S. Gayathri and Dr. A. K. Ravisankar
In this paper an attempt is made to assess parents’ attitude towards offering of sexuality education at schools. The study was conducted during 2016 in five districts of Tamil Nadu. Totally 529 respondents were interviewed. A multistage sampling method was adopted to select the target population - ever married couples living with at least one child in the age group of 13-19 years. In the study area majority of the study population had the opinion to introduce the family life education to the students however the female respondents little more favour to introduce the sexuality education for students than the male respondents. It also noticed that among the religious groups, Muslims less favoured to teach sexuality education for students. Irrespective of the respondents’ background condition majority of them were favoured to introduce family life education. Hence it is recommended that the teaching of sexuality education in schools should be made compulsory at national level. However it should be age appropriate and culturally sensitive keeping with the current SRHR needs of young people in India.
Herawanto, ErnieTisnawatiSule, Maman Kusman,Nury Effendi
This study aims to examine the influence of Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure on the profitability of Indonesian Banking. The method used is explanatory. The population of this research is banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2008-2015. The purposive sampling method is used in the selection of samples to obtain a sample of 28 banking companies with total observations of 224 observational data for 4 years. Based on the hypothesis testing, the result shows that simultaneously Independent Audit Committee, Independent Commissioner and Foreign Ownership affect on profitability (ROA) of the banking industry with the influence 30.25% while the rest of 69.75% influenced by other variable not included in this model. Based on partial hypothesis testing show that partially Independent Audit Committee does not affect on Profitability (ROA) while Independent Commissioner and Foreign Ownership have partial influence to Profitability (ROA) of banking industry.
MiskulFirdaus, Sucherly, SurachmanSumawihardja, and UmiKaltum
Human resources is one of the components of an existing system in an organization and are expected to provide good performance so that goals can be achieved organisisi. Nevertheless, human resources employees in this case are not always produce the expected performance by the organization. Several things affect the performance of the employees who need them are still not being met, lack of motivation were obtained both internally and externally, the limited number and or knowledge, or role and coordinate, yet can improve the timeliness of operational performance. In addition to these problems are also influenced by the supporting infrastructure is still not available up to organize the task function. With the operational performance of the employees that are still less then to realize good performance both internally and externally that have not been able to be implemented to the fullest .
Christopher Magloire, Latisha Elijio, Emil Zhalmukhamedov
The shortage of physicians in rural America has been an ongoing topic for decades. Most scientific literature has addressed the lack of primary care physicians in rural areas. However, there is a substantial amount of data which also shows a scarcity of specialty physicians in these regions. This shortage of specialized doctors has not been as represented in scientific research. Certain demographics in rural areas reveals the need for specific care which can only be provided by specialized physicians. The purpose of this article is to identify the current state of healthcare in rural areas and to identify solutions needed to increase specialized care in rural and underserved communities. This paper will serve as an excellent example not only to medical professionals and medical management teams, but also for legislatures approving the local and federal laws in the United States of America.
Anastasiya Rusilka, Toni DiDona, and Zayda Costa
Coaching is increasing in popularity. Studies have found positive correlations between coaching and employees’ performance, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and leadership (e.g. Elliger, Elliger, & Keller, 2003; Wales, 2013). However, the relationship between coaching and self-actualization is not well understood. In addition, little is known of cultural differences in coaching.
Pham Minh Duc, Tran Thi Tuyet Hoa, Chau Tai Tao, Cao My An, Hua Thai Nhan, Tran Ngoc Hai, Tran Thi Thanh Hien and Satoru Onoda
This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplemental LP20 on growth performance and immune response of postlarvae (PL) and juvenile stages of white leg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. The LP20 contains 20% heat-killed Lactobacillus plantarum strain L-137 (HK L-137) and 80% dextrin in dried-weight basis. The study was conducted for two phases: Phase 1 (hatchery stage- PL1 to PL15) was carried out indoor with four treatments by supplementation of LP20 at 0.0 g (marked as LP20-0.0), 0.5 g (LP20-0.5) and 1.0 g (LP20-1.0) LP20 kg-1 of feed to the basal diet.
Antony. P. Pallan, Dr. S. Antony Raja, Dr. C. G. Varma
In 21st century, sustainable development has a colossal and crucial role to play in global environmental apprehensions such as GHG emission from fossil fuel combustion, damage to the environment by the haphazard disposal of waste. Under these current circumstances, biogas production technology has flourished and has proved to be a meritorious success story today. Biogas is produced by microbial anaerobic digestion of organic wastes such as animal waste, plant material, sewage crops etc. Biogas principally comprises of 50% -60% of methane and 25%-45% of CO2. In the recent past, research on this technology has been limited to some extent due to the complex phenomenon existed with various factors and parameters influencing it.
Dr.K.Prabha, K.Nirmaladevi
Mobile phones are most common way of communication and accessing internet based services. A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless. Essentially ad hoc network is a collection of nodes communicating with each other by forming a multi-hop network. Each must onward traffic unconnected to its own use and consequently be a router. The primary aim is a MANET is to build the each device to incessantly preserve the information necessary to correctly route traffic. Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is often susceptible to security attacks due to its features of open medium, limited physical security, dynamic changing topology and cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized monitoring and organization point, energy constrained operations and often lacks of a clear line of defense.
Abeygunawardana DI, Ranasinghe RMSBK, Deshapriya RMC
Sri Lankan domestic dairy production has shown a significant improvement in recent years but less attention is given for milk quality and hygienic practices. This study focused on evaluating the common hygienic practices and the quality of raw milk produced in Makandura (NWP) area. A total of 75 raw milk samples were collected from dairy farmers from three milk collecting centres (MCC), Mahayayawatta(MW); n=33, Makandura town area (MKT); n=22 and Pahala Makandura (PM); n=20, during the period from June to August 2013. All the samples were subjected to physicochemical, microbiological, platform, and keeping quality tests. Meanwhile all the farmers were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire to assess hygienic practices.
Ms. Rumi Roy
The aspiration and cultural dominance of one ethnic group to carve out an exclusive territorial and political space based on being indigenous to the land excludingthe other community as the ‘other’ or ‘outsider’ who has historically been part of the same territorial and political space has resulted in creating strife in the society. The Bodo- non Bodos conflict in Bodo Territorial Autonomous District (BTAD) area has been marked by separatist insurgencies and violence which could be seen as a manifestation of preserving a distinct identity of being indigenous to the area. The policy framework by the government of India has further aggravated the conflict scenario in the region. The construction of the ‘us’ and ‘them’ and interplay of politics have led to fragmentation of the political system along ethnic lines. Violence is a manifestation of secessionist tendencies related to conflict in the region.
AMAN Adikari, TV Sundarabarathy, HMUKPB Herath, WAD Nayananjalie And AMJB Adikari
There is no recommended low cost feed available from fry to fingerling stage of Indian carps in Sri Lanka. Hence, this study was aimed on utilizing locally available aquatic plants Ipomea aquatica and Hydrilla vercillata and discarded dry fishmeal in feeds of Catla catla fry to cut down the feed cost. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design. Three experimental feeds were formulated using different protein sources while keeping other ingredients constant (T1= 1:1 discarded dried fish meal: Hydrilla vercillata, T2= 1:1 discarded dried fish meal: Ipomea aquatica, T3 = discarded dried fishmeal) and a commercial feed was used as the control. Catla catla fry were stocked at a density of 75 fry per m2 in 12 pond units. Fry were fed at the rate of 5% of the body weight.
Mukesh Kumar, Abhishek Mathur
Endophytic microbes are considered as an outstanding source of bioactive natural products because there are so many of them occupying millions of unique biological niches growing in different types of environment. Plants infected with endophytes are often healthier than endophytes free ones. These endophytes are the prominent source of secondary metabolites similar to the plant tissue on which these endophytes are grown. The present study illustrates about the isolation and screening of endophytes from aerial parts (leaves and stems) of Mentha piperita plant. A total of 4 different bacterial endophytes were isolated from leaves which were marked as L1, L2, L3 and L4 while only 2 different types of bacterial endophytic cultures were isolated from stems of the plant which were marked as S1 and S2.
Ranajith Aithal G, and Mr. Kiran
This report is brief description and summary of my work that I performed during the internship period in Karnataka Test House Pvt. Ltd.
Udai Bhan Singh, Tanushree Gupta
Women empowerment plays a vital role in the overall development of the society. In India various programmes and policies initiated by the government for the women empowerment and NABARD played an essential role in empowering women through the initiation of Self Help Groups and SHG-Bank linkage programmes and participation of women in SHGs created a considerable impact on their social as well as economic empowerment and brought a substantial change in the life of women at the fundamental level. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the contribution of Self help groups in women empowerment in India. As per the study the main reason behind the progress of Self Help Groups are: its credit linkage with poor and vulnerable people, it is very helpful in building up the financial status of its member households and above all, it has achieved success to develop the self dependence and confidence among poor and rural women which leads the development of the livelihood of the rural people especially women. Besides that the study also describes some of the constraints of women empowerment especially in rural areas and it is the utmost priority of the SHG programme and government to overcome the constraints to achieve inclusive growth through women empowerment
Athira Ravi and Subha Vishnudas
Due to rapid urbanization and industrialization, urban areas all over the world, are subjected to various problems like rampant drinking water shortage, traffic congestions, rising level of noise and air pollution, solid waste management issues etc. Among this, solid waste management is the most threatening one. The residential wastes constitute the lion’s share of urban solid waste. Changing lifestyles will pose special waste management challenges, as waste management systems in the urban areas of developing countries are incapable of frequent adjustment to match these lifestyle changes. The difficulty has been aggravated by lack of effective legislation, inadequate funds and services, and inability of municipal authorities to provide the services cost-efficiently. This paper attempts to figure out various sustainable options to reduce the waste management issues in the urban residential areas through the waste footprint concept, which is a subset of ecological footprint in the environment management tool- ecological footprint analysis.
