Amine, J.D.; Injor, O.M. and Ilonze, E.F.
Measurements of background, idle, and production noise generated during production activities of plain turning, drilling, boring, and threading on the Lathe; flat, keyway, rectangular grove, and Tee slot on Shaper; facing, plain milling, slot, gear, and threading on the Milling Machine; sheet metal, plat bar, angle iron drilling on the Pillar Drill machine; solid shaft, sheet metal, square pipe, angle iron, and stainless steel grinding on the Pedestal Grinder; and sheet metal, flat bar, square pipe, and angle iron grinding on the Angle Grinding Machine, were carried out at Engineering workshop of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi. Noise dosimeter and sound level meter with model 2310 SL and IEC 61672 type-2 factory calibrated with a resolution of 0.1dB were used.
S. N. Osano, & T. M. Nyangau
Falling weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing is today the common tool used to assess the structural condition of the pavement. The objective of the study was to analyse the FWD surface deflection test results of flexible pavement for the Nairobi Eastern by-pass to predict the pavement’s structural capacity. The study observed that the pavement exhibits varying characteristics from strong pavement to moderate pavement as the deflections values fluctuates along the pavement length with much of the pavement stretch being characterized as reasonably strong.
SMNKG Bandara, KN Amarawardhana
Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) spends a considerable amount of capital on monthly electricity bill payments, which, if saved, could be expended for the benefit of the Navy. The present human strength of the Navy is approximately 55,000, and this figure directly influences the electricity consumption in the Navy. Owing to the fact that, the human behaviour can play a vital role in conserving energy, this study is focused on investigating and analysing the challenges influencing energy conservation through a behavioural approach of SLN personnel. The study followed a qualitative approach and necessary data was obtained from the officers and sailors serving at Sri Lanka Navy Ship (SLNS) Rangalla through an open-ended questionnaire and also through structured interviews. The study revealed that, awareness, supervision, restriction, coercion, referent power, attitudes, responsibility, feedback, and motivation are the factors affecting human behavioural approach.
Khalid Mohamed Reeh, Husein Elhadi sharif
The global financial crisis has led to the collapse of many financial organizations, banks and companies, which negatively affected the economic achievements that it have been achieved by many of global economies. It necessitates investigating the causes of the crisis, and taking all necessary actions and possible measures to deal with these issues and to avoid unpredictable consequences. here appeared the necessary to apply the principles and mechanisms of corporate governance, and activated it and to remedy shortcomings, as one of the tools and the main pillars to solve the financial crisis and avoiding the negative impacts, especially after some studies have proved that the wrong application to principles and mechanisms of corporate governance was the main cause of the crisis.
Anthony Fosu, Augustine Adjei, Gyasi Mensah Michael, Samuel Dontoh, Bernard Opoku Frimpong
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of stress and stress management among distance learners at Accra College of Education Centre of University of Education, Winneba. Five research questions were used in the study. The survey design which involves the quantitative approach was employed for the study. The simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 130 respondents (thus 70 and 60 Post-Diploma and Diploma Distance Learners) for the study. The study sought the views of respondents using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the software SPSS.
Rajaguru, T. R
There are tremendous gender issues prevailing in Sri Lankan Context. Some Issues had been discussed in the international forums as well. As a result of that discourse United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) has exclaimed that 90% of women are being harassed while they are travelling by public transport services in Sri Lanka and it is the main cause to minimize the women’s enrollment for jobs. Labour force survey of the 1st quarter in 2017 explicated that female labour force 37.6% while the male labour force is 75.1%. This study sought to find out the frequency of women are being harassed in public service buses and which type of sexual harassment ways that they are experiencing, type of journeys they are being harassed and the time of the day they face harassments and women’s suggestions to make the Public bus service as a safer mode of transportation.
Godhard Muiruri Kariuki
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) have become more frequent and severe over recent decade as a result of human population growth, expansion of agricultural and industrial activities which together have led to increased human encroachment on uninhabited and areas meant for wild animals. This study focused on the typology of human-wildlife conflicts in Kieni West Sub-County,Kenya. This study used a descriptive survey design. The target population of the study was 2340 households drawn from three villages namely: Amboni, Bendeni and Njeng’u. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules for key informants, participant observations and focus group discussions.
Philemon K. Ndolo, Dr. Esther N. Mungai, Prof. Elegwa Mukulu
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the bulk of enterprises in Kenya currently standing at a population of over 7.5 million. They contribute about 80 percent of total employment and generate 92 percent of all new jobs in the country. In Kenya, SMEs contribute about 40 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Research has shown that in most countries, SMEs generate by far more employment opportunities than big companies or the public sector. Employment is the major source of livelihood globally. No wonder the search for employment is one of the greatest reasons that accounts for the Rural-Urban migration.
Lt Col (Dr) Manab Kosala, Surg Lt Cdr (Dr) Oliver Jacob, Maj (Dr) Krishna Prasad
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease. The hallmark feature of SLE is chronic inflammation that affects the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, serous membranes such as the pleura and pericardium, mucous membranes and other organs of the body. Oral lesions of lupus erythematosus show an array of clinical aspects and most affected sites are lips and buccal mucosa [1, 2]. This case report presents a clinical profile of a patient with SLE along with different oral lesions. This article highlights methods to recognize and manage the oral manifestations of this systemic disease.
Ahmed Giuma Omar Nser, Mohamed Giuma Nassar
In the business of financial institutions it was always necessary to get up risk management and in time much before the emergence of Information Systems. There was no idea the banks approval credit to someone without assessing how much risk they face, and whether they will be able to collect receivables. The development of information technology itself in individual periods was accelerated by the need for accurate and timely calculations by reducing risk. Financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, etc.) funded development and the improvement of information systems and some of the first systems are developed just for these needs.
Isa Sambo and Abuh Rafiu A
Large population displacements are now commonly presented as one of the most challenges of climate change. Recent forecasts and projections show areas that would be affected by such population movements are riverine, coastal and delta regions as well as low-lying islands. Climate change induced displacement brings about expanding urbanization that in turn weakens already vulnerable communities and people. This paper aimed to study climate change-induced displacement with emphasis on its drivers, challenges and mitigation measures.
OSUIZUGBO, Innocent Chigozie
Sustainable building or construction has become one of the major global practices of the 21st century. It has been observed that some of the developing countries in the west Africa such as Nigeria are yet to practice sustainable building. As the developed countries battles with measures of maintaining and improving the quality of life for its citizens and harmonize within the local climate, tradition, culture, also the environment in the region, this study examines the level of awareness of sustainable construction among the key stakeholders in the Nigerian construction industry. A descriptive survey design using data collection instrument such as questionnaire was adopted.
