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July 2020 publication has started and publication will continue till 28th July 2020
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Tran Thi Thanh Hien, Vo Minh Que Chau, Ly Vu Minh, Tran Le Cam Tu, Tran Minh Phu, Pham Minh Duc
The development of the snakehead (Channa striata) aquaculture industry depends on the development of formulated feeds. The previously showed that soybean meal (SBM) could replace up to 40% of the fish meal (FM) in formulated feeds for snakehead as long as phytase and essential amino acids (EAA) were added. In the current study, we investigated the use of rice bran (RB) to replace FM and SBM in snakehead diets and a feeding attractant solution to increase the percentage of SBM that could be incorporated.
Leonardo C. Acosta
Biology is one of the core subjects in the K to 12 Curriculum. This study endeavored to assess the use of Strategic Intervention Material as a tool in remediating Grade 7 Biology least learned competencies in San Felipe Integrated School. It also sought to find out the least learned competencies based from the second quarter test result in biology class and describe the extent of the mastery of 75 respondents after the use of SIM as an intervention.
Do Minh Sinh, Tran Thi Nhu Trang, Vu Thi Thuy Mai
The objective of the study is to describe the real situation of appliance with the “4 right” principle of planters and to study the impact of this compliance on safety and effectiveness. A cross-sectional study was designed in order to satisfy the aims of the study. Subjects are planters who have committed to use pesticides at least 5 times in the past 3 months. By choosing 1 person in each household, the total of 220 respondents participated in the questionnaire survey designed on the Likert scale
Dr. Deepti Uniyal and Shivi Verma
The goal of the present study was to examine a relation between Alcohol Dependence and Sensation Seeking. To test the hypothesis as to whether Alcohol Dependence is significantly correlated with Sensation Seeking or not, self-reported questionnaires measuring severity of Alcohol Dependence and Sensation Seeking, were administered on a sample of 94 college students (between 18 and 24 years). It was found from the study that Alcohol Dependence was not significantly correlated with Sensation Seeking, however, sub-factors of Sensation Seeking like Boredom Susceptibility among male adolescents and Experience Seeking among female adolescents were significantly correlated with Alcohol Dependence, showing to some extent that these factors of Sensation Seeking play a role in giving rise to Alcohol Dependence.
Bing Chang, Ainun Hasanah
City features become an important component in the identification of city characters. The character of a city is formed by a long process and involves many forming factors. The character of the city is a differentiator between one city and another. It is leaving a distinct impression for the residents and visitors of the city. Culture is an important aspect that plays a role in forming the image of a city. Urbanization and globalization can fade the identity of the city and eliminate the boundaries of distinguishing characteristics of cities. Bandung is the third major city in Indonesia with a long history and known as a heritage city. In this context, the character and feature of Bandung city in the cultural sphere is identified by applying the principles of cultural geography. The character features of the city analyze with multi-level analysis, describe the forming factors and the challenges faced in the preservation of the citys character features.
Erick John E. Endres
This paper attempts to explore the traits that leaders should possess in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilized a qualitative research design and solicited 58 responses from employees in the financial industry to capture the prevailing traits of business leaders. The reflexive thematic analysis showed that leaders, among others, should be empathetic, responsible, transparent, resilient and supportive. The participant-employees perceived these traits as necessary not just for their leaders’ effective governance but for the organization’s survival as a whole.
Omoregbe, O.A, Oloyede, D.A, and Momoh, H.N
Suites of wire-line logs from seven (7) wells were integrated with 3D seismic data in order to characterize reservoir D_7 and estimate its hydrocarbon volumes. Detailed seismic interpretation was carried out to determine geologic structures. Seismic-to-well tie was done using previously generated synthetic seismogram, and this was used to pick the reservoir horizons; time and depth structural maps were subsequently generated. Geostatistical models were built using the Sequential Indicator Simulation and Sequential Gaussian Simulation which resulted in improved distribution of reservoir properties within the geologic cells. Statistical analysis of Porosity, Water saturation and Net-to-gross models for the reservoir revealed porosity values ranging from 18% to 27%, average water saturation of 45% and mean Net-to-gross value of 70%. Furthermore, the structural model showed a fault assisted closure. Finally, volumetric estimation revealed a STOIIP of 84Mstb. The results of this study has shown good hydrocarbon potential of reservoir D_7.
Zeynab Moosavi
This study aims to present the challenges that the author as a PhD student experienced in planning and collection of data for her dissertation. The thesis utilized a quantitative research method to assess Iranian Students’ readiness for using mobile technology in English language learning at an Open Learning University in Iran. The instruments consisted of web surveys (27 questions). The challenges that the author encountered during data collection are organized into three categories: the researcher, participants and supervisory team.
Mr. Kathuri N.J, Prof Kisovi, L.M and Prof Obando. J.A
Food insecurity remains a great threat to many countries especially in the low – income countries. Many studies blame the problem of food insecurity especially in the Arid and Semiarid Lands (ASALs) to the bio-physical factors such as climate, soil and altitude among others. However, Socio-economic determinants are important elements that influence food insecurity at household level. Thus, this study examined the socio-economic determinants of food insecurity at household level in Makueni County, Kenya.
Sampath Arunashantha, S.M.R.S. Bandara
This paper examines the environmental impact of the clay industry. Today, the environmental impact of the clay industry has gained a major concern. Among them the major impacts are raw materials of clay is obtained from the earth, digging huge pits in the earths surface, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, disrupts ecosystems, the formation of sinkholes, changing water quality, and land use. Therefore, this research mainly is aimed to identify the environmental impact and changes that have occurred in the land use patterns, as well as migratory measures that can be applied on the identified several issues of clay mining. The methodology of the research was the mixed method under the holistic approach.
Rokhyanto, Kingkin Puput Kinanti, Vrestanti Novalia Santoso
One of the media that can build social construction is novel. Analysis of the construction of women in Aroma Karsa novel by Dewi Lestari uses semiotic study. Semiotics is defined by Saussure (Sobur, 2004: 12) as a science examining the life of signs in a society. Semiotics as a systematic study involving the production and interpretation of signs in the meaning process. Since it is seen as a kind of code that is composed of meaningful signs, it convinces researchers used Roland Barthes semiotic study categorizing five semiotic codes namely hermeneutic code or puzzle code, semic code or connotative code, symbolic code, proairetic code or action code, and genomic code or cultural code.
