International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

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October 2015 publication has started and publication will continue till 18th October 2015.
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      T.Ramachandran, D.Udayakumar, A. Naseer Ahmed

Abstract: Given a graph G, the dominator coloring problem seeks a proper coloring of G with the additional property that every vertex in the graph dominates an entire color class. In this paper, as an extension of Dominator coloring some standard results has been discussed and the solutions for some of the open problems in [2] are also found out.

      Zauro, S. A, Lawal, A. M, Umar, K. J, Sani, Y. M and Abubakar, I

Abstract: The soil and Cassia occidentalis of selected rural area of Jega Local Government were collected, digested, and analysed for some heavy metals using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AA6500). The rural areas were labeled as DNG, KMB, LNG and GND for Dunbegu, Kimba, Langido and Gindi respectively. The results showed no significance difference (p>0.05) between the soil samples with respect to Cr, Cd and Pb and high significance difference (p<0.05) was observed in DNG with regards to Cu concentration. Similarly, no significance (p>0.05) difference was observed between plant samples in terms of Cr, Cd, and Co concentration. Cd and Co were not detected in GND and DNG respectively. Pearson correlation coefficient between plant and soil samples shows significant negative correlation between Cu and Cd at 1% and positive significant correlation between Co and Pb at 5%.

      Sudjiton, Haselman, Suratman, Baharuddin

Abstract: The study aims to determine how the role of institutional actors concerning regulative system in the process of policy implementation of spatial Wangi-Wangi Wakatobi. This study was conducted in Wangi-Wangi of Wakatobi with case studies Sombu and Coastal Protected Forest (indigenous forest and protected forest land motika Matahora), this study used a qualitative approach with case study design. The main data sources are the actions of the actor/implementers spatial policy in the context of its work. Author retrieve data through interviews, observation and document study then presents a report using narrative text and tables. The results showed that the actor is the parties who have a particular interest in the system and/or who have some ability to influence the system, either directly or indirectly. The role of actors concerning the system of regulative can be seen from the perspective of Marine and Fisheries who viewed coast Sombu as local fishing harbor and ice factory, while the Department of Tourism and Culture saw it as a zone designation tourist attraction sea especially for diving and snorkeling. Office via DPA each budgeted programs and activities in order to optimize the achievement of goals intended to involve formal and informal organizations (NGOs and Indigenous Institutional).

      Deni Iskandar, Haselman, Hasniati, Gita Susanti

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the principle of economic responsibility, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilility in execution Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in regional military command VII /WRB, analyze the role of government (public sector), the private sector and the public (civil society) in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Sinarmas in the regional military command VII /WRB viewed from the perspective of Governance. Find alternative model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Sinarmas RTLH rehabilitation program at the regional military command VII/WRB Makassar in terms of Governance Perspective. Sinarmas research was conducted in Jakarta and the regional military command VII /Wirabuana as the party that receives the program as corporate social responsibility (CSR) Rehabilitation RTLH Sinarmas. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach that emphasizes the natural background characteristics which researchers act as instruments of research. The focus of research is directed towards obtaining descriptive data in the form of the written word and analyzed inductively.

      Bachtiar, Sangkala, Haselman, Muhammad Yunus

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the management of public sector collaboration and the management model of collaboration between the Government of the province of South Sulawesi with the regional military command VII / Wirabuana in order to support the achievement of overstock rice 2 million tons sustainable. The research was conducted within the scope of the Provincial Government of South Sulawesi and the regional military command VII/Wirabuana as the parties conducting collaborative management. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach that emphasizes the characteristics of the scientific background in which researchers act as an instrument of research. The focus of research is directed at efforts to obtain descriptive data in the form of written data and analyzed inductively. Where overall the research has been carried out in several stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. From the research results have shown that : 1) Management collaboration undertaken between South Sulawesi Provincial Government and the regional military command VII/Wirabuana by mutual agreement the central government has followed orders in this case the Minister of Agriculture and the Army Chief of Staff.

      Letty Fudjaja, Didi Rukmana, Radi A. Gany, Jamaluddin Jompa, Yushinta Fujaya

Abstract: This paper highlights the importance of managing collaboration crab fishery, which is an asset of development, so it can be used together to maximize the participation of all stakeholders. Collaboration includes a complex and multidimensional relationship which includes the social, economic, cultural and technical management of the run from upstream to downstream. Altogether seen in a unity mutually crochet hooks. Based on the concept that it is necessary to design a model of collaborative management in an integrated manner that can run in a dynamic and continuous process which will benefit all stakeholders which include fishing communities, government and the business world (employers swasta). Several studies have stressed the importance of sustainable crab fishery management based multi-stakeholder collaboration within the framework of the system. Several important issues in the management of crabs is the exploitation that goes beyond the biological limits of the maximum, which is not optimal arrests resulting in lower catches of fishermen in terms of both quality and quantity. This raises the systemic impact indirectly on businesses crab and indirectly on the government. If this situation continues then the losses will be borne by the Indonesian nation is not only socially but also economically and politically.

      Neshkovska Silvana

Abstract: This paper deals with the strategies used for expressing explicit emotional gratitude (SEEEG) in Macedonian (fala and blagodaram) and English (thanks and thank you). More precisely, it investigates the process of intensification of SEEEG with internal and external intensifiers which affect both the syntactic and pragmatic structures of these expressions, respectively. The intensification of SEEEG is analyzed in the context of expressing gratitude for favors in particular.

      Jaideep Singh Dillon

Abstract: In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the impact of migration in relation to economic and socio-cultural aspects. In this attempt it was found that majority of the migrants were sending their earning in terms of kind and remittances to their families at the place of origin. These migrants found the improvement in their personal financial level and their families back at home. It is remarkable to note that although, the migrants belong to different religion, language and cultural background found it comfortable for the ultimate assimilation with the new societal set up. They found no discrimination and acceptance of the locals was appreciated.

      M. Asad Abdurrahman, Lawalenna Samang, Sakti A. Adisasmita, M. Isran Ramli

Abstract: The gap between financing need and the fund allocated brings governments difficult to manage the road maintenance, thus a ranking procedure is required to optimize this limited fund. Determining the road maintenance priority is considered as a multi-criteria decision making problem. Recent priority procedure offered by the Department of Public Works and previous researches only consider technical aspects such as pavement condition and daily traffic. However, non-technical factor such as political intervention plays a significant role in determining priority. This paper suggests a comprehensive assessment framework that enables to take a number of technical and non-technical factors into consideration. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to evaluate these roads with respect to prescribed criterions. Five proposed road which funded by provincial government were subjected into criterions with diverse metrics that serve as multi-objective decision environment where AHP play an appropriate role and consistently lead toward the final decision.

