International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

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      Agustina Hanafi, Zunaidah, Mistari Ulfa

Abstract: The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of job stress on performance, the effect of job stress on job satisfaction, the effect of job satisfaction on performance, and the effect of job stress on performance through job satisfaction. Job stress is a condition of psychological distress felt by employees as a result of organizational stressors. Job stress can affect job satisfaction and employee performance. Job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences. Using the survey data on 126 employees of PT MAS, data analysis in this research using Structural Equation Model (SEM) in model and hypothesis testing.

      Susan. N. Mambo, George W. Odhiambo-Otieno, George Ochieng-Otieno ,Wanja Mwaura – Tenambergen

Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) identified information as one of the six key pillars of an effective health system. In this context, the need to strengthen community health information has been felt globally. African countries have faced the greatest challenges in collecting, analyzing, evaluating and interpreting indicator data to guide evidence based policy-making. The generation of health information starts at the community level through the Community-Based health information system (CbHMIS) (Kaburu, Kaburi, & Okero, 2016). At the community level, this source of information is complete in coverage and in planning and action-oriented (Odhiambo-Otieno, 2005).

      Nannim Sunday and Kumdet Asabar

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during the 2015, 2016 and 2017 growing seasons at the National Root Crop Research Institute experimental farm Vom Plateau State, Nigeria to study the response of Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) yield and its components to application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. The treatment consisted of three nitrogen rates viz; 0, 20 and 40 kg N ha-1 and three phosphorus rates viz; 0, 30 and 60 kg P ha-1 which were factorially laid in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The characters studied were; number of pods, pod length (cm), pod weight (g), pod yield (kg ha-1), number of seeds, 100 seed weight (g), seed yield (kg ha-1) and harvest index (%).

      Dhruba Raj Ghimire

Abstract: Half of Nepalese people are not able to feed themselves with the food they need for healthy life. This is either due to food not being available at the household or they do not have economic or physical access to buy the required amount or type of food for the nutritional requirement. The mega earthquake on 25th April 2015 and its powerful aftershock on 12th May disrupted living conditions of people in about ten districts. Thousands of people were rendered homeless.

      Mbogoh, Elizabeth Wanjira

Abstract: This Literature Review intended to highlight Project Management Training as a determinant of project implementation by Grass-root Support Non-Governmental Organisations in Embu County, Kenya. The reviewer had studied grass-root support NGOs with projects in the fields of Agriculture, Micro-Finance, Education, Health and Nutrition and found that majority of staff in these organisations did not have any basic training in Project Management. Findings from various studies have indicated that organizations in diverse industries have embraced Project Management but the implementation process remains a challenge, resulting in well-formulated strategies failing at the implementation stage because of a myriad of factors ranging from unrealistic expectations, poor methodology, poor requirements, inadequate resources, poor project management, untrained teams, unrealistic budgets, to poor communication and more.

      Hendra Kurniawan, Agung Murti Nugroho, Amin Setyo Leksono

Abstract: Urban park as public open space that sustaining pillars of environmental, economic, and social of urban sustainability is a place managed by user needs approach as input, and target it as part of long-term objectives and values [2]. This qualitative research used two-parks case study approach in Malang City studied through the perspective of the manager and professional landscape architect. The objective of this study are to describe the attributes of urban park user needs commonly considered in urban park management; and (2) to reveal the implementation of that value within its management framework. In-depth interviews and previous research studies were combined to explore and investigate data, then filled in the frame work analysis instruments which include the use of user needs data and supporting resources as inputs; programs or activities, approaches and related indicators as output; and related management objectives or goals as outcomes.

      Maung Maung Myint, Khin Khin Khaing

Abstract: One of the most common methods in producing plastic products is injection molding for many purposes ranging from a daily product to high-tech equipment. This paper is to display how to design a complete mold and to examine the material, forecast the possible defects, and optimize the design to achieve the maximum outcome of the products with minimum cycle time in each production cycle. The CAD/CAM software is applied as the analysis tool for the particular chosen product “Clothes-hanger”. In this paper, it will describe the behavior of plastic material starting from the filling phase until the end of the cooling phase in the injection process. The final result shows the possibility of having cavity designs of “Clothes-hanger” in one mold plate of the size 330mm×458mm×53mm.

      Bitta Pigawati, Revi Nurrokhmi

Abstract: Tourism is a tourism activity supported by various facilities. Cultural heritage is a cultural legacy in the form of materiality object, it can be in the form of Heritage Objects. Cultural heritage tourism in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia and in Bangkok, Thailand have similar characteristics. However, In Southeast Asia, Thailand is a leading country in Cultural Heritage preservation.

      Martha Njiiri, Prof. Hellen Mberia, Dr. Idah Muchunku

Abstract: The aim of the study was to examine the moderating effects of demographic factors on foreign television cartoon programs exposure and their influence on Kenyan children social behavior. The study applied cross-sectional research design. The researcher targeted school going children aged 7-10 years and in lower primary (Std.2-4) enrolled in 5 identified private primary schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to select pupils who were issued with questionnaires and included in the final research sample. A total of 350 pupils participated in the research. Of particular interest was how age and gender moderate media effects on children behavior. The study revealed that age and gender of the child did mediate the effects television exposure on their social behavior. Gender influenced the cartoon content children preferred to watch as well as the cartoon characters that the children chose to identify with while age mainly influenced cartoon viewership habits with older children spending less time watching cartoons compared to younger children.

      Gutu Birhanu Oliy, Abdeta Tadesse Adugna

Abstract: Agricultural products become important for various purposes. To sustain an adequate supply on the market, handling method, storage and transporting technologies of agricultural produce are imperative. Especially for perishable commodity, great attention should be given. Horticultural product must be transferred from the field to the table in a state that is acceptable to end users. In Oromia as whole, substantial amount of horticultures are believed to go waste before it reaches for users due to lack of proper handling and appropriate storage. Until damage occurred, mostly effect of mishandling and storage is not realized. However, poor handling and storage can easily result in total loss of agricultural produce.

      Enyia, Jacob Otu Igwe, Chinedu Akam

Abstract: Liability in tort for defective product is anchored on negligence. It is governed by legal principles found chiefly in the judgment of judges entrusted with the administration of justice and partly from law books of eminent scholars. This work examines the subject of defective product within the confines of law of tort, and argues that consumers should be protected at all times and independently of contractual relations otherwise producers themselves may become ‘killers’ in the near future.

      Thinn Thinn Khaing, Moe Moe Htun, Ye Min Hein

Abstract: Aircraft electrical components operate on many different voltages both AC and DC. Many aircraft power systems use 115 volts (V) AC at 400 hertz (Hz) or 28 volts DC. The most lighting services on aircrafts are powered by 28 V DC. They vary from 600 W for landing lights to few watts for minor internal illumination usages. The input voltage for the system is 115 V AC whereas the 600watts landing light uses only 28 V DC. It so needs to rectify the three-phase input AC voltage to DC voltage for the voltage requirement of the landing light.

      Akeke, M. N. G. & Eyo, E. E.

