Kitila Alemayehu Mijena, Jianfu Zhao2, Sha Lu, Tao Wang, Kitila Gizachew Mijena
Waste management is an environmental challenge for many countries around the world. Management of municipal solid waste is especially critical for cities in the developing world, mainly because of insufficient municipal institutional capability, low bureaucratic competence, and poorly developed infrastructure. Fast urbanization in the developing world has led to increasing generation beyond the capacity that the cities can collect, transport, dispose, and handle the adverse impacts. In this study, an assessment of integrated solid waste management (ISWM) practice was conducted in Adama City, Oromia, Ethiopia, one of the rapidly urbanizing cities in the country. However, the city has been threatened by difficulties in delivering proper solid waste management (SWM) service effectively and efficiently.
K.E. Karunakaran, M.F.M. Marsook, A.L.M Rifky
Eastern University, a state owned University in Sri Lanka, had experienced many misbehavior activities of students range from involvement as a group in assaulting students, gathering to demonstrate against administration without following instruction of the Universities, gathering to block or obstacle the function of the universities. The higher authority of the university has to identify and analyze the factors behind the misbehavior activities. Therefore, a questionnaire was developed using the information such as study environment in the hostels, canteen facilities inside the hostels, communication ability of the Sub wardens, professional counseling by Student Counselors, and availability of Academic Sub Wardens in hostels.
Ireneo S. Pelayo, M.E. S.
This paper does a comparative analysis of the two major characters in the story, Muddy Road. On a higher note, it endeavors to expound truths in life that the two characters represent. More so, it seeks to determine the values drawn from the truths the story communicates to the readers. Detailed discussion focuses on the similarities and differences exhibited by the two monks through their actions as well as their speech. Tanzan and Ekido are both monks belonging to the same religious order who are confronted with a situation that puts to the test their being such. Zs their law provides, they are prohibited from coming in contact with people, especially women. In the story, Tanzan helps a pretty girl in silk kimono cross a muddy road, By so doing, he breaks their law. A closer look atTanzan’s character shows him to be the type of person who could extend genuine kindness to people who need it even if it goes to the extent of breaking their law. Ekido’s character on the other hand is seen as the epitome of hypocrisy and malice . Outwardly, he did keep their law by not extending a helping hand to the girl. Inwardly, however, he lusted for the girl.
Gurpreet Singh, Dev Sharma, Chirag Jain
As various countries are now getting global and are opening their market for foreign companies, various investors are investing in those countries, which means the demand for currency is increasing, affecting the currency exchange rate.
Ahmed A.Hussein Al-Jumaily, Nasir Muwfaq Younis, Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed
Most citizens are doing less in terms of social contacts in the new international condition of house arrest due to the "COVID-19 outbreak". This can have an adverse impact on your mental and physical health. Deep changes in sleep behaviour have been brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This may not only raise the levels of everyday stress, but also interrupt sleep. Pertinently, sleep disruption may have direct effects on the everyday functioning of the next day due to the essential role that sleep plays in daily control. Although contacts are required to recognize health effects that can result from these altered sleep behavior, proposed improvements in health habits must also be investigated. Media studies have documented significant changes in sleep activity that could have resulting negative impacts. The complex interactions between health habits and the potential improvements in these found extremely from anti-pandemic interventions and what will be understood about the behavior of changing sleep, The consequences of the current home confinement situation, that could disrupt sleep, but also those that can increase the performance of sleep. There are suggested changes to psychotherapy. Handling sleep disorders as effectively as possible during home detention will alleviate tension and potentially avoid social relationship conflicts. Finally, the call for further research efforts to resolve the brief & medium effects of improvements in sleep behavior is also highlighted.
Mohammad Salih Alkaisy,Ahmed Abdel Qader Suleiman, Mohammed Ibrahim Ramadan, Salem Shehab Ahmed , Nasir Muwfaq Younis , Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed
Background: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been used in Iraq for more than 40 years and continues to have an important role in clinical psychiatry. It involves the passage of an electric current across the head of a person undergoing general anesthesia, who has also had a muscle relaxant administered, to induce a convulsion.
Deepak Choukanpally, Alok Kumar
Managing municipal solid waste has become one of the major issues of urban administration. More and more Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) bodies are facing problems in properly managing solid waste. The present paper is about case studies on Solid Waste Management (SWM) in ULBs of Hassan district, Karnataka state (India). Hassan district is located in the Malnad and plain regions of state, the ULBs of the district have total population of around 3,47,037 generating total solid waste of around 145 tonnes per days with per capita waste ranging from 0.36 to 0.45 Kg per day. The solid waste collection efficiency in Hassan district ULBs is in the range of 79 to 95%. This paper represents existing solid waste management scenario of 8 ULBs of Hassan district and proposed improvement in terms of required resources and infrastructure as part of the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) to meet the SWM Rules 2016 and best practices.