Water is vital for human health, industry, agriculture and ensuring the integrity and sustainability of the ecosystem. The water resources are the top affected by climate variability hence causing floods and droughts, the rapid population growth also increases water demand and affects water allocation systems as well as water resources management plans to suit the basic water needs for both human and nature hence causes the scarcity of water, and Rwanda is among the countries that experiences and is expecting to continue experiencing such situation in the next decades if nothing is done for skirmishing the existing conditions.
Tanishka Goel, Varun Mujumdar, Vreha Surya, Yash Kundlia, Vineet Saraf, Srishti Bhardwaj
The delivery of restaurant meals to consumer’s houses is undergoing rapid change as new online platforms race to capture markets and customers. This is in light of the rapidly changing global trends; Indian consumers have also kept up with the pace and have shown a change in consumption patterns since the emergence of these online food delivery platforms. It is thereby of great importance to study the consumer behaviour towards different food delivery platforms and the factors and attributes pertaining to the same. This paper has tried to study the consumer perception towards online food delivery and various food delivery platforms.
Zailani, A. H, Hammanadama, I. I,Adamu, M. G, Lamiya, A
Alterations in liver function indices are among classic features of malaria complications resulting from activities of the parasite in the liver. Cola acuminata has been reported to contain phytochemicals with antimalarial activity. This study assessed the effects of some of these phytochemicals on liver function indices of Plasmodium berghei infected mice. For each phytochemical, 7 groups (A-G) of five mice each were used. Group A served as normal control, B-F were inoculated with Plasmodium berghei; group B served as untreated control while groups C-F were treated with 20mg/Kg body weight chloroquine, 12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg body weight of the different phytochemicals respectively. Group F was treated with 50mg/Kg body weight of phytochemicals only without parasite inoculation thus serving as extract control. Treatment commenced 72hrs after inoculation; once orally for four consecutive days.
Abdulhadi Sharhan Alotaibi, Mohd Suhaimi Mohamad, Nor Jana Saim & Ezarina Zakaria
Conflict is inevitable between top management and workers in working environment. Conflict in school social work in the KSA has remain one of the challenging phenomena to policy makers. The conflict normally occurred between social workers and other professionals like the teachers and top administrative staffs due to unclear role by the ministry on the social work as a profession.
Dr. Dilip Pandey
Transgender persons are individuals of any age, religion, faith and sex whose appearance, personal characteristics, or behaviors differ from normal about how men and women are ‘supposed’ to be. Transgender people have existed in every culture, race, country and class since the time immemorial. The term “transgender” arose in common parlance in the mid 1990s from the traditional society of gender-different people. In contemporary practice, transgender has become a “common and umbrella” terms which is used to describe a wide arena of identities and experiences, including but not limited to transsexual people, male and female cross-sectionals’.
Namrata Mukherjee
The continuing marginalization of transgenders manifested in diverse forms including the stigma, limited work opportunities and restricted integration with the community remain a concern in Indian society. This research offers an intersectional analysis of interaction between gender, sexuality and work in a growing industrial city by examining the case of transwomen domestic workers in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. The thesis argues that the interaction between gender and work both shapes and is shaped by community organization and development. In the case of transwomen domestic workers the thesis finds the possibilities of inclusion and social transformation in context of the urban space. The qualitative research examines the nature of this inclusion, its condition and challenges in context of a city through the interpretation that transwomen themselves attach to their work and its impact on their lives.
Since the widespread commercial availability of computing technologies, Information systems (IS) have been a dominant application era of computing. They are a best concept in information and communication technology (ICT) which helps to make life easier and increase efficiency. Organizations spend a large amount of money to implement IS. But organizations do not get the actual impacts from IS when compared with the investment cost that they use to implement IS. One reason for this is the quality of the IS.
Adella Sari Cahyani Sugiono, Indahwati, I Made Sumertajaya
Cluster analysis is a multivariate analysis that classifies objects based on their characteristics. Clustering analysis is generally used in cross-section data, that typically taken one point in time and unlike panel data that are taken at multi-times of several objects. This study explores methods for clustering analysis of panel data via distance measures. The objective of this research is to compare the Manhattan Distance, Euclidean Distance, Maximum Distance, Frechet Distance and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) Distance for Clustering Analysis of Panel Data. The best of the distance measure was implemented empirically for Clustering of Indonesians Province that based on the Human Development Index (HDI), from 2010-2019. Results show that the Manhattan, Euclidean and Maximum provide distances with optimum performances, when the generated data between the clusters are not overlapping. However, when there were overlaps between clusters, the Manhattan distance was the most appropriate.
Abdul Halik, A.F & Rafeena, H.M
This study aimed to identify the role of social media in learning English as a second language among Sri Lankan English as Second Language learners. According to Sri Lankan English as Second Language curriculum, formal classroom language learning using traditional teaching methods seems to be failure. Therefore, this study investigated whether the use of social media help the learners of National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority, Kinniya and how the social media help the learners to improve their language skills, pronunciation, grammar and vocabularies. In this study, 40 students from different courses have been randomly selected. This study was a survey research, and quantitative method was used to collect data.
Aluko Folasade Abimbola, Dr. Hanif Suhairi Abu Bakar, Dr. Mohd Zukime Bin Mat
This paper presents findings and significant effects of social media collaborative problem solving possibility (SMCPS) on the three stages of disaster management i.e disaster preparedness (DPRE),disaster response (DRES)and disaster recovery (DREC) from a flood disaster occurrence in Nigeria.The study used a survey questionnaire and stratified random sampling technique to collect 384 primary data from flood disaster management agencies (OYSEMA, NiMET & Red-Cross Society) in Ibadan, Nigeria.
D. A. Giri, V. G. Kale, R. G. Kanade, I. R. Parde, A. S. Chandore
Wind energy continues to be one among the fastest‐ growing power generation sectors. In this paper, a small wind turbine was designed innovatively having different structure than the current windmill structure. The blade is an important part of a turbine and has a crucial role in the working of windmill. The objective of this windmill is to utilize the natural resource in a sustainable manner and design a windmill such that its blades will expand and contract based on the action of centrifugal force. If a windmill is designed and constructed in such a way that it can harvest more power over its life period, then it is a sustainable solution to our energy demand.
Vincent Kokeno, George Lutomia, Rodney Lutomia
The Peace Committees program in Kenya was rolled out in all districts in 2009 following the 2007/2008 post election violence to aid in peacebuilding and conflict management. However, the program did not made major breakthroughs in peace sustenance which therefore called for its evaluation. This paper is based on a study that was carried out to: determine the effectiveness of peace committees in peace building and conflict management in Trans Mara Sub-County, investigate involvement of women and youth in peace building initiatives in Trans Mara Sub-County, and to determine local measures in place to prevent recurrence of ethnic conflict in Trans Mara Sub-County that disrupt education and development
Juliet Rianela Pontoh
This study aims to find out how the performance of employees at the North Sulawesi Campus of State Administration Institute, by analyzing various factors related to the improving employee performance. This research is a qualitative study where data is taken through interviews, observations and documentation. The results showed that the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in the North Sulawesi Campus IPDN environment was considered to be still not optimal.