Kris Raymund A. Francisco, Lucille G. Detoyato
Non-union is still one of the most common complications in orthopaedic practice. One major problem with the diagnostic management of fracture non-union is the definition or the criteria of non-union. The objective of this study is to determine the reliability of the Radiographic Union Scale for Tibial Fractures (RUST) score when used to assess bone healing in patients with femoral fractures treated with intramedullary SIGN nailing. Six observers were employed randomly, namely, three fellow orthopaedic consultants from a pool of six consultants and three orthopaedic residents in a tertiary government hospital, to assess the femur radiographs treated with intramedullary SIGN nailing using the RUST.
Akude Seyram Kafui, Samuel Doetse Huagie, Richmond Stephen Sorkpor
The purpose of this study was to find out the reasons that militate against the participation of physically challenged students in physical education in an inclusive school setting. Though physically challenged students are to enjoy equal right as others, yet negative attitudes were meted to them by teachers, parents, students and the society.
Rufina S. Hamafyelto, Prof. Abubakar Hamman- Tukur, Prof. Stephen S. Hamafyelto
This study examined the utilization of Social Emotional Learning by Teachers in schools in Borno State. The study’s focus was on inclusive education. Social Emotional Learning is the acquisition of core competencies including one’s ability to recognise ones’ own emotions, set and achieve goals, recognise the emotions and perspectives of others, constructively, manage interpersonal situations including problem -solving and conflict resolution and maintain positive relationship with others. Inclusive education happens when children with and without disabilities are mainstreamed and taught together. The study focused on the Social Model of Disability. Many students receive special education and related services in a general education classroom where peers without disabilities also spend their days.
Susmita B, Darakhshinda Parween, V. Nikitha Reddy
At the moment Data is one of the most important assets for companies in every sector. The constant demand/growth in the importance and volume of data has resulted in a new problem: it cannot be solved by traditional analysis techniques. This problem was, therefore, handled through the invention of a new paradigm: Big Data. However, Big Data itself came up with new issues related not only to the volume or the variety of the data, but also to data security and privacy of each individual. Therefore, this paper will provide a survey on different privacy and security issues the big data is currently facing. The issues include privacy issues, management issues, integrity security, availability and confidentiality of data.
Ogwuegbu, H. O., Nwokorie, C. C., Umah, S. A., Okorie, C. N. and Alaedu, A. O
The increase of Prostate Specific Antigens levels and It’s effect on patient’s complete blood count was carried out in Okigwe Imo State. A total of 200 patients were examined Blood specimen was collected aseptically using standards microbiological laboratory techniques. The patients were examined for, prostate specific Antigen (PSA) (quantitative) and complete blood count (CBC) tests. Out of 200 patients tested for PSA level in study area, 119 (59.5%) patients were positive with PSA level of 4.0ng and above and 81(40.5) patients were negative with PSA level below 4.0 ng/ml. 71-80 years of age had the highest number of positive PSA of 45(21.0) while 21-30 years of age were all negative to PSA testing.
Sri Rahayuningsih, Indria Kristiawan
Solving mathematical problems is the focus of mathematics learning which develops students’ reasoning skill. This qualitative research aims at identifying the thinking process of students in solving comparison story questions. The subject of this research includes 6 students of Mathematics Education from Universitas Wisnuwardhana, Malang, East Java. The techniques of data collection are essay test and semi-structured interview. Resource triangulation technique is used as the analysis technique. According to the students’ work, the result shows that in solving comparison story questions for scale on map, there are 2 students used conceptual thinking process, 1 student used semi-conceptual thinking process, 1 student used intuitive thinking process, and 2 students used semi-conceptual and conceptual thinking process.
Rogers Rugeiyamu,Costantine Masanyiwa, Petro Nziku
Tanzania saw the significance of moving to local government financial decentralization from 1990s. Such commitment is evidenced on the policy paper on local government reform of October, 1998 which aimed towards the shared vision for local government in Tanzania, and the main strategy of achieving it was through decentralization by devolution. Tanzania has been implementing a particular vision from 2000s of which its part includes financial decentralization. The study assesses the implementation of Local Government financial decentralization in Tanzania engrossing on the discrepancy between theory and practice. It is the view of the study that, the implementation of Local Government financial decentralization in Tanzania still is passing into a difficult situation. Also, the study opines that, local government stakeholders need to rethink about the progress and commitments towards fully local government financial decentralization.
Aung Myint Aye, Saw Zaw Lin, Khet Khet Win
Radio wave propagation models are recently important for wireless network designer while designing the specific network design in definite regions, building and infrastructure. There may be some problems when using and designing indoor wireless network. It causes signal attenuation because of complex structure and infrastructure of building and other unwanted effect of carrier frequencies. To overcome these problems, nowadays the estimation of path losses becomes the main challenge. Moreover, while moving mobile objects move around the building and campus, the estimation of path loss values become more complex and hard to define.
The liver is the key organ notable for its sensitivity to a great variety of environmental factors. It is a reddish brown organ and are trilobed and the right lobe bear the gall bladder. It is composed of a parenchyma covered by a thin capsule of connective tissue. It is divided into irregular lobules by the exocrine pancrease or hepatopancrease, associated to connective tissue.
Md Murad Miah
The purpose of this study to explore the impact of job satisfaction toward organizational performance based on private sector in Kuching, East Malaysia. Basically, employee behavior is very crucial for the organization. Whilst employees are satisfied to their job then it facilitates them to motivate their job, as a result, organization can get extra-ordinary result from them. Consequently, most of the researcher want to pick out this topic to discover the job satisfaction and its relationship with organizational performance. The focal point in this study is to discover which type of satisfaction (intrinsic or extrinsic) employee more expect from organization. In addition, this research additionally identifies the job satisfaction based on gender, age categories and position of the job sector. Further, this research also spotlights what kind of events .
Williams, O.A., Ogunwande, O.A and Amao, A.O
In averting the menace of the adverse effects caused by the application of inorganic fertilizer to agricultural crops, there is the need to adopt the use of organic yield enhancers. One of such is the use of Moringa oleifera leaves, known to be in abundant supply especially in the South west, Nigeria. This study was conducted in the screen house of the Department of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Jericho, Ibadan, located on the latitude 07023N and longitude 03051E. The objective was to evaluate the potential of Moringa leaf extract (MLE) and frequency of application on increased maize productivity.