Abstract: The study investigated students’ perception of the extent of the implementation of entrepreneurship education for economic development. The survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 9,714 SS2 students in Calabar Education Zone. Simple random technique was used to select 936 students which made up the sample of this study. The major instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability index ranging from 0.71-0.81 achieved using Cronbach alpha method. Two hypotheses were formulated and data gathered were analyzed with population t-test. The results of the analysis were found to be significantly high for curriculum content and low for utilization of instructional facilities. Recommendations included among others that instructional facilities should be properly utilized for effective implementation of entrepreneurship education, for the purpose of economic development.

      Zulfahri Lubis, Masitha Dewi, Delfi

Abstract: Purpose : To evaluate anterior chamber depth (ACD) and Intraocular pressure (IOP) alternation after phacoemulsification.


Abstract: This is a phenomenological research study within the perspectives of job stress of academic staff for which deductive approach was used to collect views of respondents. This research was designed to study different perspective of employee job stress and accordingly an attempt was made to identify and evaluate the effect on the variable relating to the factors causing job stress of academic staff with special reference to Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education.

      Praveen Kumar G.N, Sumangala K. Bhat

Abstract: Mushroom has been valued throughout the world as a source of both food and medicine for thousands of years. The objective of this study has focused on the edible mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus) preparation of chitin nanowhiskers from mushrooms. Chitin nanowhiskers were prepared from both the mushrooms by acid hydrolysis method after the removal of contaminating proteins and other minerals. The concentration of acid for hydrolysis was standardized for the two mushrooms. Button mushroom has yielded maximum chitin (14.3%) when 9N HCl was used and the oyster mushroom showed maximum chitin yield (44.45%) when 12N HCl was used for hydrolysis. Thickness, length and surface characteristics of the chitin were assessed through SEM. Size of the nanowhiskers of the mushrooms ranged from 50-200nm in length and ~11nm of thickness.

      Joneshia Bryan-Thomas, Ava-Gaye Lawrence, Anecia Reid, Georgiene Morgan

Abstract: This paper is a pilot study seeking to ascertain the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and its therapeutic successes both in Jamaica and in Barbados. Method: EBSCO host data base was used to gain needed literature evidence regarding successful therapeutics for cardiovascular diseases. The review was facilitated by the analysis of relevant literature and the distribution of questionnaires to a cohort of medical technology students in Jamaica.

      Adie, Justine Akunke, Beshel, Ignatius A

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate how ‘Capacity development in health information management can promote efficient health services delivery in hospitals in Calabar Urban, Cross River State, Nigeria. Three research objectives and questions were framed which culminated in three hypotheses for the study. A well designed questionnaire was prepared and one hundred copies were printed and distributed to respondents in the sampled hospitals for completion. The data were extracted from the questionnaire and analysed using Chi – square statistical tool to test the hypotheses at 0.05. The result of the study revealed that; capacity development enhances skills of health information professionals to perform their jobs successfully; it serves as a means of improving efficiency in services delivery and also motivate health information professionals to increase their input. The study recommended that; Capacity development should be promoted to sustain skills; promote efficiency and productivity; health information staff should be encourage to attend seminars in order to function effectively, and agency responsible for certification and license validation should formulate policies that will make it mandatory for every professional to attend capacity development workshops.

      Aye Mya Maw, Myat Myat Soe

Abstract: This research concentrates on the impact of diffuser and nozzle angles as changed parameters on flow velocity at diffuser passage. Diffuser length, nozzle length, throat diameter are fixed and diffuser and nozzle angles are varied 5̊ to 30̊ and 5̊ to 15̊ while the flow field analysis has been carried out using commercial software ANSYS CFX .The simulation results also show that diffuser and nozzle angles at (30̊,15̊) are the optimum angles that accelerates flow to the turbine. The velocity at these optimum angles are higher than other angles which cause the turbine can generate more power output. After getting the optimal inlet- nozzle diffuser design, numerical analysis for the designed hydrokinetic axial flow turbine with inlet-nozzle diffuser have been performed by using ANSYS CFX. This study also focuses on the flow velocity and pressure variation around the turbine due to the effect of inlet nozzle diffuser. Hence, the installation of diffuser around the conventional turbine significantly increases its power output capabilities. The proposed turbine design is intended to use at the irrigation channel so that turbine diameter and flow velocity is considered based on the selected location. According to the simulation results, incoming velocity 1.50 m/s at the throat of the turbine was increased up to 4.03 m/s and the preliminary designed turbine power output 210 W was increased to 288 W by installing inlet-nozzle diffuser to the hydrokinetic axial flow turbine.

      Caroline Kawila Kyalo, Prof. G.W. Odhiambo-Otieno, Dr. George Ochieng Otieno, Dr. Wanja Mwaura-Tenambergen

Abstract: The Ministry of Health in Kenya rolled out on HMIS policy in the year 2010. The policy directed that healthcare organizations in Kenya should shift from paper-based health information system to electronic integrated health information systems. However research indicates that HMIS in Kenya are to a large extent still paper based 8 years later. This paper addresses the impact of technical factor on the integration of HMIS. Moreover it also tests whether human infrastructure, IT infrastructure and systems interoperability have an impact on integration of HMIS. Data from a sample of 243 HMIS users were collected and analyzed. Results indicate that technical factor is positively related to integration of HMIS. Whereas a significant relationship was found between human infrastructure, IT infrastructure and systems interoperability. The critical link to integration of HMIS was found to be in systems interoperability, meaning that the more the Health Management Information Systems become interoperable the more likely integration of HMIS is likely to be attained.

      Sahmawi, Zaenal Fanani, Mohammad Nuh

Abstract: Pondok pesantren or the Islamic boarding school (IBS), as Islamic educational institutions have vital roles in the process of development of nationalism values. This study aims to reveal how the understanding of IBS against nationalism, what is the strategic role undertaken by the IBS in the imposition of nationalism values at Al-Hikmah and Miftahul Huda IBSs. Data collection was done through deep-intervewed with clerics, teachers, and students. After conducting data collection, data processing, data reduction, presentation, and conclusion, this study found that first, there was a strong understanding within the IBS environment toward the meaning of nationalism, which corresponds to the concepts and theories about nationalism.

      Nilar Oo

Abstract: The majority of the aircraft recognition methods assume the successful isolation of the aircraft silhouette from the background. In this system, image processing techniques are first employed to perform the image preprocessing tasks, such as image quality enhancement, noise removal, edge detection and automatic recognition. This system is the specific study of pattern recognition system based on aircraft shape such as wing, tail, nose of vehicle, morphological properties and color based properties. Although various types of automatic aircraft recognition system can be used, image processing with Matlab programming language is used to recognize aircraft. It is to make the system more flexible and refers to the task of selecting, detecting and successfully identifying different potential targets from simple scenes to complex scenes.

      Garandi Ijudigal Danjuma

Abstract: This study accessed factors that hindering the performance of cooperatives societies in Mubi metropolis, Adamawa state, Nigeria. In order to achieve the objectives, this study was guided by four research questions and four research hypotheses. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data from randomly selected 381 members of cooperatives in Mubi metropolis. This study recorded 96% returning rate and data collected were analysed with simple percentage, frequency table, weighted average and regression analysis.

      Lawrence Ofunja Kangei, Patrick Ouma Nyabul, and John Muhenda

Abstract: The conception(s) of the State and Sovereignty is not new-fangled at any apposite construal outlook. However, this ought not to be deciphered to connote that an affinity to delve into their comprehension is futile. In this paper, there are a plethora of sub-themes that constitute these two themes of interest. Appertaining to the State, it is ordered by the constitutional structures which partake of proffering a delineating social identity as well as the legitimacy of the State action.