      Arnolfo M. Monleon

Abstract: The pre-wean growth is a complex trait that gauges the success or failure of the succeeding post-wean growth until a final product is produced. This study evaluates the variance components to identify the critical source of variance in pre-wean growth traits of Marinduke pig, the indigenous pig in the island province of Marinduque, Philippines. The pre-wean growth as measured on birth weight (BW0), weaning weight at 49 day-old (BW49), weight gain (BWG), and average daily gain (ADG) were evaluated from 62 piglets. The mean and variability e.g. standard deviation and coefficient of variation, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, and variance partitioning were instituted. Result shows that the pre-wean growth trait specifically the BW0 was dependent on the maternal effect (37.74%) or the influence of the dam’s phenotype on the phenotype of her progeny. The BW49 (42.20%), BWG (46.23%) and ADG (47.58%) were found due to the effect of litter size. A management protocol that shall provide better nutrition and welfare is required to sustain the physiological requirements thereby ensuring better and uniform pre-wean growth in Marinduke pig.

      Adebayo, O. F., Akinyemi, S. A., Madukwe, H. Y., Aturamu, A. O., Ojo, A. O.

Abstract: Ahoko lies within the Lokoja Sub-basin of the Bida Basin in the North Central part of Nigeria. Local stratigraphy of the sediments and the field relationship show that the lithologic succession consists of dark grey shales at the base, followed by light grey shales and siltstones that are intercalated at intervals by grey to brownish, highly indurated ironstone concretion. The sediments when subjected to geochemical analysis showed ratio of Th/Cr, Cr/Th, Th/Co and Cr/Ni which suggests felsic source rocks. Geochemical results further revealed lower Mo/Al, V/Al, U/Al, Cr/Al, Ba/Al, Sr/Al, Ni/Al and Co/Al ratios which indicate the potentially ‘extreme’ bottom-water oxic conditions during deposition. The approximate order of enrichment relative to average shale being in the order: Zr > U > Pb> Mo > Y > Co > Cr > V> Zn > Ba > Cu > Rb >Ni > Sr and Zr > Y > U > Zn > Co > Mo > Sr > Pb > Cr >Ba > V > Cu > Ni > Rb for profile A and B respectively. Estimated Ce/Ce* ratio and Log (Ce/Ce*) show positive anomaly in studied samples which suggests well oxygenated bottom-water conditions during deposition. Trace element ratios such as U/Th, V/Cr, Ni/Co, Cu/Zn, V/Sc ratios and V/(Ni+V) indicate oxic environment of deposition. These results in conjunction with the recovery of Echitriporites trianguliformis, Monocolpites marginatus, Retimocolpites obaensis, Psilatricolporites crassus, Longapertites marginatus, Proxapertites cursus, Acrostichum aureum, Cyatridites minor, Zlivisporites blanensis and charred graminae in the sediments suggest fluviodeltaic source and moderately distal oxic environment of deposition.

      Wissa Harry Pamudji, Heny K. Daryanto, Setiadi Djohar

Abstract: Food and beverage industries in the fast moving consumer goods sector is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Effective marketing strategies are required particularly for a new company in face of intense competition from rivals. Freshbrew Mels Beverages is a newcomer in the glass packaged tea beverage industry. The aim of this study is to identify current marketing at Freshbrew Mels Beverages, analyze internal and external factors affecting the company's marketing, and develop alternative marketing strategies. This research involved comprehensive interviews of company management and an evaluation of a competitor company. By using CAP-CSP (Company Allignment Profile Competitive Setting Profile) analysis and industry competition analysis, the research showed Freshbrew Mels Beverages’ current marketing activities were inadequate in an industrial environment with competition of medium intensity. The subsequent formulation of alternative marketing strategies for Freshbrew Mels Beverages was based on a marketing mix (4P) developed using SWOT analysis and QSPM analysis, with the latter used to determine priority of the alternative strategies. This study provided Freshbrew Mels Beverages with seven alternative marketing strategies with the following priorities: 1) penetration pricing strategy; 2) product differentiation strategy; 3) event promotion strategy; 4) direct selling strategy; 5) product design strategy; 6) strategic distribution coverage; 7) non - store retailing strategy.

      Ofoha C.C

Abstract: To estimate the depth to various magnetic sources within the study area, an aeromagnetic map with sheet number 301 published on a scale of 1:100000 was processed, analyzed and interpreted using spectral depth analytical technique with the aid of Arc GIS, Ms Excel and Origin Pro Software’s. In this study, two layered source model, D1 and D2 were observed and proposed and also prospective areas were delineated using Surfer 10. The topographic map generated using Surfer 10 shows the undulating nature of the basement surface. Depths to the deeper magnetic sources, D1 vary from 3.472 km to 6.972 km but with an average depth value of 5.010 km while the depth to shallower magnetic sources, D2 vary from 1.177 km to 1.834 km but with an average depth of 1.047 km. D1 and D2 represents magnetic basement bodies and intrusions respectively. The estimated average depth to basement of 5.010 km suggest relative sedimentary thickness for hydrocarbon accumulation and the non uniform basement suggest lineaments resulting to possible conduits and traps for economic fluids. Hence, the possibility of the study area to add to the economic reserve of the country cannot be ruled out when seismic sections are run over the area.

      Anthony Osoro, Dr. Willy M. Muturi and Dr. Patrick K.. Ngugi

Abstract: The purpose of this paper was to analyze the effect of crude oil price as a determinant on performance of supply chain systems in the petroleum industries in Kenya. Supply chain is a dynamic process and involves the constant flow of information, materials, and funds across multiple functional areas both within and between chain members. Members in the chain need to cooperate with their business partners in order to meet customer’s needs and to maximize their profit by reducing cost of crude oil. However, it is a very difficult task in managing the multiple collaborations in a supply chain because there are so many firms involved in the supply chain operations with its own resources processes also requires real-time operation and decision making across different tasks, functional areas, and organizational boundaries in order to deal with problems and uncertainties. The strategic move of focus for mass customization, quick response, and high-quality service cannot be achieved without more complex cooperation and dynamic structure of supply chains.