Garba Sahabi Adamu, Mustapha Ibrahim
The aim of this study was to assess the attitude and perception of female students towards Mathematics and determine the relationship of attitude to mathematics and career aspiration of female students. Four hundred and twenty five (425) SSII and SSIII students participated in the research. Questionnaire was used for data collection and the data collected was subjected to statistical analyses in SPSS using frequency, percentage, Pearson correlation and bivariate t test. A very weak positive correlation between female career aspiration and female students’ attitude to mathematics was observed (r = 0.004, p > 0.01). The results also revealed significant difference in the female attitude to mathematics and female career aspiration (t = 52.572, df = 424, p < 0.01). The aspiration of female students into Science and Technology was very low.
Mabia Khatun
This study explores the effect of financial literacy and parental socialization on savings behavior of university going students of Bangladesh. Savings is one of the crucial wheels of economic growth and university students are the future peddler of that wheel. Not only that, total number of university students are 872891 which is a handsome amount. So their savings habit is very significant for the economy. On the other hand recently student’s loan is very available but due to lack of financial knowledge students spend improperly and can’t save. But students are unaware of the effect of different factors which influence their savings behavior.
Myint Than Kyi, Lin Lin Naing
In this paper, well known Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in graph theory is used to calculate the maximum flow in water distribution pipeline network. The maximum flow problem is one of the most fundamental problems in network flow theory and has been investigated extensively. The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is a simple algorithm to solve the maximum flow problem and based on the idea of searching augmenting path from a started source node to a target sink node. It is one of the most widely used algorithms in optimization of flow networks and various computer applications. The implementations for the detail steps of algorithm will be illustrated by considering the maximum flow of proposed water distribution pipeline network in Pyigyitagon Township, Mandalay, Myanmar as a case study. The goal of this paper is to find the maximum possible flow from the source node s to the target node t through a given proposed pipeline network.
Dr. Neha Parashar, Ms. Farida Rasiwala
After the financial crises, it is evident that Bitcoin has emerged to be the most successful crypto currency since its appearance back in 2009.The success can be attributed primarily to its security robustness, along with two main properties ie anonymity and decentralization. The robust network of decentralized payment transactions has attracted a lot of attention among ecommerce users. This paper investigates whether bitcoin as an investment asset offers diversification benefits,more specific whether bitcoin has hedge or safe haven properties. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital cryptographic currency which has gone through and still goes through spectacular developments leading to a lot of media but also academic attention
Anggi Patra, M. Havidz Aima
The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the impact of organization culture and job satisfaction on organizational commitment, and its implementation on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) for employees of PT. Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk. This research is an explanatory survey quantitative research. Data were analyzed by the method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and processed using SmartPLS 3.2.7. The data used a questionnaire, with the number of respondents as much as 135 peoples. The results of this study indicate that: 1) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment to OCB, (2) job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment but does not have a direct effect on OCB, (3) organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on OCB, (4) organizational culture and job satisfaction simultaneously effect organizational commitment and (5) organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a simultaneous effect on OCB.
Steve Sarpong, Achille Dargaud Fofack
In developing countries, the health status of millions of kids is affected by financial problems arising from unexpected out-of-pocket health expenditures. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to assess the impact of health insurance on child health outcomes using a panel of 10 West African countries over the period from 2005 to 2015. After controlling for income, education and the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak experienced in the sub-region, it is found that the compulsory as well as the voluntary health insurance schemes significantly increase life expectancy at birth and significantly decrease both the under-five and the neonatal mortality rates. Therefore, it is recommended that public health authorities organize sensitization campaigns to educate the population and create awareness about the benefits of health insurance. They should also reinforce the compulsory health insurance scheme and create incentives for the development of the voluntary one.
Mukesh Kumar, R.S.Jhobta, D.K. Verma, Sandeep Rajta
Gallstone surgery by laparoscopic method is most commonly performed procedure worldwide. Now a days there is more and more trend towards minimally invasive procedure. Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) is becoming more popular in this field. First SILC was performed by Navarra et al1 in1997 through a single periumbilical skin incision. There were many modifications in SILC procedure also since then. Some authors have used few special devices such as designed SILSTM port Covidian), Triport TM , Single Site Laparoscopy Access System (Ethicon) and Gelpoint (Applied Medical System ) 2etc. Whereas, others have used specially desined instruments to shorten the learning curve.
Stephen S. Hamafyelto
The paper is a review on efforts needed to reposition University sports in Nigeria. If sports in Nigerian Universities will meet the global best practice, then attempts must be made upgrade sport facilities in Nigerian Universities. Provide coaches with the requisite training and certification. The Nigerian University Games Association being the umbrella organisation for University sports must organize sports in division level. The greatest challenge for sports growth which has to do with sponsorship and branding has to be pursued with utmost vigor and determination. Private and corporate organisation must come to the aid of University Sports by carrying out their corporate social responsibility through building of sports facilities.
Ganjar Satrio Nugroho, M. Havidz Aima
The purposes of this study is to examine and analyze the influences of transformational leadership and compensation to employee performance on their motivation and the implementation at X institution. The primary research data is surveys, and secondary data are performance values and interview results. Saturated sampling as a sampling method in this study, the subjects were taken from all employees at X Institution consits of 93 people. The analytical method in this study is using the SmartPLS software there is variant based structural analysis (SEM) that can simultaneously test to measurement model and target the structural model.
Rizky Pratama, M. Havidz Aima
The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the impact of compensation and employee engagement to organizational commitment and the implementation for employee performance at PT XYZ Jakartas offices. There were 84 respondents. Data collection is done by using a questionnaire. Path analysis (using smartPLS3.0) and matrix correlation among variable dimension were applied (using SPSS24).
Ei Ei Wai Myo Win, Aung Ko Win, Aung Myat San
The goal is to build and stabilize a robot balancing on twin balls. The robot consists of six omni wheels in a special configuration standing on twin balls which gives it inverse pendulum dynamics. The robot is stabilized by rotating the wheels which makes it move in the xy-plane. First, the kinematics of omni wheels was investigated by studying different mounting configurations on platforms moving on the ground. The robot was built to verify and visualize the kinematics and special properties of omni wheels. The model is derived from energy equations and using Euler-Lagrange formulation. The energy equations are potential and kinetic energies. The obtained equations relate torque to Twin Spherical Balls Robot parameters.
