IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Soe Myat, San Nyein Khine
The dye sensitizer plays an important role of absorption photons in the ultra-violet, visible and infrared regions of solar spectrum. So, the dye sensitizer has to be broad absorption band, non-toxicity, stability and good matching of HOMO/LUMO levels of the dye with the bottom edge of conduction band of semiconductor and the redox potential of electrolyte. It is necessary to make the good chemical bonding between the semiconductor and the dye for effective electron transfer. In this work, the optical properties of natural dyes extracted from the leaves of Henna, Teak and Burmese iron-wood have been studied by UV-VIS spectroscopy to improve the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cell. The band-gap energies of dye solutions are about 1.8 eV.