      Yasin M. Karfaa, Hidayah Bte Sulaiman, Salman Yussof

Abstract: Management Information System (MIS) is becoming one of the most important assets for an organization competing in the 21st century global economy. The MIS in a university includes important institutional activities such as relational database, applications for managing admissions, registration, financial aid, managing human resources, and for budgeting the fiscal controls. The university’s ability to customize its MIS is critical to institutional competitiveness. The selected organization for this paper is a private university that offers online distance education for matured students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The author obtained information about the MIS functions by analyzing written documents and a brief interview with the senior systems engineer and two students. The discussion of the paper includes: (a) the profile and structure of the organization, (b) management of the information system, (c) the IT structure and its effectiveness, (d) the information system required and its effective deployment.

      Asia Anand J

Abstract: Inspite of taking complete Multidrug treatment some patients with leprosy are left with disability and deformities. They remain reminders of disease leading to social discrimination , economical constraints and loss of confidence among patients . Recent increase in number of cases of leprosy with disability at our tertiary care centre especially in children encouraged us to undertake a descriptive study for the last 5 years. Records were analysed to describe the clinical pattern of disability in children with leprosy pertaining to the period 2010 to 2014.

      Ivan Ivanov, Elka Radeva, Tsonko Uzunov

Abstract: The aim of the current literature review shows the reasons for endodontic-surgery treatment and its techniques (methods) for its realization. When conservative treatment is not possible because of post with crowns, bridges and consideration of the possibility of weakening of the remaining dental hard tissues, there are reasons for undertaking apical surgery. This can be defined as endodontic-surgery procedures that include apical resection, curettage and retrograde filling. The aim is sealing the root canal in order to eliminate microleakage of periapical tissues. In relation to this literature discusses issues related to the sealing of the root canal and updating of various cements for root canal filling. The access to the apical portion may be provided by a low-speed handpiece with fissure burs or high-energy lasers, supported by microsurgical mirror and microscope. Different ultrasonic tips are an alternative for retrograde root canal preparation. Materials that might be used are: MTA, Biodentin, IRM, EBA, I Root SP, MTA Fillapex, ProRoot Endo Sealer, EndoSequence Bioceramic Root Repair Material. Conclusion: in appropriately selected clinical cases, endodontic-surgical approach gives good and reliable results and should be preferred over the decision for extraction of the tooth and its subsequent replacement by implant therapy.

      Dr. Sinan M. Abdul Satar, Ass. Prof. Dr. Alaa H. Ali, Mrs. Mays K. Abbas

Abstract: To investigate the possibilities of employing speckle patterns alterations, to be noticed in an emerging light spot from step index multimode optical fiber, due to outer perturbation for sensing purposes; first order moment statistical feature is used to design the optical fiber sensors of statistical mode. The experiments of optical fiber sensor of statistical mode are performed for different applied weights and the related images were captured by using a CCD camera. First moment statistical feature is taken out from these images after suitable image processing. A definite weight was applied on a fiber optic in which beams of a He-Ne laser were propagating then variations in speckle patterns were noticed. To achieve the application of effective weight on the fiber optic, a part of load application which has some ridges positioned between two parallel flat plates was employed. The achieved results illustrated that when fiber optic was positioned so that corrugation of bending was made by the application part of load (by means of ridges)and when loads were applied on the optical fiber, the difference in first order moment increased as weight was applied. The effect of area size of contact between fiber optic and ridges was set by employing some different preparations for the application part of load. With these results and by using statistical mode feature it was assured that speckles observation in a light spot emerging from a fiber optic can be used for realization of fiber optic sensor having statistical mode for sensing the application of load applied on the fiber optic. For enhancement of load application effects, appropriate arrangements were used with ridges having convenient dimensions which are alternately organized against the fiber optic.

      Arpita Tewari, Arun K. Misra

Abstract: Software testing is skill of investigating the purpose and rightness in software behavior caused by variations in component values or the environment. Quality improvement and customer satisfaction becomes an increasingly difficult challenge when there are fewer resources available. This paper proposes an innovative technique of DMAIC methodology using six sigma software testing. The paper supports that Six Sigma is not going to supersede other initiatives, but instead offer a tactics to determine the best approach for the process of testing software. In this paper a discussion has been made to use DMAIC methodology and principals while carrying out six sigma projects.

      C. Vijayalakshmi, M. Jothilakshmi, V.Devarajan

Abstract: Back ground: To evaluate the effects of Biomagnetism through yoga exercise among women patients with hypertension induced insomnia and its significant improvement in sleep quality and reduced hypertension. This novel concept was put forth by Swami Vethathiri Maharishi in south India. Method: A sample of 20 female patients comprised experimental group participated in 12 weeks yoga exercise. A sample of 20 female patients constituted control group underwent no exercise. The patients filled out a broad spectrum of questionnaire on the concept of yoga exercise and Biomagnetism before start of the exercise. The patients were subjected to physiological, Bio-magnetism and biochemical variables to assess the quality of life style, pre and post test. The hypertension and sleep quality were monitored pre and post test. Results: A significant (p<0.05) effect of yoga exercise was observed in improved sleep quality and reduced hypertension of experimental group subjects. However no significant effect of sleep quality was found for control group. Conclusion: This research study revealed that twelve weeks of training given to experimental group subjects under the strict supervision of yoga trained lady teacher assisted by the research scholar that yoga exercise s had demonstrated a marvelous change in the value of physiological, biochemical and biomagnetism variables enabled the subjects to an improved sleep quality and reduced hypertension.

      Pavithra R, S.Y. Pattar

Abstract: Chest radiology is the most common method used for diagnosis of lung diseases, the term lung disease refers to the abnormalities that effect the lung organ, diseases are such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia and many other breathing problems, in this paper, we develop a system that defects and classify the lung diseases as either pneumonia or lung cancer, this is accomplished by two stages they are feature extraction and classification, feature extraction is done through the use of Gabor filter, classification is through the use of neural network’s like feed forward neural network(FFNN), Multi-layer perceptron neural network(MLPNN), Radial Basis Function(RBF).