Juan Rodrigo B. del Villar, DM
Globalization is inevitable and Philippines as a member of ASEAN regard this reality of economic integration and interdependence. HEI’s have raised concerns regarding graduate preparedness as part of the free flow of skilled labor and are now up on their heels to meet the demand and the issue of employability of the graduates has been a significant topic. The challenges of acquiring employment of graduates after graduation mainly due to the skills gap acquired from training and demanded by the employers. The study concluded that the higher the emotional self-control, the better would be the chances of gaining employability skills.
Dr. Weje, Ikezam Innocent, Worahu, Faithful Ndukueze
Building livable and sustainable cities has become one of the imperatives of modern planning more so that the rate of world’s urbanization is now on the increase especially among the less developing nations. There is also a renewed concern that improving the quality of life and livability of urban dwellers is no longer a simple matter of ‘bricks and mortar’, but a matter of human satisfaction with different urban attributes. Building livable cities and neighborhoods are also hinged on the fact that urban designs and structures can be very influential in the life of a city, its dwellers and indeed to the building of community itself. The present study examined the Quality of Life (QOL) and livability in selected neighborhood s in Port Harcourt with a view to highlighting the factors that predict quality of life and livability in the study area.
Denisse V. Diaz, Toni M. Didona, and Martha M. Armengol
Nowadays organizations are expecting much more from their employees as a consequence of the industry evolution. Higher demands and requirements have impacted the well-being of employees increasing the levels of occupational stress. The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in response to occupational stress and to investigate the use and effectiveness of coping strategies. An online survey was distributed containing demographic questions, instruments assessing physical and psychological symptoms along with questions inquiring physical activity, overall stress, and coping strategies. A total of 114 participants from various job levels (males = 46, females = 68) completed the survey.
Nikita Mishra, Er. Indu Bhusan Bhagat, Yogendra Kumar Jyoti
The hydraulic ram pump is a simple durable pump that can be used to deliver water from one source to another. The pump has the following characteristics flow, drive that is how much water is available to run the pump; drive head is the drop from the water level in the drive tank to the pump; delivery flow is the amount of water flowing into the delivery tank while the delivery head is the height from the pump up to the delivery tank. The normal operation range of this pump is 0.5 to10 litres/minute. The ram pumps are durable and either made from iron casting or welded steel pipe. The readily available local materials have been used to build the pump. No electricity or any power fuel is required to run the pump, therefore, it is less expensive to own and operate.
Mayda, Santy Batubara; Supriadi, Fenni and Yulian, Ryani
The objective this study is to empirically test the fundamental analysis whether it can be used as a strategy in making investment decisions in the capital market. The method of this study is using secondary data. The analysis is done fundamentally and compares the intrinsic vale through the Price Earning Ratio approach to market value on close price. The results of this study show that the condition of the sectoral company stock index is in the "overvalued" category based on fundamental analysis, because intrinsic value is lower than market value, that mean investors should not make transactions or "no buy" in 2018 year.
Mohammed Deresse, Kidus Yosef, Brihan Aebra
Background: worldwide three quarters of cervical cancer cases occur in developing countries where programmes for screening and treatment are seriously deficient. Ethiopia has a population of 29.43 million women over the ages 15 years and older who are at risk of developing cervical cancer. About 4,732 cervical cancer deaths occur annually in Ethiopia.
Ghazaly Ama La Nora
This research is entitled the political-economic practice discourse in the media industry through developing headline about the 2014 Republic of Indonesia Presidential election campaign on the Media Indonesia newspaper. The purpose of this study is to dismantle the political-economic practice discourse in the media industry through developing headline about the 2014 Republic of Indonesia Presidential election campaign on the Media Indonesia newspaper.
M P Jiandani, Ketaki Sant
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. It is paramount that the resting blood pressure is within normal limits for safe prescription of exercise. Burst TENS on peripheral vascular resistance implies a sympathetic inhibition which results in peripheral vasodilatation which results in lower blood pressure. Sixty patients of either gender of 30-65 years diagnosed as essential hypertension were recruited for the study. The patients in experimental group received Burst TENS and in control group received Sham TENS for 30 minutes. Pre - post blood pressure measurements were noted inboth the groups and compared for statistical significance. The exercise blood pressure response to six minute walk test was studied with and without
Ida Idewa Agung Willy Pramana, Amin Setyo Laksono, Sasmito Djati
Indonesia categorized as a mega biodiversity country, with 25% of the species in the world. Because of that, awareness about conservation is urgent, especially for youngster as the next country hope. Lately Social Media has become a trend among youngster. They use it every time and everywhere. Some studies in Indonesia mostly still view social media as marketing advice. In fact, social media also plays an important role in regulating the perceptions of the people who come to the ecotourism site both from the content or the ease of access.
Md Masum Billah, Prof. Dr. H. Ulrich Hoppe, Dr. Tobias Hecking
In video-based tutoring systems, users can ask the questions and receive the answers from the system and aim at facilitating a learner in video-based learning. i.e., while watching a tutorial video, the users can enter a question (or some keywords) and re-trieve potential helpful comments from the Q/A threads of Khan Academy tutorial videos using the textual overlap between the query and possible answers. It helps to find comments answer regarding tutoring systems. Moreover, this system itself is related to tutoring systems. It can be used to query Khan Academy comments according to some given keywords.
Nguyen Thanh Long, Mai Viet Van, Dang Thi Phuong, Tran Dac Dinh and Naoki Tojo
The study on the fishing activities of trawlers and gillnets was conducted from May to October 2018 in Kien Giang province. The results showed that the trawlers and gillnets had highest number of fishing boats and yields. Trawlers and gillnets have been operated whole year round. The main fishing season of trawlers was from October to coming April and from April to August for the gillnets. The fishing capacity of trawling boats (47.8±24.6 HP) was much larger than that of gillnets boats (26.6±11.4 HP).
Background to the Study: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of herpesvirus family. It is the most genetically complex viral pathogen of humans and now the commonest congenital form of infective neurological handicap recognized by the institute of medicine as the leading priority for the developed world in congenital infection. HCMV infection among women of reproductive age especially those that are pregnant can lead to congenital abnormalities and is often associated with serious complications such as microcephaly, mental retardation, deafness and spastic paralysis. This study was done to determine the seroprevalence rate of HCMV infection and its associated risk factors among women of reproductive age in three selected hospitals in Zaria metropolis, Kaduna State.
