Aan Nurhadi, Lalu Nofa Setiawan Putra, Yuri Budi Sujalmi, Lenie Maelinae, Rudi Fakhriadi, Nita Pujianti, Noor Ahda Fadillah, Laily Khairiyati, Azmi Ma'ruf, Agung Waskito, Anugrah Nur Rahmat, Fakhriah, Hadrianti H.D Lasari, Sherly Theana, Ammara Ulfa Azizah, Deddy Hermawan, Nashiruddin, Fairuz Nur Fawaz, Taufik, M. Gilmani, Neneng Husanah, Raudatul Jinan, Winda Saukina SJ, Noor Laila Afifah, Riska Noor Azizah, Rizkya Amanda
Social Return on Investment (SROI) study conducted to determine the added value in the community created from a program or intervention from the company to the community, considering social and environmental impacts in addition to economic impacts, measuring the value of benefits relative to the investment costs used to achieve program benefits, and the ratio of the net present value of benefits to investment.
Stanly Harimisa BC211120112 , Po Sing Hiong BC211120113
Taxation has become an inseparable part of the business world ranging from individuals to legal entities both on a local and international scale, taxes have a coercive nature based on state law so taxes are given more attention in the business world. Taxes also require management from planning, implementation to evaluation. The planning management of Value Added Tax which will be discussed in this material will be reviewed from various aspects, starting from the Law and then the Fiskus point of view to the point of view of the Taxpayer himself. Researchers also look at the relationship between corporate tax management and the implementation of e-Invoice 3.0 and Web-Based e-Invoice reporting.
Mira Novita, Wika Hanida Lubis, Tambar Kembaren
Objective: This study aims to determine the correlation and association of systemic immune inflammation index (SII) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) with anxiety levels in COVID-19 patients at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital Medan. Method: This study is a analytical-retrospective study with cross sectional design.
Mufida Adabousi
Municipal waste is a serious environmental problem in both developed and developing countries. In previous years, the most developed countries began to improve the management of municipal solid waste. The increased volume of waste generated as a result of rapid urbanization in developing countries is usually not properly accompanied by appropriate management mechanisms. Municipal waste management systems in developing countries have to deal with many difficulties, including modest technical experience and weak financial resources, which often cover only the costs of removal, leaving no funds to invest in waste processing. Municipal waste management in developing countries is mostly inadequate, which has a negative impact on human and animal health, but also generates problems and losses in the economic, biological and environmental spheres.
Dr Subir Pal
A term girl baby was born by elective caesarean section was inadvertently injected with 300µg of ANTI – D Immunoglobulin 18hrs after birth. Mother’s blood group was O-ve. The baby was the second child. Her cord blood samples revealed that the blood group was A+ve, Hb 18gm%, DCT – Negative, Total Bilirubin-2.5mg/dl.
Umberto Lotario
This study addresses the issue of mother/child co-prisoners, from a psychological point of view. In general, children living in prisons live in unfavourable socio-environmental conditions that affect their natural and serene development, leading the public opinion to consider them real "innocent prisoners". As is well known, prison deprives the mother of her total autonomy in the management of her child and alters the natural daily rhythms of life that characterise a free and social life.
Ede Alison Okorie; Nwazunku Augstine Alagbula; Obasi Kalu Ojo; Amadi Chinasa Orie Agwu; Anunonwu Christopher Chike Okereke; Mbaegbu Nnamdi Okwudili; , Udo-Inyang Florence; Chioma Akunnaya Ohanenye; Odupute Colman Ndunaka; Ingwu, Joseph Akem and Amadi Agwu Nkwa
Sanitation is very important for human life. Safe sanitation is an essential component of health care practice and infection prevention and control strategies for preventing exposure of people to infections. This study aimed to determine knowledge of rural people on distribution of sanitation-related diseases in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional design to achieve the stated objective and the sample size was 461 obtained from primary source and it was collected from people interviewed with the questionnaire from the selected communities within the selected six (6) LGAs in the state. The statistical analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0.