      S. Harish, Dr. M. Satyanarayana

Abstract: Pulse-triggered flip-flops are mainly used to improve speed of operation (pipeline speed), though flip-flop robustness and system timing closure are challenging in a wide range of supply voltages. Usually pulse-triggered flip-flops have specific structures and transistor sizes to optimize the system performance. The transistor size, topology, and threshold voltage of the flip-flop make the timing characteristics sensitive to the supply voltage. The transparent windows generated and required in a pulse-triggered flip-flop may have mismatch under different supply voltages (scaling), which is likely to result in system timing and functional failures. in single edge adaptive pulse trigger flip-flops the latching speed is less, no of transistors are more and power dissipation also high so to overcome these limitations dual edge adaptive pulse triggered flip flop is proposed. Proposed structure improves the robustness of adaptive pulse-triggered flip-flops and promises this high-speed clocked element for wide range of supply voltages so data latching speed is increase, numbers of transistors were reduced and power dissipation also reduced. Transistor driving-strength mismatches are considered and overcome by Dual edge adaptive pulse trigger flip flop implemented in 130nm technology.

      Mutie Juliet Mwende, Dr. Julius Bichanga, Jared Mosoti

Abstract: Agency banking has become one of the essential services in the banking sector in bringing their services closer to the people at the grass -root or in remote areas where brick and mortar branches are not present. This study focuses on the role of agency banking in providing and availing the banking services to the customers. The purpose is to explore the functionality and contribution of agency banking. This study assessed the role of agency banking in increasing accessibility to banking services and helping in decongesting the banking halls in Kitui central district, through an analysis of the costs and benefits raised by agency banking and how these are distributed among the stakeholders. The researcher was guided by the following objectives:- To investigate the cost of banking transactions through agency banking, to investigate the efficiency of agency banking in time saving ,to investigate the convenience of banking products offered through agency banking and to investigate if availability of bank agents has increased the opening hours to increase accessibility for banking services. The study used descriptive survey design and the target population was six equity bank agents and one hundred (100) A/C holders in Equity bank in Kitui Central district.

      Kimani Emily Wambui, Muchiri Joseph, Dr Stanley Makindi

Abstract: With the rise of Environmentalism in the 1960s, there was a growing realization by individuals, organizations and governments that the environment was being adversely affected by human activities. Nakuru for the last few years has seen a rapid population growth. This in turn, has seen an increase in the generation of non biodegradable solid waste. One type of such waste is disposable diapers. The purpose of this study was to investigate used diaper disposal practices among the care givers in Low and middle household income setting in Nakuru, Kenya. This type of setting was selected due to the fact that it houses the majority of the population. Specifically the study sought to identify the magnitude of diaper usage among this category of care givers as well as methods used in the disposal of the soiled diapers. The study also sought to determine the willingness of caregivers to make use of used diaper collection centre. This was a cross sectional research which used mixed research method methodology. Samples were taken from four low and middle income households in the town. Both quantitative and qualitative research method was used. Observational checklist and structured interview schedules with care givers were employed. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version. The study established a high use of use of disposable diapers. Majority of the care givers disposed of diapers in the open field. Moreover, care givers were unwilling to transport used diapers to a collection centre. The study recommends that the public should be sensitized on the use of reusable diapers and need for separation of garbage from the source.

      Javier Coto

Abstract: OpenFlow could define flows and determine how packets are prioritized and forwarded through switches, reduce power consumption, and redesign data centers. You will find a holistic research of the current innovations, benefits, and future researched need in OpenFlow.

      Marliana S. Palad, St. Maryam Yasin, Aminah Muchdar, Maimuna Nonci, Suhartin Dewi Astuti, Nadira Sennang

Abstract: The research purpose is to view and know the influence of giving blotong against growth and production of baby corn. This research was conducted in the village Borongloe Bontomarannu Gowa district. The research was arranged as a factorial experiment in completely randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. The first is fertilizer type: blotong (B1), blotong+EM4 (B2) and bokashi blotong (B3), while of the blotong dose assigned as the second factor: blotong 5 ton ha -1 (D1), blotong 10 ton ha-1 (D2) and blotong 15 ton ha-1 (D3). The research result indicated that bokashi blotong gives the best influence compare to blotong+EM4 against all parameters. Interaction between fertilizer dose 10 ton ha-1 to the bokashi. Blotong gives the best influence to the baby corn production 4.41 ton ha-1, bokasi blotong best anyway influence on baby corn vegetative growth, that is: plant height 113.00 cm, leaves number 8 (eight) pieces and stem diameter 6.02 cm. Results of analysis of variance showed that giving of bokashi blotong (B3) showed a better effect on the growth and production of baby corn and highly significant for plant height age of 60 days after planting, leaf number aged 60 days after planting, cob length cornhusk and without cornhusk, diameter stems and cobs, cob weight with cornhusk and without cornhusk and production are converted into ton ha-1. This is due to bokashi blotong has organic content of C, N, P, and K totaling more than the maximum treatment blotong (B1) and the blotong+EM4 (B2). Based on the research result, it can be summarised that sugar factory waste called blotong can be used to make bokashi as organic fertilzer, so the baby corn can growth and production better.

      Aida Rikasari, Sri Hartayo, Trias Andati

Abstract: Financial Services Authority (FSA) is an independent agency and out of from interference by other parties. FSA has the functions, duties and authority of regulation, supervision, inspection and investigation in the financial services sector. FSA to function organized system of regulation and supervision is integrated to the overall activities in the financial services sector. The purpose of this study was to Determine the abnormal return (AR) on stocks in the banking sub-sector and the effect of policies FSA. Method of research is event study that could see the influence before and after the event, and then were Analyzed by t-test pired. The result showed that there was no influence of the events under investigation on stock returns in the banking sub-sector and stock movement patterns that tend range more towards the negative visible from Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (caar).

      Dr. Minakshi P. Hazarika

Abstract: Sanitation is a burning problem of our society. About 1/7th of the world’s population still defecates in the open in absence of toilets, of which 60% lives in India . According to the latest estimates of the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP), released in early 2013 (collected in 2011), 36 per cent of the world’s population – 2.5 billion people – lack improved sanitation facilities, and 768 million people still use unsafe drinking water sources . The lack of adequate sanitation and safe water has significant negative impacts on health. This is a cause of great concern as 88% of deaths in diarrhoea occur because of unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills thousands of children every year.