Dr. Melake Tewolde, Merhawi Weldeyohannes
Following their independence, Sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries started with high hopes for rapid economic growth, eradication of poverty and socio-economic transformation that will culminate into high quality of life of their population. However, poverty is increasingly assuming an African face. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 75% of the world’s poor people. Fifty-four percent of the population in SSA is multi-dimensionally poor. The overall objective of the paper is analyzing the main drivers of poverty and policy implications for achieving sustainable development goals by 2030. The main drivers of poverty in Sub- Sahara Africa are (i) Lack of broad-based growth. (ii) High income inequalities (iii) rapid population growth. (iv) Lack of capabilities and deprivation of basic necessities for large segments of the population. (v) High external debt burden and debt services. (vi) Low productivity of rural population. (vi) Political instability, conflicts and bad governance.
Awejok Youhana Daniel Ngor, Ying Liu
The industrialization can be traced back almost 5,000 years ago to Mesopotamian writings describing daily rations of beer and bread to workers. Before the rise of modern breweries, the production of beer took place at home and was the domain of women as baking and brewing were seen as women’s work (Schlimm J, 2005). Breweries as production facilities reserved for making beer did not emerge until monasteries and other Christian institutions started producing beer not only for their own consumption, but also for sale. The industrialization of brewing shifted the responsibility of making beer to men. The oldest, but still functioning brewery in the world is believed to be in German state, owned by Weihenstephan, brewery in the city of Freising, Bavaria. It’s history goes back to 1040 AD this was disputed by the nearby Weltenbug Abdey brewery whose history could be traced back to its beer brewing tradition to at least 1050 AD, the Zatec brewery in the Czech Republic ( Schlimm J.2005).
Kelvin Tak Yiu Leung, Christopher Nguyen, John Pearson
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a critical component in the delivery of quality healthcare services. Being the first line of professionals to respond and evacuate patients to hospitals, paramedics play a major role in influencing the short term and long term health outcomes the clients with traumatic injuries. In this case, there is need to continuously empower paramedics them with up to date skills and knowledge, to enhance their competence in the profession, through continuous professional education and research in emergency medical services.
Mei Yin Ong, Saifuddin Nomanbhay
A 1 kW, 2.45 GHz multi-mode microwave reactor with continuous power supply was designed in order to conduct the non-catalytic transesterification for biodiesel production. The microwave source used in this reactor is magnetron and it is equipped with a temperature probe and pressure gauge for continuous monitoring purpose. Besides, the electric field and temperature distribution within the reactant medium (mixture of palm oil and dimethyl carbonate) under the microwave irradiation was investigated using a commercial finite element method (FEM) software, COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1. Maxwell’s equations and heat transport equation are coupled to describe the microwave heating process.
Selma J. Shehab
Backwind: No doubt that occupations are associated with different safety concerns in all work fields, uniquely health care organizations, have the stock of workers who are more exposed to dangers from the different jobs. Therefore, the role of perception in strengthening and changing behaviors and concepts as general. This study focuses on evaluating management perception of the occupational health and safety measures used within a hospital in AL- Najaf city. Methodology: A descriptive analytic design cross sectional study was carried out in al-Najaf City hospitals (AL-Sadder Medical City, AL-Forat AL-Awsat teaching hospital, AL-Zahra’a teaching hospital, AL-Hakeem teaching hospital and AL-Sajad hospital) from October 8th 2017 to September 16th 2018.
Kofi Baah-Bentum
This paper analyzes the problem of sanitation on University campuses in Ghana after clearly explaining what sanitation means. Its purpose is to equip the reader with every knowledge needed to initiate actions towards improving sanitation on tertiary campuses in Ghana and possibly in other developing countries.
Kofi Baah-Bentum
This paper seeks to delve into the institutional advancement option of raising third-stream income for universities in Ghana, highlighting the benefits, road map, challenges and the recommendations that would see the efficient and effective operation of the advancement options for universities in the ever-increasing competitive world.
Ledisi G. Kabari, Onwuka C. Ugochukwu
Routers have enhanced the way network devices communicate with each other in today’s modern age. This comparative analysis aims to determine the effectiveness of different routing algorithm with convergence time being the key performance indicator by simulating a fairly large network with Riverbed Modeler academic edition. It was concluded that the router information protocol, RIP which implements the direct vector algorithm is the performing and slowest for the simulated relatively fairly large network.
Onwuka C. Ugochukwu
The concept of the internet started over 50 years ago when computers filled the entire room, today it is an ubiquitous information infrastructure, the initial prototype of what J. C. R. Licklider called the inter-galactic computer network Its history is complex and involves many aspects – technological, organizational, and community; its influence reaches not only to the technical field of computer communications but throughout society. Categorizing internet into different generations seeks to give us a microscopic view of what the internet was, what its now and its future. The internet generation is divided into four (4) guided by its usage, number of users, technology, protocols device used and transmission technology.
Eng. Sanaa A. Alsalameh, Eng. Mohamed F. Ababeneh
Recently, effective management of supply chain in clinical laboratories has been an emerging interest. This paper aims to investigate a Logistic Management Information System (LMIS) coupled with Radio frequency identification (RFID) to improve data collection, analysis and decision making during each phase of laboratories supply chain. The proposed model promotes to reduce cost, decrease delivery time and standardize the total process.
Aminu Muhammed Audu, O.B. Oloche, F.H. Tobins, I.D. Muhammad
The provision of water supply in most of the nations of the World is an obligation of the government but in some African countries especially Nigeria, the responsibility has shifted to the citizenry. Most of the structures used by some household to support their tanks to provide gravity flow of water have failed prematurely. In some cases, excessive materials have been used in the construction leading to high cost. This paper analyses and optimizes such supporting structures used by the most household. Patran/Nastran software was used for the analyses and optimization because of its efficiency. It was discovered that the final mass of water tanks (of capacity 2 cubic meters and 3 cubic meters) dropped from 1107.64Kg to 891.16Kg while that of 2 cubic meters and 5 cubic meters dropped from 1107.16Kg to 962.59Kg. The design is hereby recommended for domestic use as it will definitely reduce costs and eliminate waste of materials to the barest minimum.