Anubha Das
Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) is a polyphagous pest and the larvae being voracious feeders inflict enormous economic losses to various crops. Indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides has led to insecticide resistance and issues of environmental concern. Azadirachta indica A.
La Divina Tamara Hanun, Utiya Azizah
Chemistry is one of the subjects in school that is theoretical and mathematical and has many concepts that must be understood, so the right strategy is needed to understand it. Therefore, research has been carried out to improve students metacognitive skills in the reaction rate material using a problem-solving learning model based on blended learning. This research uses pre-experimental research at MAN 2 Pamekasan on 30 students of class XI IPA 4.
Lydia Bisieri, Dr.Joshua Agola, Dr. Richard omollo
The Referral Framework enables control of client health demands that cannot be met locally. Patients walking into referral hospitals is increasing, resulting in overuse of available services and a deterioration of the facility’s standard of care. In this research paper, A patient Decongestion framework was developed. A descriptive research design was used to interview self-referral patients who visit the outpatient department at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital.
Ida Herwati, Ronal Surya Aditya, Lailatul Kodriyah, Jennyla Puspitaning Ayu, Luthfiyatul Mustafidah, Endang Soelistyowati
The purpose of this study is to describe the level of patient satisfaction with health services at the Monta Health Center, Bima Regency. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research. The population of all outpatients and inpatients at the Monta Health Center for the period January 2021, and the sampling technique used was accidental sampling, namely 70 people consisting of 40 inpatients and 30 outpatients. The instrument uses a questionnaire, and the analysis used is descriptive statistics using the SPSS (Statistical Products and Service Solutions) program. at the Monta Health Center, Bima Regency, which is measured by indicators of tangibles (real), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (response), assurance (guarantee), empathy (empathy) is considered to be in accordance with patient expectations.
Rawaa Mahmoud Hussain
Locke wrote his Letter Concerning Toleration in 1685, in which he argued for toleration of different religious views as the basis for a peaceful and civilized society. One of the main conceptions in this letter is ‘National Religion.’ Locke praises reformation in religion for human freedom and individual conscience. His tolerant philosophy is designed to establish moral authority for its ethical rules rather than show that they are most conducive to human nature. He thinks that reason is to determine the probability of the proposition on satisfactory evidence and a level of confidence in the proposal proportioned of likelihood. He considers that the articles of religion are practical and speculative, while moral actions required for a good life in civil society are available without direct faith. I argue that this article contains a new description, within the limits of my knowledge, to the concept of John Locke about ‘National Religion,’ therefore, it aims to submit a further reading to the religious perceptions represented by the central issue ‘National Religion’ in John Locke’s philosophy about his ideas on several issues, which linked with toleration, religious articles, human society, and civil interests.
Mausul Umar, Haliru Aivada Kadir, Amina Doho, Muhammad Garba, Abdurraham Abubakar
The removal of chromium by river sediment was carried out under laboratory condition and a good consideration on experimental parameters like temperature, time, pH, concentration and dosage was put in place. pH 7.0 was applied while pseudo first order and pseudo second order are the only kinetics models selected on this research and also isotherms such as Longmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were also involved.
Timothy Kamanga & Allan Musonda & Rex L. Sampa
This study investigated the impact of reduced contact learning hours during COVID-19 on learners’ attitude and achievement in mathematics. The study involved 105 students from three selected secondary school in Lusaka district of Lusaka province in Zambia. The students were randomly selected and three secondary schools were purposively selected for this study. In addition, three (3) administrators and fifteen mathematics teachers also participated in the study.
Janerose Mangeni, Manasi Echaune, Edwin Masibo
Principals of secondary schools have the greatest potential to initiate and sustain quality education by providing instructional leadership in their schools. However, Secondary School academic achievement in Siaya County has not been satisfactory in the recent years. This study sought to establish the relationship between principal’s instructional supervision and school academic achievement in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations.
Newton Lukova, Echaune Manasi, Robert Kati
School boards of management in Trans-Nzoia County are committed to ensuring good academic standards among the learners in schools. Despite their efforts, the extent of their involvement in ensuring quality education in primary schools raises some concerns. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of school boards involvement in teacher motivation on public school academic achievement.