      Joneshia Bryan-Thomas, Antoinette Parchment and Jolene Bryan-Campbell

Abstract: Objectives: Dengue fever is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito that is considered to be a vector borne viral disease. Drastic increase in cases in Jamaica is usually noted to be seen during the raining seasons, which spans from May-September each year.

      Archana Adhikary

Abstract: We know that the ultimate objective of Education is the “All –round development” of the children. Education is that means through which individual gets its refined shape. It enlighten as well as empower people to face all the challenges of life. The education provided through an organized form is termed as Formal Education. School is the basis of this formal education. The term “ School” bears a lot in the lives of people.

      Darmawan, Edy; Murtini, Titien Woro

Abstract: Formerly, polder is only functioned as green area for doing sports such as playing soccer, atletic for students and for night market communities as well sometimes. The flooding happened in this heritage area at the wet season. Therefore the local government have an idea to make polder as the water resistant and revitalitation of the rivers of a Banjir Kanal Timur. The problem of heritage area is not only about flooding, but also the land that subsidence 10 cm every year. The heritage building were left by the ownership and the building where deteroration, besides, there are also many criminals, many unarrangement vendors, the bad condition of infrastructure, cause many investors canceled to invest. The method would be used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The polder functions can be used as recreational place, fishing place, open space for water refreshing, for aesthetic background of view, and also the water resistant around the heritage. It is an attractive point for heritage area.

      Ahmed AbdulSalam Ahmed Al-Salim

Abstract: The study aimed to Definition the total quality management and its impact on the performance of education institutions in the University of Samarra , This study was based on the analytical descriptive approach, which was composed of the top management and middle administration of the university. The study sample was 52 individual. It found a set of results of which, there is a statistically significant effect of total quality management on the performance of education institutions in the University of Samarra. Based on the findings of the study were presented a set of recommendations was the most prominent of the permanent work on the dissemination of comprehensive quality culture at the University, Engaging employees in the process of strategic planning for quality and benefit from their experience in the field of the application of total quality management.

      Aneke, N.A.G., Mbah, G.O. and Edeani, N. J

Abstract: Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effects of temperature, thickness and time on the drying of water yam slices and to determine the optimised condition for hot air drying. The predominant falling rate drying regime was observed. Experiments were performed at air temperature of 60oC, 70oC and 80oC, slice thickness of 4, 6 and 8mm and drying times of 60, 165 and 270minutes. Based on response surface and desirability functions, the optimum conditions for water yam drying were: air temperature70OC, 74.9OC, slice thickness 6mm, 6.6mm and drying time 165minutes, 116.1minutes for untreated and treated water yam respectively. At this point, the predicted responses for drying rate were 0.000345kg/m2s, 0.000358kg/m2s respectively.

      Lawrence Samuel Igenewari, ChiefJamaes Phillip Michael

Abstract: The modern world is supported and sustained largely by technologies that are developed to sense, measure, acquire, process, store, transmit, transform and display information in digital format. The collection of these technologies constitutes the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) which has the amazing potential to determine the dynamics of life. Understandably, the educational system of any nation must have a transformational relationship with ICT. Consequently, the authors have carried out a deep techno-surgical analysis of the ICT Centre of Nigerian Universities exposing their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. The goal is to develop a strategic planning programme that will immensely enhance the effective operation and management of the centres and provide the universities with the capacity of delivering the needed quality and technology-driven education in line with the realities of the dynamic society. The Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt was used as a case study.

      Sheikh Shahnawaz

Abstract: In this paper, both secondary and primary data is used for analysis of the performance of Indian Insurance Companies using the AHP technique. In order to solve the complex decision of choosing the insurance company, five criteria were taken into consideration and their pairwise comparison to calculate the AHP Scores of 15 such companies which are ruling the market currently. We could find out the significant positive relationship between the parameters and their composite scores depicting that these five criteria (premium, benefits, product diversity, customer service, distribution network) are mainly considered before the buying decision is made. However, the most stronger criterion among these was the premium and the associated benefits of the various insurance policies.

      Kyi Pyar Zaw, Zin Mar Kyu

Abstract: This paper presents a system for Myanmar text extraction and recognition from warning signboard images taken by a mobile phone camera. Camera captured natural images have numerous difficulties compared to the traditional scanned documents. Common problems for camera captured text extraction are variations in font style, size, color orientation, illumination condition as well as the complex background. In this system, color enhancement process is performed to distinguish the foreground text and background color. Color enhanced images are converted into binary images using color threshold range.


Abstract: The concept of universal design has been known in the engineering environment, especially Department of Architecture. It is an fundamental element to provide an accessible design for all including persons with disabilities. Therefore, necessary for us to review it in both of the national legislation, and international documents.

      Mrs. Ni Ni Aung

Abstract: In Artificial Neural Network (ANN) experiments, the system of face recognition consists of image preprocessing, image segmentation, detection and feature extraction, localization and normalization and ANN. First, the process of preprocessing for human face is an improvement of the image data and image segmentation is the first step of image analysis that seeks to simplify an image to its basic component elements or objects. Then, the detection and feature extraction is the process of local feature and global feature for human face to extract features in localization and normalization. Finally, a back-propagation ANN is used and trained to recognize the actual human face images.

      Adhisty Manan, Ragil Haryanto

Abstract: Yogyakarta city is known for its tourist attraction as it also becomes the second tourism destination in Indonesia. One of the tourism development centre in Yogyakarta is Sosrowijayan Tourist Village. Sosrowijayan became a tourist attraction in Yogyakarta City, especially Malioboro and there are also many other accommodation and tourism-supporting activities found in Sosrowijayan roadside.

      Hnin Hnin Ei, Myat Myat Soe

Abstract: Hydro energy is widely used in the small and remote areas that require only a small amount of electricity. The Turgo turbine is used for pico hydro power generation. The initial cost of the turbine is low and is similar to Pelton wheel.

      Khairul Anuar Kamarudin, Wan Adibah Wan Ismail, & Sylvester Yasin

Abstract: The paper examines which income smoothing perspective (deceptive or informative) is more prevalent by focusing at four audit committee attributes namely audit committee size, the number of audit committee meeting, the proportion of non-executive, and the proportion of independent audit committee members. Using a sample comprises 604 public listed firms in Malaysia during the year 2008 to 2014, this study finds that firms with strong audit committee, which have large audit committee, more frequent meeting and high proportion of independent directors are associated with low extent of income smoothing.

      Risna Resnawaty, Siti Zahara Nurmega, Agus Wahyudi Riana

Abstract: The Trash problem becomes a major challenge faced by the entire community of Bandung city. The Government and the community began to actively seek a solution in realizing a free living conditions, problems of trash. It’s therefore necessary the proper handling, especially in waste management involving various elements of society. This research aims to know the role of stakeholders in the management of waste. The approach used is the qualitative approach with case studies. Research conducted at the RW 09 Cigelereng Village Regol District Bandung City. The collection of data obtained through observation, interview techniques, the study of librarianship, documentation and study then analyzed using data reduction, the presentation of data and verification of data. The data obtained are then validated using the triangulation technique of the data.