Most. Sangida Rahman
Globalization and Good governance both are important issues in the modern time. This study has been conducted to provide the understanding of globalization impact on good governance at the local government in Bangladesh. Based on secondary sources, the study findings suggest that present local government structure is not suitable for coping globalization opportunities that helps to ensure good governance. Local governance will be more strong through the component of good governance. Globalization spreads technology and local government activities can be more transparent with the help of technology. The study also discusses the challenging issues which create obstacles in ensuring good governance in local government.
Melesse Etifu, Yeshihareg Afera and Kassahun Trueha
Cross-sectional study design was applied from March 2017 to February 2018 to determine the prevalence rate of mastitis at quarter and cow level in smallholder dairy farms in selected area of Gurage zone, South Ethiopia. Various correlated animal and environmental factors to mastitis were also investigated. Among 333 totally investigated lactating cows (75 zebu and 256 cross breeds), overall prevalence of mastitis at cow level was found to be 199 (59.8%) of which 62(31.2%) and 137(68.8%) were identified as positive for clinical and subclinical forms of mastitis respectively.
Dr. Idakwoji, S. P, Dr. Ojomah, B. , Dr.Usman, Y. P, Dr. Orokpo, O. F. E
One major security and developmental challenge that has attracted much national discourse in the recent past is the conflict between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of the country. The crisis has become a recurring decimal, especially in Kogi State and indeed a time bomb, which appears not to have been given the desired national attention by government at all levels. Irked by the bizarre dimension herdsmen/farmers conflicts have taken in Nigeria in recent time and Kogi State in particular, this research was carried out with a view to proffering solutions that could arrest the ugly situation and prevent it from becoming a monster like Boko Haram crisis.
Dr. Balwinder Kaur
This paper presents the effects of multilevel marketing on relationships and friendships in India. The paper describes what multilevel marketing is, where did it originate from, the way people approach customers and how the customers feel about it. Multilevel marketing is used for product distribution through independent distributors. This paper will also look into the type of mediums these distributors use and how effective each one is in selling their products.
Dr. Muhammad Faisal Bashir, Tanveer Ul Hassan, Dr. Sara Abdul Ghani, Bilal Umar, Danish Malik, Shoaib Waris, Dr. Salih Ehsan, Khalid Hussain
Background: Anemia of pregnancy primarily affects women of low socioeconomic status. Globally, by WHO (World Health Organization) criteria, 52% of pregnant women from undeveloped or developing countries are anemic compared with 20% from industrialized nations. Heterozygous β-thalassemia (β-thalassemia trait; β-TT), caused by the inheritance of a single β-thalassemia allele, either β0 or β+, is an important cause of anemia. More importantly, however, its diagnosis is important for the prevention of beta thalassemia major.
Objective: To compare Pap, Modified Pap and Gram stained cervico-vaginal smears in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in women to establish if Modified Pap was a suitable alternative to Pap method.
B .O Adinna, C.M.O Nwaiwu, C. Chijioke
In this work 12mm maximum size sedimentary rock aggregate from Nkwere-Ezunaka in Anambra State, Nigeria, was studied in order to determine its suitability for structural concrete production as it has very visible silt content. In so doing sieve analysis test was conducted on the sample of aggregate. The strength of the concrete for a predetermined number of mix proportions was obtained and a mathematical model formed, and optimized.
Thi Thi Htun
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the best known NP-hard problems. It is also a classic tour problem in which a hypothetical salesman must find the most efficient sequence of destinations in his territory, stopping only once at each, and ending up at the initial starting location. To handle with this problem there is no suitable algorithm that solves it in polynomial time. Many algorithms were applied to solve TSP with more or less success. There are many ways to classify algorithms, each with its own merits. This paper is a review on various algorithms like Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) available with respective attributes to find the nearest optimal solution for the traveling salesman problem. It also relates the traveling salesman problem with the available algorithms and provides the advantages in providing a solution for TSP.
Mawahib Ahmd Elsiddig ,Yasir Musa Mahadi, Ekhlas Husien Mohamed, Salah Eltom Alamin, Ali Ismaeil Abed Alrahim, Nayla E Haroun, Amani Hamed Eltayeb, Yasin Mohamed Ibraheem
The study was carried out at the field dodder (Cuscuta spp.) in Khartoum and Gezira states, to study variation between 28 samples of it in two States using DNA Markers (RAPD). Four primers were used (OPAL15, OPAL18, OPB17 and OPAL20) to amplify the genomic DNA of 28 samples of Cuscuta spp. Two primers (OPB17, OP AL20) showed high percentage (100%) to amplify the genomic DNA polymorphism bands, while the other two primers (OPAL15, OPAL18) were produced (91.7%) polymorphism bands. UPGA analysis showed RAPD Distance Matrix range (0.10-0.98) which reflected high genetic diversity.
A.M.M. Irfeey, G.Y. Jayasinghe, S.Prabagar
Fabric waste reduction strategies formulation, especially maximum utilization and unnecessary waste reduction strategies are certainly valuable for textile industries to acquire the maximum waste reduction and profit. This study formulated the best fabric waste reduction strategies for unnecessary fabric wastes generating places of the woven cloth production while performing the fabric waste audit for a single product of a selected style bottom within a boundary of a woven manufacturing industry.
Omole, O.E., Olatunji, A.O., Oyetunji-Alemede, C.O
This study investigated the relationship between socio-demographic variables and organisational commitment among academic staff of southwestern Nigerian universities. A descriptive research design was used in this study. The sample consisted of 766 (comprising 383 from federal, 153 from state and 230 from private) academic staff, selected from the sampling frame through proportionate stratified sampling technique.Data collected were analysed using the Crosstab Chi-Square. Results revealed that that there is a statistical significant association between university type and organisational commitment; years in present university and organisational commitment; age and organisational commitment. On the other hand, there is no statistical significant association between job status and organisational commitment; gender and organisational commitment; marital status and organisational commitment.
Dr.Priya Jaiswal,Dr.RajeshVenunath,Dr.Raghuraj U,Dr.Lathika Shetty,DrVenkataTejaswi
Primary spinal cord germinoma are rare group of tumors. Most commonly seen in thoracic spine and thoracolumbar spine as intramedullary mass.On imaging primary spinal germ cell tumors showsunspecific imaging characteristics, and only few tumors secrete markers. Histopathologyexamination can give us the specific diagnosis.Here we present a case of a 2-year-old male with intramedullary spinal cord germinoma who presented to our department with history of fall followed by swelling over the back with bowel and bladder incontinence and loss of lower limb strength.