Syed Muzyan Shahzad, Hanif Ullah, Umair Fakhar, Mirza Shahid Baig, Muhammad Ishfaque, Mohsin khan, Hamad Tariq, Fahad Farooq, Tariq Haider, Abid Ali, Nazakat Ali
As Hazara Kashmir Syntaxes is the part of Himalayan Fold and thrust belt situated in sub- Himalayan and the studied area lies in the southern part of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis Pakistan. The Hazara Kashmir Syntax is an antiformal structure. The core of syntaxis comprises of Himalayan molasse deposits. These molasse deposits ranging from Early Miocene to Recent are exposed in the area. This study deals with the structure and stratigraphy of Bator, Gawandh, DhulianJattan and Rajdhani areas of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan. The Himalayan molasse deposits are exposing in the southern Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis.The study area includes The Middle Miocene to Recent molasse sedimentary deposits are exposed in the project area. The exposed sedimentary sequence includes the Chinji Formation, Nagri Formation, DhokPathan Formation, Soan Formation and Recent alluvium. The area is deformed into folds and faults due to Himalayan orogeny. The major folds in study area are Palak Syncline, Gawandh Anticline, Rajdhani Syncline and Nar Saniah anticline. The folds are northwest southeast trending and northeast or southwest vergent. These folds are closed in nature. The study area consists of four major faults primarily Gawandh fault, KotliSarsawah fault and Bajwal Banyan fault. Dhongolo fault is the splay of the KotliSarsawah fault. Faults and folds are northwest southeast trending and are related to Himalayan compression.
Bina Pani Gupta, Vandana Shrivastava, Abhishek Mathur
The genus, Trichoderma and its metabolites were meant for antimicrobial activity against the microbial strain and thus it is considered to be natural antimicrobial agents. Silver is also known as an antimicrobial agent and is utilized in several antimicrobials and medications. In the present investigation, the nano-particles were prepared both of Trichoderma and Ag+ separately and further after fusing Trichoderma and Ag+. Trichoderma harzianum secretes secondary metabolites which act as a capping and reducing agent. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were characterized by UV–Vis spectroscopy and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). UV–Vis spectra of silver and Trichoderma filtrate showed absorption spectra at 450 nm and 430 nm respectively while fused nanoparticles showed absorption spectra at 415 nm corresponding to the surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles.
Hari Shankar Yadav, P.K. Saluja
The present work assessed the genetic divergence among the genotypes of Costus specious collected from five blocks of Balaghat district of M.P., India by RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) using Seventeen random declaimer primers as the plant was found to adored its therapeutic efficacy in Ayurveda and traditional system of medicines and is most important medicinal plants used in Arthritis. A deprogram was constructed for cluster analysis using an un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) grouped the genotypes into 2 major clusters based on win boot. Out of the seventeen random primers used for studying genetic divergence, twelve primers were found to be polymorphic. Out of 17 primers, 1 was found to be 100% polymorphic generating a total of 21 alleles with an average of 4.2 products per polymorphic primer. The total numbers of alleles were amplified 393 and percent polymorphic was 43.36 for tall seventeen markers. Genetic similarity/dissimilarity among genotypes was evaluated by generating a similarity matrix based on Jaccard’s co-efficient ranging from 56 to 0.70. Results showed that both environmental and genetic factors were constrained in observing variations. The degree of genetic variations detected among the accessions of Costus specious suggested that RAPD marker advent seemed to be best suited for assessing with high accuracy the genetic relationships among distinct Costus specious accessions.
The power quality resources have continuously played an important role in the growth of human livings. PSO tuned PI controller are compared and a mark reduction in total harmonic reduction is with number of generations. PI Controller distributed Generation units that encompass a portion of an electric power distribution system and may rely on different energy sources. Functionally, the PI controller is required to provide adequate levels and quality of power to meet load demands. The issue of power quality is significant as it directly affects the characteristics of the PI controller operation. This problem can be defined as an occurrence of short to long periods of inadequate or unstable power outputs by the PI controller.
Dr. Saranjit Kaur
The premise of the present study is to find out problems faced while preservation and conservation of literary material in Indian scenario. The idea of this study is also to identify whether the old literature has been preserved or conserved by Indian libraries in any ways and different ways to preserve and conserve library material, main problems for deterioration of print material, hindrance to effective preservation or conservation of library material.
P.Subhashini and V.A. Kumari
In this paper, we introduce generalized (α, ψ)-contractive maps and prove the existence and uniqueness of coupled fixed points for generalized (α, ψ)-contractive maps in G-metric spaces. Furthermore, we provide examples in support of our results.
A.Kajendran, M.S.M.Rifnas, N.Tarmeekgah andS.G.S.Fernando
Shopping for household items is a tedious task since different members of a family will have different needs. If each member decides to go for shopping individually, it might be inefficient and time consuming. Some might prefer going to a shopping mall to purchase all the items that they need but since technology like Global Positioning System (GPS) doesn’t work indoors accurately, people will find it difficult to navigate to the required store.Sometimes the user might find several items that fits the requirements and might have difficulties trying to choose between them. The purpose of this research is to overcome such issues and improve the overall experience of shopping with the use of an android application. This application wouldallow the users within a family to create and share a shopping list so that one member of the family could purchase items needed for the entire family.The application alsohelps the user to navigate to the store that sells those items within a shopping mall using Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons. Other functionalities of this application would be to be notified about the offers available at the stores based on the user as they enter a store and also to scan the barcodes of the items available and share reviews about those items. These reviews will be sorted using an algorithm so that others would find it easy when making purchasing decisions.
Abdulfatah Abdu, Demeke Datiko
The study deals with the population size, habitat association of common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) and their impact on agricultural crops was carried out in Diregudo forest. To conduct the animal survey the forest were divided in to three habitats namely mixed grass land, bush land and wood land. Depending on the vegetation type representative habitats were randomly selected in each habitat animal survey was conducted using line transects. Fefteen line transects were laid down and along each line transect animal survey was conducted.
P. N. R. J. Amunugoda, N. S. Senanayake, K. D. G. Kulathunga
Performance of a solar rack dryer augmented with heat storage materials was evaluated in terms of temperature and humidity developments as well as quality characteristics of dried foods. Granite chips and granite rubbles were used as sensible heat storage materials. Also paraffin wax in aluminum trays and enclosed in PVC pipes were integrated into the collector as sensible and latent heat storage. Trials were carried out under natural and forced air draft conditions. Results showed that the solar rack dryer coupled with flat a plate collector containing granite rubbles, granite chips and paraffin wax collectively stabilized drying air temperature during the day time at 50oC, thus increasing the effective drying hours. However, marginally acceptable organoleptic quality of dehydrated foods indicated that the dryer further requires additional heat source to supply necessary heat during nights, and whenever necessary during daytime to obtain optimum product qualities.
Innovation is generally regarded as acriticalsuccess factor in sustaining growth and competitiveness of firmsin domestic and global markets.This study aims to investigate the innovation practicesand identify factors that hinder innovation capabilityof Large and Medium Enterprises (LMEs)that are based in the eastern economic corridor of Ethiopia-Dire Dawa. Questionnaires were based on Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data. The data were analyzed using percentage, correlations and meanscore; and presented in graph and tableformat. The results of this study indicate that technological innovation practices of LMEs are remarkably low.Cooperation aimed at using external knowledge with universities and research institutes are alsoweak. Collaborative research is almost nulland their recent cooperation with universities is limited to trainings. Most LMEs don’t have written innovation plans and don’t placeefforts in Research and Development(R and D) except in cement and chemical products producing firms.Firms’ performance is triggered by their efforts in marketing and organizational;andregions’ natural resource. It is also revealed a positive relationship between efforts in internal R and D and being exporter.The major barriers of technological innovation LMEs are: too high cost of innovation, lack of skilled personnel,lack of innovation culture and perceived economic risk; among others.
Daravath srinu, Surarapu giribabu, Dharmapuri sreedhar
The aim of this work is to carry out the experimental analysis of cold compaction of aluminium alloy on universal testing machine with various pressure forces at room temperature. This is the process for recycling machining chips of aluminium alloy in to direct billets or ingots in a cylindrical form. In this method we can eliminate melting, casting and solidification process. The scope of this project is to carry out the work with the various process parameters such as temperature, chip size, material type and axial force, densities, relative densities etc. This process is suitable for consolidations and producing cylindrical billets / ingots at cold compaction and it is used in extrusion process for producing wire or rod. The objective of this work is to produce billets / ingots in a closed die and punch in the form of cylindrical in diameter, the billets are tested in metallurgical and mechanical point of view.
Saidi Fwamba Wekulo
Determination of soil erosion risk with change in land use/land cover is significantly important for its ecological, social and economic impacts. Soil erosion in study area depends on both environmental and anthropogenic factors. To measure such factors, revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) model in ArcGIS 10.3 has been employed in the study area. In this study, potential soil erosion risk (RUSLEpotential) determined by environmental factors i.e. rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K) and slope length and slope steepness factor (LS) has been calculated. Land use/land cover factor (C) for 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2015 has been computed to measure its change with time. Soil erosion control factor (P) has been computed. Combining RUSLEpotential with C factor and P factor resulted in actual soil erosion risk (RUSLEactual) for four different years.
Owodolu Oluwole and Oyawale Festus
Equipment Replacement is a part of maintenance given to a system to run effectively and efficiently. A lot of researchers have carryout much research work to determining the specific time of replacement through various models. Theory of replacement is normally concern with the problem of replacement of machines, man and decreased efficiency, equipments due to deterioration , break down or failure. Base on several research or studied by researchers on Replacement problem which is an essential theme in management science and operation research .Many writers have assumed that the framework in the working situation where degradation or wear of a unit can be measured and have formulate various models for replacement .
Khushboo Sain
Mahatma Gandhi was a pure soul, who was symbol of peace, spirituality and morality. He is always remembered for the great contribution of his hard work, simplicity, faith in truth, non violence, humanity, and unity. His actions and movements of Satyagraha, Non-cooperation movement, Dandi march, Quit movement have left an indelible mark not only in India but throughout the world. He had a burning spirit and patriotic fervor, his service to mankind was numerous. Gandhi has been aptly hailed as A Revolutionary Transformer of Management. He was a spiritual mentor and knows as amanagement reformer. His contribution to business management is remarkable and marvelous for history as well as present era.
