiency and sustainable resource use
Reshana L. Thomas, Michael S. Muli, Maria G. Contreras Hernandez, Nelson M.K Boinnet
Climate Change is a global issue affecting many nations worldwide. The main drivers of climate change are well known and continues to be pedaled by highly industrialized countries who reap the benefits of their economic activities. The impacts of climate change however are not limited spatially at its source. Nations like Guyana that contribute very little to the problem face harsh consequences of climate change. Guyana is a historically low emitter of greenhouse gases. Guyana’s wide expanse of rainforest even compensates for some global emissions footprint yet Guyana is one of the most vulnerable countries. Guyana’s coast is particularly susceptible.
Densmaa Sanjaa, Munkhjargal Ochirbat, Amarsanaa Bayar
To determine the impacts of cultivating soil rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) as displacement plantation on soil fertility, the field experiments were conducted. Cultivation of the rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is 9.3-10.3 center/ha which has been increased by 2.7-3.0 center/ha compared to the previous ones after cultivating fallow and leguminous. The study found out after replanting the rapeseed afterwards fallow and corn, the hummus was increased by 0.10-0.51% from other alternatives.Therefore planting rapeseed after planting fallow- wheat-rapeseed-corn as alternations increases the intensity of soil fiber growth by 10.0-37.07% or 0.005-0.02 mg / per day. Yield of rapeseed grain and its biometric indicators: the rapeseed is compounded more by composite fertilizers (N26P18) for 30 kg / ha compared to control version and other dose alternatives.
Arif Riska Nurcahyo, Yatim Riyanto, Agus Suprijono
This study was to determine the effect of project-based learning on critical thinking skills and digital literacy of 5th grade students in social studies learning. This study uses an experiment with the design of "The Non Equivalent Pretest-Postest Control Group Design".
Jacob Nalanda Nasong’o, Dr. Anthony Osoro
This study has explored the factors affecting savings and internal lending communities (SILC). The specific objectives were: financial viability, financial sustainability, financial acceptability and Information and Communication Technology. The literature review is in line with the variables under this study, the target population established was 440 covering Women groups, Youth groups, elder’s council, youth association, livestock trader’s cooperative society, Financial institutions and Government agencies in Kapenguria Division.
Mbogoh Elizabeth Wanjira, Prof. Elegwa Mukulu and Dr. Esther Waiganjo
The purpose of this research was to investigate if organizational resources are a determinant of project implementation. The Cross Sectional Survey research design was used for the research and the population consisted of all the employees of registered Grass-root Support Non-Governmental Organizations (GSNGOs). The GSNGOs were drawn from five sectors, namely: Education, Nutrition, Health, Agriculture and Micro-Finance.
Thit Waso Khine
Amplifiers are classified as untuned (wide band) amplifiers and tuned (narrow band) amplifiers based upon their bandwidth. Untuned amplifiers will provide the constant gain over a limited band of frequencies i.e., from lower to upper cut-off frequency. Tuned amplifiers will amplify signals of only fixed frequency of which is equal to the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit LC. In this paper, firstly, a basic small-signal (untuned) amplifier is designed as a swamped amplifier which is commonly used in electronic devices to use as a preamplifier.
Sabina Lamichhane
Low birth weight babies have less motor skills compared with normal birth weight babies. Nesting technique is a nursing skill maintained babies in a comfortable position, facilities the monitoring of vital signs and enabled to have spontaneous motor performance to have normal neuromuscular and skeletal joint function. Aim: to assess the effectiveness of nesting technique on motor performance among low birth weight babies.
L. Palliyaguru, M.U.S. Kulatunga, K.G.U.R. Kumarasinghe, S.S.N. Fernando, T.D.C.P. Gunasekara, C.D. Jayaweera, P.M. Jayaweera
The water soluble fraction (WSF) of diesel particulate matter (DPM), an environmental pollutant was used to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). FTIR, fluorescence and UV-Vis data suggest that water soluble oxygenated PAHs in the WSF of DPM are capped to the surface of AgNPs providing the stability. The particle size, the size distribution, and the crystalline nature were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
Nasir Muwfaq Younis, Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed, Ahmed Ali Hussein
Aim: Because of variable demographics people plurality of present nursing students will work especially with old age after finishing their studying .It is understood that most nursing students have few knowledge and attention in working with adult people. There is an increasing want for encourage nurses to expand care for adult people as the goodness of care is affected by their knowledge. The study aimed to assess the knowledge of nursing students toward old people and determine its association with socio-demographic factors.