Amadoru S.D.S.
Emergency Treatment Unit which is the entry point for patients to the hospital, is responsible for initial accident and emergency care for patients. The need of prompt action in emergency care was explained by Dr. Cowley of Maryland University as the “Golden hour in emergency medicine”, as patient’s survival or death may decide on how the patient is cared within the first hour of onset of the emergency. A & E policy in Sri Lanka defines the optimum level of care in each level of health care institutions. The article describes the strategies and ways and means of establishing a new ETU at Base Hospital, Elpitiya, Sri Lanka to address the basic objectives of accident and emergency care. With the establishment of the new ETU, number of minor surgical procedures and thrombolysis of acute MI patients at ETU were markedly improved indicating reduction of door to needle time.
H. K. Salinda Premadasa
Diabetes is a fatal chronic disease that grounds for many side effects, deaths, and low quality of life for millions of adults in the present globe. Continuing care and awareness of the disease helps to maintain reasonable control over the condition and prevent complications. The patient often receives such attention only at a medical clinic or doctors visits. Hence, it is essential to identify alternatives for people aware of diabetes. Here we use Facebook as a popular social network site to create a better quality of life for diabetes awareness patients.
Leeyou Khawlasaysouka, Jianhua Lib, Harrison Henry Boyinga, Mehari Mariyea
Climate change is a severe threat to rural communities livelihoods, particularly in the agricultural sector, because they are vulnerable to such changes. This study aims to assess trends in rainfall and temperature in the district of Champhone for at least 30 years and check its Correlation and effects on rice production. And to propose steps for adaptation and essential guidelines for farmers. The objective sampling and questionnaire survey using closed and open-ended approaches were employed in four villages simple linear regression using available meteorology data.
Gakahu K. Keziah, Dr. Eunice R. Mwangi
The aim of this paper is to posit the conceptual model which pretends to investigate the relationship between the use and implementation of Total Quality Management driven Information Communication Technology strategy in organizations. Globally, organizations have realized the important part that controlled quality of goods and services plays in the organizational growth and therefore every organization is making a deliberate effort in implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) irrespective of the business sector. Initially TQM was more prevalent and associated with the manufacturing sector, but presently other sectorsalso have chosen to adopt the TQM primarily due to its successin manufacturing, (Dias, 1998).
Gakahu, Keziah Kabura, Makori Geoffrey Nyauma
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) developments have taken place in Africa with the significant growth over the past decade. This study will seek to assess the economic effects of technological integration of ICT in service provision and the economic impacts on households in Kenya. This study will employ a cross-sectional survey. The survey will be of existing commercial enterprises drawn from within Nairobi Countyin Kenya. A sample of 100 enterprises will be selected using stratified random sampling while the subjects for each stratum will be obtained using convenience sampling technique. Data will be collected through the use of primary and secondary data collection methods. The primary data will be collected using a semi-structured questionnaire, having both open-ended and closed-ended questions. Secondary data will be the data that already exists in various records because they are collected for other purposes other than that of the research at hand.
Luo Guicheng
For China national unification, from the perspective of institutional economics, the efforts from the Chinese Mainland authority as well as ChineseTaiwan local authority, are to better the value of state sovereignty. The unification path can be Hong Kong Mode, Federalism Mode, Quasi U.K. Mode, German Mode, Direct War Mode, Purchasing War Mode, and Political Parties Democratic Competition Mode. The War Mode costs a lot and is not the best choice for cross-strait reunification. Hong Kong Mode costs less, but Taiwans current willingness to compromise is less. The Democratic Competition Mode would change the whole politics into the Western election politics, which could destroy Chinese Mainlands centralization, with gains as well as losses, while, it breaks through the Chinese Mainlands constitutional framework, from the comparison of the international and domestic forces between Chinese Mainland and Chinese Taiwan, the possibility is very low.