Mukhtiar Ahmed Jalbani
This research aims to comprehend the impact of ownership structure and Cash Flow on corporate dividend policy in Pakistan: KSE 30 Index. Data was collected from thirty companies which are listed in the Karachi Stock Exchange from randomly which paid the dividend regularly from the period of 2004 to 2014, in this Study includes variables like Dividend Payout ratios dependent and ownership structure, Quick Acid test Ratios, Price Earnings Ratios , Financial Leverage Ratios, Debt to Equity Ratios , Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, and Cash Flow these are independent. The result of the study proved that ownership structure is dummy variables, Quick Acid test Ratios, Price Earnings Ratios, Financial Leverage Ratios are strongly relation among the dividend payout Ratios. , Debt to Equity Ratios, Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, and Cash Flow is also related positive relationship. This research offers imminent guidelines to the policy and decision makers in any type of firms to take good decision to set their firms hierarchy system.
R.S.Jhobta, Sandeep Rajta, Mukesh, D.K.Verma
To study the role of and do the comparative evaluation of the levels of C-Reactive Protein and Total Leucocyte Count in patients of conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Khan Muneer Aslam
Kashmir is known as paradise on earth.The valley of Kashmir well-known for its beauty and celebrity is a theme well worthy of a poet. Nowhere in Asia, nor even in the remaining quarters of the globe, can the parallel be found of such an earthly paradise, a paradise in itself but made doubly beautiful by its surroundings.Sports and Tourism constitutes one of the main sources of income for vast sections of Kashmiri populationthe sports sector received a serious jolt with the outbreak and spread of militancy from 1989 onwards. Sports industry of Kashmir valley suffered tremendously due to violent militant activities. Once militancy gained momentum the sports to the valley declined substantially. In this study only period of 10 years(2006-2015) were considered. It was shown in the study that due to disturbance in Kashmir in year 2008 , 2009 and 2010 the participants shows decline in number almost 15.27%and in the year 2014 and 2015 when there was decline in the militancy there was gradual increase in the participantsalmost 26.6 % in the Kashmir valley.
Adam Adoma Abdalla
The objective of this research is to study the capabilities of the five capitals of sustainable livelihoods in the rural areas of North Darfur state. This is to estimate the different capabilities of those capitals and their potentialities to support the rural peoples. The methodology used in the research is the participatory approach assessment tool the participatory approach assessment tool has emerged as advancement or combination of principles used in the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the basic concept of the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) as it was called by the British Department for International Development (DFID).
SukonthipSuphachan, Poonpong Suksawang, Jatupat Mekparyup
New Kernel Design Technique was presented in the form of the sum of Linear Kernel, the multiplication of 3 Kernel Functions, including Squared Exponential Kernel, Linear Kernel and Rational Quadratic Kernel, and the multiplication of 2 Kernel Functions, including Periodic Kernel and Linear Kernel, which was used as a component for finding answers in the Gaussian processes. The results showed that the mean absolute percentage error predicted by the New Kernel Function, when the sample size was 180 (8.50E-15), was lower than the Squared Exponential Kernel (SE), Periodic Kernel (PER), Rational Quadratic Kernel (RQ) and Linear Kernel (LIN), which gave the Average Absolute Error of 2.57E-07, 5.56E-02, 2.63E-08 and 4.35E-01, respectively.
Evans Ojiambo Onditi, Thaddeus Wafula Wechuli
This is a conceptual paper that examines service quality and student satisfaction in higher learning institutions. It presents the reviews of the literature on the service quality construct in higher education and its influence on student satisfaction. The theoretical perspective of this paper included the Gap Model of service quality and the hierarchical service quality model. The various instruments for measuring service quality in higher education have been discussed briefly with a summary of the measurement instruments by different authors and their dimensions provided. The empirical studies have indicated that there is no consensus among authors on the dimensions that should be used to evaluate service quality in the higher education sector and hence different dimensions and measurement scales have been used by different authors. This paper concludes that service quality in higher education has a significant influence on student satisfaction and therefore higher education institutions should put in place mechanisms to collect student feedback to enable them to determine the service quality dimensions of interest to their students so that they can make the necessary improvements on the relevant service quality dimensions.
Ogunsakin Sanya And OlonisakinTitilayoYemisi
Improvement in health service delivery is a necessity condition for the enhancement in Human Capital Development and high level of life expectancy. However, this is very hard to achieve especially in developing countries. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between life expectancy and Government Expenditure in Nigeria between 1980 and 2015. The data for the study were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria and Bureau of Statistics Annual Reports. Vector Autoregressive Distributive Model (VAR) was used as estimation technique. Results from forecast Error Variance Decomposition showed that the highest shocks to the life expectancy were accounted for by the share of government expenditure. The second in rank was the number of physicians and carbon dioxide also contributed immensely to low life expectancy in Nigeria. From the results, the contribution of real growth rate of income was indirect and marginal. Other variables such as Death and Birth rate did not contribute significantly to the life expectancy in Nigeria during the study period. Based on these findings, it is recommended that for life expectancy to increase in Nigeria, the share of government expenditure on health should increase and that plantation of grasses and trees should be encouraged to reduce the effect of carbon dioxide.
Suraiya Nazeer
In this paper I want to explore discrimination faced by women in the world because of their Gender. Gender includes a range of physical, biological and behavioural characteristics pertaining to and differentiating between masculinity and feminity. Gender inequality still exists globally despite of substantial national and international measures that have taken towards Gender equality. At least one in three women around the world is estimated to have been coerced in Sex, physically beaten or otherwise abused in her life time.
K. Radha and A.Rosemine
In this paper, strongly regular fuzzy graph which is analogous to the concept of strongly regular graph in crisp graph theory is introduced and examples are presented, necessary and sufficient condition for a cycle to be strongly regular fuzzy graph is provided and some properties of strongly regular fuzzy graph are studied.
Mr. Anand P P, Dr K .Abdul Rasheed
Soil organisms are an integral part of agricultural ecosystems. The presence of a range of diverse community of soil organisms is essential for the maintenance of productive soil (Anderson 1975). Present study reviews the abundance, species richness and factors that cause these parameters to vary, of soil fauna in different ecosystems of Palakkad district Kerala, studied as a part of International Year of Soil 2015.
Sherly T T, Dr.B. Rosiline Jeetha
Cyber bullying detection that are prevailing commonly in social networks like Twitter is one of the focussed research area. Text mining and detecting cyber bullying has several research challenges and lot of research scope to work with. This research work makes use of supervised feature selection by ranking method in order to choose the features from the tweets. After that extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier is employed in order to perform the detection of cyber bullying tweets. Performance metrics such as accuracy and time taken for classification are chosen in order to evaluate the efficiency of the classifiers namely ELM and the proposed SFS-ELM. Implementations are done in MATLAB tool. From the obtained results it is evident that the proposed SFS-ELM produces better results than that of ELM.
Fonseka P.D.K.P, Kaluarachchi S.J, Jayaneththi D.D.M, Thennakoon D.B.S.P. N Vithana
Annually a large number of tourists are arriving to Sri Lanka from different places in the world, to visit so many places in Sri Lanka. Therefor the tourism industry is becoming a great portion of national economy and it opens vast number of occupations for the Sri Lankan community throughout the various tourism companies. So the tourism companies should be more effective and enrich with enough facilities to keep all the customers which coming for them and serve the customers as they expect.
Abayineh Awgichew
The performance of the machine was evaluated in terms of separation and cleaning efficiencies, and separation and cleaning losses at different feed rate, sieves oscillations and sieves inclinations; three levels of sieve slopes (0, 5 and 10 degrees), four levels of sieve oscillation (5, 10, 15 and 20 Hz) and four levels of feed rates (3, 6, 9 and 12 kg/min) were used. The experimental design was factorial in split-split plot. The prototype tef grain separating and cleaning machine had the ability to winnow the premature grains, chaff and leaves, which are lighter than grains. It was also capable of reducing time wastage, grains loss, labour requirement and contamination. The performance evaluated in terms of separating efficiency, cleaning efficiency, separation loss and cleaning loss at different sieve slopes, sieve oscillations and feed rates indicate that the separation and cleaning losses increased with increasing sieve oscillation and feed rate for all sieve slopes. But the separation and cleaning efficiencies decreased with increasing sieve oscillations and feed rates at all sieve slopes. The minimum losses and the maximum efficiency were achieved at 5o sieve slope for all sieve oscillations and feed rates. The separation efficiency, cleaning efficiency, separation loss and cleaning loss were 97.94, 98.58, 0.71 and 0.7%, respectively at sieve oscillation of 5 Hz, feed rate of 3 kg/min and sieve slope of 5 degrees. The separation efficiency, cleaning efficiency, separation loss and cleaning loss were 52.71, 39.88, 25.62 and 34.5%, respectively, at sieve oscillation of 20 Hz, at feed rate 12 kg/min and at sieve slope of 5 degree.
Parag Gawade, Prof.Meeankshi A
Internet of Things (IoT) joins the objects of this present reality to the virtual world, and empowers at whatever time, anyplace network for anything that has a turn ON and turn OFF switch. It constitutes to a world where physical things and humans and other living things, and virtual information and situations, collaborate with each other. Substantial measure of information is created as expansive number of gadgets is associated with the web. So this expansive measure of information must be controlled and changed over to helpful data keeping in mind the end goal to create productive frameworks. In this paper, we concentrate on to a urban IoT framework that is utilized to construct Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). IoT based intelligent transportation systems are intended to bolster the Smart City vision, which intends to utilize the progressed and capable communication systems for the organization of the city and the residents.
Anna Yulianita, DidikSusetyo, Syamsurijal, Azwardi
This study examines conditional convergence using the Regional GDP variable per capita of initial government expenditure, domestic investment, inflation and the number of high school graduates as an important human capital in p and the dependent variable is the average per capita Regional GDP in twenty six provinces in Indonesia to determine whether There has been conditional convergence (β). The results showed that all provinces in Indonesia are still experiencing divergences. Initial per capita Regional GDP has a significant and positive effect on conditional convergence (β), the increase in government spending will increase conditional convergence (β). domestic investment positive but not significant, significant and negative inflation towards conditional convergence (β), the number of high school graduates is negative and significant to conditional convergence (β). The decline in the number of high school graduates increases the value of conditional convergence (β).