Moses Wekesa, Sarah Likoko
Quality higher education in Kenya appears to be influenced by several factors which include but is not restricted to policies on quality education; admissions, funding, inclusion and constitutional requirements. These policies were said to affect access to higher education in Kenya. However, the extent to which the identified policies impact on access to higher education in Kenya had not been extensively studied.
Endang Dwi Purbajanti, Eny Fuskhah and A’isyah Surya Bintang
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different plant growth regulators to increase percent mortality, time budding, root number, root length, root weight, leaf width, shoot weight, branch length, rod circumference, leaves number and leaves length. The main objective of this research is to what extent the role of natural auxin contained in onion extract and rabbit urine for the success of rooting cuttings and shoot growth of Vernonia bruceae and Ficus pumila.
Joko Pranoto, Asrul, Adi Muradi
Background: The most common cause of colonic obstruction is carcinoma, especially in the rectosigmoid and distal left colon. Signs of bowel obstruction are late signs of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy in the world and the third most common cause of cancer death worldwide.
Dr. Mothi George
Managing Solid waste is a significant issue with the ever-increasing and rising complexity of wastes in tune with faster urbanization and population growth. Inefficient solid waste management causes health, environmental pollution, and social issues. The local bodies entrusted with collecting and disposing of waste face severe management and technical issues in this regard. The general public, which contributes to the waste stream in a big way, has apprehensions about the system. The study evaluates waste disposal services provided by local bodies through a contingent valuation survey.
Alaa Hassan Mohamed, W. M. Mahmoud, O. H. Fathy
In this paper we study the excision property of short sequence to get the long sequence of the dihedral homology and reflexive homology of polynomial algebra. We give a new application of these theorems if we take a new category of graded lie algebras. Another application is relative homology.
Khalil Dagher, Isaac Mhanna. Ayman Harfoush
The importance of our study comes from the role of conservative treatment of undescended testis in minimizing the need of invasive procedures and anesthesia. Early treatment of undescended testis reduces future complications like sterility and the increase of occurrence of malignancies.
Arif Kurniawan
The Government will waive Income Tax (PPh) for Individual Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) with income below Rp 500 million per year. The income tax is regulated in the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP), which the Government ratified some time ago. Thus, the turnover of UMKM is below IDR 500 million per year, which was initially subject to a final income tax of 0.5 percent to 0 percent. UMKM is a substantial potential taxpayer.
Agnes Lazuardi
In March 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued a PMK-22/2020 which stipulates the Advance Pricing Agreement whilst aligning the Indonesian advance pricing agreement regulation with BEPS Action 14 to provide more legal certainty. As a form of adoption, PMK-22/2020 stipulates new provisions such as extension of the definitions of special relationship which are not stipulated in Article 18 paragraph 4 of the Income Tax Law.
Ni Made Rini, Tri Wahju Astuti, Ngakan Putu Parsama Putra
Background: Marble industry workers are at risk of silica dust exposure. Inhaled silica dust causes injury, inflammation, and leukocytes entry. The recruited leukocytes secrete profibrotic cytokines such as TGF-β. This study observe TGF-β1 serum levels based on silica dust exposure duration.
Ida Farida, Kamiruddin, Fitriani
This research discusses the Role of Marketing Strategies Using Word Of Mouth and Personal Selling Against THE Marketing Performance of MSMEs in the Home Industry Of Banana Chips Anisha with the subject of marketing using word of mouth and personal selling applied by home industry Banana Chips Anisha in the current era of digital marketing, this problem is researched using a type of qualitative descriptive research with a case study research approach.
A.K. Asthana, Dr. S. Vishwanadha Raju, Sri Lakshmi Peyyala
Real-Time Computer (RTC) System consisting of Fault-Tolerant dual redundant VME bus-based systems (VME-1 and VME-2) with Switch over Logic Circuit (SOLC) and its associated IFMs, SCMs, PS, etc. Each VME system consists of an ED20 CPU card and its associated input/output cards. The I/O status shall be indicated by LEDs. VME system receives the inputs through SCMs / IFMs from Field Signal Simulator (FSS).