      Bhavya Bansal, Aishvarya Bansal

Abstract: We have developed two scenarios to see how rapidly India can raise people to the standards of living implied by the Empowerment Line. The first, which we call “stalled reforms”, assumes that no bold policy measures are taken and that slow economic growth continues. The second considers an alternative path of “inclusive reforms”. The path of inclusive reforms envisages a far more positive alternative, one in which the nation takes steps to stimulate investment, job creation, and farm productivity, as well as dramatically improve the delivery of basic services. These reforms could potentially allow India to achieve an average GDP growth rate of 7.8 percent between 2012 and 2022. This could lift 580 million people above the Empowerment Line, leaving 100 million (7 percent of the population) below it in 2022 and 17 million (just 1 percent) below the official poverty line—virtually eliminating extreme poverty in just a decade. The higher GDP growth inherent in the inclusive reforms scenario generates more tax revenue that can be ploughed back into spending for basic services— and it simultaneously ensures that India meets its fiscal objectives more quickly. To achieve this goal, India will need to increase its investment rate from nearly 36 percent of GDP since 2005 to an average of 38 percent over the next ten years. The combination of higher investment, faster economic growth, and increased tax revenue could allow India to bring its fiscal deficit to 6 percent of GDP from 2017 onward while enabling a moderate but steady increase in social spending, in line with GDP growth, that could bring access deprivation in basic services down from 46 percent to just 17 percent. Although these goals are aspirational, they are feasible based on successes already demonstrated by India’s better-performing states.

      Abhishek Vijaykumar Vyas

Abstract: Foreign Direct investment plays a very important role in the development of the nation. Sometimes domestically available capital is inadequate for the purpose of overall development of the country. Foreign capital is seen as a way of filling in gaps between domestic savings and investment. India can attract much larger foreign investments than it has done in the past. The present study has focused on the trends of FDI Flow in India during 2000-01 to 2014-15 (up to June, 2015).

      Kirimo Pharis Kanyagia

Abstract: The general objective of the study was to establish competitive positioning strategies in response to changing rice demand patterns in Kenya. This study was guided by three specific objective which were; the effect of product differentiation in response to changes in rice demand patterns in Kenya, to establish the effects of cost leadership in response to changes in rice demand patterns in Kenya and finally to determine the effects of market segmentation strategies in response t changes in demand patterns in Kenya. The target population was the employee from MRM. The sample size drawn from this population was 50 was identified through stratified random sampling. Primary data was collected from the respondents using questionnaires.

      Joel Baldomir

Abstract: This study examined the leadership identity development of a sample of leaders in order to better understand leaders’ perceptions about what contributed to the development of their leadership identities. Using in- depth interview questions, the lived experiences of organizational leaders were explored so as to build on the limited existing research on leadership identity and offer further insight into the phenomenon of leadership identity formation. The results of this study revealed that the study participants had each experienced leadership within multiple social and organizational contexts. Based on the responses of study participants, the acceptance of their leadership identities was influenced, in part, by the leaders to whom they had been exposed and by the social contexts in which their leadership experiences took place. The participants in this study began to identify themselves as leaders while working within the context of organizations that provided opportunities for leadership, collaboration, and mentorship from experienced leaders.

      Fatmawati, Sy.Hasyim Azizurrahman, Salfius Seko, M. Qahar Awaka

Abstract: The boundary between West Kalimantan and region of Sarawak (Malaysia) is along 866 Km traversed by 50 footpaths (rat paths) in 55 villages (http://kalimantan.menlh.go.id , 2012). The length of the border region makes both societies are able to across borders more freely. Historically, social relations between Jagoy Babang (Indonesia) with Sarawak (Malaysia) is a cognate bound by very close socio-cultural relations through the bound of marriage and blood ties. Along the border community issues there is a duality of perception boundaries between government regulation with peoples' customary law under the auspices of the board of the Dayak. On one side, the boundary regions are bounded by the legislation between the two countries, but on the other hand, it has had indigenous customary law in determiningboundaries. Wisdom of local communities border could be seen from customary law governing boundaries.

      Komala Heratri, Sri Hartoyo, Trias Andati

Abstract: The global financial crisis in 2008 brought impact to the superpower country, the United States, starting from the fall of property sales; in fact, the decrease in property sales also hit Asian region (business Indonesia, 2010). The granting of mortgage loan plays a role in the declining demand in the property sector due to the crisis, which eventually affected the stock return of property and real estate, in addition to the macroeconomic factors in Indonesia. This study aims to verify the impact of macroeconomic factors that is interest rate, the exchange rate, world oil price, money supply, and loan to value policy on the stock return of real estate and property subsector by using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for 2010-2014: 55 period. This study applied historical research and uses periodical data and sample determination considers purposive sampling while research data analysis utilizes. Samples of this research are divided into three groups based on market capitalization that is big cap, med cap and small cap. The result of cointegration test shows that there is a long-term or equilibrium relationship between interest rate, the exchange rate, world oil price, money supply, kurs, loan to value and return of the real estate and property subsector. IRF analysis shows that the shock on macroeconomic factors and loan to value policy gives different response to the return fluctuation. The return model is the most vulnerable when the presence of the shocks in macroeconomic variables are the return property and real estate. The results show several finding, that some variables have significance determinant to return of the property and real estate. The result shows the new loan to value policy does not have a significant impact, so that policy makers need to make some revisions to deal with changes of contents and provisions therein.

      G.Y. Benjamin, C.M.Z. Whong and E.D. Jatau

Abstract: A study of the risk factors associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection in patients attending selected hospitals in Zaria Kaduna State was carried out. Four hundred blood samples were collected by venipuncture from consenting patients. The blood samples were examine microscopically for Plasmodium falciparum on thin and thick blood smears prepared for each sample. The results were analysed statistically using the Chi square test at 95% confidence interval. Only the ring trophozoites of Plasmodium falciparum were observed in the infected samples. Those who were always sleeping under insecticide treated mosquito nets at home had the least prevalence (5.5%) which was lower than the 6.7% prevalence of those who were not sleeping under insecticide treated nets always. The highest prevalence was found among those who were not sleeping under insecticide treated mosquito nets at home with 94.1% (χ2=293.088, p<0.05). Respondents who were using insecticides at home always had the least prevalence with 5.9% the highest prevalence (88.8%) however was found in those not using insecticide at home (p<0.05). Alcohol consumption and smoking were significantly associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection. Smokers had a prevalence of 62.5% which was higher than the 27.6% found in non-smokers. Alcohol users also had a higher prevalence (83.3%) than non-alcohol users with 27% (χ2=9.118, p<0.05). We concluded that consistent use of insecticide and insecticidal nets at home reduced malaria prevalence, while smoking and alcohol consumption increased malaria prevalence due to Plasmodium falciparum infection. In conclusion, alcohol consumption, smoking, use of insecticidal net and insecticides at home were the risk factors found to be significantly associated with malaria infection in this study

      B. G. Sampath Aruna Pradeep

Abstract: This paper investigates a time-delayed SIR model with a non-linear Beddington-DeAngelis type incidence rate function and relapse. Immunity of some diseases is temporary, that is, the recovered individuals may return to the infected class after a certain period of time. The local stability properties of the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium were completely analyzed by utilizing the characteristic equations at particular equilibrium. It can be seen that local stability properties of the model is totally based on the basic reproduction number which depend on the latent time delay. It was obtained that the disease dies out when the basic reproduction number less than unity, and the disease remains endemic when greater than one.