Vishwajeet Singh
Mankind is always looking for efficient and pollutant-free way of powering their machine. Resent development in light and strong material has aided us to achieve those easier ways. In present study a 4 stroke engine was modified into 2 stroke engine, and was used to run on compressed air technology. Some test was performed on the modified engine to study the effectiveness of the engine.
Prof Vaibhav Gandhi, Dr C K Kumbharana
India had cross population of 1.3 billion and is 2nd largest country after china. India is having almost 17% of world population. The population density in India is 452 per Km2[1]. Even whole country is divided based on different language, different terrain, different rituals, different regions and other parameters. India consist of total 28 states and 7 union territories. Efficient governance in such huge country with different diversity is very difficult task. Government of India is aggressively using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide good governance. By using various methods, tools and technology for E Governance application, government is providing effective service to every citizen at their doorsteps. Transportation is one of the major concern for large country like India. People of India is every year purchasing high numbers of cars, motorcycles, Scooters like personal vehicle as well as very high number of vehicles are purchased for mass transportation and good transportation. Registration of all such vehicles are done through Regional Transport Offices (RTO) situated in all states and union territories. Purpose of this paper is to examine e governance implementation for RTO offices across India.
Mimin Aminah Yusuf, Muhammad Faqih, dewi Septanti
Surabaya government policy has mentioned that kalimas river will be developed into a tourism area based on waterfront city. In this case, in the west of the river kalimas very close to the settlements of residents, at least 5 meters from the foot of the river has been found house residents. This is certainly very potential to be developed into a tourism kampung. Therefore this study is aimed to formulate the strategy of housing renewal to support Surabaya sustainable tourism. The method used in this research is quantitative and qualitative with interview technique, quisionare, observation, survey and documentation. So that the concept of urban housing renewal is made to support waterfront city tourism with sustainable approach is semi permanent house redevelopment, RTH arrangement, additional street, arrangement of street furniture, conditioning of clothesline and baggage, public spot and dock facility, kampung entrance and tourism facility, making thematic souvenir, Community Besed Tourism.
Christian B. Ochieng, DamarisOchanda, Fred Amimo, Teresa Ita Njoki, Justus E. Ikemeri , GeorgeAyodo
An estimated 200 million children suffer from developmental delays, most in developing countries. Early diagnosis through screening is key to timely intervention. However, screening tools have not been assessed in developing countries. Objective: This study thereforeassessesparental screening tool for evaluating developmental delays (PEDS; DM) in children under 5 years.
Akansha Pandey and Sanjeev Dubey
Fifty two lines of brinjalgermplas were screened against the in a sick plot for fuarium wilt resistance at Develeela life science Pvt. Ltd., Raipur Chhattisgarh. six lines, viz., AB-2, AB-6, AB-8 , AB-24, AB-35, AB-50 showed highly resistant reaction, with no wilting of plants; five lines, viz., Ab-26, AB-25, AB-52, AB-44 and AB-13, showed resistance reaction per cent wilt 3.33 -10.0. Two line, viz., AB-33 and AB-20, showed moderately resistant reaction, with 11.0 and 12.0 per cent wilt incidence, respectively; while, 25lines were ‘moderately susceptible to highly susceptible’,with wilt incidence ranging from 25.45 to 100.0%.
Anna Yulianita, Didik Susetyo, Syamsurijal A.K, Azwardi
This study examines conditional convergence using the Regional GDP variable per capita of initial government expenditure, domestic investment, inflation and the number of high school graduates as an important human capital in p and the dependent variable is the average per capita Regional GDP in twenty six provinces in Indonesia to determine whether There has been conditional convergence (β). The results showed that all provinces in Indonesia are still experiencing divergences. Initial per capita Regional GDP has a significant and positive effect on conditional convergence (β), the increase in government spending will increase conditional convergence (β). domestic investment positive but not significant, significant and negative inflation towards conditional convergence (β), the number of high school graduates is negative and significant to conditional convergence (β). The decline in the number of high school graduates increases the value of conditional convergence (β).
Tourism today is one of the most dynamic and most complex socio-economic modern age phenomena. In a short time it has grown into an industry that makes an important share in trade balance of many countries, creates numerous jobs and provides innumerable opportunities for economic growth and development of each country. Business trends in the modern tourist market are characterized by two trends, namely globalization and intensive development of information and communication technologies. Information has become available worldwide, competition is global and unmerciful, competitive advantage is short-term, and guests are sophisticated, demanding and less loyal.
Silas O. Rakama, Edward M. Mugalavai and John F. Obiri
Urbanization is a complex and dynamic process playing out over multiple scales of space and time. In addition to being increasingly physically expansive, urban land change is also predominantly characterized by peri-urbanization, the process whereby rural areas both close to and distant from city center become enveloped by, or transformed into, extended metropolitan regions. This present study focused on the peri-urban establishment of Kajulu-Riat hill area within Kisumu City in Kenya. It focused on the conservation strategies on tree and shrub diversity and how it is affected by other urban socio-economic dynamics. The study population comprised a sample of 384 persons within the geographical areas of kajulu and Riat peri-urban.
Rohit Berwal, Mohit berwal
The Preamble of the Reserve Bank of India describes the basic functions of the Reserve Bank as: "...to regulate the issue of Bank Notes and keeping of reserves with a view to securing monetary stability in India and generally to operate the currency and credit system of the country to its advantage.". The paper focus on the role of RBI in financial inclusion in India.
ManjotKaur, LakhvirGarcha
Speech is one of the important requirements and the well-situated method of communication between people. Real time speech to textis an accurate conversion of uttered words after speaking.STT is very useful tool to interact with people in counseling interviews or conference.Thus the conversion of speech to written language must be accurate and fast so that it can be easily understand by people.The fundamental approach of this paper is to develop an algorithm to convert speech to text using Punjabi phonetics. This paper introduces and discusses two popular and different noise reduction techniques (Auto Spectral Subtraction, LBG, MFCC)andpresents our simulation result of a noise reduction system. It isshown that the systemreduces the noise almost completely by finding the minimum Euclidean distance andkeeps the enhanced speech signal very similar to the originalspeech signal. This paper presents a method to design a speech to text conversion module using JAVA. This method is simple to use and takes less use of memory space.
AlgoniUmar Sheriff, Dr. P.K Agrawwal
A Tax is a fee charged or levied by a Government on a product, income, or activity. It is levied on individuals or on goods or services, and then it is called an indirect tax. The main reason for taxation is to finance government expenditure and to redistribute wealth which translates to financing development of the country (Ola, 2001, Bhartia, 2009). The study of the relationship between tax incentives and the performance of the firms, has known a peak during these last decades, mainly with the works of Yonah (2006) and Gurria (2009). As a tool of government policy, tax incentives can be adopted to attract investors who want to increase the profitability of their businesses to promote investment, foster growth and survival of the company. The effect of corporate taxes on performance of companies is one of the central questions in both public finance and development. The manufacturing sector of any economy is considered to be very important as it contribution to the growth of the economy reflects visibly in job creation and improved tax contribution. The liberalization of the Nigerian economy through various home grown and other supporting international policy prescriptions over the past decades changed the structure of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. The challenges of the manufacturing sector come in a midst of high corporate tax rates.
Philip Samuel Kongoley-MIH
This paper attempts to examine the social impact of street begging on Freetown Municipality .A cross – sectional study conducted among 100 respondents composed 70 beggars,20 members of the focus group discussions and 10 key informants. Data was collected involving quantitative and qualitative approaches were used for data collection. Simple descriptive statistics were used for analyzing the data. The realized consequences of street begging were abusive languages from the public, harassments from municipal officials and police, harassment from fellow beggars, and sexual abuse, accident,etc were reported. It was recommended that to get rid of begging were getting capital to start small businesses, getting care giver for themselves and their children, getting employment and getting accommodation.
"This research paper set out proposing a conceptual model for empirical examination in order to investigate individual and organizational barrier which leads to glass ceiling effect. Researcher has explored specific variables associated with glass ceiling effect. By reviewing the existing literaturetwo gaps were identified. The first gap which is about how individuals been them self as a barrier to create a glass ceiling effect and the second gap is how organization been a barrier to create a glass ceiling effect. However it is noted that glass ceiling effect and its contextual validity has not yet been explored in Sri Lanka, especially in apparel industry.
So it seems thatthis study makes a great contribution to the existing body of knowledge with proposed conceptual frame work.So this study creates a great platform for forthcoming research on glass ceiling effect.
Oduka P.I, Enemuoh F.O, Obute K.C
This work presents the mathematical modelling and steady – state simulation study of single phase transfer field reluctance motor, operating in the asynchronous mode, using symmetrical components of unbalanced voltages of a 3 – phase system approach. In electrical Engineering and other allied disciplines, the method of symmetrical components simplifies analysis of unbalanced 3 – phase Power System both normal and abnormal conditions. The analysis of unsymmetrical fault conditions, using the method of symmetrical components, is a well known means of resolving an unbalanced three-phase system of impedances into three equivalent single-phase systems with independent impedance parameters.
Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Narayan
The focus of this research work is on a FACTS device known as Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), which can provide simultaneous control of basic power system parameters like voltage, active power flow, reactive power flow, impedance and phase angle. In this research work, simulation models for different multi machine systems are carried out, e.g. a hybrid power system, a power system with two synchronized hydro power stations etc., without UPFC & with UPFC located at the load end of the power system, has been developed. Simulation models have been incorporated into MATLAB based Power System Toolbox (PST) for their voltage stability analysis.
Dr. Ajay Kumar Tiwari
Freshwater fish populations are of major ecological and economic importance. Fish play a major economical role in structuring the benthic and zooplanktonic invertebrate communities.Primary productivity is the most important biological phenomenon in nature, which involves the trapping of radiant energy of the sun and its transformation into high potential biochemical energy by the process of photosynthesis. The productivity of freshwater fish species of Bichhiya River and Govindgarh Lake in Rewa district was studied from October 2009 to September 2010.