      Tanveer Ul Hassan, Bilal Umar, Danish Malik, Shoaib Waris, Khalid Hussain, Jawad Ahmed

Abstract: Chronic Hepatitis C is the most common cause of liver disease and liver cirrhosis and it is due to common spreading of HCV by liver transplantation in the United State (U.S) Australia and most of Europe. Approximately 170 million people are affected by HCV worldwide and 3% are in global population. HCV is the most common chronic blood born infection in the U.S and its involved 40% in chronic cases of liver disorders (Wasley & Alter, 2000)). HCV was first time isolated from a person who has not affected with hepatitis A and hepatitis B in 1989 (QL, et al., 1989). Shortly after the cloning of HCV this new-found virus was discovered to be the cause of approximately 90% of non-A and non-B hepatitis in the U.S. (Lauer & Bruce, 2001)

      Soe Khet Khet Zaw, Pa Pa Win Swe, Weine Nway Nway Oo

Abstract: Organic brown rice was fermented under anaerobic condition to produce rice vinegar. Lactic acid bacteria which were grown in fermented rice vinegar (pH 4, total acidity 6%) were isolated. Totally six bacterial isolates were identified as Lactobacillus spp. by some biochemical characteristics. All isolates gave clear zone which were cultured on MRS agar supplemented with 0.3% CaCO3. The cell concentration of the strain BRV 4 was higher acid producing than any other probiotic tested when they were grown in MRS medium. Colonial morphologies of all isolates were convex and white- creamy. All isolates were gram positive and shape of rod. Among these isolates, BRV 4 gave catalase positive and the rest were negative and BRV2 gives methyl red negative. As for motility test, all strains showed negative results. Moreover, the carbohydrate fermentation test (glucose, sucrose, dextrose and lactose) were carried out, it has been found that, all isolates can ferment all carbohydrates.

      Edirisinghe, CL

Abstract: Glass ceiling effect and women is yet the most debatable topic even several years into the 21st century. So this study attempts to identify how individual barrier and organizational barrier leads to create the glass ceiling effect among female executives in the selected large apparel industry, Sri Lanka. The sample of the study is 320 executive female employees who employed in large apparel industry, Sri Lanka. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, which consist of 50 questions/statements with 5-point scale. The data analyses include the univariate and bivariate analyses. From the results of the study it was proven that there is a moderately strong positive correlation between the barriers (Individual and Organizational Barrier) and glass ceiling effect. Where 36.2% of the variance of glass ceiling effect is explained by an individual barrier and 40.3% of the variance of glass ceiling effect is explained by an organizational barrier.

      Rusdina Atsari, Haryo Sulistyarso, Adjie Pamungkas

Abstract: Some studies on parks in Gubeng Sub-District shown that there is park that can not be used optimally by the community in terms of function, design, accessibility and it’s compiler materials. So how the concept of an active park arrangement that can meet and encorage active physical activities and recreational activities on active park in Gubeng Sub-District area? Mixed method sequential is the research approach that used in this research. Data were collected using field observation and questionnaire, then analyzed using descriptive analysis and correlation statistics.

      M. Shankar Babu, Dr. E. Viswanathan

Abstract: The banking sector has experienced a change in paradigm, be it from the aspect of legislative, technological or financial changes. However, the curiosity into the causes of bank failure has somewhat lagged behind. One possible consequence of this scenario is that current rating system may no longer accurately assess the banking environment. This paper attempts to look beyond the numbers used in CAMELS rating system and see if there is a need to enhance the model used.

      Raudhah Hilaluddin, Norsidah Ujang, Suhardi Maulan

Abstract: Development of an urban riverfront offers a great opportunity for a city to enrich its social and economic landscape. In the effort to develop a sustainable riverfront development, it is important to understand the key factors that influence the user’s preference towards the river.

      Dr. Ralimongla

Abstract: Tertiary rocks of Changkikong Range constitutes a part of belt of Schuppen- a most prominent morphotectonic unit of Naga Hills. The palaeocurrent patterns for the Barail Group (Tikak Parbat Formation) , Changki Formation and Tipam Group (Tipam Sandstone Formation) have been studied . Interpretation reveals polymodal, bimodal , bimodal-pipolar palaeocurrent patterns in the study area.

      Simiyu A. H, Muthama J, Ngaina J and Onwonga, R

Abstract: The study followed a Driver-Pressure-State-Impact and Response (DPSIR) framework where cause-effect-response model was adopted. Mt Kenya Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) station was used as background station with the assumption of natural pollution occurrence. The pollutants that were studied include Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2). The pollution dataset was sourced from Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application (MERRA – 2) while wind data was sourced from Kenya meteorological department (KMD) from 2000 to 2016. Time series and correlation analysis were used to describe data characteristics while cross-sectional analysis was done to ascertain spatial behaviour of pollutants. Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) and Wind Rose plotting (Wrplot) were used to determine wind trajectory and wind frequency

      Baniula Syech Yulshob, Oce Wiriawan, Edy Mintarto

Abstract: plyometric is an exercise that involves eccentric muscle contraction. Plyometric is divided into some forms, however this study uses 4 plyometric forms, namely: single tuck jump, double tuck jump, side to side barrier single tuck jump and side to side barrier double tuck jump.

      Aguswan, Sulaiman Zuhdi, Abdul Mirad

Abstract: A forum formed to conduct a participatory plan is commonly mentioned as Musrembang; a term for development plan discussion usually conducted in Indonesia. This discussion is commonly started from the lowest government. Thus, the decision made in the discussion is a priority to reconstruct a village. This study was conducted in Kampar, Riau, Indonesia.

      Radhi Abu Bakar, Mustakim Melan

Abstract: Even though tax e-filing system have improved, issues regarding information quality such as the correctness of the output information, the availability of the output information at a time suitable for its use, and the comprehensiveness of the output information content issues which forced the users to queue in the system still exist. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between information quality and individual taxpayers’ continuous intention toward using e-filing system in Malaysia. This study adopts the DeLone & McLean Information System Success Model as a theoretical basis firstly because it is a well-established theory and is widely used in information system technical-related research.

      Rini Purbayani, Arita Marini, Fahrurrozi

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of picture media and learning styles on social study learning outcomes. The study was conducted in SDN 1 Sindangkasih with a sample of VA class students as many as 30 people as an experimental class and VB class as many as 30 people as a control class conducted in the academic year 2017/2018. This Research is using design treatment by level 2 x 2. Data analysis technique used two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique.

      Intan Kusmayanti, M. Syarif Sumantri, Anton Noornia

Abstract: Purpose of this study is to determine the effect of learning approach Concept-Rich Instruction to the ability of mathematical understanding in terms of math anxiety of elementary school students. The study was conducted in SD Negeri 1 Sindang kasih with a sample of third-grade students A and III B 45 people an experimental class and class III C and III D with a sample of 45 students as a control class conducted in the academic year 2017/2018. Research using treatment by level 2 x 2. Data analysis technique is a two-lane variance analysis (ANOVA).

      Julham A, Vanda V, Delfi

Abstract: Background: Abnormalities in the posterior segment of the eyeball affect the vision of the patient with myopia. Posterior segmental abnormalities in myopia may affect peripheral (peripheral degeneration) and posterior pole (posterior pole degeneration).

      Nia Meitisari, Agustina Hanafi, Zakaria Wahab

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze direct and indirect effects of organizational communication climate and career development toward employee performance, where the job satisfaction as an intervening variable toward the organizational communication climate and career development of employee performance at Human Resource Department and General Division of PT Pusri Palembang.