Rwigema Pierre Celestin, Prof. Mike A. Iravo, Prof. Gregory Namusonge
The purpose of the study was to find out the moderating effect of political leadership in electoral processes and political stability in East Africa Community States. This study adopted a quantitative approach of both descriptive and correlation designs. The target population consisted of 123 individuals working within the electoral commissions of different EAC Countries and the EAC Legislative Assembly. Primary data were collected using self-administered questionnaire. The study used primary data, which was collected using questionnaires.
Muhammad Yakubu, ShafiuAdamu
There is a need of door learning due to the too much expensive for traveling from one location to another is becoming a challenges, when you’re offering an online course you can continues your own schedules without hangings with too much stress around you. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) was established to offer an online education to learner’s in an organizational setting.Whenever a new technology is deployed, it is necessary to evaluate its success, so as to understand if its’ embraced by the users. In this context, this study aimed at Examine the perception of e-learners on the efficiency and reliability of the NOUN e-learning platform from the ‘quality’ point of view.
SweSwe Win, Wut Yi Win, Theingi
An efficient traffic control system is an important issue to reduce the traffic congestion. In this research, area based traffic control system is implemented for four-way intersection by using image processing techniques. This system is a vehicle-actuated signal type control system such that traffic cycle time can be varied and related to the actual demands by traffic. The CCTV traffic video file at a station in Mandalay is utilized as the input for the image processing. The amount of vehicles bounded on the road is estimated and defined as the traffic area with the numbers of pixels.
Me Me Ko, Kyaw Thiha, Theingi
In this research, a differential drive wheeled mobile robot which can automatically track the trajectories was designed by using the fuzzy logic controller. The motion task of the mobile robot is motion through the points. When the user gives the desired point’s position (x, y, θ) from PC, the position error and orientation error are derived. The position error and orientation error is sent as input to the fuzzy controller and then the required velocity is given to the motor depending to the position and orientation angle between the start point and desired point. Based on the electrical section, PIC16F887 microcontroller, motor driver, magnetic encoder DC motor and LCD are mainly used.
Undugodage Dulanjali Rodrigo, Bulathsinhalage Gayani Kanchana Perera
Different plant extracts of Carica papaya (papaya) peels were investigated for their antioxidant capacity (AOC), antibacterial activity, antidiabetic activity and concentration of carotenoids content. An investigation was carried out to identify the best extraction conditions to obtain a suitable extract that can be used to formulate a fish feed with important bioactivities. Three different papaya peel drying methods and a suitable solvent to use with the maceration technique was tested. According to the UV-Visible spectra of the extracts, the highest percentage of carotenoids was obtained for the ethyl acetate extract of air-dried sample (5.4 µg/mL).
Ajayi, O. O, Balogun, O. B, Oriowo-Olaleye, M1and Faturoti M. O
Fried cheese locally called Wara gets spoiled when attacked by pathogenic bacteria, as a result of poor hygiene practice by the producer and handlers. Wara samples were bought in Ilesha at Atakumosa market square Osun-state. This research was designed to isolate and enumerate microorganisms using standard microbial methods, proximate composition and the nutritional composition of boiled local and fried cheese (wara). Proximate analysis was carried out to determine nutritional composition. Klebsiella species and Esherichia coli Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus species, Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, Streptococcus species, Clostridium species and Lactobacillus species were isolated using standard technique.
Mildred Achieng’ Onyango, Dr. Elizabeth Odhiambo, Dr. James Ogone
The image of youth characters portrayed in South African literature has traditionally focused on their manifest responses to the political issues of the different moments of the country’s history, with little attention on the interiority of the concerned individuals’ being. Unlike their counterparts in the apartheid regime, the post-apartheid generation of youth has lived in a supposedly freer environment, yet some have continually exhibited errant behaviour. Guided by the theory of psychoanalysis, this study investigated other possible psychological drives behind such behavior against the background of the prevailing post-apartheid environment of the selected novels.
Ali Trawnih, Kamal Bechkoum
The aim of this study is to identify the technological related factors impacting the readiness of the people in the Jordan to adopt E-government at the municipality level. To this end, through using extended form of technology acceptance model (TAM) a research framework was conceptualized that resulted in the identification of eight factors influencing E-Readiness of people in the Jordan. Those eight factors included perceived ease of usefulness (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), compatibility, trust, social influence, cultural influence, voluntarism and facilitating conditions. 200 responses were collected from the people in the Jordan through using online survey.
SitiNorfauzianaBintiMohdSah, MohanavadivuSubramaniam, MelorMdYunus, ParilahMd Shah
21stcentury educational pedagogy emboldens the facilitationof learning with a range of digital technologies. Integration of technology encourages and provides opportunities for learners to think critically and creatively.Thus, language teaching is also employing initiatives to be part of the technological advancement especially in teaching ESL. In line to that, emergence of various digital tools requires educators to identify the suitability and acceptance among the learners to ensure the effectiveness of the integration. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the students’s acceptance of using Piclits as a digital tool to help them enhance their writing skill. Hence, this study employed a survey design distributed to 32 Year 4 pupils in a primary school in Selangor.
Joseph Habulezi, Kefilwe P.J.Batsalelwang, Goitse B. Ookeditse
The purpose of this study was to investigate the orientation and mobility of female students with visual impairment at two secondary schools in Kgatleng District in Botswana. The following research questions guided the study: How is the mobility of female students with visual impairment in the schools? How do female students with visual impairment interact to access different places in various environments? What factors enable or hinder the mobility of students with visual impairment?
The achievement of students in Physics in Nigeria has been generally poor as compared to other subjects. This study was initiated to analyze the achievement of University of Jos remedial students in Physics and to establish the factors that lead to the poor achievement. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study.The target population was all the remedial students and lecturers for 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 sessions.
Kifle Zerga, Birhanu Tsegaye and Mekonen Gebru
In participatory varietal selection farmers have the opportunity to select varieties of their own preference based on selection criteria in their own fields. In the present experiment, eight released bread wheat varieties were tested in 2016/17 main cropping season at YeYefereziye research site which is located in Cheha district of Gurage zone, Ethiopia. The objective of the experiment was to identify bread wheat variety by participating the farmers using their own criteria. Pair-wise ranking result performed by farmers showed that Alidoro is top ranked and first selected variety followed by ETBW5879 and Millan. According to direct matrix ranking technique, grain yield and disease resistance were very important criteria for selection of bread wheat variety by the farmers. Statistically, the analysis of variance showed that the genotypes differed highly significantly (p≤0.01) in spike length, plant height, spikes per spike, days to heading and days to maturity.