Dr. Santosh Agnihotri, Kanchan Tamrakar
Santalum album commonly known as Sandalwood is used traditionally for health and wellness. It is an evergreen and hemi-parasitic tree and has a long history in Indian religious rituals and traditional Chinese medicine. Due to its wide application in cosmetics and therapeutics, we have done this study to explore the possibility of using aqueous extract of S. album from leaves and fruit for Phytochemical screening of these plants was performed for constituents indicated the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, tannin and phenolic compound, flavonoids, glycoside, amino acids, Inorganic acid and steroids. The results suggest that the Phytochemical properties of the leaf for using various ailments.
A.Thangaraj,S.Muralidharan, A.Senthilkumar and M.Moorthi
The textile dyeing units of Pallipalayam area of Namakkal District play a vital role in polluting the river Cauvery directly and spoiling the underground water levels indirectly by letting off their dyeing effluents. This leads to serious environmental hazards of aquatic organisms. In the present study, the textile dyeing effluents of six major textile dyeing units (ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5 and ST6) were selected, analysed the physico-chemical parameters and their impact on the total muscle protein levels of the dragonfly larvae Bradinopygageminata. From the results it was observed that the textile dyeing effluent of six stations contain high level of several organic and inorganic pollutants, which include toxic metals and chemicals. The levels of proteins were observed in decreasing trend in all the concentrations of effluent in different larval stages. It was concluded thatthe improper/without treatment of effluent when let out would results in adverse effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Harmeet Kaur, DrBaniTamberAeri
The prevalence of noncommunicable diseases is reaching epidemic proportions both in developed and developing nations. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 40 million people each year, equivalent to 70% of all deaths globally. The National Family Health Survey is a large –scale, multi –round survey conducted in a representative sample of households throughout India. For the very first time NFHS in its fourth series expanded the domain of clinical, anthropometric and biochemical testing (CAB) and included blood glucose and hypertension measurements. According to the NFHS 4-National fact sheet, the prevalence of hypertension is more widespread in men (13.6 %) than female (8.8%) population and also it is higher in case of urban subjects thanthe rural counterparts.
Gunarathna W.A.S.R, Dissanayake S.A, Darshana D.G.T, Bandara H.M.P.M and D. Dhammearatchi
During past few years there were several types of Landslides Early Warning Systems developed in the world wide. Mainly Asian countries which effect by south-west and north-east monsoon rainfall are mindfulness for this objective. Due to weather changes landslides become more frequent and cause damage to people. In this situation people need complete landslide early warning system to protect their resources. The implementedsystem is capable of predicting a possible landslide in a given area and issuing warnings that would assist in risk management. This research project has a low-cost, sustainable early warning system to send warning alerts via Short Message Service (SMS) to monitor the landslides. The system uses data mining to identify what are the most dangerous areas for landslide. After that,the sensors are placed in the areas to detect landslides. System calculate values what are the probability for a landslide to happen be high. Then the system will generate a warning Alarm and warning message and it will send to people with using Siren and SMS or Android application. System administrator can handle this system using his Desktop application.
Marzuki, Teddy Septiawan, Novri Yanti
Electronic voting is seen as a tool to make the electoral process more efficient and to increase confidence in the organizers. Indonesia country that adopts democracy is required to hold elections free and fair and meet the principles of direct, general, free and secret. E-Voting information promised election results can be obtained quickly and real-time through the use of ICT in the delivery process and the vote count. Need for a strong national legal foundation for the implementation of E - Voting.
Sk.Khadar Basha
Nowadays women play an important role in all sectors and influence economic, social and cultural opportunities. WomenEmpowerment is a multilevel development concept. Rural women empowerment means in all round development of rural women in socio and economical development of well being especially in education, income level and other factors. Women interactions, duties and responsibilities are increases in day by day in all sectors. The title of the study focused on rural women empowerment in rural areas for making or creating of self help groups and providing various earning opportunities in rural villages i.e. MGNREGS scheme, skill development programmes, livelihood programmes implemented in rural villages in prakasam dist, Andhra Pradesh state. The main objective of the study is empowerment of rural women through SHG’s and earning opportunities in rural areas. We analyzed various data (web-based research) related to women empowerment in rural villages for doing this research study. Finally, we can understand how to empower rural women through self help groups and providing various earning opportunities in rural villages. The study concluded that it economically empowering women and give independence and self esteem. Therefore it might be caused for substantial development of rural women in living & economic conditions.
DrBapan Devnath, DrAvinava Ghosh, Dr Shams Uddin, DrRudra Prakash
Aim: To establish vein graft as an alternative to the commonly used temporalis fascia with respect to the graft uptake and hearing improvement.
Maulana M. Ansari
Surface marking of the Arcuate line of Douglas has attained surgical importance not only in the open surgery including rectus abdominis flap harvest and stoma formation but also the laparoscopic surgery such as the total extraperitoneal preperitoneal (TEPP) inguinal hernioplasty. Present study used four surface landmarks (Umbilicus, pubic symphysis, xiphisternum and the line joining the two anterior superior iliac spines) during TEPP hernioplasty to assess the location of the arcuate line. Mean distances of the arcuate line from the umbilicus, pubic symphysis, xiphisternum and interspinous line were 5.376 ± SD 1.62 cm (Range 2.5-11.5 cm), 10.67 ± SD 2.44 (Range 1.5-14.5 cm), 20.11 ± SD 1.88 (Range 15.5-26.5 cm), and 3.71 ± SD 2.32 (Range, -1.5 to 9.5 cm). Arcuate line was found located at 2/3rd of the pubis-to-umbilicus distance and at 1/3rd of the pubis-to-xiphisternum distance, confirming the recent reports. Upper border of the pubic symphysis is recommended as the optimal reference point as compared to other three surface landmarks for surface marking and localization of the Arcuate line of Douglas, albeit with a little caution in the overweight /obese patients.
Miressa Amenu Terfa
The purpose of this research is to assess to what extent English language teachers practicevocabulary teaching strategies at Kellem Secondary school. The study particularly, tried to find out teachers’ knowledge on the theoretical perspective of vocabulary teaching strategies, examine to what extent teachers practically use vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes and identify the major factors that might hamper the implementation of vocabulary teaching strategies in EFL classes.
Preeti Juyal, Vandana Shrivastava, Abhishek Mathur
Endophytes are the microbes which are invading in the host plant tissues and are believed to produce the similar metabolites as that of the plant tissue. The present study was performed for isolation, identification and determination of endophytes from leaves, stem and roots of Calotropis procera (Aak/Madar) antimicrobial potential against the dreadful pathogens and drug resistant strains. It is already reported that, Calotropis procera plays an important role in improving soil fertility and improved soil water holding capacity.
Astabrak Ali Naji Al- Hamoodi, Arafat Hussein Al Dujaili
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a new unique disorder. It has qualitative impairments on child and many impacts extend to all family members and his community. A cross-sectional study was included (80) parents had child with ASD enrolled in centers for ASD caring in Al-Najaf City. The study aimed to assess the parents issues, as well as, to find any significant relationship among severity of ASD and demographic characteristic of parents, child and impacts them.
Mrs. Geethanjali T M, Mr. Shreyas S, Ms. Brinda S R
Liver is the largest internal organ in human body. It lies under right ribs just beneath right lung, shaped like a pyramid and divided into four different lobes. It is the only internal organ which has the property of regeneration of lost tissue. It plays major role in metabolism, emulsification of lipids and stores nutrients. Accurate segmentation of liver is still a challenge due to differences in intensity, contrast and texture. In this paper we have proposed a method to extract the liver from computed tomography DICOM images using seed point in such a way that it will always be present within the liver. This method assists radiologists in accurate segmentation of liver which in turn helps the patients.
A. Muni Sankar, T. Devaraju, M. Vijaya Kumar, P. Sudharshan
Now a days Automated Systems are widely adapted for most modern industries. Data acquisition is the major component of any automation system. The robustness of the automation system mainly depends on the accuracy and speed of the data acquired from Data Acquisition System(DAS). This paper mainly focusses on the design of high accurate multi-channel Data Acquisition System for real time automation applications. Data acquisition is used to acquire data from sensors and other sources under computer control and bring the data from different channels together to store and manipulate it. The sensors may include thermocouples, voltage and current sensors to make variety of measurements from different remote locations in the industries. The proposed method can sense all the 48 channels data in two seconds. The filters used in the application makes the acquired data to be more accurate with accuracy level of 30 PPM.
A coloring of vertices and edges of a graph G is said to be total coloring if no two adjacent or incident elements of have the same color. The minimum number of colors required for a total coloring is said to be the total chromatic number of G and is denoted by T (G). In this paper, we have discussed the total chromatic number of closed Helm, Flower and Bistar Graph Families.
A.M.D.B. Nawarathna
Tourism industry is often considered as a labor intensive sector and mostly the women can be a frill for the industry since they actively participate with the operation. A study by Zhong, (2006) indicates that, women are struggling to reach the top in the hospitality industry, and that women are subordinate to men. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify the opportunities for women for the career advancement in hotel industry, to identify the constraints that are preventing them from fulfilling their career ambitions and to determine the special positions of women holding in tourism and hospitality workforce as a diverse culture in an organization in four departments separately.
Ahmad Nizar Shihab, Armyn Nurdin, Abdul Kadir, Hasbullah Thabrany, and Idrus Paturusi
The implementation of National Health Insurance (JaminanHealth Nasional, JKN) policy was carried out to provide in-patient care coverage for all people in Indonesia. This study examined the driving factors and obstacles in in-patient care in South Sulawesi Province with highest utilization rate and Maluku Province with the lowest rate from the perspective of top-down policy according to the theory of Edwards III. Data collection conducted by doing in-depth interviews with national and local government in Jakarta, South Sulawesi and Maluku provinces in 2016 includes Health Ministry, Health Providers, and Social Security Agency and we analyze the influencing factors with literature review on previous studies and statistical data.
N. Minakhi
This describes the architecture of voltage level shifter and an application of voltage level shifter. Voltage level shifter plays an important role in circuits with multi- supply . Level shifter are used in between blocks for voltage level shifting. The proposed level shifter converts sub-threshold voltage level to supply voltage with increased speed and low power consumption . The multi-threshold voltage CMOS technique is used in the design of voltage level shifter in order to reduce delay and power consumption. This design has been implemented in 180nm, 90nm and 45nm technologies in Cadence virtuoso. The propagation delay, power consumption is verified.