Philip Samuel Kongoley, Hawa Francess
This study attempts to assess the factors affecting customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry in Freetown with the following specific objectives: to describe the demographic characteristics of customers, to determine the effect of customer expectation on customer satisfaction in the hotel industry in Freetown, to establish the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the hotel industry in Freetown and to establish the effects of customer expectation on customer satisfaction in the hotel industry in Freetown.
Hafida Amalia R, Nurhadi
This study aims to make easier for students to doing online learning by using the telegram bot application. This research were tested on seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan. The Covid-19 pandemic condition, which requires students to do online learning, makes it difficult for students, in particular in the lessons of writing and reading poetry. The research was conducted by using telegram as a learning media and applying the Criteria Reference Assessment model. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative.
Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Jarunya Samsuwan
Paternity testing analysis aims to determine whether or not an allele parent is the biological parent of the child. If so, each allele of a child should match one allele of each parent. The most common technique used in paternity testing is the identification of short tandem repeat loci in order to evaluate the DNA evidence whether a man is not excluded by the paternal allele. In this case, a death victim was investigated. Two relatives, daughter and brother, were available for analysis. The VerifilerPlusTM PCR amplification kit was used for the investigation. We analyzed paternity testing of a child and putative father, by chance we found that a child and uncle shared 21 STRs loci. This study has shown a case which can be false inclusion if it were requested only a child and a relative of the biological father. The results suggest that for motherless paternity cases the use of 21 STR markers are not enough for investigation.
Mukhongo D.M
The efficiency of vaccine campaigns to control coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) is not only reliant on vaccine efficacy and safety but rather the rate of vaccine acceptance among the general public. Globally, the success in controlling this pandemic depends mainly on how the target populations take heed and accept the various intervention measures: both non-pharmaceutical as well as pharmaceutical approaches. While the development and eventual approval of COVID-19 vaccines was hailed as a magic bullet in the fight against this pandemic, their global acceptability and eventual uptake has not been encouraging at all. This work sets out to provide an up-to-date assessment of the current COVID-19 vaccination situation in Kenya while pointing at the possible causes as well as suggesting potential ways through which the present situation can be made better.
Collins E. Ouserigha, Ayibapreye K. Benjamin
In this work, a simple thermoelectric generator (TEG) has been designed and constructed using the Bismuth Telluride-based SP1848-27145 generator module. The design comprises of the thermoelectric converter, a source of heat, a portable cooling fan, and a dc-to-dc step-up converter.
Sarah Babirye, Clet. Wandui. Masiga
The fitness and productivity of silkworms is largely influenced by the varieties of mulberry leaves they feed on. The overall aim of this research was to contribute to the development of the silk value chain through assessing the best variety for optimum growth and productivity of silkworms in Uganda. Hatching to the first spinning ranged from 21 to 24 days while feeding was done 2-3 times a day. Bombyx L. silkworms were fed with leaves of three mulberry varieties (Morus alba. L) i.e; Thailand, Local and Thika harvested from the research experimental gardens of Namasumbi village, Kyampisi Sub-county in Mukono district.
Masaud Ahmed Amru
As society has faced advances in technology, especially information technology, so has organized crime. The new form called high-tech crime is just proof of how flexible and operational criminal groups are and how ready they are to react quickly when it comes to social change. Organized groups usually cover new spheres of social relations much faster in which there are legal gaps, in relation to positive law, because the bulky bureaucratic state apparatus needs much more time and space to start and normatively regulate a new area. Organized crime has one and only one motive, and that is profit. Improper understanding of this point is seriously hampered by proper conceptualization in academic circles. The purpose of organized crime is neither violence nor power. Violence can be used to reach a position of power, but only as a means of obtaining or securing a source of income. Given the social cohesion of criminal activities and criminal structures, a wide range of socio-economic policies could qualify as measures against organized crime.