Dr Zygmunt Dudzicz
The article presents the current state of knowledge about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease in such a way as to provide the basis for the modernization of the flight and airport management system in such a way as to maximally protect passengers and crew from infection and transport of sick people from one country to another. To this end, a method of organizational flight preparation, methods of diagnosing passengers, methods of securing passengers in the field of distance by means of various several different personal protective equipment was developed in order to limit contacts of neighboring passengers in terms of time of exposure to the virus. Several methods of passenger protection and isolation on board were presented for simultaneous use. Innovative measuring and control equipment, personal protective equipment and test methods before, during and after the flight were presented, and practical solutions in crisis situations were proposed. The article contains the state of research and a practical guide on how to accomplish subsequent tasks to achieve flight goals in terms of COVID-19 safety.
Mantri Siddharth Ram, Kukutam Sumanth, B. Jawaharlal
Electro-Mechanical Actuator (EMA) is the key component in the guidance systems of missiles to convert electrical power into mechanical power. EMAs have shown significant improvement in response times and are more reliable compared to other actuators. This paper proposes a Simulink model for linear electromechanical actuator which is very efficient and can withstand noise and disturbances. Electromechanical actuators are mechanical actuators where the control handle has been supplanted by an electric motor. This model is subjected to sudden loads and disturbances and the precise actuation is obtained within the specified settling time. The model is also subjected to nonlinearities and the results were found out to be competent.
Bilal Jaffal Mohammad Abukdeiri
The study aimed at investigating the effect of generative teaching strategy in academic achievement and retention in science for the eighth grade male students at Al-Mazar southern district schools. The study sample consisted of (62) students divided into (30) students for the experimental group who learned through generative learning methodology and (32) students for the control group who learned through traditional method. The study used Quasi - experimental approach and a guide was prepared for both the student and the teacher regarding how to use generative learning strategy as well as an achievement test in the unit consisting of (20) multiple choice items whose validity and reliability were verified. The study concluded that: there were statistically significant differences among post- achievement scale in science in favor of the experimental group. The effect size was (68%). it was also concluded that there were statistically significant differences among the averages of both groups scales regarding achievement test and retention in favor of the experimental group. The effect size was (70%). In the light of this study results, the generative learning strategy for teaching science was suggested.
Amirtha Varshini M.J, Ramkarthik M, Maria J
Bilingualism is a striking feature of all expanding cultures. In such bilingual environment, ambiguity in language is crucial and inevitable part that must be resolved to understand the given sentence. This study is aimed at understanding the development of ambiguity resolution in sentence level in Bilingual children. Knowing the developmental paradigm helps a clinician to understand normative and target their intervention strategies age appropriately. The present study investigated 120 typically developing bilingual subjects in the age range of 4 to 15.11 years (Native language being Tamil and second language being English). They were classified into 6 groups. Sixteen sentences in Tamil incorporating various types of ambiguity such as phonological, lexical and structural ambiguity served as the experimental stimuli.
Fernando KAB, Pushpakumari WLAR
Ovarian follicles undergo various rates of maturation and involution under the influence of hormones. The functional, non-neoplastic and benign cystic ovarian lesions are common in the young age of females. Ovarian cyst are usually asymptomatic and these forms whenever ovary produce too much of estrogen hormone. These are fluid filled sacs inside the ovary which make serious symptoms if ruptured. According to Ayurveda, the ovarian cyst which containing fluid can be equated with Kaphaja Granthi. In this case report, a 27-year-old female patient was presented to the Yakkala Wickramrachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka with a complaints of lower abdominal pain, back pain and irregular menstruation.
Jennifer, K. Munyua and Margaret, A. Disiye
The study investigated the connection between toxic parenting and students’ academic performance in secondary schools. This was in the light of apprehension that there existed dwindling academic performance. At the same time, school administrators were depending on parents to assist students with inadequate academic performance to improve. Yet, reports of parental malpractices involving national examination were on the increase in Kenya. The study was steered by family system theory that states that an individual cannot be understood in segregation from the other family associates.
BUSARI, Yusuf Taiwo, BUSARI, Kehinde Sulaiman
This study compared the Local Item Dependency from Inter-Item Correlation Matrix and Principal Component Analysis from Factor Analysis for Dimensionality of Multidimensional Dataset. Exploratory research design was adopted for the study. A representative sample of six hundred (600) students were systematically sampled from Twelve (12) schools that participated in the study through multi-stage sampling technique. 2013 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Financial Accounting Objective test items was adopted as instrument for the study.
Bambang Firmansah, S.E, Dr. Ning Rahayu, M.Si
The digital economy presents various new business models that open up many opportunities for tax avoidance schemes, so the OECD recommends an action plan on digital economics in the form of an Action Plan 1. Previously this recommendation has not been a priority yet for the Indonesian Tax Authority. On the other hand, DGT has not met the tax revenue target in the last five years, while it has been known that the transaction value of the digital economy is very large and has not been taxed.
Chrine, C. Hapompwe; Jacqueline Siwale; Crispin Kukano & Jim Chitanda
This study aimed at exploring and examining the extent to which the Mwomboshi Dam Project impacted on the displaced residents’ livelihood. It utilized a case study approach which incorporated a qualitative paradigm. Using purposive sampling technique, a total of fifty (50) participants out of the 402 displaced persons representing 72 homes were selected for the study to constitute a representative sample. Data were collected through semi-structured interview guides and subjected to content analysis in which recurrent themes and categories of information were identified and analysed.
Jacqueline Siwale; Chrine, C. Hapompwe; Crispin Kukano & Dennis Chonya Silavwe
In every organization, the productivity and performance of the employees are important to increase the effectiveness of the organization in the environment it is operating. However, the rewards and other incentives given to the employees can increase the productivity, commitment and effectiveness in their performance. The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of reward systems on employee performance at Brentwood suppliers Ltd; Assess the effectiveness of existing reward system and whether there was a correlation between reward system in the organization and an increase in the performance of the employees. This was an empirical study.