      Eze, Ogemdi Uchenna, Nwabunze, Uzoma Oluchukwu, Orekyeh, Emeka Samuel

Abstract: The success of Nigeria’s 2015 general elections was unanticipated, judging by the tense political and security atmosphere in which the polls were conducted. It is against this backdrop that this study explores the contribution of four Nigerian newspapers (The Guardian, Vanguard, Independent and Leadership) and, in particular, their editorials, to the reasonably peaceful and mostly credible 2015 general elections in Nigeria. This qualitative study, located within the interpretivist tradition, draws on textual analysis of selected editorials to explore three strands of appeals: – violence-free polls, rational voting and credible electoral process made by these editorials.

      Eng. Ghassan J. Hijazin, Eng. Mohammad J. Alhusban, Eng. Rami T. Dalabeeh, Mohammed Abu-Hjeilah

Abstract: Mathematical algorithms of smart phone applications have rapidly growing, transforming smart phones into optical readers to quantify and measure colorimetric changes occurred at different type of colorimetric test strip as well as portable lens or lens free microscope . Making it an inexpensive and accessible alternative diagnostic tool to replace more costly commercial systems. This paper presented the global trend of using smart-phone platform based on optical theory.

      Suryani Evroza Komaria, Nurlina Tarmizi, Sa’adah Yuliana

Abstract: This study examines the Influence of DPK, ROA and NPF to Total Financing at Sharia Rural Bank (BPRS) In Indonesia. The independent variables in this research are DPK, ROA, and NPF while Variable in this research is Total of Sharia Financing. The data is the monthly data issued by the Financial Services Authority in the statistics of Islamic Banking Period 2011 - 2016. This research uses multiple linear regression model. The results of this study indicate that during the observation period the research data is normally distributed. This research uses multiple linear regression model. DPK positive, DPK previous year was negative, ROA of previous year was positive and NPF was negative to Total Financing at SRB in Indonesia. The value of the variable to the total loan amounted to 99.28 percent by the amount of Adjusted R2, while the remaining 0.72 percent by other factors not included in the research model.

      B. L. Gadiga and I. D. Garandi

Abstract: This study focuses on the assessment of the spatial and temporal changes of Kiri lake between 1984 and 2016. The study used both geo-information techniques and field survey to carry out analysis on the spatial as well as the changes in the depth of the lake. Landsat TM and OLI of 1984 and 2016 respectively were digitized in order to determine the extent of surface area changes that has occurred. Field method was used in determining changes in the depth of the lake. The results revealed that the lake has reduced in both surface area and depth.

      D.T.D. Alahakoon

Abstract: Parental death is the most painful experience in one’s life time. Children experience series of common emotional reactions such as shock, yearning, anger, sadness, guilt feeling and anxiety due to the parental death. Children demonstrate a range of behavioral and cognitive reactions too. Primary pattern of reactions depends on the age of the child. In therapy it should be considered non-malleable and Malleable Factors. Children who bereaved after parental death are more likely to have psychopathological problems in future. CBT with creative interventions is the more effective approach for childhood bereavement following parental death.

      Soe Myat, San Nyein Khine

Abstract: Transparent and conducting oxide (TCO) glass electrode is the essential part of solar cell system. Fluorine-doped tin oxide (SnO2:F) thin film is one of the TCO layers on glass substrate. Indium-doped tin oxide (SnO2:In) (ITO) has high transparency and high electrical conductivity. But the electrical resistance of ITO increases more than three times of former value when the film temperature is 300oC or higher. So, SnO2:F (FTO) is more attractive than ITO for dye-sensitized solar cell. In this work, spray pyrolysis deposition technique was used to fabricate SnO2:F film on glass substrate. And then film thickness and refractive index of SnO2:F thin film were determined by spectroscopic ellipsometer.

      Desy Liliani Husain

Abstract: This research was aimed to examine the effect of authentic materials on the students’ motivation to read. At the same time, it was conducted to know their perception after being taught using the authentic materials in reading class in English as a Foreign Language context. The students of English Department at Halu Oleo University Kendari who programmed Reading II course were identified as the participants in this research. It was consisted of 22 students who enrolled in the second semester of the year. To collect the data, two techniques of data collection were used observations, and administering questionnaires.

      Onwughalu, M.K

Abstract: The experiment was required to evaluate the incorporation of a step-up DC/DC converter to boost the energy recovered from a supercapacitor. This involves the use of 8-Pin MAX756 which is manufactured by Panasonic based on CMOS step-up DC/DC switching regulator for small, low input voltage and battery powered system. It accepts low input voltages down to 0.7V and boosts it to a higher selective voltage of 3.3V or 5V with switching frequency up to 0.5MHz and efficiency up to 80% at 200mA. This DC/DC is coupled to capacitor voltage of capacitance of 30F of maximum operating voltage of 2.3VDC with internal resistance of 0.1(Ω) at 1kHz, diameter 18mm, length 35mm, pin diameter 0.8mm and spacing between pins of 7.5mm based on manufacture’s specification. Charge and discharge characteristics were performed with and without DC/DC converter and compared to theoretical characteristics. It was found that the charge and discharge rate were similar to the theoretical result. Also, when a DC/DC converter was connected, the result showed that the voltage remained more stable as load was increased and the time of discharge was extended.

      HASSAN, S.T. and GARANDI . D. I

Abstract: This study appraised the role of cooperative societies on well-being of members in Adamawa State. The study used subjective measures, such as income & expenditure, educational & training status, housing & shelter status, nutrition & feeding status, health status, materials & household needs as well as household utilities to determine the respective status of members before and after joined cooperative societies.

      Mohammad Ghufron Az

Abstract: Bank as financial institutions have an important role in society. They are closely related to the circulation of money in order to smooth all public financial activities. Almost all economic activities of the community require bank services, so it can be said that banking institutions are very important and vital in economic structure of a country. Financing in an Islamic banking, essentially the financing contract is the same as the credit agreement of interest system, but the difference lies in the purpose of the financing as well as the specific clauses contained in the financing contract, such as those concerning the format of the loan interest substitute. In its development, although its age is relatively younger than conventional banking, their performance of Islamic bank in Indonesia has well shown.

      Thin Thiri Win

Abstract: Aircraft have two primary sources of electrical energy. The first is the generator, which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The second is the battery, which converts chemical energy to electrical energy. The generator is the main source and the battery is the auxiliary source. In aircraft, the electrical system is primarily an AC system. Aircraft electrical components operate on many different voltages both AC and DC. However, most of the systems are 115 VAC with 400 Hz, 28 VDC and 26 VAC is also used in aircraft for lighting. DC is also supplied from a battery installation. The battery provides 28 VDC. The function of the electrical system is to generate, regulate and distribute electrical power throughout the aircraft. New generation aircraft rely heavily on electrical power because of the wide use of electronic flight instrument systems. For aircraft constant frequency systems 400 Hz has been adopted as the standard. The application of 400 Hz frequency, which is higher than usual frequencies, offer several advantages over 60 Hz - notably in allowing smaller, lighter power supplies to be used for aircraft operations and computer applications.

      Dr.Sanjana Shetty,Dr.Rajesh Venunath,Dr.Raghuraj U,Dr.Lathika Shetty.