Virender Chhachhiya
In this paper, an attempt has made to study the spatial and temporal pattern of Kidnapping and abduction of women in Chandigarh. The geography is the study of areal variation and distribution. To fulfill the requirement and provide a geographical base to this study, it is necessary to explain the spatial pattern of crime against women. The ward, town and village wise map of Chandigarh used to draw the crime rate of Kidnapping and abduction of women. The temporal trends of kidnapping and abduction of women are showing variation and these variation depends upon many factors like socio-culture, economic development, population growth by natural as well as through migration, female literacy etc. In this paper hot spot also used, which plays an important role in identification of crime prone areas. Hotspots also help to generate the policies for prone areas.
Mr. Kunal Priyam, Miss. Nivedita Singh
The authors in this paper discuss about the growing populations of the stray dogs and how the increase of the population of these stray dogs pose a danger to the humans and how these dogs are violating the rights of the Human beings. The Municipal authorities and other authorities responsible for sterilization of stray dogs are not working efficiently to control their population and no steps are being taken to control them. The problem has aggravated to such an extent that judiciary had to intervene but no unanimous decision has been provided as such and they problem still persists. In such situations people tend to take laws into hands and started killing the dogs as it happened in Kerala.
M. Yaseen Mowlana, A. Jamal Abdul Nasser and S. Jafar Sathik
In this study the chemistry of Heterocyclic Chalcones has generated intensive scientific interest due to their biological and industrial applications. Chalcones are natural biocides and are well known intermediates in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds exhibiting various biological activities. A new series of Heterocyclic chalcones showed diversified biological activities. According to Claisen-Schmidt condensation a series of novel substituted thiophenyl chalcones were synthesized and evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal activity against three different bacterial strains such as Moraxella, Enterobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and three fungal strains against Candida albicans, A.niger and Trichophyton. The synthesized compounds have been characterized by TLC, elemental analysis, IR and 1H & 13C NMR spectroscopy.
Shafiqul Abidin
A process on the local host, called a client, needs services from a process usually on the remote host, called a server. A transport layer protocol can either be connectionless or connection-oriented. In a connectionless service, the packets are sent from one party to another with no need for connection establishment or connection release. The packets are not numbered; they may be delayed or lost or may arrive out of sequence. In a connection-oriented service, a connection is first established between the sender and the receiver. Data are transferred. At the end, the connection is released.
Catherine Kafu
TV content ratings systems have been put in place by many countries as a way of reducing media effects on children. The relation between media effects and TV content ratings systems has been substantively analyzed within the social scientific community. This article provides such an overview. First, it lays out some of the main theoretical models of media effects, that is, the social cognitive theory and the cultivation theory. Second, it describes existing empirical research. In this section, it demonstrates the origin of content ratings systems and these ratings development over the years, parents understanding of TV content ratings and the factors that influence a parents understanding of these ratings, parental implementation of PG in practice and children’s interpretation of their parents’ mediation behavior. Third, the article points out future fields of research.
Kalpa Mandal, Devraj Singh, Gaurav srivastav and Alka Gupta
The study emphasizes the use of oxidation resistant copper Nano particles as an efficient tool for the degradation of organic dyes contained in effluents from textile dyeing and printing industries. The synthesis of Copper Nano particles was doneusing modified surfactant assisted chemical reduction process in an aqueous solution. The synthesis was optimized using varying concentrations of reactants and reaction time intervals, monitored simultaneously by UV- Visible spectroscopy and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements. The synthesized nanostructures were finally characterized for their size distribution using DLS. These Cu Nano particles have been used as a heterogeneous catalyst for the comparative reductive degradation of commercial samples of methyl orange (MO) and aniline yellow (AY) in the presence of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) used as a potential reductant. Cu NPs were used for reductive degradation of samples containing dyes collected from the drains of different local textile dyeing units of Delhi NCR region as well as different textile industries of Jodhpur region of Rajasthan.The degradation studies were conducted using UV- Visible spectroscopic methods.
AUB Pethiyagoda, K Pethiyagoda
Prostate cancer occupies a prominent place among malignant neoplasia of the genitourinary tract, and currently represents the most common neoplasia, being the second most frequent cause of death by cancer in men. Besides PSA, prostatic acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, tumor ploidy, Gleason score, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and bone scintigraphy are useful in the work-up of patients with prostate neoplasia. Bone is a preferred, and sometimes the only, site for prostate cancer metastases, which occur in more than 80% of men with advanced prostate cancer. The objective of current study was to study the characteristics of bone isotope scan findings in the evaluation of bone metastasis in patients with prostate carcinoma.
Spherical particles of mesoporous silica SBA-16 with cubic Im3m structure were synthesized at low pH using Pluronic F127 as template and RHA as silica source. The diameter of the spherical particles can be controlled in the range of 0.5–8 μm by varying Spherical particles of mesoporous silica SBA-16 with cubic Im3m structure were synthesized at low pH using Pluronic F127 as template and RHA as silica source. It is suggested that this morphology transition is due to a change in hydrolysis and condensation rate of the silica source and as a result the assembly of F127 micelles will differ. The SBA-16 samples were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Nitrogen adsorption techniques.
Badusha M and S Santhosh
The seasonal fluctuations in various physico-chemical parameters in the water were investigated in the six sampling sites namely Neyyar Dam, Kallikkadu, Mandapathinkadavu, Aruvippuram, Neyyattinkara and Poovar of Neyyar River on the basis of their physiographic distribution during north east monsoon and pre-monsoon. Water temperature broadly fluctuated between 27.00C at Neyyar dam in north east monsoon to 33.20C at Neyyattinkara in pre-monsoon. Though, seasonal influence was marginal, a lowering in pH was generally visible during north east monsoon. In the station near coast, impact of saline intrusion was obvious in the distribution of EC. TDS varied broadly between 20.4mg/l to 16000mg/l, respectively in the reservoir and the Poovar. Correspondingly the chloride also has been gradually increasing towards downstream. In general turbidity is found to be low except occasional high values at Kallikadu. Our study indicates that alkalinity values are very less all along the river during both seasons and total hardness exceeds the prescribed limits in downstream stretches. The samples in the midland and lowland invariably showed considerable concentrations of the nutrient. Inverse to the distribution of DO, the BOD value was the minimum at reservoir and the maximum at Poovar. Significant correlations between the parameters were observed by using SPSS software.
Hemant kumar, Sanjay Gupta, Sarvesh Kumar and HimanshuMoudgil
This paper is based on final CRS data for the year 2005-2014 on the 10 leading Medically Certified Causes of Death (MCCD)/International Causes of Death-10 in the Delhi (India) by age, sex, race. The Leading causes of infant, neonatal, and post-neonatal death are not analyzed in this paper. The major objective of paper is “To check the variability of causes of death by ten major diseases over the time period of ten years among the age group of specified causes of death. The overall research work of this paper is fully based on most powerful statistical concept i.e. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for better output of CRS data of Certified Leading causes of death.
Badrish Badoni
Two different methods for measuring dissociation energy have been employed. 1: ‘a’ Parameter ( a being the ratio of Lorentz broadening to Doppler broadening) of Ca and Sr first resonance lines and of the Na II- doublet has been derived from self absoption by applying a combination of the methods of “ Flame duplication” and the “curve of Growth” method.
Brian S. Thompson, Prof. A.C Oparah
Background –Pharmacy practice has shifted from a product centred approach to a patient centred approach. This study evaluated the need for and impacts that pharmaceutical care services at the ward level would have at Connaught Hospital, Freetown.
Anne Maureen Syallow
The study seeks to appraise the role of citizen journalism on publicity of terror attacks in Kenya in a bid to aid Africa in moving towards sustainable security and peace. It aims to achieve this by (1) Evaluating the role citizen journalists’ play as victims in helping terrorists achieve publicity of terror in Kenya. (2) Assessing the role citizen journalist’s play as bystanders in aiding terrorists attain publicity of terror in Kenya and finally, (3)Evaluating the role citizen journalists play as participatory journalists in helping terrorists achieve publicity of terror in Kenya. The study reviewed literature on three major terrorist attacks in Kenya that have happened between 1998 and 2015. In view of the background and literature review, it was established that citizen journalism plays a key role in ensuring that terrorists receive the required attention to pursue their much coveted publicity hence achieving their goals. Also, attributes of citizen journalists as victims, bystanders and participatory journalists all work together for the benefit of terrorist’s publicity in Kenya. The study concluded that, the interplay and harmony of these aspects ensure persuasive publicity is given to terrorists hence helping them achieve their objectives of terrorism. Therefore, there is need to ensure that proper policies and strategies are employed by the communication authority of Kenya and the communication companies to curtail the publicity given to terror attacks by citizen journalists. This will be a step towards achieving sustainable security and peace in Africa.
Shaib Mohd
Martand site is very popular throughout the world. It can also guide the further growth of tourism in district Anantnag very easily. It has a potential to contribute a big share in promoting heritage tourism of the valley. The people who visit this site feel an aesthetic pleasure. Some tourists have been asking for archeological guidebooks, photo cards of this monument. This paper tries to trace out the historical background and heritage attractions of Martand site and also it tries to place Chatbal as nascent picnic attraction for tourists to enjoy hustle free vacations at this virgin spot which has emerged as mini-phalgam in Pargana Kuthar. The scenic land of Chatbal is located on the remote corner of the east of the Pargana Kuthar. Moments after stepping into the land of Chatbal, tourists will definitely fall in love with the striking beauty of the place. The best way to explore the town of Chatbal is to take nature walks and experience a strange yet pleasurable kind of closeness to the lofty mountains, lush green surroundings and the sound of streams running down the rugged body of mountains. For people looking out for some adventure, Chatbal offers thrilling trekking routes as well. So this study is an effort to highlight the potential products for tourism in twin Parganas like Kuthar and Mattan.