N.S.Amadi and OSIA N.P.
The study examined“Effects of Agricultural Education on Subsistence Farmers’ Crop Production in Ogba//Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State’’. The objectives were to determine the impacts of agricultural education on crop production; ascertain the influence of agricultural education on crop farmers’ adoption of innovation and determine the factors that hinder agricultural education from making maximum effect on subsistence farmers in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni L.G.A. The study adopted a descriptive survey design.
Radmila Vilma Getman
One of the generally accepted indicators of the achieved economic development of one country and quality the life of its inhabitants represents the Gross Domestic Product expressed per capita, expressed in US dollars, taking into account the relative value of purchasing power of the national currency. It was precisely this indicator that served to categorize countries, by methodology World Economic Forum, according to the level of economic development of: highly developed countries, the countries of the middle level of development and the country of lower development.
B.A. Jinjiri, M.Garandawa, R.Sabo, A.U. Mustapha
Analysis of Microbial action in waste management and control involves the use of diverse microorganisms such as protozoa, Algae, Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses that involved in waste management and then followed by waste categorization and characterization; Domestic waste, Agricultural waste, Electronic waste and scrap metals, Industrial waste and medical waste. The strategies identified for waste management include: Composting, Landfills, Waste water treatment and microorganism as well as primary treatment, secondary treatment and bioremediation. Finally, it has been find out that microorganisms are used to remedy environmental problems or waste management and control as part of recent advancement in biotechnology known as bioremediation.
Jack, Ihechi Florence
The study examined strategies of funds management for national cohesion and global competitiveness in universities in Rivers State. Two research questions were answered. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised three hundred (300) non-academic staff from the three universities in Rivers State. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 160 non-academic staff representing 53% drawn from the total population of 300 non-academic staff across the three universities in Rivers State.
Rina J. Arcigal
An Extension Service on Computer Servicing as implemented by the College of Engineering of Laguna State Polytechnic University, Santa Cruz Campus in the community of Victoria and Liliw Laguna is described in this paper.
Carolyne Otieno Wakoli
Media has brought about a major transformation in the way people think. It has given people an excellent platform to present themselves before the world and contribute in their own way to the changing world scenario. However, mass media obviously has effects on school children, more specifically, the violent content that are aired in the television or cinemas.
Carolyne Otieno Wakoli
The media serves the function of connecting people and therefore has an enormous effect on people’s attitudes and behaviours. It is a contributor to socialization process. Media is the major source of information especially news, education, entertainment, fashion and trends. It can also be used for changing people’s attitudes and behaviours. The globalization and propagation of media are among the key factors that have defined and shaped the current generation of young people.
Carolyne Otieno Wakoli
Problem behaviours among secondary school going population world over are of concern to educators, counselors and psychologists and stakeholders. It is a multifaceted and a complex school problem that is manifested in various forms. Problem behavior is of concern because of its potential at the adolescent stage to undermine the achievement of both personal and national developmental goals. It emerges from the several studies that problem behaviors commonly occur in secondary schools.
Frixcl Mia Arcillas, Gweneth Laverne Diaz, Arlie Mae Agonia, Jerald C. Moneva
Parents are one of the essential elements to a childs achievements. In accordance to the studies of development of a childs personality, the child-parent relationship has a major influence on most aspects of childs development. The study is titled "Parents Involvement towards the Studies of their Learners" this is on Quantitative design; it aims to know the level of parents involvement and relationship between their students’ performance in school
Wameedh Hamid Shaker, Ahmed Burhan Abdulameer, Mansour Abdullah Falah
Objective: To find out Association between serum bilirubin and oxygen saturation for newborn in Al Zahraa teaching Hospital the governorate of Najaf. Methodology the study covered cohvienance sample of (60) newborn in the present study individual in the sample was interviewed using a specific questionnaire form. The present study in order to achieve the early stated objectives for period from February 2017 to March 2017. Conclusion The overall of serum bilirubin major under study is reduced. The overall assessment of oxygen saturation is slightly affected, serum bilirubin with oxygen saturation SO2 non- significant. There is effect of the demographic characteristics on the overall assessment. Recommendation the future study association between breast milk and jaundice. The demographics and correlates of serum bilirubin levels. Educational program about breast feeding.
Goshwe, N.Y, Igwue G.A and Kureve, D.T
"This paper presents a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control that makes use of fuzzy logic for switching a single-ended primary-inductor (SEPIC) converter for harvesting power from a photovoltaic (PV) system. The proposed FLC MPPT is presented at varying irradiances of 1000, 900, 700 and 500 W/m2 and varying temperatures of 30, 25, 20 and 18oC respectively. The SEPIC converter has a voltage output of 58.70 V for 1000 W/m2 at 18oC and the PV panel has power output at 407.7 W over 1000 W/m2 and 18oC.
The fuzzy controller for the SEPIC MPPT scheme shows good current transition and keeps the voltage constant within the acceptable limits, in variable temperatures and irradiances.
Sogbaike C.O, Sogbaike A.S, Oguchi .E, Ahoro .O, Edafeadhe Godspower
Fares are usually calculated according to a combination of distance and waiting time, and are measured by a fare meter. This solves the arbitrary charging of passengers boarding taxi and different point. The fare meter consist of speed sensor, microcontroller (PIC 16F86A), power supply unit, display unit and input buttons to set the amount per unit distance. The speed sensor picks up signal from the rotating gear wheel which is interfaced with the microcontroller to compute the corresponding distance. The multiplication unit of cost per meters is (NAIRA) N 1.50 per meter, this provides the fare rate.
Abdullah Bora Özkara
The aim of this study is to review a literature survey on disabled recreation research. Recreation research in people with disabilities has become very popular in recent years. In parallel with the changing living conditions, the increase in the sensitivity towards people with disabilities has been reflected in the researches on this subject. Support for the promotion of recreational activities for people with disabilities can be considered as one of the most important results of these studies. According to World Health Organization data, the number of people with disabilities in the world increased in recent years. This increase reveals that societies should review their policies related to people with disabilities. We need to create suitable living conditions for people with disabilities to know that they feel free in society. One of the most important ways to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities is the creation of appropriate recreational areas. From this point of view, this research consisted of a literature survey which was prepared by reviewing the researches about the participation of people with disabilities in recreation. This study was designed according to content analysis method and used in Ebsco databases. The research is designed to contribute to the promotion of recreational activities in the handicapped.
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