Chrine, C. Hapompwe; Levy M’Kandawire & Caroline Nkatha Waithaka
This study was purposed to establish the perception of adolescents on sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) in Chipata Township of Lusaka district in Zambia. The study focused on three main thematic areas, including; identification of factors leading to adolescents’ taking up of sexual and reproductive health services; determination of barriers to accessing and utilizing SRH services among adolescents, and identification of the role of guardians/parents and health care providers in the access of SRH services by adolescents. As a case study analysis, the study used a qualitative research approach with purposive and convenient sampling as techniques in which 32 participants who were adolescents’ boys and girls, health service providers and parents/guardians featured.
Manasi Kurhade, Hrishikesh Nagvekar
Nutraceutic is applied to products that are isolated from herbal products, dietary supplements, specific diets, processed food that, other than nutrition are also used as medicines. Considering the burgeoning diseases due to the fast-paced lifestyles, the huge health care costs and the unavoidable side effects associated with modern medicine, the world is gradually shifting towards a preventive and holistic approach. In Ayurved, the health and immunity of the healthy individual is to be preserved through diet, lifestyle, drugs while the ones suffering from ailments are treated holistically with Rasayan chikitsa as the final leg of therapy. Myriad nutraceutical references are available in the classical Ayurvedic texts like balya, shramahar, bruhan, medhya, rasayan which needs to be grouped and analyzed as per the indications. An elucidated analysis of the Nutraceutics is discussed in the paper below.
Bharath H, Rahul N, Shylash S, Vinny Pious
"The conventional system of patient-data management has several issues. The system includes information being stored as unstructured records presented as paper prescriptions, files and other traditional forms of storage. All the important data pertaining to the patient is stored by the centralized hospital authorities or the concerned medical practitioners. Reproducibility of this data when it comes to second – opinions or for the judgment of medical history, is a mammoth task. Even if there is a disease which is common, the treatment will mostly be not common for each individual as there should be considered the fact that there is a certain level of uniqueness with each patient. If a treatment strategy works on one patient, that does
not mean it will work for all because there will be differences between each patient. "
Mekap Techi,Varghese,MittuMuthu, Manisha ,Kiran, Nishant,Goyal.
A primary caregiver is a person who consistently assumes the responsibility for the housing, health or safety of the patient. Caregivers are facing problems such as stress, burden, anxiety, frustration, feeling the pressure of increased dependency and etc. Care activities for schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder patients affect on the general and mental health of caregivers (Reinhard, 1994).
Soumya Chakraborty,Suranjali Sharma, Sudipa Biswas
E-learning in Anatomy is an improved scalability of educational development in this digital era which breaks down geographical and temporal barriers presenting opportunities for learners through availability of authentic information, subject content, skill development procedures. The present study involved a total of 195 MBBS students of 2014-2015 and 2015 -2016 batches who answered a close and open questionnaire comprising of 12 questions related to utilization of e-learning tools while learning Anatomy in a collaborative manner. Results revealed that 100% 1st year MBBS students were aware of the availability of e-learning Anatomy tools. 89.8% of 2014-2015 and 92.8% students of 2015-2016 batches utilized these learning tools in addition to traditional class room teaching in Anatomy thus adopting a blended approach for effective learning of Anatomy. 75.5% and 70.1% students of the ‘14-‘15 and ‘15-‘16 batches respectively applied group learning strategies and 73.6% and 70.1% students could utilize e-learning of Anatomy in a collaborative manner. E-learning engines utilized by these students were identified and archived establishing Anatomy department’s e-learning bank. Thus it has been observed in this study that e-learning in Anatomy allows blended collaborative discovery learning for better alignment of the subject through use of technology, information, communication and networking.
Ofem, K. I, Abua, S. O, Umeugokwe, C. P, Ezeaku, V. I and Akpan-Idiok, A. U
The study examined the properties as well as the Taxonomic classification of soils developed on sandstone in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. The soils were also evaluated for their suitability for cashew production. The contour map of Bekwarra was obtained in the ArcGIS environment and two profile graphs plotted to represent two toposequences. Six profile pits were then sited
Obasan Olabowale Taiwo, DR. Ajibade, A. T
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of pre and post-adoption periods of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Nigeria and Kenya economy. A desk review research approach was adopted in this study, as related journals, articles, and literatures related to this research work were reviewed.
Dr Diljeet Bodra, Dr (Prof) Umesh Prasad, Dr (As Prof) D K Jha, Dr (As Prof) G Minz, Dr Yuvraj Lahre, Dr Punam K Munda
Background : Hepatorenal syndrome is a well recognized complication of liver cirrhosis . The intrarenal vasoconstriction is an early marker for functional renal failure . It can be assess using Renal artery blood flow test through colour Doppler .
Tangeni Haimbala, Helmine Egokom Agulaba Ambi
This paper aims to give an analysis of solid waste management (SWM) performance of two coastal cities in Africa, Limbe (Cameroon) and Walvis Bay (Namibia). The authors present detailed challenges as well as management analysis, including waste collection, waste disposal, waste generation, and waste composition. A comparative study is taken from the waste management of Austria particularly the city of Vienna. In both cases, effective governance and policy framework are key. Namibia practices a form of public-private partnership (PPP) through tendering to handle the waste. Cameroon just like Namibia also practices PPP with the company HYSACAM, leading Cameroon private municipal solid waste management operators.
Okoli, C.C, Ngwai,Y.B
The development of antimicrobial resistance by members of the genus Salmonella has a significant impact on the antibiotic treatment of Salmonella infections. This study investigated the plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes associated with Ciprofloxacin resistance in Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) from cattle faeces from abattoir in Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
The entire research is based on motherhood and its present existential approach. The paper has tried to address the role of mother in current society, emphasizing through the magnificent creation of Leonardo De Vinci – “Mona Lisa”. Through this creation I have tried to investigate the importance of a lady (Mona Lisa) with in a precise frame and her reason of mysterious smile and attractive eyes. The research paper has given specific importance to the relation between the landscape and the portrait and how it could be a sign of motherhood. The research topic finally arrived to novel aspects on Motherhood and its existential magnitude - “Mona Lisa 2020” in millennium arena after emphasizing on Vinci’s Creation.
Rajat Garg, Anita Bhargava, Namita Sharma
The COVID-19 outbreak has been rapid worldwide so as the spread of the disease among population at different age cohorts. Hence it required quick and clear awareness among population to minimize the morbidity and mortality perpetuated by the virus, about which the world has speculative information. The aim of the present study is to bring out the results of the knowledge and perception regarding Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among general public of India.
Astie Darmayantie
Over decades, IT provided accessibility for all generations, from youngsters to the elderly, from the cognitively to the physically impaired. User interaction creates engagement between the user and the system, by providing the necessary structure and behaviour of a system to the users. Therefore, designing a User interaction combines cognitive sciences of psychology, computer science, human factors, and engineering, which is not easily addressed in the framework of science and engineering.