This paper attempts to investigate the causes and effect of street children on Freetown. It is descriptive in nature as the paper discusses the causes and effects of street children on Freetown. The issue of street children is becoming alarming especially after the ten year rebel war, Ebola outbreak and now Corona. One hundred streets children and those living in rehabilitating centres were targeted. The questionnaire and interviews were the main data collection instruments. These questionnaires were administered through a research guide. It was found out that the major causes of street children are poverty, child abuse, family disintegration, truancy and orphans. The effects of these children in the streets of Freetown is an embarrassment to the government, parents, communities and the general public from whom these children beg from. It is recommended that severe penalties should be reconsidered for parents who expose their children to risk and vulnerability through full application of the provisions of the child law. Street children should be able to have access to governmental vocational training, without the pre-requisites of legal credentials. Such a project is strongly supported by all NGOs working with street children that believe in the efficacy of the training programmes provided at the governmental level which street children should benefits from.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using the Multi-Sensory Approach for teaching a foreign language (English) for students with Dyslexia. To achieve the purpose of the study, a pre/post-test will be constructed to measure students achievement in English vocabulary. The test consists of twenty words in English language. It is said that the students with Dyslexia should be offered individualized learning-teaching strategies but all the students with learning disabilities are put together in the special needs unit that the researcher selected, thus even a mild improvement can be hardly seen. Through the research, the researcher intends to administer Multi- Sensory teaching pedagogy to see whether there is an improvement with the students.
Brian Leland Artis
The aim of the present paper is to show that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related psychological conditions are a significant public health problem in Africa as a whole and in South Africa in particular. Some African literature is reviewed that points to the catastrophic impacts of war and other sources of violence on the continent. For South Africa an extensive review is presented of the clinical and epidemiological literature which shows that PTSD is a significant public health problem which calls for appropriate strategic planning on the part of those responsible for resourcing mental health.
Antonia OKOGWU
The major components of discuss here are the Dada movement of the twentieth century that helped to usher in art in the twenty first century that de-emphasized the classical foundation of art and a philosophical aesthetic phenomenon called Gadamer and his projections in theories on aesthetics. This paper sets out to unravel these philosophical questions: What are Dada Philosophies and what are Gadamer’s’ Aesthetic theories, are there any relationships between Dada philosophies and Hangs Gadamer Aesthetic Theories? Having stood on these academic frames to project this study Alexander Kremer views Gadamer’s philosophy as anti-foundationalism just as dada that is regarded as the art of nihilism. In other words, the works of Gadamer tends to agree with the philosophy of Dadaism. More so, Gadamer is priced academically to associate with the following: Experience regarding art works, Integration of aesthetics into hermeneutics, Legitimatization of the humanist tradition, Universality of hermeneutics central position of experience and the art work
Heru Totok Tri Wahono, Cahyo Tri Atmojo, Fahimul Amri
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of creative economy on the ukm up grade through the competitiveness of ukm. Population in this research is student of STKIP PGRI Jombang Program study Economic Education class of 2016 which amounted to 150 people, and all used as sample of research. Data obtained from respondents perceptions are analyzed descriptively with structural equation modeling using AMOS application. The results of research proved that the creative economy affect the competitiveness of products, creative economy affect to UKM up grade, the competitiveness of products affect UKM up grade, creative economy affect UKM up grade to increase the class through product competitiveness. Next researchers are advised to review research related to UKM upgrading with local wisdom.
Yusdalifa Ekayanti Yunus, Hilal Anshary, Elmi N. Zainuddin
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater aquaculture commodity that has high economic value. Consistency of increasing fish production has been done through intensive aquaculture. However, disease problem caused by a parasitic infection can reduce the growth rate and even mortality of cultivated tilapia. Control of parasitic infection of fish can be done by administering immunostimulants which has been shown to play a role in activating the fishs non-specific defense system.
The taxpayers representative has the duty to represent and provide protection for the rights of the taxpayer, both in assisting data clarifications, tax audits, and other tax procedural processes that require the tax payer’s representative to appear infront of the tax authorities. Its presence in Indonesia has a place for registered tax consultants as well as for non-tax consultant professionals.
Kwabena Offeh Gyimah, Muhammad Sandhu, Chibudo Kenneth Nworu
Microwave spectroscopic properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids has been investigated in the 100 MHz to 10 GHz range over a range of temperature between 25 oC and 125 oC for characterising the dielectric and loss factor properties. The room temperature dielectric properties of the ionic liquids were found to decrease with increasing frequency of incident wave which may be attributed to a net drop in polarization, as some polarization mechanisms example interfacial and orientation polarization cease to contribute at higher frequencies.
Rugina, Y, Mulyungi, M.P
The main purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of employees’ involvement in success of one laptop per child in Rwanda. In order to achieve the study descriptive and analytical designs were used. The target and the population of the study was 72 employees involved in one laptop per child. Using Slovin’s formula a sample size of 61 respondents was determined. The study used both purposive and simple random sampling technique while selecting the respondents. The study used both primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interviews while secondary data was collected using reports published on accredited journals. Data coding, analysis and interpretation was done using SPSS version 24.