Muhammad Agus Faisal, Zakaria Wahab, and Marlina Widiyanti
Customer satisfaction is the level of ones feelings after someone compares the performance or results that are felt compared to what is expected. This study aims to analyze how much influence the product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction on Café in Palembang and the dominant influential variables. The number of samples used in this study were 100 respondents.
Farhana Hanim Mohsin
This article discusses the concept of proactive behavior and work engagement and summarizes relevant research. On the basis of Broaden and Build Theory (Fredrickson, 2001), this study explores the role of work engagement in predicting proactive behavior. Despite the growing concern on the increasingly crucial aspects of proactive behavior, little is known on how work engagement can propose linkage to proactive behavior.
Varsha Reddy,T, Kavya,C, Krishna Prasad Reddy,K, Srinivas Naik, K, Sandeepta Burgula
Microbial Fuel Cell(MFC) is an emerging technology which under anaerobic conditions, converts chemical energy intheorganicsubstratesto electrical energy through catalytic reactions of microorganisms. This study is aimed to generate bioelectricity using a fabricated MFC with low cost anode and cathode materials without any toxic mediators. We devised MFC using Plain Graphite plates as electrodes. The cathodic electrolytes used were distilled water with NaCl whereas anodic compartments were inoculated with enriched bacterial culture. Anodic and Cathodic chambers were separated by a Proton Exchange Membrane.
Khairil Jamal, Zainuddin, dan Muh.Yusri Karim
One of the problems in blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) hatchery is low survival rate of larvae, especially at the zoea and megalopa stages. This study aims to determine the optimum beta carotene dose on the survival rate of blue swimming crab larvae. The study was carried out at the crab hatchery in the Brackish Water Aquaculture Center (BPBAP), Galesong District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The crab larvae are maintained in a 40L plastic container filled with 24L of seawater (32ppt) salinity with density of 50 larvae/L.
Wahyudi, Siti Aslamyah, Zainuddin
The purpose of this study was to analyze the survival and specific growth of milkfish after being given various prebiotics from the types of beans in the feed. Spread with a density of 15 birds/aquarium with a size of 50 x 45 x 45 cm filled with water with 15-20ppt salinity. Fish are kept for 60 days and fed 5% body weight/day. The study was designed in a completely randomized design with 5 prebiotic treatments from legumes, soybeans, peanuts, green beans, kidney beans, and controls. The results showed that various prebiotics in a feed from legumes was significantly (p <0.05) on survival and specific growth (% / day).
Abdul Karim Armah, Michael Kwame Ansong, Samson Hansen Sackey, Ninjerdene Bulgan
Extensively, image super-resolution (SR) poses a challenge across all fields of interest as its problem is considered inherent in its acquisition due to several reasons. Hence, many algorithms have been proposed to suppress this inherent challenges. As a contribution to help see through this inherency, we modelled a Randomized Convolutional Neural Network for Image Super-Resolution (RCNNSR) which simply learns an end-to-end mapping existing between the low-resolution (LR) and the high-resolution (HR) and this reconstructed high-resolution image is kindred as possible with the corresponding ground truth high-resolution image.
Nelson M.K. Boinnet, Reshana L. Thomas
Water is a scarce resource hence there is a general concern over its use. In particular, freshwater scarcity is recognized as a prominent environmental concern. As a result, the concept of water footprint as a measure to tackle the potential impacts of water use arose. The balance in water consumption is necessary because freshwater is essential to the daily life of human beings and its supply is also limited. As the global population rises, the need for fresh water grows too.
Arnt Win, Aye Mon Thida Nyo, Kyae Mon Lwin
In this research work, the leaf of Camellia sinesis (L.) Kuntze, Myanmar name Let-phet, was selected to qualify and quantify the flavonoids present in it. The commercial teas were purchased from Ywa Ngan Township, Southern Shan State, Myanmar. Firstly, to get the ready-to-drink product, the infusion of commonly consumed commercial tea was prepared by the hot distilled water.
Duong Duc Minh, Luong Hanh Ngan
This paper investigates the use of blended learning (BL) in an on-ground traditional face-to-face TOEIC course and seeks to determine the extent to which the blended TOEIC listening course significantly affects the improvement in students’ TOEIC listening performance, how students experience the teacher’s practice and behavior and measure the students’ perceptions of the blended learning environment with respect to its
Alshawabkeh Shorouq, Wu Li
Recent researches and studies have demonstrated that post-tensioned reinforced concrete shear walls have attractive characteristics in resisting lateral loads resulting from seismic forces, such characteristics like self-centering capacity and the ability to experience non-linear horizontal relocations with little harm. The main disadvantage of these wall systems is the small amount of energy dissipation causing an increase in the lateral displacements when experiencing a seismic loading.