Kailash Mehra
A 37 year old patient having gradual decrease in vision in left eye over six weeks with best corrected VA of 6/36 and 6/6 With and without pinhole glasses in left and right eye respectively. his peripheral vision was normal. edema and elevation of the macular area is seen on dilated fundus examination. OCT examination shows retinal elevation with multiple cystic spaces within the retinal layer. Flower petals appearance was clearly demonstrated under OCT with the average central foveal thickness measuring 295μm & 380.9μm, left and right eye, (see Figure 1) respectively, and his visual acuity was recorded 6/6 and 6/36 respectively (See figure 1). His right eye remain normal. A clinical diagnosis of CME on left eye was made. There is no history of other systematic illness. He was advised topical corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, eye drops, and was suggested for left eye Intravitreal Ozurdex Implant. on his follow up after six weeks there were no significant improvement in his vision, and his average macular thickness worsen. (see Figure 2) then he was advised for alternative therapies. Later a dilated ocular examination was performed and started alternative therapies which includes, Eye yoga Exercise, Yoga, Shatkarma, Moxibustion and antioxidant diet rich in Vitamin A,C & E.
O.P. Bansal
The accumulation of carbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides in vegetables, fruits, and water, as well as their health effects on humans, are summarised in this study. Pesticide production and use, which are widely employed in agriculture to improve food production, forestry, and public health protection, is expanding year after year around the world. Pesticides containing carbamate and dithiocarbamate are broad-spectrum pesticides used against organisms that have developed resistance to organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides. These compounds are also frequently employed as a peptide bond substitute in medicinal chemistry, as well as a starting material, intermediary, and solvent in the paint and polymer industries. Intake of carbamate and dithiocarbamate contaminated food by humans causes endocrine disruption, disrupting steroidogenesis and thyroid function, reproductive abnormalities, lowers oxidative stress, increases the risk of non-lymphoma, Hodgkins and raises the chances of dementia.
Michael, ChiefJames Philip, Igenewari, Lawrence Samuel
This research work assesses Computer Based Instructional (CBI) techniques in the teaching of Computer Studies in Rivers State Senior Secondary Schools. The research focuses on adequacy, usability and utilization, effectiveness of CBI techniques, CBI facilities, factors affecting effective use of CBI techniques. The research was carried out in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State.
Dr. (Mrs.) Silverline N. IGWEAGBARA & Dr. Saturday VAREBA
The aim of this study is to develop a work based learning guide for industrial training of carpentry and joinery students in computer aided design (CAD) in technical colleges in South-South. One researcher question was posed to guide the study. The study was guided by one null hypothesis and was tested at .05 level of significance. The research design adopted for the study was Research and Development (R&D). This design was appropriate because the findings of the study is utilized in designing and developing new programme, materials, which will provide knowledge and skills.
Gladys Chebet
Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman, 1965 (previously Pygeum africanum Hook.f) is a topographically far and wide tree confined to high country woods of fundamental land Africa and remote islands. The appeal for the bark has prompted remarkable obliteration of the species in regular woods, prompting worries on the drawn out manageability of gathering and the preservation of the species. In spite of the way that Mau woods is a secured region, the district encounters illicit abuse with P. africana being one of the primary targets. The tree is of incredible interest for its solid wood and profoundly restorative bark making its population to be under danger.
Dr.Chandrasekharan Praveen
The onslaught of heavy monsoon, the subsequent flood and the closing down of educational institutions in the state of Kerala had hit the headlines of almost every newspaper in India in 2018 and 2019. Then, colleges were closed, resulting in loss of instructional hours.
Nyakundi Asenath K
Employees are important resources for every organization that is intending to deliver on its mission. As new employees are recruited, while existing employees move to new positions, they are expected to attain their peak performance within the shortest time possible. Kenya Tea Development Agency Holding (KTDA) Ltd, like most of other newly formed companies in the liberalized tea sector, must ensure that every new employee has the ability to adapt to their new organization and position adequately. It must also ensure that these employees are able to deliver on their assigned roles and responsibilities in the shortest time possible. This has however not been met as expected in most companies and organizations. Therefore, this study sought to examine effects of organization induction approaches on employee performance: a case of KTDA (H) Ltd.