J. L. P. Chaminda
Introduction: Medical equipment have an important role in delivery of healthcare, which ranges from small and simple devices to complex devices. Comprehensive data availability is very important to establish a good medical equipment management system which is important for the reduction of accidents. It is extremely important to maintain equipment efficiency to provide quality care and to reduce healthcare costs. Proper medical equipment management is also important for the reduction of accidents caused by inappropriate handling of unsafe equipment to patients or staff.
W D K Wijesinghe, S Sridharan
Purpose Patient safety always interplays with the other key components of health care system. Therefore, patient safety management is a collective task involving medical administrators, clinicians and clients. Overall aim should be to minimize or avoidance of recognizable errors and mistakes rather than zero adverse events. Adverse events reporting is minimal or no in low income countries leading to difficulties in assessing the exact situation in such countries.
Carolyne Chepkoech, Dr. Hellen Sang, Dr. Patricia Chepkowony
Channels of communication is of great importance when passing information from the sender to the receiver and it also affects the performance of employees as they act based on how they have received the information and how they have understood it. Due to the rapid emergence of the channels of communication and its’ increased level of usage in workplace, policymakers and organizations are still not sure whether to incorporate it entirely in their operations even though the evidence points out that use of emerging channels of communication has led to increased productivity.
Umi Salamah, Endang Sumarti, and Rokhyanto
The agricultural development, which is capitalistic-biased, leads to the industrial economy with the impacts on the loss of "gotong royong" culture, increasing individualism, social gap, and environmental degradation. This study aims to explore the agricultural spirit through the diction of Indonesian popular songs across time, its conservation, and transformation.
The study explains the legal frame work and institutional potential of Pakistan. The study explains how reforms would work well in areas such as taxation, bureaucratic red-tapes, court procedures and property laws, however, where the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and broader principles of engagement stand; new plans and laws need to be drown from the top-down and local legislative bodies to make the most out of CPEC.
Md Saikat Hosen, Md Shohidul Islam, Alam Rafikul
The research applies performance evaluation of pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. It means evaluate how well the company performs. The main aim is achieved through ratio analysis of four pharmaceuticals (Beacon, ACI, GSKSmithkline and Square pharmaceutical Limited) companies in Bangladesh. The main data collection from the annual financial reports on Beacon, ACI, GSKSmithkline, and Square pharmaceutical companies in 2014 to 2019. The different financial ratios are evaluated such as liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, profitability ratios, market value ratios, debt management ratios, and finally measure the best performance among the Four companies. The mathematical calculation was establishing for ratio analysis among four companies from 2014-2019.
Kushal Dey
FMCG sector are gaining its importance among other Indian sectors over the years and found to be the 4th largest sector in the economy. There are basically 3 major divisions in the FMCG sector – Personal care which accounts for 50% of FMCG sales, healthcare which accounts for 32% of FMCG sales & food, beverages which accounts for remaining 18% of the FMCG sales in India. Growing awareness, easier access as well as alteration in the lifestyles have been the major drivers for the consumer market. The policies as well as regulatory framework introduced by the Indian Government such as relaxation of license & grant of 51% FDI in multi-brand & 100 % in single-brand retail are some of the key growth drivers for the consumer market. The urban division which estimates for a revenue share of around 55% is considered as the largest contributor to the overall revenue generated by the Indian FMCG sector. However, over the past few years, the rural segment has grown at a faster pace as compared to urban India. Moreover, semi-urban & rural divisions of the FMCG sector are rapidly growing in the Indian economy & FMCG product account or 50% of total rural spending.
Ouma, Peter O., Ouma Robinson, Mugalavai, Violet K., Onkware, Augustino O.
Health guidelines to manage the COVID-19 pandemic could have led to unintended changes in states and processes that affect food systems, food security, and nutrition. The study conducted in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya focused on the impacts of the pandemic on food security and post-harvest losses. A cross-sectional survey was used to gather information on food security concerns from household heads in Keiyo South. Questionnaires were administered to 400 household heads derived from 99,861 households.
Catherine Marbun
Intrapersonal skills are integral to human lives. As applied in a management setting, intrapersonal skills are fundamental to leaders. Assessment on relationship between intrapersonal skills and leadership performance as well as relation to leaders’ profile can help management to prepare their millennial leader on develop their soft skills to be better leaders in the future. Based on big five theory on Intrapersonal Skills of Leaders, the five elements (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion) were required to a very large extent in millennial leadership. The five elements were significantly related to gender, and only some elements having significant relation to age, educational attainment, and length of service of millennial leaders. Management together with human resource department should constantly review the soft skills of millennial leaders by evaluating their teams’ performance.