This thesis paper, talks mainly about how the anthropocentric attitude within humans may lead our world in to a kind of Dystopia. For substantiating the given statement I have given here a detailed analysis of Margaret Atwood s novel Oryx and Crake. Through her novel, the great writer is trying to give a warning to her readers about the Dystopian future.
Altaf Hussain
Region specific development concerns have always been factored in the strategies of inclusive and sustainable development in India. Hence parameters of structural regional backwardness which is determined by spatial and socioeconomic characteristics have always been given due weightage. The Kashmir valley, one of the regions of the state of Jammu and Kashmir with a population of 6.908 million (2011) is of significant importance for regional and urban planners not only because of its great potential for growth but also because of it geopolitical importance, the recent incursions and the increasing demand for development. The valley suffers from a stagnant economic growth, low levels of urbanization, lack of social facilities and services, low agricultural productivity and disadvantages of location. Within this overall stagnation in the valley there are districts which show characteristics of structural backwardness.
Supranee Puimom
This study aimed a) to improve learners’ speaking skill via the use of clips uploaded in Facebook, b) to enhance learners’ motivation in English speaking skill via the use of clips uploaded in Facebook. 10 participants majoring in Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering took part in this study. The research instruments were a questionnaire, an observation form, a speaking rubric, and the semi-structured interview. The descriptive and interpretative methods of content analysis was used to analyse data in this study. The findings revealed that, first, the students’ English speaking skill was improved. Second, in terms of students’ motivation, it was higher. In relation to clips uploaded in Facebook, the positive feedback from participants’ friends who watched these clips in Facebook made them satisfied and felt positive towards English subject.
Dr. Mustapha Bintube, (ECRTD, UK).
There is strong niche for inference supported by empirical and theoretical grounds from profiled data, both primary and secondary, that one fact is universally eminent about COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time in the history of mankind a phenomenon came to dominate and change man's life so momentarily with obnoxious burden and consequential effects which is overwhelming while cutting across all facets of man's life and institutions.
Rakesh Dey
The history of Rome has always been an interesting topic for discussion among the scholars since the past centuries. Starting just as a city of Latium region, the Rome expanded its empire and dominance throughout a huge region including the many parts of modern Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia. Rome witnessed monarchical rule till 510 BCE; but after the expel of Etruscan monarchy, Republican government was established which testified democratic institutions and elements. These democratic elements and processes often became a model for the later democratic world, although Roman never followed proper democracy alike modern times. Even after the establishment of Principate rule by Augustus Caesar in 27 BCE, the democratic and republican institutions sustained without having any real power. Therefore, it raises a very interesting question how democratic was the Roman Republic and Empire, which has been discussed in my paper. Besides of showing the democratic elements and its limitations and changes throughout the consequent ages, I have also spoken about the symbiotic relationship between the institutions of democracy and aristocracy.
Tekelwoyni Tesfamichael, Tesfaye Zeleke, Yonas kidane
The purpose of this study was to explore the Social Cause of Juvenile Delinquency at Axum Correctional and Rehabilitation Center, Northern Ethiopia. It was to investigate the demographic and the socio-economic statuses of juveniles. It also investigated the type of different offenses committed by juveniles. To this end, the study was carried out using mixed research method. Structured questionnaires and key informant interviews used as tools of data collection. The study involved 80 inmates selected by systematic random sampling technique from a total list of 155 inmates.
David Kibe Muchiri, Phineas Zaberio Mawira
Mathematics is the backbone of modern science, majorly used to solve world problems. Mathematical proficiency is thus very crucial. A math practice paper (MPP) can become a powerful tool for polishing student’s mathematical knowledge and reasoning skills.
PGRB Chandrasekara
Employee retention is critical for organization because employees are the driving force to achieve the development and accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives. Retention starts at the very early stages of the recruitment process. It is a never ending process as retention is affected by almost all aspects of the business and directly affecting the employee/ employer relationships around the world.
Subhendu Das
This article incorporates multidisciplinary contents from mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, history, Vedas, and Bible. All these subjects are also interdependent. This happens because all these subjects are supported by the same money, coming from the same single source, the central bank (CB). Thus global peace, or any phenomenon, cannot be understood from any single subject in isolation. We show that the money is the root cause for everything that happens on our earth.
Dimareta Puspitasari, Eddy Suprayitno
Gel is a semisolid or thick preparation, which is made by mixing an extract (active substance) with a suitable base. During this time cork fish albumin consumed in the form of extract or powder. Cork fish albumin is consumed orally, many do not like it because of the pungent odor and easy stale. So that new innovations are needed to develop albumin products into albumin gels that can be applied with a rub to the skin
M. Mahadevaswamy
The specific growth rate of heterotrophic bacteria is determined by dividing the production between the biomass, is an indicator of the capacity of the bacterial population to replace its biomass. The eukaryotic heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates are important grazers on bacteria, thus potentially influencing the abundance by selective feeding within the ‘microbial loop’. Mid stream surface water samples from all the water courses selected were collected in a sterile glass bottles. Water samples were screened through Whatman GF/A (1.63 µm nominal pore size) glass micro fibre filters.
Ayu Maharani Siswandari, Catur Retnaningdyah, Luchman Hakim
The potential of an ecotourism location can be analyzed based on evaluating the success of the restoration program using several indicators, one of which is macroinvertebrates diversity. This research was conducted in Bajulmati Beach, Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) Beach, and Kondang Iwak Beach with 3 different lengths of restoration (except Kondang Iwak as a reference site). The measured data include physicochemical parameter, mangrove vegetation profiles, and macroinvertebrate profiles. Furthermore, it is used as a basis for the formulation of a restoration recommendation strategy. The results of the study showed that the presentation of land cover in Bajulmati and Kondang Iwak were classified as rare (<5%), while CMC was classified as tight (between 5 - 25%). Macroinvertebrates were found in a total of 20 species of gastropods and 9 species of crabs. It shows that the macroinvertebrates had a special tendencies in certain habitats.
Gitonga, D and Eshton, B.
Spatial analysis is key to mitigating ground water resource problem related to lack of reconnaissance prior to prospecting using terrameter. Traditionally, time consuming and expensive resistivity measurements are indiscriminately applied for feasibility of ground water potential. The results have often led to exploitation of dry ground wells. Ground water modelling is essential to preliminarily identify potential sites for deployment of resistivity mesurements. Major economic activity in Meru County is rain-fed agriculture solely dependent on erratic rainfall. The big disparity in altitude and rainfall impacts on availability of reliable water sources especially during the dry season when locals travel long distances in search of water.