S. A. Osemeahon, I.I.Nkafamiya, G.M.Saljaba, O.A.Gladstone, A.Aminu
This research studied the sorption capacity of Brachystegia eurycoma seeds (BES) for the removal of heavy metal ions from waste water. The plant seeds was immobilized by entrapping or caging the bio-sorbent within a polymeric matrix of calcium-alginate to produce immobilized Brachystegia eurycoma seeds (IBES) .The sorption efficiencies of heavy metals (Fe2+, Pb2+, Cr2+, Cd2+, Cu2+and Mn2+) were investigated in aqueous solution using the IBES and the residual metal ions in solution was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The effect of various parameters such as contact time, pH, ionic strength, initial metal ion concentration and temperature variation on the sorption of the above metal ions were investigated using batch experiments. The result obtained showed that the sorption efficiencies of Pb2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ by IBES were 97.50%, 67.44%, 81.48%, 98.09%, 79.50% and 94.00% respectively. Result also shows that metal ion sorption increases with increase in contact time; initial metal ion concentration and increase in pH, and decreases with increase in ionic strength. In view of the above result, the abundant but presently wasted Brachystegia eurycoma seeds can be used as a low-cost sorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions in waste water.
SmitaBhoi and Aliva Patnaik
The discharge of xenobiotic substances like heavy metals into the aquatic systems has deleterious effect on the aquatic organisms including fishes. The present study was designed to see the subtoxic effect of nickel on the fish Channapunctatus. The protein, glucose and cholesterol content of tissues from liver, kidney, brain and ovary were analysed. The alternations in protein contents of all the tissues are significant in the level 0.001in 40ppm nickel concentration. There was significant increase in glucose and cholesterol concentration of all the tissues in between the level 0.001 to 0.01 on exposure to in 40ppm nickel concentration in all the tissues. The lipid and protein content decreased in 40ppm in all the four tissues (0.001 to 0.05 level of significance). These significant alterations in the biochemical parameters of various tissues of Channapunctatus indicate deleterious effect of nickel exposure at subtoxic level also.
Kamal Bijalwan, Satish Kumar Verma, Abhishek Mathur
The present investigation deals with the study of, fat, cholesterol and major fatty acid content in river and farm cultivated Labeo rohita (Rohu). Triplicate samples of Rohu were obtained from the river flowing at Doiwala region of Dehradun (U.K) and from the cultivated farm. Fatty acids were determined by conventional biochemical methods, TLC and GC-MS. Fat content of farm cultivated Rohu ranged from 2.5-5 times that of river water samples. Monounsaturated fatty acids predominated in cultivated farm Rohu in comparison to Rohu in river water. Differences in fatty acid profile between river water and farm cultivated Rohu were greatest among polyunsaturated fatty acids; linoleic acid was substantially higher in all cultivated samples than in river water fish. Omega-3 fatty acid levels were also found to be highest in cultivated farm water fish in comparison to river water fish. The study thus indicates that, as per basis of nutritional screening in terms of omega-3 fatty acids, cultivated farm water Rohu are more appropriate for diet.
Md. Abu Hasnat, Shahedin Alom
The concept of Islamic Banking and Economics isrecognizedessentially, it is now our responsibility to establish Kafalah as anindividual concept. An attempt has been taken in this article to define Al-Kafalah, to recognize its superiorstructures and values, and to prove the clearness of its entity. However, the fact is traditional authors used to deny the contributions of Islam towards Islamic contract. But in Islam, theadministrativeapplications were impending from the beginning of civilization the messengers of Allah (SWT) and it concluded in the last prophet Muhammad (SAW). Nowadays, the golden history of the Muslims is controlled day by day by secular and money-oriented managerial concepts due to lack of research and deviation from Islam. Unfortunately, many managerial concepts from conventional side persistinappropriate to the organizations of Muslim society. Accordingly, Islamic Organizations from family to the national level, cannot appeardynamic role in appraisal to conventional groups. Thus, it isrecommended in the present study to practice Kafalah based on Shariahprinciples and application of motivational practices according to Quran and Sunnah. Finally, the restraints and possible helpful measures of Kafalah have been pointed out.
Debi Prasad Acharya, S.M.Kamaruzzaman, Atanu Das
In this paper multi objective generalized solid transportation problem (MOGSTP) has been considered. All the objective functions are to be optimized under same restrictions.
Agarwal Anuj and Sharma Ashish Kumar
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most commonly used and widely prescribed drugs all over the world. With the wide advantages they are also associated with severe Gastro-Intestinal side effects. Developments of novel drug delivery systems have always been a challenge to formulation scientists because of their high instability and economic factor compared to the conventional dosage forms. Thus the main objective of the present investigation was to develop gelatin surface modified bovine serum albumin microspheres containing anti-arthritic drug and to evaluate its potential as targeted drug delivery system. Hence there is a prolonged release of the drug along with minimized side effects. A brief overview of the methods developed for the preparation of albumin microspheres and the most suitable techniques for optimum entrapment of drug is emphasized. The in-vitro evaluations are also explained. In order to appreciate the medical application possibilities of albumin microspheres in novel drug delivery, some fundamental aspects are also briefly discussed.
R V S Narayana Kumar, T Giridhar Sai
Wireless charging is a innovation of transmitting power through an air gap to loads f with the end goal of energy recharging.The current advance in wireless charging procedures and improvement of business items have given a promising option approach to address the energy bottleneck of traditionally convenient battery-controlled gadgets. However the fuse of wireless charging into the existing wireless communication system additionally carry a progression of testing issues with in regards to execution, scheduling and power administration.In this article we introduce far reaching diagram of wireless charging procedures, the improvements in specialized measures and some system applications. Actually the system applications of these generally have a place with medical implantation and versatile chargers for any electrical and electronic loads.Furthermore, we examine open difficulties in executing wireless charging innovations.
Md. Jonayet Chowdhury, Shamima Nasrin
This study investigates influences of oil and water repellency finish, non-iron with soft finish, non-iron with oil and water repellency finish (OWR) on woven fabric with respect to physical properties, mechanical properties, color fastness properties of fabrics. Each process was applied on fabric to see how these applications affect on fabric characteristics. All the fabrics were tested for GSM, pH, stretch and recovery, dimensional stability to wash, tear strength, tensile strength, skewness. Fabric with oil and water repellency finish was also gone through spray rating test. Same fabric shows different characteristics after different performance finish and the results will be presented further ahead with comparing tables and charts.
Egbunu C. O, Agbo-Egwu A. O, Anyagh, P. I
This study ascertained the effect of Computer Aided Instructions (CAI) on students’ retention in mathematics at the senior secondary school level with the sole purpose of reducing the failure rate in specific topics proven to be difficult to pass in Mathematics. The topics considered includes; Sequence/Series and Quadratic Equations.
IramTahira, Saba Javed, Muhammad Ijaz
The main purpose of the present research was to analyze the impact of globalization on changing gender roles: A case of Gujrat. The data was analyzed by using the available literature, archives, published research papers, journals, published reports as well as online authentic material which is published by government and non-governmental organizations. A thematic analysis was done to draw the final results and conclusion. Different themes were attributed through review of literature and available resources with reference to research question and objective of the present research. It was concluded from the present research that globalization plays an important role in changing gender roles. The change in different roles has significant effect on society’s institutions like family, economic institution and job structure.
Narender.M, Charan Reddy.A, J.P.Gautam
Alternator is a motor used in aero applications where speed matters. It consists of two parts named as stator and rotor. Stator is prepared by silica steel laminations to increase the motor efficiency. Holding of individual glued laminations is mandatory to prepare a stator. This project is deals with the design of a special purpose tool, can be called as jig, which can hold all the laminations and stack them in a skewed manner in order to reduce torque ripple in alternator. Jig was designed by considering single lamination dimensions and stack height. Modeling was done using CATIA software and fabrication by using CNC machine.
Jude C Obi, Peter Thwaites, John Kent
The linear regression has been studied particularly with respect to its identical relationship to the Fisher's Discriminant Analysis (FDA). In this paper, we prove that the coefficient vector of the least squares regression is identical to the vector of coefficients of the Fisher's Discriminant Analysis. We therefore refer to the classification procedure using the least squares regression as Regression Discriminant Analysis (RDA). We further carry out empirical investigations using both real world and simulated datasets, to show that a classification procedure based on both RDA and FDA are identical.
Zaria Rahim
Background: Breast Cancer is a commonest malignancy and is the second most cause of cancer related deaths among female. The knowledge of its risk and protective factors is important to the adoption of primary prevention strategies. Occurrence of breast cancer is related to genetic as well as cultural, environmental and life-style factors. Variations in diversity of these factors among different ethnic groups and geographical areas emphasize the immense need for studies in all racial-ethnic populations.
Rakesh Singh Chauhan, Rahasya Mani Mishra, Naveen Kango, Santosh Agnihotri, Awadhraj Singh
Malaria parasite proteins like circumsporozoite protein (a surface protein), are expressed during liver stage of plasmodium parasite life cycle and are involved in host modulation and the virulence. These proteins could serve as good candidate for the drug development against malaria parasite. Malaria parasite traffic its virulence proteins into the hepatocyte cytosol for its development in hepatocyte. These parasite proteins modify the hepatocyte cytosol for maximum benefit of parasite. This process changes the permeability of the hepatocyte for uptake of various nutrients and factors required for parasite survival in hepatocyte. Trafficking of parasite proteins into hepatocytes depends on a conserved pentameric motif, known as PEXEL-motif. Marti et al. identified 22 sporozoite stage proteins in P. falciparum that had putative PEXEL motif. It has been identified that protein that contains PEXEL motif can be a potential drug candidate.