      E. Siva Mahesh, K. Jyothi, .K Venkateswara Rao, M.Sreeram Murty

Abstract: Light weight metal matrix composites based on aluminum alloy and TiB2 particulates has emerged as an important class of materials and finding increasing applications in automobile, aero-space and space industries, in their quest for achieving better fuel economy. In order to fabricate a kind of high strength particulate reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composites, a high strength aluminum-10silicon alloy was selected as a matrix and composites reinforced with varying amounts of TiB2 particles from 2 to 10% were synthesized using stir casting method. The deformation behaviour was analyzed. Stress of base Al -10Si alloy and its TiB2 composites in the as cast condition has increased with increase in deformation in both samples of aspect ratio 1 and 1.5. Load required to deform of base Al -10Si alloy and its TiB2 composites in the as cast condition increased with increase in reinforcement content as well as with aspect ratio. The increase in the properties could be attributed to be good bonding of TiB2 particles and aluminum matrix. Stress of base Al -10Si alloy and its TiB2 composites in the as cast condition has increased with increase in deformation in both samples of aspect ratio 1 and 1.5. But hardness has decreased with with increased aspect ratio. Strength coefficient (K) and strain hardening exponent (n) of Al-10Si-10TiB2 considered in the present investigation was found to be 386.1 and 0.493 shows that the material has good flow stress per unit strain, good formability and can be work hardened at higher rate compared to its base Al -10Si alloy and its composites. Bulge diameter for base Al-10Si alloy and its composites increased with increasing degree of deformation, due to friction at contact surfaces, where as radius of curvature of bulge decreased with increasing degree of deformation.

      Jaya Gade, Snehal More, Navin Bhalerao

Abstract: The aim of present study was formulation of a stable W/O emulsion containing fenugreek seeds extract using olive oil as a base. Extract of Fenugreek seeds was obtained by using methanol as a solvent and the extract of fenugreek seeds, was entrapped in the inner aqueous phase of W/O emulsion. The formulation was prepared in internal aqueous phase (W/O emulsion) containing the extract of fenugreek seeds. The herbal formulation showed good spreadibilty, good consistency, homogeneity, pH, non greasy and no evidence of phase separation. The formulation, was stable at all the accelerated conditions regarding color, liquifaction and phase separation. The extract-containing cream substantially increased skin elasticity, hydration and decreased the skin melanin.

      Jerry C. Esperanza

Abstract: Saving the life of the Angono River system is the ultimate vision of this research. Specifically, it analyses the vegetation along the riparian zones of the river’s headwater as important benchmark information for future environmental actions of government agencies. Transect walk and satellite imagery revealed that the land cover, based on Standard Land Cover Classification System of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines, is a non-forest other land cultivated annual. It was also found out that the tree vegetation is already weak and in critical condition and the very few remaining tree species are threatened by the fact that the study site is privately owned by a realty developer and a mining company and occupied by informal settlers. Thus, rehabilitation, conservation, protection and other important research endeavors, within the whole length of the river system are deeply calling for an immediate and active priority and concern from its various private and public stakeholders.

      Jerry C. Esperanza

Abstract: The research established a baseline data of the instructor-related problems of junior teacher education students to call the attention of the administration to study and design plan on how to address the issues. Descriptive survey method through researcher-made instrument was applied. Total enumeration of subjects was observed.

      Kudenga Mugove, Hlatywayo Lincoln

Abstract: This study is part of a broad research that sought to establish the counseling needs of adolescent street kids and in Harare Central Business District. This paper looks at the major causes that lead to children leaving their homes for the streets. A representative sample was drawn which comprised of 40 street kids who were receiving some assistance from four non-governmental organizations and 8 officials from the organizations. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to guide the methodology. Data was collected using questionnaires and structured interviews for officials and the street kids respectively. Qualitative data with descriptive statistics was used in the presentation and analysis of data. The results showed that children were forced into the streets by factors that included social factors connected with the breakdown of the family structure, economic factors that included poverty and unemployment. The study recommended that non-governmental organizations must get to the root cause of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms of the problem as what is currently happening. It was also recommended that there was need for the organizations to involve the street children in finding solutions to their problems.

      Kudenga Mugove, Hlatywayo Lincoln

Abstract: This study is part of a broad research that sought to establish the counseling needs of adolescent street kids and in Harare Central Business District. This paper looks at the effectiveness of support services available for the street adolescent in Harare. The representative sample drawn comprised of 40 street kids who were receiving some assistance from four non-governmental organizations and 8 officials from the organizations. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to guide the methodology. Data was collected using questionnaires and structured interviews for officials and the street kids respectively. Qualitative data analysis with descriptive statistics was used in the presentation and analysis of data. The study found out that those organizations that offered support services concentrated on providing food, recreation, education and blankets. The personnel who were involved in counseling the street did not possess the relevant counseling qualifications. The study concluded that the support services were not effective in the long run as the organisations focussed on the symptoms of the problem. There is need for the organisations that deal with street kids to give more emphasis on empowering the children to take charge of their lives instead of making them depend on handouts. In addition the organizations need to be advised to take in employment people who have some counseling qualification to work with these children or encourage the present ones to acquire counseling qualifications.