Peter Wamalwa, Sarah Likoko
The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of working environment on transfer intentions among the teachers in public primary schools in Turkana County in Kenya. The sample size was 246 non-resident teachers and 36 public primary schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to select non- resident teachers while purposive sampling technique was used to select head teachers. Questionnaire and interview schedule were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using weighted averages, Pearson’s correlation and Multiple regression. The study concluded that working environment had statistical significant influence on transfer intentions among the non-resident teachers in public primary schools in Turkana County.
Sarah Likoko, Jane Alunga
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of administrative staff and academic staff turnover intentions in teacher training colleges. The study employed ex post facto research design. Purposive sampling was used to select 4 public teacher training colleges, 4 college principals and 8 senior masters. Simple random sampling was used to select 430 academic staff members for the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire which had closed-ended (Likert type scale 1-5) questions. College principals and senior masters were interviewed in order to get in-depth information on administrative support and turnover intentions among the academic staff.
Bartimeus Nicomama Hutabarat, Alfred Cahyo Satyo, Asan Petrus
The number of mass disasters in Indonesia has increased in recent years, both caused by nature and by human negligence. The importance of the role of identification has been regulated in Law no. 36 of 2009 article 118, the first paragraph, that every doctor must be willing to assist the victim identification process if requested by the investigator. Lip print is a pattern in the form of gaps or fissures found on the surface of the lip mucosa. The study of lip print patterns is called Cheiloscopy. Lip prints are used for individual identification because they have unique and stable properties. Lip prints have many advantages that can be used in forensic identification. But unfortunately, lip prints are still rarely used in the forensic identification process and even the privilege of lip prints is still rarely heard, especially in Indonesia. Whereas lip print is an identification technique that is simple, inexpensive, and easy to use to determine a persons identity.
Mark Abuongor Ibuya
Increased penetration of renewables to the transmission network with energy storage systems has increased the need for extended reliability assessment of load points of transformers and transmission lines. Solar power intermittency limits its significance in maximum integration and dependence by utilities. Therefore, its necessary to determine PV and energy storage levels to improve essential infrastructure reliability. The essential component’s reliability is greatly influenced by the location PV and BESS. In this paper, the Markov modelling technique is adopted in designing both photovoltaic systems and BESS stochastic models.
Jamal Ali Jaballa, Dr Bojan Gorgevic
This study aims to study the relationship between bank employee training and customers satisfaction in Libyan commercial banks. It adopts a quantitative approach, using questionnaires to collect the required data from two groups: Bank Employees and Customers. The findings of this study provide that there is a positive direct relationship between the component of training and development of service providers in the Libyan commercial banks as one of the internal marketing components (the independent variable) and customer satisfaction in those banks. The results showed that banks do not give much attention to training and development programs for banking service providers that are commensurate with work requirements and skills acquisition. Finally, the results of the study reveal that training courses in banks are unfairly distributed in selecting and nominating employees.
Deewas Kharka, Dr. Damber Singh Kharka
A majority of construction projects never get completed on time. Delays and cost overruns are the major problems that construction industry around the world face. Construction delays have big implications on the society and its economy which disturbs the process of development. Australia has not been prone to this problem either. This paper aims to identify critical risk factors responsible for project delays and cost overrun and, explore the possibility of mitigation of risk by Early Involvement of Contractor. A literature review is done to identify common factors of project delays and cost overruns. Based on the common findings of the literature 15 factors were identified and a questionnaire set was designed around these factors.
Humphery Shiyuka Likholo, Dr. Wilberforce Senelwa
The study focused on the effect of green procurement practices on performance in manufacturing sector in Kenya with a bias on Del Monte Company Limited. The specific objectives were; to determine the effect of Supplier Assessment on Performance in manufacturing sector in Kenya; to examine the effect of eco-design practices on performance in the manufacturing sector in Kenya; to examine the effect of Reverse logistics practices on performance in the manufacturing sector in Kenya and finally, to assess the effect of e-procurement practices on performance in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. The underpinning theories of the study were; Stakeholder theory, System theory, Legitimacy theory, and Institutional theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design for a thorough study of the earmarked research objectives. The study targeted a research population of 243 company employees where a sample of 73 employees was used in collecting data and eventual analysis.