Abu Bakar, Astie Darmayantie, Laura Sumampouw
The development of information technology nowadays has been able to help people in making decisions. This is possible because of the increasingly rapid development of computer technology, both in terms of hardware and software. DBC (Djabesmen Co.) is a group of companies in Indonesia engaged in the building material business with 8 business units, requires manpower as executors in carrying out its operational activities. Each business unit in DBC group has its own criteria, but still refers to the existing recruitment standard procedures. Assessment to determine employee acceptance is still carried out conventionally, takes a long time, and is prone to errors, especially if there are many applicants.
P.B.T.K Premarathne and Dr. C.D.H.M Premaratna
This study is an attempt at investigating the pedagogical effect of student-fronted and teacher-fronted Corrective Feedback (CF) on improving pronunciation intelligibility in a Sri Lankan context.
Wadah Mommad Salah, Zang Tie gang
This paper thoroughly describes the logistics system used in the healthcare system. A detailed overview of the some of the widely used logistic system and methodologies throughout the world is presented and compared them to find the most feasible one and the problems and difficulties emerged in those systems are discussed as well. They were compared in different topics and valid reasoning over their need is given.
Nuri Purwanto, Budiyanto, Suhermin
This study aims to examine and explain the influence of electronic service quality, electronic satisfaction, and electronic trust on electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on the consumers of the marketplace in Surabaya. The quantitative (positivist) approach was used in this study to examine and explain the influence of electronic service quality on e-WOM that was mediated by electronic trust and electronic satisfaction.
Ordu, J I and Owhor, G A
The study is aimed at extracting starch from Artocarpos altilis seeds and the isolation effected from the seeds by solvent extraction method using aqueous and alkali (0.1NNaOH) medium respectively. The starch extracted was, evaluated for its physical, physicochemical properties, proximate and mineral compositions. The aqueous-extracted starch had a yield of 9.69% while the yield from alkaline-extract was 11.15%. The identification tests carried out on the starch (Molisch and Iodine test) confirms the presence of carbohydrate and starch. The starch obtained from both medium appeared powdery but that from the aqueous-extracted was less powdery and more crystalline although milkish-white in color while the alkaline-extract was brownish and appeared very amorphous with high content of fines. Proximate analysis indicates high carbohydrate content (77.5%) and potassium as the highest mineral content in the starch.
Kadam Surendra S & Samal Deepika V
The present study was undertaken during June 2016 to May 2017 to evaluate water quality and macro fouling pattern, dominant species and their seasonal changes to explore the distribution and diversity of macrofoulers along the coastal areas of Tarapur Atomic Power(19.86ºN,72.68ºE)and Dahanu Thermal Power Station (19.97º,72.73ºE) in Palghar district of Maharashtra state. Macrofoulers being a prominent community in rocky coasts, the influence of environmental parameters on the prevailing species was also explored.
Abdul Ahad Wasiq, Abdullah Helmand
This research aims to achieve two main objectives. First, to investigate the factors which cause learners’ language speaking anxiety. Second, to discover what are the appropriate strategies that teachers and learners can follow to reduce their language anxiety. The research depends on one main data gathering tool which is a questionnaire that was addressed to 106 (88 male and 18 female) learners of freshman, sophomore, junior and seniors classes of English language department at Kandahar University.
Mustafa Mohamed Mohamed Dermish
The hospital and healthcare management is considered one of the very important concepts that are most prevailing which preoccupied the wide concern of experts, researchers, administrators and managers who are particularly concerned with the development and improvement of the productive and service performance in the various health organizations.
Ariel U. Cubillas & Trixie E. Cubillas
Campus journalism has long been implemented in the Philippines via the Campus Journalism Act of 1991 or R.A. 7079. The act prescribed the implementation of campus journalism in both public and private schools. The researchers took interest in determining the level of awareness and compliance of these schools in the implementation of campus journalism. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational design.
Pius Cheruiyot, Shadrack Kipkoech Sitienei
Maize growing and its use as human food and animal fodder have become popular globally. In most parts of continental Africa and Kenya in particular green maize commercialization and consumption is a common delicacy among the urbanite population as well as those in rural areas. The remains are used for livestock feeds and firewood for some households. This paper strives to unearth the factors which influence the commercialization of green maize in Nandi South in Nandi county parts of Kenya.
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