Abstract: In children, tumours of the spine are much rarer than intracranial tumours. They are classified into intramedullary, intradural and extradural tumours.1Magnetic resonance imaging provides crucial information regarding the extent, location and internal structure of the mass thus critically narrowing the differential diagnosis. Our department reports a case of a 16 year old female who presented with history of proximal muscle weakness and MR features of the above disease. We discuss the typical MR features of myxopapillary ependymoma and determine the role of MR imaging in identifying the tumour, establishing its extent and defining its relationship with adjacent intraspinal structures.

      Haqif Arifi, Prof. Dr. Albert Qarri

Abstract: The situation in the social and health sector in Kosovo despite efforts and engagements remains severe. According to World Bank reports, around 45% of the population are unemployed and about 15% of the population have difficulties in securing their elementary needs or living in extreme poverty. Health indicators remain among the lowest in the region.

      Obinna, Eva. N, Kabari, L. G

Abstract: Internet design has to do with its architecture. Internet architecture is a meta-network that constantly changes collection of thousands of individual network that intercommunicate with common protocol. The success of the present day internet has been hindered by many sophisticated network attacks because of its security challenges embedded in the original architecture. The original architecture is hard to modify and new functions have to be implemented via myopic and clumsy adhoc patches on top of the existing architecture. This work aimed at analyzing the present day internet design, emphasizing on its architecture, performance and then proposing an improved design with clear reasons for the improvement.

      Obinna, Eva. N, Kabari, L. G

Abstract: Congestion in a network may occur when the load on the network is greater than the capacity of the network and consequently, performance degrades. Congestion control is a technique and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion before it happens, or remove congestion after it has happened. This work presents a comparative analysis of Drop Tail, RED and NLRED congestion control algorithm and performed a simulation experiment to show their relative effectiveness. The experiment was done using NS2 simulator on the basis of End-to-End Delay,

      Musa M, Precious O., Isah B., Haliru I. and Umar A. B

Abstract: A solar baking oven was successfully constructed with cheap and locally available materials and was tested. Data was collected during the experiment and was also recorded. The effect of wind speed to the system have become a major concern, due to this limitation, this paper present the effects of solar radiation and wind speed on the performance evaluation of a solar thermal oven. The performance evaluation of the oven in terms of figures of merits and oven efficiency was evaluated based on Indian Standard (IS 13429:2000).

      Henry, U.I., Henry, U.M., Ibrahim, Iro I., Habib, L.I.

Abstract: The study was conducted in Jos North L.G.A of Plateau State, Nigeria to assess the properties of Fadama soils. Soil samples were collected from Federal College of Forestry Jos, Federal Department of Forestry, Farin Gada and ECWA Staff Fadama sites at two depths (0 – 15cm and 15 – 30cm) using simple random sampling methods. The parameters assessed for were particle size distribution, PH, total Nitrogen, organic carbon, organic matter, available phosphorous, total exchangeable bases, exchangeable acidity, cation exchange capacity, base saturation percentage, exchangeable sodium percentage and sodium absorption ratio.

      Nay Win Sein

Abstract: Myanmar is an agricultural country and has a population of about 50 million. In Myanmar, rice is one of the major crop and the need for drying facilities at the site of the rice production is essential if post production losses to be kept to a minimum. Some dryers are run by diesel or gasoline engines and natural source of sun. In this paper, the drying system will be powered by solar energy

      Mudabbir Gill

Abstract: The paper focus on the newly found numbers which shows the actual numbers in spite of present numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

      Graham Amakanji Oluteyo, Prof. Edmond Were, Dr. Ruth Simiyu

Abstract: Globally, the debate around religious extremism and radicalization has re-emerged as a topical issue, notwithstanding the reality that a complete metamorphosis of the process of radicalization always matures to heinous acts of terrorism. Terrorism poses grave threats to national, regional as well as global peace and security. In spite of this, there have been lapses in the management of radicalization in Kenya.

      Dr. Sandeep kumar, Dr. Srikant jawalkar

Abstract: A case of spinal brucellosis caused by Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus . A forty-year-old male presented with weakness of both lower limbs with fever of 5 months duration. Neurological examination revealed spastic paraplegia with sensory impairment below T 8 . MRI scan of the spine showed a lesion in spondylodiscitis changes at multiple levels . He was started on Rifampicin and doxycycline along with laminectomy and D9-D10 screw fixation. Neurobrucellosis, should be treated early as it can result in irreversible changes. Hence it is important to consider the possibility of neurobrucellosis in endemic region and treat aggressively.

      Myin San, Nyi Nyi

Abstract: There are various natural resources such as water, air, wind and solar in Myanmar. Among them, water resource is the most abundant as there are many rivers and streams with rich electrical energy. Moreover, the cost of hydro-electric power is relatively cheaper compared with other resources

      Kothalawala S.G., Chathurangi D.U., Yatiwella L.N.S.B.

Abstract: Seaweeds are a rich source of bioactive compounds as discovered by many research studies in recent history. Even though there are numerous methods to generate certain bioactive compounds from chemical modifications, advantages of extracting them from natural seaweeds have exceeded the artificial synthesis. However, practical applications of seaweeds are mainly observed to pharmaceutical industry, drug development and functional foods so far. This is due to the bioactive properties such as antiviral, antitumor, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antilipidemic beneficial for such industries.

      Thae Nu Wah, Pann Ei San, Thandar Hlaing

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis on feature extraction and classification of rice kernels for Myanmar rice using image processing techniques. There are seven steps to analyze the image processing techniques. The classification of export-rice quality is a great challenge in agricultural industries. The development of modern technology-based methods for rice quality classification is currently necessary to provide a reliable and consistent rice quality to consumers. An image processing algorithm has been implemented the analysis and classification the rice kernels in Myanmar.

      Ebikila Suoyai, Agada Franklin A., Lucky Tema, Matthew Boloekeye

Abstract: The link between aggregate money supply, inflation and economic growth has raised a lot of scholarly debate in the field of economics and finance. The study sets to investigate the impact of money supply on macroeconomic variables in Nigeria from 1985 to 2016.

      Isola G. A., Oni O. M., Akinloye M. K., and Ayanlola P. S.

Abstract: Studies on the gamma radiation level and the radionuclide distribution in the soil of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo state were carried out. This study is to provide a baseline data on the radiation level as well as the distribution of some naturally occurring radionuclides present in the University that was established in 1990 with population of about thirty thousands.

      Akinloye M. K. , Isola G. A, and Ayanlola P. S.

Abstract: The radionuclide contents in soil samples obtained from Oloru, Kwara State have been investigated. The qualitative and quantitative of any radionuclides present in an environment depends on the geological formations such an area. The geological formation of the area considered in this study consists of rocks,

      Ei Phyu Win, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, Than Da Min

Abstract: To investigate the farmers’ currently used varieties, water management and uses of organic manures, and to evaluate the farmers’ perception on climate change, the study was conducted in three village tracts in Madaya township, Mandalay region in January 2017. Purposive random sampling method was used to select 63 respondents from the study area and both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Most of the farmers (49.2%) in this study are middle aged. The majorities of the farmers are middle-scale farmers (96.8%). The respondents (50.8%) are well-experienced in farming and the most farming experiences are 25-40 years.