Soe Myat, San Nyein Khine, Tin Tin Nwet, Myo Min Khine, Myo Naing, Mya Hnin Wai Wai
Plants’ leaves can prevent the UV attack although the ozone layer is still damaged by CFC emission due to the activities of human beings, and natural dyes extracted from leaves can be used in dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). In this work, the absorbance spectra and light harvesting efficiency (LHE%) of natural dye solutions extracted from the leaves of henna (Lawsonia inermis), ironwood (Xyila xylocarpa), sour sop (Annona muricata), mango (Mongifera indica), and marian (Bouea macrophylla) have been studied by UV-VIS spectroscopy to protect the effects of UV attack and to use as sensitizer for DSSC.
Abdikarim Ahmed , Zhihua Yu
Distributed Optical fiber sensing system based on phase-sensitive time domain reflectometer (Ф-OTDR) has become one of the main distributed optical fiber sensing schemes for intrusion detection in recent years due to its excellent performance. Ф-OTDR has the advantages of simple structure, stable performance, long sensing distance and strong anti-interference ability and also has a wide application prospects.
Oppong Bronsted Jerry Jones, Dery Bede
Digital radiology is one of the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities which has been adopted in Ghana for health needs and research. Radiations come in two forms, either ionizing radiations or non-ionizing radiations, which may cause some form(s) of adverse effects. The main objective of the study was to determine and analyze the Weighted Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIw) of CT scanner (which produces ionized radiation) for potential adverse effects at the 37 Military Hospital Radiology Department for both diagnostic and therapeutic radiology.
Nancy, W.M. Gichohi
Academic anxiety is the fear of studying including not having good study habits and fear of failure among others. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (STAI-AD) and Grade Point Average (GPA) were utilized to examine academic anxiety indicators derived from previous studies and their association to students’ academic performance in the perspective of 357 Technical University of Kenya. The findings provide insights into increased anxiety levels correlation with student performance.
Edward. N. Wafula, Anne. S. Kisilu, Chris. W. Mukwa
Kenya in the vision 2030 endeavor to expand her development in infrastructure and industry; leading to urbanization and middle level economy (Republic of Kenya, 2010). If the Kenyan government is to meet her goal by the year 2030 then she must expand her Education in science and technology by improving efficacy in curriculum implementation in order to produce the required human resource. In contrast over the years students’ performance in Physics at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has been low coupled with low students’ enrollment. Little was known regarding influence of scope and coverage of the syllabus on the implementation of the curriculum for Physics. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of scope and coverage of the syllabus on implementation of the curriculum for Physics for secondary schools.
Ahoro .O and Sogbaike C. O
This paper presents the implementation of PIC microcontroller based Powerconservation device for large hall using thermal, temperature and illumination sensors with in/out counter at the entrance. The thermal sensor used for detecting human presence through infrared radiation of heat by human body, temperature sensor is used to continuously monitor the hall temperature in sub areas.
Sogbaike .C. O and Ahoro .V.O
Attendance is the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event. Attendance in an organization is important to ensure the continuous operation as it determines the strength of the organization. In most institutions the current attendance monitoring system for students is still being manually done. This method is time consuming, error prone and fosters laziness on the part of students, nonchalance attitude to classroom lectures and activities, student nepotism and deliberate lecture skipping which may prevent students from obtaining good academic performance. One reliable and efficient way to curb and totally do away with the error prone, student nepotism etc. is employing computerized fingerprint recognition attendance monitoring system which will enable management of the department ascertain the academic strength of each student in terms of student punctuality, regularity, commitment to classroom lectures and generate reliable attendance report for each student stored in a secured database.
Vincent Camara
Rules about the mean of a Gaussian distribution are presented and compared. Considering the square error loss function, our approximate Bayesian decision rule for the mean of a normal population is derived. Using normal data and SAS software, our approximate Bayesian test results were compared to their classical counterparts obtained with the well-known classical decision rule. It is shown that the proposed approximate Bayesian decision rule relies only on observations that are under study. The classical decision rule, which uses the standard normal and the student-t statistics, does not always yield the best results; the proposed approach performs often
Godfrey Cotty Ungaya, Professor Pontian Godfrey Okoth, Professor Edmond Were
Cross-border ecotourism development in shared ecosystems such as Serengeti-Mara needs to take a common direction even for tour operators. The EAC regional tourism policy has taken cognizance of this fact and stipulate that an agreed regional quality and standards control mechanism harmonizing the standards for registration, classification, and accreditation and grading of service providers and tourism facilities should be observed. The policy indicates that tourism service providers such as lodges, tour companies, and camps, among others, would adhere to harmonized standards for registration, classification, and accreditation and grading of service providers and tourism
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