Abderrazzak Belbouah
This study is based on the quantitative research I have conducted with the aim to investigate the role of education inspectors in the Moroccan educational system, notably middle and high school. In general, the study is an attempt to discuss how valid the work of an inspector is to positively impact the performance of public-school teachers. As such, the different parts of this paper all work together towards two main objectives. One is to describe the frequency of visits an inspector has for a certain teacher every school year, and the other is to test the satisfaction rates of teachers with regards to the impact inspectors have on their teaching.
Causa Trisna Mariedina, Betty
Background: Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men and women. Lung cancer at a certain stage can spread to the lining of the lung cover or pleura with clinical manifestation of pleural effusion. Identification of malignant cells is known through pleural fluid cytology examination. This histology type of malignant cells is very important for clinicians in determining prognosis, and the most effective type of management for lung cancer patients.The common pleural fluid cytology examination is the conventional cytology smear (CSS. Another pleural fluid examination method namely cell block (CB) was tried to evaluate the preparation of pleural effusion, and it was found that according several studies it was considered superior to conventional method.
Pham Thi Kieu Oanh, Ngo Thi Ngoc Anh
Pronunciation is regarded as the most crucial component of language for learners who study English as foreign language (EFL) in their learning. When communicating, pronunciation is often the first aspect that makes an impression on listeners. Nevertheless, it is difficult for high school students who only learn English as a subject to pronounce correctly, and it is due to the pronunciation aspect being commonly ignored in English lessons.
Dr. Mohammad Azizur Rahman, Md. Zahid Hossain, Jeeban Rubyat
The study attempts to investigate prospect of professionalism among private medical colleges of Bangladesh. In addition, the study concentrated on the resolve of general stream turn for the education, determination of time obligatory for learners to be directed and realize the professionalism of the students as well. Three private medical colleges from Rangpur City Corporation namely Rangpur Community Medical College, Prime Medical College, Rangpur and Northern (Pvt.) Medical College, Rangpur were purposively selected for the research.
Chukwunwike N. Nwonu, Patience C. Nwonu and Raymond A. Ude
In the last few decades, there has been an increasing incidence in the use and abuse of drugs amongst people of diverse age groups and strata of the society, especially in young people. Drug abuse remains a major public health concern globally. All drugs of abuse have varying degrees of harmful effects to the brain and other organ-systems in the body.
Dr Neha Gupta, Dr Vasanti Dutta
World Wide Web like social media forums, review sites and blogs that generate a lot of data the type of users views, feelings, ideas and arguments about various social events, products, products, and politics. Emotions of users exposed to the web has a huge influence on it students, product retailers and politicians. Unstructured the type of data from social media is required for analysis and is well organized and for this purpose, emotional analysis has been required the saw important attention. Emotional analysis is called the textual structure used to distinguish the expressed attitude or emotions in different ways such as negative, positive, favoble, wrong, thumbs up, thumbs down, etc.
Sumitra Koirala, Anusha KC and priyanka Bhattarai
Background: COVID- 19 is a highly contagious respiratory disease. It was first detected in December 2019 Wuhan, China and since then it had spread across the globe and leads to many mortality and morbidity. Therefore strict lockdown and many unprecedented measures were adopted to control COVID-19 spread across the world.
Mela Yoro, Japhet Joshua, Isiyaku Ayuba
Due to their new physical and chemical properties derived from synergistic effects between the two metals, Bimetallic nanomaterials have raised more and more significant concern from worldwide researchers in recent years. These hybrid species are highly desirable for specific technological applications, especially for antimicrobial study.