      Ei Phyu Win, Kyaw Kyaw Win, Kyaw Ngwe, Than Da Min

Abstract: To find out the water management and organic manures practices to obtain minimum methane emission, the pot experiments were conducted during the summer and rainy season 2017. Split plot design with three replications was used. Two water management practices and four cowdung manure rates were allocated in main and sub factor arrangement. IR 50 was planted with twenty one seedling age.

      Tata Herbert and Matthew Nnonyelu Ono

Abstract: The study attempts to carry out the determination of geoidal height using a geometric approach. This approach involves the use of GPS/levelling to determine the ellipsoidal and orthometric heights. South DGPS was used in acquiring GPS data, which were processed using South GNSS processor software for deriving ellipsoidal heights, while Leica Jogger modern automatic level instrument was used in acquiring leveling data, which were processed to produce orthometric heights.

      Dr. Nelson Siocha Omae

Abstract: The quest to ensure that learners achieve quality education and acquire values and skills that help them play a positive role in their societies is an issue on the policy agenda of Government of Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of teacher resource on quality education provision in public primary schools in Masaba South sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya.

      Surbhi Gambhir

Abstract: Demonetisation is an act of taking back the status of legal tender from any currency, in India this decision was taken on 8 November 2016 making the economy swing on a roller coaster ride. Main aim for such a strong step is the elimination of black money and funding for terrorism which completely disrupted the social, political, and economic spheres of the world’s second largest emerging market. Economy was hit badly.

      Septian Sudrajat, Ngadiso, Dewi Rochsantiningsih

Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the implementation of vocabra games faced by the Elementary Students in one of the schools in Indonesia. The sample in this study was the fifth grade students having high motivation in vocabulary mastery. This research was a qualitative study using purposive sample. In collecting the qualitative data, the researchers did observation, interview and distributed questionnaire. This study revealed some findings related to the students’ high motivation in vocabulary mastery.

      Prof. Okolocha C.C., Okeke, Virginia Nkechi

Abstract: The study determined the effect of peer tutoring on academic achievement of low achievers in keyboarding in secondary schools in Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study was quasi-experimental research which specifically used the pretest, posttest non-equivalent control group design.

      Eti Dewi Nopembereni, Sugiyanto, Keppi Sukesi, and Yayuk Yuliati

Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the factors causing local communities to actively manage the system of shifting cultivation in Central Kalimantan. The research took place in Mantangai Tengah Village and Mantangai Hilir Village of Mantangai Sub-District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The location and sample of the research are determined by using the "purposive sampling" method

      Kajol Karmoker, Md. Enamul Haque

Abstract: Consumer behavior is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. Accordingly this study aimed to know why the female consumers in Bangladesh purchase gold ornaments or what factors influence their purchase, how often they purchase and from where they purchase.

      Dr Monami Das, Dr Polash Sonowal

Abstract: Aims& Objective: The main objective of our study was to evaluate the Knowledge , Attitude and Practice on ADR reporting among the intern doctors in Assam Medical College & Hospital, Dibrugarh, a tertiary care hospital of Assam.

      Adeolu, A.T and Adewoye, S.O

Abstract: The geometric increase in urbanisation cum industrialization has resulted in drastic increase in the volume of wastewater and sludge which contain heavy metals which deteriorate the soil and ground water quality and bioaccumulate in food chains. The use of strain-specific microbial fermentation in the production of organic acids towards the removal of heavy metals has been extensively studied. However, the use of indigenous micro flora toward the bioleaching of heavy metals has not been well researched.

      Joana Akweley Zanu, Rebecca Lartey, Ninette Afi Pongo

Abstract: Students clean their garments to eliminate dirt and to prevent them from smelling. Although often ignored, every load of washing and drying contributes to environmental consequence on tertiary campuses with extensive use of water, energy, detergents, and chemicals. The study thus investigated the existing patterns of student laundry application and the environmental implications of these practices. The sample used for this study were tertiary students in Ghana. Convenience sampling was used to select 150 students and administered with questionnaires. The major findings of the study demonstrate that one of the main problems with laundry as it stands is the lack of education about the environmental impacts of doing laundry. Students do not connect doing laundry with the number of resources necessary to make their clothes clean. This is especially true when considering detergents and the number of students who haphazardly pour detergent when cleaning their clothes.

      Priya Ahire, Praveen Agrawal, Prachiti Gokhe, Dhanashri Patil, Rukmini Waghmare

Abstract: Abdominal tuberculosis commonly affect intestines, lymph nodes, peritoneum. [1] However abdominal tuberculous lymphadenopathy as a cause of obstructive jaundice is rare.

      Anam Javaid, Shahbaz Nawaz, Kinza Israr, Sumbal Javaid, Muhammad Kashan

Abstract: Gallstones are crystal like collections that formed by merging of normal and abnormal gallbladder content. Usually there are two types of gallstones exist i.e. cholesterol stones & pigment stones. The current paper focuses on symptoms of the disease, major cause for the disease and on the treatments that majority of patients preferred. For this purpose, sample of size 170 data from different hospitals in Multan is collected by using convenience sampling. Main demographic factors involved in this study are Gender, Age group, marital status for patients of GSD.

      Mohamed Giuma Nassar

Abstract: Modern economic conditions of the post are audited by high auditors in terms of expected quality audit work. On a reliable basis financial statements are based on the whole system of financial markets what means that an independent and competent opinion on financial reports has a lot of information value. On the other side, opinion in which should be expressed is for all auditors its not as companies are globalizing; they expand their scope and types of activities, process. It should be borne in mind that the auditors are continuously imposed price and time pressures with limited resources as effective implemented the verification procedure and expressed its opinion.

      Andriga, Taufiq, Sa’adah Yuliana

Abstract: The purpose this studies to determine the causality of macroeconomic variables, including gross domestic product, inflation and exchange rates with third-party funds of Shariah banking in Indonesia. The data used is secondary data obtained from Bank Indonesia (BI) and Central Agency Statistics (BPS) in the period of quarter I 2009 to quarter IV 2016. Model used in this study is Granger Causality.

      Thi Thi Soe, Zarni Sann

Abstract: One of the interesting and important fields of research in pattern recognition is paper currency recognition. Every person of various countries uses currencies in their daily activities. The concentrate of this paper is on automatics and reliable currency recognition. The recognition operations for Myanmar currency denominations comprise six stages: image capturing, preprocessing, target region extraction, number segmentation, currency value recognition, and output with screen displaying and voice.

      Vikram Shende, Panneerselvam R

Abstract: Indian Organisations are undergoing evolution in terms of Customer requirements, New Technologies, Government Policies & Regulatory Changes at par with developed countries, surmounting competition and cost consciousness of Indian customer. Organisations needs to realign strategies to sustain and grow in business, needs to come up with future Products & Services. In a nut shell, future Organisations needs to be wiser.

      Tran Thi Thanh Hien, Nguyen Thi Cam Duyen, Tran Le Cam Tu, Nguyen Van Khanh and Tran Minh Phu

Abstract: This study was aimed determine the dietary methionine (Met) and lysine (Lys) requirement for snakehead fingerlings (2-4 g fish-1). Basal diets in two experiments contained approximately isonitrogenous 42 % and isoenergetic 20.3 KJ g-1. In the first experiment on Met requirement, L-Met was added to the basal diets including six treatments containing from 7.3 to 14.8 g Met kg-1 diet (17.5 to 35.3 g Met kg-1 protein) interval increasing of 1.5 g kg-1 diet. In the second experiment determining Lys requirement, L-Lys HCL was added to basal diets including seven treatments containing from 12.6 to 36.6 g Lys kg-1 diet (30.1 to 87.2 g Lys kg-1 protein ), interval increasing of about 4 g kg-1 diet. The experiements were randomly designed with four replications for each treatment.