      Kudenga Mugove, Hlatywayo Lincoln

Abstract: This study is part of a broad research that sought to establish the counseling needs of adolescent street kids and in Harare Central Business District. This paper looks at the major problems experienced by adolescent street children in Harare streets. The representative sample drawn comprised of 40 street kids who were receiving some assistance from four non-governmental organizations and 8 officials from the organizations. A qualitative descriptive survey was used to guide the methodology. Data was collected using questionnaires and structured interviews for officials and the street kids respectively. Qualitative data analysis with descriptive statistics was used in the presentation and analysis of data. The study found out that the children faced problems with the Zimbabwe Republic Police and municipal police. There was also rampant bullying that was experienced by street kids. The study recommended the need to establish supervised ‘safe houses’ near city center that do not seem to relegate street children to areas where they should work for their upkeep. The police need to be conscientised of the need to treat the street children humanly and not treat them as criminals.

      Tarik Bouzekraoui, Ahlem Benzarti, Brigitte Thioliere

Abstract: Acute infection with parvovirus B19 is responsible for blocking erythroblasts and is usually without consequences on hematopoiesis, except in patients with chronic hemolytic anemia.it causes a potentially serious acute anemia. We report the case of an 18 year-old sickle cell patient with this infection revealed by erythroblastopenia. He was hospitalized for fever and headache. The Laboratory tests showed a non-regenerative anemia and hemolysis. We concluded to the diagnosis of erythroblastopenia secondary to infection with parvovirus B19 because of the presence of IgM and parvovirus DNA on PCR. The evolution was favorable after transfusion. Any erythroblastopenia in a sickle cell patient should alert the clinician to a possible parvovirus B19 infection.

      Elminshawi A.Hadi A.moniem

Abstract: Thirty castrated male Sudan desert sheep, Hamari ecotype were involved in this study. The animals were kept for a pre-experimental period of two weeks, during which they were fed on groundnut haulm only. The animals were sub- grouped into three groups namely A, B and C.Each animal group received different feed named as the group name (A,B,C) the feed was offered to the animal groups on adlibitum base, while groundnut haulm was offered as a source of roughage daily.

      P Yadav, and A Khare

Abstract: Technologies have advanced rapidly in the field of digital signal processing due to advances made in high speed, low cost digital integrated chips. These technologies have further stimulated ever increasing use of signal representation in digital form for purposes of transmission, measurement, control and storage. Design of digital filters especially adaptive or semi adaptive is the necessity of the hour for SAR applications. In this research work Butter worth digital FIR semi adaptive band pass filter for 700-800 KHz for 128 order Kaiser window with 0.5 Beta was designed using XILINX and MATLAB soft wares. As part of practical research work 700 -800 KHz Butter worth digital FIR semi adaptive band pass filter for 700-800KHz for 128 order Kaiser window with 0.5 Beta was designed using FPGA kit using SPARTAN-3E. These were optimized, analyzed, compared and evaluated keeping the sampling frequency at 5 GHz. Both these filters were tested by passing a sinusoidal test signal of 781 KHz along with noise and the filtered output signals are presented.

      Sumona Datta, Debdulal Dutta Roy

Abstract: Formal operational stage differs from the previous stages due to the newly acquired ability to think in abstract terms and form hypotheses based on propositions (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). As the adolescent progresses from early to late stage of development, the knowledge structure becomes more and more integrated in structure. Present study hypothesized that the ability to reason in abstract terms is associated with spatial visualization ability and this association becomes more integrated among late formal reasoners as compared to early formal reasoners. Reasoning of abstraction involves classifying objects or events into problem categories based on their properties. This is followed by making inferences in order to solve the problem which in turn requires visualizing the spatial relations among objects/events. Abstract reasoning thus, requires conceptual knowledge and spatial visualization. Spatial Visualization is the ability to visualize complex spatial relations among the constituent parts of an object and manipulate them in order to predict a possible outcome. To test this hypothesis, data were collected from 71 high school students (Boys=23; Girls=48; Mean age=14.52 years) by administering paper-pencil tests of abstract reasoning and spatial visualization. Results revealed significant association between abstract reasoning and visualization factor, with the association being stronger among late adolescents as compared to early adolescents. Results were discussed in the light of Piagetian theory of formal operational reasoning among adolescents.

      Swetha.P, P.Eapen Sakaria

Abstract: Recently the use of composite structures consisting of cold formed steel tubes infilled with concrete has become increasingly popular in civil engineering constructions. This is because of their excellent earthquake resistance properties namely high ductility, high stiffness and large energy absorption capacities. The subject of this work is to investigate the effect of high volume replacement level of cement with GGBS on the strength of concrete filled steel tubular short columns. A theoretical investigation of these experimental results with Euro code is also conducted. GGBS can be used as a replacement for cement or as an additional cementations material in concrete. By conducting cube strength test on 18 specimens with different percentage replacement level of cement, Optimum percentage of GGBS were found out. Infilling the hollow section columns with M30 grade concrete,concrete with GGBS as a replacement for cement were studied. Totally 8 columns were tested and load versus elongation, axial stess- strain behaviour for each type of column was studied. The results show that concrete filled steel tubular columns with optimum percentage of GGBS have the highest compressive strength at age of 28 days than steel tubular column with normal M30 concrete. In the case of ggbs concrete column, the maximum load that can be taken by that specimen is found to be 720 kn, which is 9.3% more compared with normal concrete specimen. The failure mode for column infilled with M30 grade concrete was outward folding failure at bottom of the column and separation of steel and concrete at ultimate load due to bond failure between steel tube and concrete

      Col JP Singh, Dr. Deepika Tiwary, Brig (Dr) SN Mishra

Abstract: Failure to conduct a good professional selection for officers is an unforgivable error and will lead to military incompetence. The quality of any officer selection system needs to be assessed with alacrity. One needs to know, rather than believe or hope, that the right applicants are selected and assigned to jobs for which they are best suited. This is of paramount importance to the military commanders since the quality of the officer corps is vital for the conduct of military operations which can have dramatic consequences both for the military and their country in times of war. A good officer selection system should consider the applicants as partners in the process of finding the most appropriate person for the vacancies. This is a different philosophy to the one that once prevailed in which the applicants were more treated like cattle that had to be led through an anonymous and cold selection machine. Considering the applicants as partners will be accomplished by a series of actions and attitudes and both sides need to treat each other with dignity.

      Deepika Bahl, Kalyani Singh , Manisha Sabharwal

Abstract: Objective: To determine the prevalence of pre hypertension and hypertension among school going adolescents and to investigate the association between blood pressure (BP) and different indicators of obesity.