Najeebullah AHMADZAI
Multidimensional exogenous and endogenous factors are introducing a high degree of uncertainty and inversely impacts farmers’ income as well as the gross national product of the country. This study elucidates apple growers’ risk attitudes and risk-smart options, in Ahmad Aba, Paktia. The study applies Risk Behavioral Model (RBM) and regression analysis using 85 samples among apple farming households, from January to February 2020.
W.M.S. Dananjaya
Creating new knowledge from renowned pieces of literature has always been challenging since they are researched with various individual perspectives by every passing second. Given the consideration of Robert Frost’s Home Burial, it is not an exaggeration to mention that it has also no exception with regards to the above claim. But still, it is quite clear that the poem could sail more longer as it has not been much viewed from the viewpoint that this paper addresses; a conflict between manliness and motherliness. These two have been a topic of academic debate in the history of literary studies in which each was separately taken into consideration within one piece of literature. For instance, this can be minutely examined in the poem of “Refugee Mother and Child” by Chinua Achebe for which motherliness has been the base. Home Burial is promising and appealing as both manliness and motherliness meet on one platform in which two seems to be contradictorily fighting each other.
James Karori Nyabuto, Charles Mburu, Margaret Gichuhi
The study aimed at examining the current OSH practices by Lpg cylinder retailers in Kiambu County. Stratified purposive sampling was employed; raw data collected through observation, use of interview schedules, and analyzed using SPSS ver.25. It was established that 71% of the respondents did not employ safe OSH practices in their operations. The association of cylinder handling and education level of the respondents was statistically significant at 95% confidence level with X2 (df=2) =14.193, since p=<.001.
Ali Farag Alznad
Human impact on the environment has multiple effects most of them are unpredictable. All problems of the disturbed environment are by their nature predominantly ecological and, in essence, they represent a violation of the ecological paradigm of the functioning of life on Earth. Man on Earth today can cause a biological catastrophe at any moment, it can lead to the extinction of organic species. The demographic explosion of populations from the end of the 20th century, accompanied by an enormous increase in resource consumption, gave human destructiveness a completely new dimension.
Mukta M. Deshmukh, P.R. Bhise
Background :Surgical site infections are one of the most commonly reported nosocomial infections and are responsible for increasing morbidity, cost,rarely mortality related to operative procedures. The SSI rates reportedly range from 2.5% to 41.9% globally. Present study was conducted to study the prevalence of SSI in patients undergoing Emergency surgeries, to know the common causative organisms with their antibiotic susceptibility patterns.
Dwi Inayatur Rohmah, Eddy Suprayitno
Albumin powder which is processed through vacuum drying life it does not smell, the storing period is longer, and could be used anytime and anywhere. The formation of albumin in the form of powder is also easily absorbed in the body especially helps in wound care.
Imam Wahyudi, Dr. Ir. Hakiman Thamrin, MM
This research aims to determine the factors that can be used to predict the financial distress potential in the Construction Sector of State-Owned Enterprises by using multiple discriminant analysis. For this study, financial statements of all Construction Sector of State-Owned Enterprises from 2009 to 2017 were used. The research results show that from 21 (twenty one) variables, only debt to equity, return to asset, operating cash flow to net wealth and receivable turnover that can be used to predict the financial distress potential at the Construction Sector of State-Owned Enterprises.
JOHN Awuni, PHILIP Baidoo, GEOFFREY Mensah and ABRAHAM Attoh
Internal control systems in every institution in the world, determines ways of evaluating staff of the institutions. Though the strategic may differ, purposes are virtually the same. However, this study investigated the Calibre of Personnel Influence of Management’s Compliance to Internal Controls at the level of Organizations and Institutions. The research design employed was characterized and analyzed the purpose of the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The sample size for the study was fifty (50) participants and six (6) internal control units of management members, Junior and senior staff, respectively.
Jihane Habi, Hind Guerroum, Mariam Kassimi, Nabil Chikhaoui, Mohamed Mahi
Objective: The aim of our work was to describe the typical and atypical aspects in our retrospective study of 28 patients. Methods: Scanning examinations were carried out on two scanners type 16 and 64 Bars with thin sections (1.5mm). Data collection was done retrospectively from a reading made on the PACS system by two radiologists and helped by reports on the departments RIS system.
Dinh Thị Huong, Ph.D
Teaching materials play an important role in teaching and learning process. Authentic materials have proved useful in fulfilling the goal of communication of learning foreign languages and the needs of the learners. In addition, these materials facilitate and support the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study is to (1) investigate teachers’ and students’ perceptions towards the advantages and challenges of authentic materials used in teaching English, and (2) explore the differences between teachers and learners’ perspectives on authentic materials. Findings from the descriptive statistics were analyzed based on the questionnaire and semi-structure interviews. The results of the study suggested that general perspectives of the participants on authentic materials used in teaching English at Hanoi University of Home Affairs were positive.
Kirabo Mary, Francis Mwangi Waweru, Claude Rusibana
The general objective of this study was to assess the role of leadership and strategic implementation in humanitarian agencies in Rwanda. Cross-sectional and descriptive research designs were used. The total population was 247 from which 153 respondents were selected as sample using stratified random sampling technique. Data collection methods involved questionnaire, documentation analysis and interview. Analysis of data was done through SPSS, version 20. As indicated, research findings. The findings revealed that the four models tested using ANOVA for competence of staff, communication of strategic implementation, the amount of resources deployed and the number of people attending training were statistically significant with leadership as measured by inspiring trust, vision creation, in executing strategies and in coaching potentials. The research recommended the use of leadership style which allows for interaction and transformation for strategic implementation.
Srinivas Maripala and Kishan Naikoti
In this paper, it deals that the numerical study of variable thermal conductivity and radiation on the flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting micropolar nanofluid over a continuously stretching surface with varying temperature in the presence of a magnetic field and heat source/sink. The governing conservation equations of Angular momentum, energy, momentum and mass are converted into a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations by means of similarity transformation. The resulting coupled system non-linear ordinary differential equations are solved by implicit finite difference method along with the Thomas algorithm.
