IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Amine, J.D.; Injor, O.M. and Ilonze, E.F.
Measurements of background, idle, and production noise generated during production activities of plain turning, drilling, boring, and threading on the Lathe; flat, keyway, rectangular grove, and Tee slot on Shaper; facing, plain milling, slot, gear, and threading on the Milling Machine; sheet metal, plat bar, angle iron drilling on the Pillar Drill machine; solid shaft, sheet metal, square pipe, angle iron, and stainless steel grinding on the Pedestal Grinder; and sheet metal, flat bar, square pipe, and angle iron grinding on the Angle Grinding Machine, were carried out at Engineering workshop of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi. Noise dosimeter and sound level meter with model 2310 SL and IEC 61672 type-2 factory calibrated with a resolution of 0.1dB were used.