      Rana Neha, Dr. Taneja Indu

Abstract: The market of nutritional supplements for women care is proliferating these days. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) have always been and still continue to be a major health concern to women. UTI stands as the most prevalent bacterial infection suffered by women. Cranberry has been used in preventive and treatment medicines for UTI, since decades now. Most UTIs are acute uncomplicated cystitis caused by Escherichia coli (86%). Women with recurrent UTIs are the group to whom most recommendations regarding cranberry consumption is directed, inclusion of other groups in the efficacy assessment could influence clinical practice quality.

      Rana Neha, Dr. Sharma Aman, Dr.Taneja Indu

Abstract: Resveratrol is nutraceutical with many beneficial therapeutic effects. Theyre thought to act like antioxidants, protecting the body against damage that can put you at higher risk for things like cancer and heart disease. It has been found that for neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, the current clinical trials show that resveratrol is well tolerated and beneficially influenced disease biomarkers.

      Ahmad Bala Alhassan, Muhammad Auwal Shehu, Bashar Mohd Othman, Ibrahim Abdullahi Shehu

Abstract: This paper investigates the performance of various control schemes for level control of a coupled tank process. The nonlinear dynamic model of the system was derived using the analytical and empirical approaches. To investigate the performance of the controllers, proportional plus integral control, proportional plus integral plus feedforward control and internal model control (IMC) have been proposed.

      Michael O. Nwnkwo, Etim Esin Etim and Innocent O. Ogbonna

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that is associated with abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. It is usually associated with excretion of excess sweet urine known as glycosuria. This study investigated the anti-diabetic activity of seed milk extract in Alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The seed milk extract at a concentration of 100,200, 300 and 400 mg/kg body weight were orally administered to alloxan-induced diabetic rats for a period of fifteen (15) days. The oral glucose tolerance test was also carried out using animal experimental method.

      Htun Myint and Hla Myo Tun

Abstract: How to develop a novel missile guidance law that can act effectively against very high speed incoming targets, such as ballistic missiles, has been a major concern in the defense technique. On the basis of this requirement, a new integrated proportional navigation guidance is developed in this research against very high-speed maneuverable targets on three-dimensional space. Proportional navigation (PN) has attracted a considerable amount of interest in the literature related to missile guidance and continues to be a benchmark for new missile guidance laws.

      Htun Myint and Hla Myo Tun

Abstract: On the basis of the characteristic analysis of data transmission and interconnection interface in complicated radar real-time signal processing system, a multi-rate data exchange system is designed. Then the structure and composition of this system are described in detail. The system has the characteristics of standardization, modularization and scalability. And through the implementation and application in an airborne SAR signal processing system, the universality and flexibility of this system were proved. The simulation results for multirate data exchange system are developed according to the literature survey on the RADAR signal processing. The RADAR signal processing analysis is accomplished with the help of MATLAB

      Henry, M. U., Ogenyi, R. A., Henry, U. I.,and Dogun, O.

Abstract: This study assessed the effect of ex-mining pond water used for irrigation on the soil and two vegetable samples (Cabbage ant Tomatoes) by assessing the concentration of some heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Mn, Cd, and Fe) present in the pond water and comparing with the concentration of the metals in the soil and the vegetables using AAS. In the mining water all the selected metals were detected except for cadmium and were within the WHO permissible limit.

      Henry, M. U., Ogenyi, R. A., Henry, U. I.,and Dogun, O.

Abstract: The effect of high concentration of heavy metals on human health and the environment has attracted considerable attention in recent years as plants are the main route in the transfer of heavy metals from contaminated soil to humans. The aim of this study is to assess the concentration of (Copper, Iron, Lead and Manganese) in some commonly consumed herbs (Mint Leaves, Bitter Leaves, Lemon Grass and Moringa Leaves) in Jos North and Jos South L.G.A. of Plateau state using AAS and compare the result of the heavy metals analysis with WHO Standard limits for heavy metals in plants.

      LUO Guicheng, PENG Huimei

Abstract: The research is based upon ‘The school of Personal Management thoughts’, on which ‘The building of Personal Management content’ as well as ‘The forecast about Personal Management development trend’ is explored. The 3rd section ‘The implication of Personal Management as well as Personal Management Science’, paves a way for the 4th section ‘The building of PM content’, making the whole research busty and convictive.

      Japheth O. Ogenga, Edward M. Mugalavai and Nicodemus O. Nyandiko

Abstract: Rainfall variability exacerbated by frequent dry spell occurrences within the growing seasons is a common phenomenon in many regions of the world.. Homa Bay County located in the western part of Kenya in the Lake Victoria Basin is a sub humid region characterized by frequent dry spells resulting to poor yield in crops and livestock production in the County. This paper examines the impact of dry spells occurrence on food production under rainfed agriculture in Homa Bay County. The study used a sample size of 384 households.

      Gambo M. Saljaba, Ali Wajilda and Usman Burgasa

Abstract: This study was conducted to explore the sorption capacity of three different industrial prepared products of Stereospermum kunthianum plant for the removal of some heavy metal ions from waste water.The plant stem-bark was first immobilized by entrapping the biosorbent with in a polymetric matrix of calcium alginate to produce immobilized stem-bark (IMSB). The stem-bark was also synthesised by reacting it with Acrylamide at 60oc using Ceric Ammonium Nitrate as an initiator to obtaine grafted stem-bark (GSB) and the plant stem-bark was also mixed with glutaraldehyde to obtained Membrane stem-bark.

      Rio Arif Prakoso, A. Hadi Prabowo

Abstract: The increase in the growth of low-cost housing in Kertak Hanyar Subdistrict occurred since the launch of the One Million Houses Program by the government and the issuance of beleid which stipulated the distance of land areas permitted to transfer functions and the existence of directives for housing development Kertak Hanyar Subdistrict by the Banjar Regency government as a City Settlement area and village housing, which is useful as a buffer for housing needs for the City of Banjarmasin and its surroundings. However, the increase in housing can cause sporadic housing distribution (unpredictable) can result in inefficient provision of infrastructure, public transportation, urban facilities and infrastructure and trigger regional growth that is not in accordance with spatial plans.

      Ponco Budi Sulistyo

Abstract: One communication activity through cyberspace, or more precisely called social media, is to upload videos through social media blogs or social media video content such as Youtube or Instagram. This communication activity is commonly referred to as video blogging or shortened to vlogging. This study used qualitative descriptive method by interviewing teenagers as social media users and actively uploads videos on their social media accounts. The results show that the factors behind their vlogging activity is to share, share the experiences and the information about culinary, follow the trend, to be exist and use vlog as a platform of online business. The activity they are most excited about is uploading a video to educate the audience. Meanwhile, they create their ideas by optimizing the quality of its content and visual. In addition to uploading videos to Instagram and Youtube, teenagers also like in reading the comments from their viewers and watching the video that uploaded by the other vloggers.

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