Dr Hina Mukhtar, Prof. Wajeeha Begum, Dr Fozia Mukhtar
Abstract: It is characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. It is a very common complaint, experienced by 45-95% of reproductive age group women. Prostaglandins are known to increase myometrial contraction and constrict small endometrial blood vessels to produce ischemia and pain, the aim of the study is to evaluate the Effect of Habbul Ghar and Maul Asal in Primary Dysmenorrhea
Aditya Shankar Chattopadhyay
Just like Mesopotamia, Egypt or Indus valley of India, Ancient China was also presented a wonderful Bronze Age civilization. It was 1st thought by mainly Eurocentric and diffusions scholar that Chinese civilization was not an indigenous civilization and it was totally influenced by central Asia and India and so on. But recent researches and the excavation work by Academia Sinica since 1920 revealed so many data about its purity and indigenous roots along with few influence from outside. However Neolithic age arrived in China at about 9000 BC and it had 2 origins- a) Millet farming based Neolithic culture beside Huang Ho river b) Rice farming based Neolithic culture beside Yangtze River.
Palarak Chaiyo
This research aimed to analyze language errors, causes of errors in article translation from English in to Thai and find out the guidance solutions to reduce language errors. The sampling group was 30 students studying in Translation English into Thai course. The data was collected from 60 papers of assignments related to 2 articles with scientific content and arts and cultural content. The research tools were an Analyzation Form of Translation Error and Questionnaire about Students’ Translation Processes. The result presented that the main cause of errors was not only the students’ grammatical knowledge but also the translation process. Moreover, back ground knowledge, the length of text and translation period were minor factors. The solutions were suggested in the students’ points of view due to English grammatical review, concentration in process of translation, doing back ground research of source text and time management.
Thida, Soe Soe
In my paper, applications of calculus will be discussed by the gradient of a line or slope. Moreover, one of the applications of calculus, method of least square, fitting a straight line and a curve (parabola), will also be used.
Achilike Kennedy. O.
Hydrogeophysical studies of some selected towns in Imo River Basin were carried out to determine the aquifer hydraulic characteristics and evaluate the groundwater potential of the study area. A total of thirty-eight (38) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) in fifteen (15) towns in Imo River Basin were conducted to obtain the aquifer resistivity data. The results of the qualitative interpretation of the VES data indicate that 75% of the field curves at the boundary of the aquifers terminated as K-shaped and Q-shaped type curves.
Shoeb Khan Taslim Khan
U-Boot technology is capable of supporting large without beams. U-Boot beton is a farm work made of recycled polypropylene. Voids from work placed in between the top in bottom reinforcements of slab. It is used to create slabs with large span or that are able to support large load without beams. U-boot is fire resistance. It is a recycled polypropylene formwork that was designed to create lightened slab & rafts.
Chintia Sianturi, Dadan Rahadian
Banks have a vital role in the economic and financial system of a country. They play roles in managing, controlling, and protecting public funds to create a healthy financial industry. Therefore, the bank needs to consider and maintain its condition. It can be seen from the assessment of the risk and performance of the bank. The assessment can use information in the financial statement and its financial ratio analysis.
L. Manawadu, K. L. W. I. Gunathilaka, V. P. I. S. Wijeratne
Cities become central locations that coordinate most of the socio economic networks of a country. Therefore the urban agglomerations that have high population densities are identified as the most vulnerable hotspots during a period of pandemic in a country. Therefore this study focuses mainly on the identification of sustainable strategies for pandemic free city management in developing countries in a post COVID era. Literature related to the context along with the scholarly articles were reviewed in fact collection in this study while using diagrams and flow charts in information presentation.
Wickrama Kankanamge Don Keerthirathne
Client centered psychotherapy is not a newly introduced approach by western psychologists. It can be seen in Asian psychology too; vastly in Buddhist psychology. Both Buddhist and western psychology tend to practice the client centered therapeutic approach. In this paper it was aimed to conduct a comparative study of constructivist approach in Buddhist and western psychotherapy.
Fatai Y. O. & Peter-Ajayi O. M.
This paper focused on benefits of physical fitness and exercise to pregnant women in Ekiti state. It has been proved through literature evidence that exercise can enhance easy and safe delivery for pregnant women. Yet, these days many pregnant women in Ekiti State suffer from discomfort, pains and chronic diseases, which could be linked to non-participation in exercise. This could be attributed to the perception and attitude of the pregnant women towards exercise. This has to do with their level of knowledge about benefits inherent in exercise participation to pregnant women.
Dr. W M C R Wijekoon, Prof. Samath Dharmarathne, Dr. V G S C Ubeysekara, Dr. I P Wickramasinghe, Dr. A P Maduragoda
Rate of reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality in Sri Lanka had slowed down recently, highlighting the need of effective preconceptional interventions to achieve the set healthcare goals. Though many health benefits are offered by the preconception healthcare services, adequate information is not available to evaluate the quality of preconceptional services being offered, especially at community level.
Lazarus K. Limo, Dr. Stephen M. Talai, Daniel K. Arusei
It has been found that different pretreatment of corn stover produces varying quantities of reducing sugars. Therefore, this study experimentally investigated the optimum conditions with respect to concentration of acetic acid, temperature and time. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed for the analysis of the simultaneous effect of acid concentration, pretreatment temperature and time on the resulting total reducing sugar concentration obtained. A three-variable, five-level Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) of experiment was used to develop a statistical model for the optimization of the process variables.
Windia Adnyana, Made Jayaratha, Hidayatun Ni’sa Purwanasari, I Nengah Wandia, Kiki Dethmers, Colin J Limpus
The olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) is widely distributed throughout Indonesia but is the least studied species of marine turtles in the south-east Asian region. This is the first detailed study of the population structure and migration of olive ridleys in Indonesia, which contributes significantly to the regional understanding of the species. We followed the movement of 9 post-nesting female olive ridleys using satellite telemetry from two geographically separated areas; the Papua Bird’s Head Peninsula and the Western Lesser Sunda region. Results showed that each population used different migration pathways and feeding grounds.
Manjima Sarkar
As Roland Barthes has meticulously explained in his essay ‘Myth Today’, “myth”, according to him, is essentially a type of speech ; it is a cohesive “system of communication” through which an effective message is conveyed. “Myth” is a “form”, or rather, a mode of signification into which “society” can be reintroduced through a discourse. This discursive property in a myth assigns to it various “historical limits” and “conditions of use”. As Barthes has reiterated over and over again, there are no “substantial” limits to a myth as the substance that the myth contains loses all its connotations and becomes an empty signifier- a “form” devoid of “meaning”. However, later in the essay Barthes clarifies: “that the form does not suppress the meaning, it only impoverishes it”- if myth is a vessel, then it becomes a form to acquire a new meaning. In this paper, an intricate analysis of modern popular myth and its application in advertising and news narratives are shown. This paper will also explore how myths evolve and transform. Myths are forgotten, unless they are recreated.