U. J. Efi, U.Y. Aketemo
The proximate and phytochemical composition of Vernonia amygdalina samples X and Y taken from Donga metropolis and Donga non residential areas of Taraba State were investigated using standard methods The proximate analysis gave the following results: moisture content 8.25% and 9.22%, crude protein 22.60% and 26.84%, fat 3.30% and 3.45%, crude fibre 12.93% and 12.41%, ash 12.11% and 7.50%, and carbohydrate 40.81% and 38.55%. Phytochemical concentrations are in the order: saponin ˃ flavonoids ˃ polyphenols. This study established that Vernonia amygdalina has nutrition and phytochemical properties; these bioactive compounds can be useful for therapeutic health benefits, sources of carbohydrate and fibre.
The aim of this paper was to establish the influence of automations on trade facilitation, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trade is essential to a country’s economic growth and development, thus the continued efforts by the government to facilitate this important factor.
Julius Bolade Anjorin, Ojebisi, Funke Felicia
The study focuses on Crisis Management in IDPs’ camps in Northern Nigeria, from the perspective of basic and human needs and the roles of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to ameliorate the sufferings in these various camps. The study seeks to examine the implication of their involvement in IDPs camp, the level of their success and to know if measures can be taken to improve their effectiveness in IDPs camps.
Mohamed Elsady
The essence of sustainable development concept is that it is unacceptable to create development strategies in a way that prevents future generations from finding resources in optimal condition or even in an upgraded state, so that they can improve it even more when the time comes.
Shumaila Yasir, Sana Majeed, Dr. Abdullah Khan
Objective: To assess the factors affecting performance of professional nurses in a tertiary care hospital, Rawalpindi.
Ebuzoeme, Francis C
Innovation is a strategy that leads to gaining competitive advantage in the marketplace. It makes business organisations sustainable and enables them to be in positions to adequately meet the needs of their customers in the face of changing tastes and fashion. So, organisations that have poor attitudes towards innovation that consequently result in low ability to create products and services that satisfy their customers decrease their chances of growth and survival in the marketplace. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of technological innovation on the performance of food and beverage manufacturing companies in Osun state, Nigeria. Specifically, the effect of product and process innovations on company performance was investigated.
Artwork by research with title Sitti Manggopoh: Lengking Dendang in Pekat, inspired by the history of the struggle of Sitti Manggopoh who was able to defeat the Dutch in 1908. The conflict that motivated the resistance against theinvanders, because the Dutch continued to impose rules of Belasting, and forced to pay the arrears. In an atmosphere of darkness with cunning and beauty Sitti Manggopoh the war of murder againtst the rampant civilians, so that 53 invaders were killed intentionally. The incident of resistance led by Sitti Manggopoh inspired researchers to package the creation of artwork that outlined in a multi-disciplinary.
Dr. Prashant Hiwale, Dr. Pratima Goyal, Dr. N.K.Girdhar
Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne, arbovirus infection found worldwide. Clinical presentation varies from a flu-like illness to a potentially fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Dengue virus has been regarded as a nonneurotropic virus. However, there are reports describing neurological involvements in dengue virus infection. The neurological involvement in dengue virus infection includes encephalitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, and Guillain–Barre syndrome. The neurological spectrum of dengue patients has been limited because of small number of case reports, and lack of further workup such as imaging, and neurophysiologic studies. There are only a few isolated case reports and case series documenting acute pure motor quadriparesis in dengue fever. We report acute pure motor reversible quadriparesis due to hypokalemia in a dengue patient. Physicians in the endemic area should be aware of such association of acute pure motor reversible quadriparesis with dengue fever.
Milza Titaley, S.E.M. Nirahua, D.J.A. Hehanussa, E.R.M. Toule
This study aims to analyze and find the philosophy of criminal punishment in the juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia, identify judges considerations in imposing criminal penalties for children who are perpetrators of criminal acts in Indonesia and analyze and find the legal implications of sentencing crimes by judges to the existence of community research reports. is a normative legal research with Legislation Approach, Case Approach, Historical Approach, Comparative Approach, Conceptual Approach. The sources of legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The collection of
legal materials using library research and interviews. Then described and analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that (1) the philosophical imposition of criminal penalties in the juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia is a criminal process that is imposed not solely based on the actions that have been carried out by the perpetrator, but the handling of children, the application of punishment is more fostering and protecting children
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