Rakesh Singh Chauhan, Rahasya Mani Mishra, Naveen Kango, Santosh Agnihotri, Awadhraj Singh
In the mammalian host, invasion of the hepatocytes is the first step towards developing malaria disease. There are some signals which are exchanged between host and parasite. During early liver stage development, a sporozoite surface protein (CSP) is introduced in the hepatocytes cytoplasm. CSP then shuttles into and out of nucleus of hepatocytes and changes the host transcription profile. CSP export into the cytoplasm of infected hepatocyte requires the presence of a conserved pentameric motif-PEXEL (Plasmodium export elements) motifs. The CS protein out compete with the NFkb for nuclear import and down regulate the host genes regulated by NFkb which are involved in inflammation. These proteins could serve as good candidate for the drug development against malaria parasite. Marti et al. identified 22 sporozoite stage proteins in P. falciparum that had putative PEXEL motif. It has been identified that protein Pb122500 also contains that PEXEL motif and has a putative serine–thrionine kinase domain (so it is a drug candidate). The focus of current research is to study implications of Pb122500 gene as potential vaccine candidate by cloning and expressing the protein, characterizing the proteins, raise sera against them and try to localize these proteins in hepatocyte cells and find out further the host proteins interacting with these proteins so that we could find new antigen for vaccine against hepatic stages.
Rakesh Singh Chauhan, Rahasya Mani Mishra, Naveen Kango, Santosh Agnihotri, Awadhraj Singh
This article focuses on the study of the enzymes produced by microorganisms, which have been extensively studied worldwide for their isolation, purification and characterization of their specific properties. Specific microorganisms have been isolated from extreme sources under extreme culture conditions, with the objective that such isolated microbes would possess the capability to bio-synthesize special enzymes. Various offline and online primary resources and literatures have been surveyed and reviewed for this study. Many Bio-industries require enzymes possessing special characteristics for their applications in processing of substrates and raw materials. These enzymes act as bio-catalysts to perform reactions in bio-processes in an economical and environmentally-friendly way as opposed to the use of chemical catalysts. The special characteristics of enzymes are exploited for their commercial interest and industrial applications, which include: tolerance to a varied range of pH, stability of enzyme activity over a range of temperature and pH, thermotolerance, thermophilic nature and other harsh reaction conditions. These microbial enzymes have proven their utility in bio-industries such as food, leather, textiles, animal feed, and in bio-conversions and bio-remediations.
There are little facts about the role of reel self of a person when it comes to the role of social Medias and internet in the life of a person. Social media is providing yet one more means of engaging with people on this vast planet of ours, and if used effectively can give all of us greater choice in how we live and what happens in our world [1]. Most theories suggest that people get adversely affected and influenced by the internet and social Medias. Our experiment tested people's reaction to social media and the change appearing due to it in their choices and perceptions. The results showed that almost everyone gets a new definition of personality after entering into the world of internet and social media. The conclusion is that when it comes to people choices they are adapting all that is not at all relevant to their likings and disliking’s but is as per the environment they are living in to. This directly shows a development of new complex and diplomatic personality traits that are very difficult to understand and predict.
J.A. Ugwu, M.O.Smart, H.O.Shaib-Rahim and O.O.Olunloyo
Pot experiments were conducted during the planting season of 2015 at the green house of the Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan to evaluate the effect of leguminous plant leaf compost on the growth and yield of Celosia argentea L. There were six treatments including control (leaves of Chromolaena odorata, Cedrela odorata, Vigna unguiculata, Albizia lebbeck, and Mucuna poggei ) The experiment was laid out in a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) and replicated five times. Leaf composts were applied at the rate of 200g/2kg of top soil. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves, stem girth and yield for twelve weeks. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significant means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that C.argentea treated with Mucuna poggei leaf compost significantly (p<0.05) gave the highest plant height compared to other treatments and control. Similarly, Mucuna poggei leaf compost significantly (p<0.05) gave the highest leaves production and stem girth compared to other treatment and control. Highest yield was recorded on plant treated with Mucuna poggei compost (67.60g/plant). Therefore, use of Mucuna poggei leaf compost as soil amendment for the cultivation of leafy vegetable should be encouraged since it enhances plant growth, yield readily available and environmentally safe.
Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya and Tirthankar Choudhury
Since the past three decades, India has advanced rapidly in terms of industrialization and productivity and economic stability. However, this has come at the cost of dramatically increased fuel consumption. Burning of fossil fuels, which is the mainstay of our power generation, has caused an ever increasing carbon footprint in the face of the earth. Also, with the increased buying power, the consumption of the average citizen factored in, this is contributing to rapid accured carbon debt. The increase in pollution cost India dearly in terms of money, productivity and mortality & morbidity. However, initiatives are being taken to mitigate these issues. In this article we report on the origin, effects and measures taken to mitigate the rising carbon footprint scenario in India.
Bushra S. P. Singh, Meenakshi Malhotra
There is a growing interest in the field of Workplace Spirituality and Glass Ceiling. Till data, no research has explored the connection between the two topics. In this paper, the relation between Workplace Spirituality and Glass Ceiling Beliefs is described along with the mediating role of Glass Ceiling Beliefs in the relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Subjective Success which has emerged to be one of the most important organizational outcomes. First, a model of Workplace Spirituality and Glass Ceiling Beliefs is presented in which three dimensions of Workplace Spirituality (community, meaningful work and inner life) relate to the Glass Ceiling through four beliefs (acceptance, resignation, denial and resilience). Second, a mediation model of Glass Ceiling Beliefs in the relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Subjective Success (career satisfaction, work engagement, physical & psychological well-being) and job happiness) is presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the proposed models.
Yamma A. Al Rubbaey
Background: Saliva is composed of anions, cations, nonelectrolytes, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.Saliva is one of the most important etiological host factors in relation to dental caries. It affects the carious process by its organic and inorganic constituents; in addition to its physiological functions as (flow rate, pH and buffer capacity). The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations of major elements (calcium and phosphorus) and trace elements (ferrous iron, totalsalivary protein and Cupper) in saliva among a group of preschool children, and to explore the relation of these elements, flow rate and pH with dental caries.
Bayan Jaber Hussein
Background: Wound healing is a very complex process, varied and influenced by numerous feature such as the size ,severity nature of the injury and the site of the wound and is consists of four steps: hemostasis, inflammatory reaction, proliferation and remodeling, all of which are regulated by cytokine and growth factors released by cells in the wound area.
Deepika Arora, S.K Tyagi And N.C Gupta
The present study deals with the ambient air quality monitoring with respect to heavy metals (Pb, Ni and As) concentrations in PM₁₀ at seven locations of NCR region, a National Capital Region of India. The 24 hr mean concentrations of PM₁₀ ranged between 126 to 237.67 μg m-3, which is beyond the permissible limit(100 μg m-3) of national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) also found higher than the prescribed annual daily limit of US EPA (50 μg m-3). The ambient air was mostly dominated by the Ni and least by the As among the metal analysed. Ghazipur, a dumping site and also influenced by heavy vehicular transportation due to near highway, is found to be the most polluted area of NCR region and Mayur vihar phase-I, Delhi the least. The ambient air of Ghazipur is rich in Ni, indicating contribution of dumping and also mobile sources. The Indrapuram, Ghaziabad a residential place near the industry, is rich in Pb but within the permissible limit, suggesting contribution of point sources. The Ni concentration is found to be alarmingly high in the air at three locations i.e. Ghazipur, Vasundhra (Ghaziabad) and Noida Sec-26, when compared with the WHO limits (10 ng m-3). The As concentration is found to be below the detection limit at all locations. The present study has focused on to understand the concentrations of heavy metals in ambient air and also to analyse the quality of air in NCR region due to presence of huge vehicular transportation and industralisation, which is extremely harmful due to their toxic and carcinogenic nature.
Dr. Scholastica Khakayi Wamwayi
The aim of this study was to establish the effect of training Feedback on the performance of non-teaching employees in selected public universities in Kenya. The study was conducted in eight of the twenty-two public universities in Kenya with a sample size of 176 non-teaching employees. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative due to descriptive statistics which were used in interpreting data and, quantitative due to data obtained from questionnaires that was interpreted using statistical packages like SPSS V 20, and Stata V 12, and analysis was done by regression and correlation. The study used open and closed ended questionnaires and a Likert measurement scale of 1 to 5. The study results revealed that training feedback (p value = 0.001) was statistically significant and therefore had influence on the performance of non-teaching employees at the selected public universities in Kenya.
Dr. Scholastica Khakayi Wamwayi
This study aimed at analyzing the effect of mode of training on the performance of non-teaching management employees in selected public universities in Kenya. The study was conducted in eight of the twenty-two public universities in Kenya with a sample size of 176 non-teaching employees. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative due to descriptive statistics which were used in interpreting data and, quantitative due to data obtained from questionnaires that was interpreted using statistical packages like SPSS V 20, and Stata V12, and analysis was done by regression and correlation. The study used open and closed ended questionnaires and a Likert measurement scale of 1 to 5. The study results revealed that Mode Training (p value = 0.001) was statistically significant and therefore had influence on the performance of non-teaching employees at selected public universities in Kenya.
Jackline Atieno Omolloh, Dr. Bethwell Owuor, Mrs. Celestine Ndanu
This study was carried out to assess the determinants of durability of road networks in the rural setting of Ugunja Sub-County in Kenya. This study was anchored by the constraint theory. The target population of the study was 120 employees of Kenya rural road authority, 180 road side residents, and chiefs in Ugunja Sub- County. A sample size of 94 respondents was studied from which comprised of 36 officials of KeRRA, 54 roadside residents and 4 chiefs. Purposive sampling was used to identify the respondents. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed for data collection. Analysis of study variables to answer the research questions were conducted using descriptive statistics of frequency tables, charts, graphs and percentages. Quantitative data was analysed using statistical packages for social sciences. The SPSS was used because it is effective. The study found out that funding, political interference, contract time and human activities greatly influence the durability of rural roads network in Ugunja. The study therefore concluded that a lot need to be done around the cited areas. The study therefore recommended that all stakeholders needs to play their roles in ensuring that the roads remain durable after construction.
Dr. Naveen Kumar
Here arrivals of the customer follow poisson distribution and there is single server who is providing service to the customer. Also server serve the customer on first come first serve basis. The vacation queues have been extended to computer networks, communications systems, as well as production management, inventory management and other fields (Doshi B.T., 1990). For the classical single-server vacation model, a server stops working completely during the vacation periods. However, the server can be generalized to work at a different rate during the vacation periods. This type of queueing models are useful to analyze a variety of multi-queue systems that frequently arise in computer and communication networks. Different parameter is used for finding expected busy period and queueing length.