G.S.P Ranasinghe, Sunil De Alwis, P.W.C. Panapitiya
Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in health care. A study was carried out at a Chest Clinic in Sri Lanka. A simple random sampling was used to select 60 patients attending to the clinic. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data and observation was done at the clinic and collected qualitative data. Results showed that the overall mean satisfaction which is, the Human and Non-Human aspect the value was 4.074 which is marginally satisfactory level. The mean satisfactory level for services provided by each category that is for Doctor 4.429, Nurses 4.148, and Minor staff is 4.074 respectively, whereas, Clinic services like responsiveness showed 3.893 which is below satisfactory level.
Hind Guerroum, Jihane Habi, Meriem Kassimi, Nabil Chikhaoui and Mohamed Mahi.
Objectives : To describe the imaging features of hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection.
Dr. Namita Gupta
The Covid-19 pandemic is the most crucial global health crisis since the 1918 Influenza (Spanish flu). Coronavirus disease was reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) China country office as a form of epidemics, on 31 December 2019. Patients from Wuhan city of China’s Hubei province were suffered from lower respiratory tract infections which were treated as pneumonia. WHO declared COVID-19 a Global pandemic which is caused by SARS-CoV-2. A fresh figure of 11,830,885 confirmed cases and 544215 death records till 8th July 2020 across the worldwide signify the severity of coronavirus infection
Nur Aini, Luchman Hakim, Catur Retnaningdyah
Mangrove ecosystems are providers of ecosystem services in the surrounding environment, but have decreased in area throughout the tropics. To reduce the impact of damage, restoration is one of the mangrove conservation efforts, but the restoration program that is carried out is rarely evaluated.This study aims to evaluate the success of restoration by measuring its ecosystem services. The measurement of ecosystem services includes 4 aspects namely regulating, supporting, provisioning and cultural. There are 3 research sites namely Bajulmati and Clungup (restoration area) and Kondang Buntung (reference site).
Dickson Twesigye(MBA), Dr, Mulyungi.Patrick PHD
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of regulations of central bank on performance of commercial banks in Rwanda using Rwanda commercial banks as the case study. A descriptive design was used and the target population was eleven licensed commercial banks in Rwanda.A census was conducted to obtain secondary data from commercial banks as well as review of information from central banks annual audited reports for the period 2010 to 2015. The data obtained was processed and analyzed using STATA programming to get progressively point by point results. The study found that capital adequacy regulation affects performance of commercial banks in Rwanda positively and this influence was found to be significant. The study concluded that capital adequacy positively and significantly influences financial performance suggesting that an increase in capital adequacy regulations within a bank will result in financial improvements in the bank. The study recommended that banks should comply entirely with the stipulated regulations since this will ensure a stable banking sector which plays a major role in the economy.
A.Khan, Chandrama Kumari, Alok Kumar Yadav
The quality and quantity of drinking water have received considerable attention recently. Moreover in India, almost 70% of surface and underground water reservoirs have been contaminated by biological, inorganic and organic pollutants. Hence, the present study was conducted to characterize the physiochemical parameters (nature) of ground water in municipal areas of Purnea district town by taking water samples from five selected points(station). The assessed parameters in potable water as prescribed by different agencies (viz. – BIS ,ISI ,WHO & etc) .The Study reveals that the domestic sewage discharge and improper location of bore wells with respect to the septic tank and sewer pipes will increase the potential threat to the potable water quality.
Amna Hassan Jasim, Haitham Ibrahim Faris
Introduction: Nurses burnout is considered to be one of the most critical problems in the 21st century health care. There has been much research on burnout in nurses, presumably because of the intense nature of their contact with patients Methodology: Quantitative design (comparative study) has been carried out to A comparative of burnout among nurses in public and private hospitals at Karbala city. To compare Nurses Burnout between public and private hospitals . The study has been carried out in Private and public Karbala city hospitals Accidental sampling (200 ) of nurses who work in private and public hospitals in which Distribution of the study sample in which (100) nurses in private and ( 100) nurses in public hospitals .
Olukemi Omolade Ogunyebi
Carica papaya is used in traditional system of medicine to treat various hepatic disorders and it has recently been used to treat paracetamol stimulated liver damage in rats in India. This present work was to examine the activities of ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leaves in preventing liver damage caused by acetaminophen (the major active ingredients) triggered liver injury in rats.
Mutie Juliet mwende, Prof. Willy Muturi, Dr. Agnes Njeru
In Kenya most businesses do not have enough internal finances to re-invest in their businesses and therefore they seek external finances which they obtain from various sources and it is not clear which source of finance contribute most to their improved performance and hence this study. Purposely this study was to determine the effect of sources of finance on the performance of wholesale and retail businesses in Kenya. The specific objective was; to identify the effect of trade credit on performance of wholesale and retail businesses in Kenya. The population of the study was all the 1.56 Million businesses in Kenya.
Kumuyange Eric, Rusibana Claude
Although financial institutions and cooperatives have been present in Rwanda since 1970s, Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies have not significantly performed well to impact on people lives as it was initially expected due to different challenges. ZCSS was established since 1998 with the mission to uplift the wellbeing of its members the majority of whom come from security organs. To achieve this mission, ZCSS is to collect savings from and provide loans to its members at an affordable interest rate. The main purpose of this study was to establish how internal organizational factors influence financial performance of cooperative in Rwanda.
Leticia Sam
Learning approach is an important consideration when planning for effective instruction and assessment. Hence, effective educators always desire to know how students learn so that they can be better informed how to go about their teaching and assessment. The study investigated the learning approach that most Bachelor of Education accounting students use for accounting as a course. Further, the study also examined the relationship between students learning approaches and academic achievement. Correlational design was used for the conduct of this study.
Ali Farag Alznad phd, L.Nesseef phd
The great challenges and problems in the new millennium in the field of environment due to intensive economic and technological development all over the world have taken on the characteristics of an ecological crisis. Excessive urbanization, uncontrolled development, over-exploitation of forests, mining, transport and industry have negatively affected environment all over the world. The consequences of such a state are numerous, from global climate change, ozone depletion, genetic mutations of organisms, extinction and spread of endangered plant and animal species to worrying depletion of natural resources.
H.L.S.Chathurika, S.D.S.Weliange, C.M.Abeysekara, I.S.Yaddehige, H.L.Priyanka
Injury is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in Sri Lanka. The prehospital trauma care is critical in reducing the morbidity and mortality following injury. Army soldiers are one of the first responder categories after a major disaster causing injury. This study was carried out with the objective of describing the knowledge, attitudes and practices on prehospital trauma care among army soldiers in Matara District.
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