      Shivani julka, Nitin Bhagat

Abstract: Vehicular ad hoc wireless networks (VANETs) are a particularly challenging class of mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MANETs) that are currently attracting the extensive attention ofresearch in the field of wireless networking as well as automotive industries. ANETs exhibits stronger challenges than that in other general MANETs. Infrastructure-free environments and higher dynamic network topology cause frequent network partition. Moreover, vehicular ad hoc wireless networks is often deployed by the constraint of roadways where trees, buildings and other assorted obstacles influence the practical transmission effects as compared to generic open fields. we proposed APL Algorithm data node technique with APAL algorithm for better data dissemination

      Maina Kironji

Abstract: Among different types of occupancies, a commercial highrise building presents a greater challenge to fire protection due to its functionality, complexity and economic value. The key objective of the present paper was to examine the situation of physical (as opposed to non-physical) fire protection systems in fourteen randomly selected commercial highrise buildings in the Nairobi CBD for fire safety optimization. Methods used include; physical observations, document review and interviews. A multi-attribute evaluation model/approach was applied to establish sufficiency and/or suitability of fire protection systems in the light of the national regulations and approved standards. The study findings show that, save for the facilities of the disabled and the firefighting/evacuation lifts, other fire protection systems are mainly provided in the buildings. However, insufficient maintenance and/or unsuitable elements renders their safety performance low.

      Maina Kironji

Abstract: Due to the inherent fire risk in occupancies, it necessary that they are provided with suitable and sufficient escape route in case of fire emergency. This will ensure that occupants can get to a place of relative safety within the shortest period of time without travelling excessive distances or encountering hindrances. This paper is resultant of a study conducted on fourteen commercial highrise buildings in Nairobi CBD. It assesses essential fire escape route elements in the light of the requirements of the national regulations, laws and standards.


Abstract: Sport is a field which is in very essential for a development of nations improve health and confidence. To fulfil this task, the newspapers can be perform a great job. When the sports journalist do this tasks, he becomes a principal part of a mission of a nation. Sports activities development is important for the personal confidence, social efficiency and good health. In that case media has huge responsibilities. In order to make the enthusiasm and participation more people for sports, the journalist has a great responsibility.

      Magy R. Nasry, Amira M. Abo-Youssef, Hala F. Zaki, Ezz-El-Din S. El-Denshary

Abstract: Objective: Incidence of metabolic syndrome (MS) is strongly associated with increased fructose consumption. This study aimed to elucidate the role of pioglitazone (Pio), caffeic acid (CA) and their combination on fructose-induced MS. Materials and methods: Seven groups of rats (n=8) were used. Groups 1-3 were fed on normal diet and received 1% Tween 80 (normal control), Pio (2.7 mg/kg) and CA (20 mg/kg), respectively. Groups 4-7 were fed on fructose-enriched diet (FED) for 15 weeks. The 4th group served as positive control group, and the remaining groups received Pio, CA and their combination, respectively. Treatments started 10 weeks after the beginning of fructose feeding. At the end of the study, blood samples were collected for estimation of MS related markers.

      Ferdy Dungus

Abstract: Research purposes to determine the effect of learning activities, assessment techniques and the influence of interaction on learning achievement Basic Physics II,. The method used is an experimental method with a 2 x 2 factorial design. Implementation of learning activities and assessment techniques as the treatment variable, the results of learning Basic Physics II as the response variable. The sample in this study were students of Physics Department of class A and class B are determined by the number of respondents multistage sampling 76 students. Analytical techniques used to examine the effect ANCOVA main factors (main effect) and the influence of the interaction factor (interaction effect).The study concluded that implementation of lesson study and performance assessment techniques more effectively improve learning achievement Basic Physics II compared with conventional learning techniques with a written assessment test. Suggested in the courseBasic Physics II and using lesson study as a form of performance assessment activities in the lecture course are seeded in the first year Physics with Mathematics and Science.

      SOCE Mouhamadou Mamour, DIENG Moustapha , EHEMBA Alain Kassine, DIALLO Demba, WADE Ibrahima

Abstract: In this paper, we have tried to show the importance of doping and defects charged on CIGS solar cells. Indeed according to our simulations, we could see that the electrical performance of these types of cells highly dependent on these two parameters. We also studied the dependence between doping and charged defects on the evolution of the electrical parameters. It was found that the results with neutral defects different from those charged with defects. The doping level for best performance (solar cell with Cu-poor absorber) is lowest with neutral defects than with the charged defects.

      Mr. Nitish A. Mohite, Mr. P.K.Joshi, Dr. W. N. Deulkar

Abstract: Steel-concrete-composite buildings are formed by connecting the steel beams with concrete slab or profiled deck slab with the help of mechanical shear connectors so that slab and beam act as a single unit. In the present work, options of construction of (B+G+11storey) commercial building, situated in Kolhapur, with steel-concrete-composite and RCC are studied and compared with each other. Equivalent linear Static Method of Analysis explained in ETABS version 15 software is used and results are compared for different parameters. Comparative parameter includes roof deflections, base shear, storey drifts, for the building and axial forces and bending moments for column’s and beams at different level. It is observed that steel-concrete-composite building is found to be more safe and economical and better option.

      Dr. Namita Vastradmath

Abstract: In a corporate structure, there are many stakeholders, one of them are business houses or companies. These business houses contribute significantly to its pool that affect their internal stakeholders and support the initiatives of the company openhandedly. In India companies like Tata and Birla are practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for decades, long before CSR become a popular base. There are many areas where companies have played a key role in addressing issues of education, health, environment and livelihoods through their statements of CSR throughout the country. According to the United Nations and the European Commission, CSR leads to the triple bottom line concept, environmental protection and the fight for social justice. It is important that the business sector identify, promote and implement effective policies and practices to achieve triple bottom line.

      H. M. Makusidi

Abstract: The study examined the impact of Tungan-Kawo dam irrigation project on rice production among small holder farmers in Wushishi Local Government Area of Niger State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 180 registered rice farmers in the study area. Data were obtained through a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and z-test statistic were employed for data analysis. Results revealed that the average output of participants (3076.67kg/ha) was significantly higher than the output of non-participants (1103.33kg/ha). The estimated average monthly income of participants was N59363.89 while non-participants earned N21322.22 per month. The difference in income was N38041.67 which could be expressed as 64 percent. The results further revealed that participants’ level of living was estimated to be N1760292 while non-participants level of living was N854997.80. The major constraints faced by the participants of Tugan-Kawo irrigation projects were capital, limited irrigated land and problem of pests and diseases. About 93% of the respondents reported outbreak of pests and diseases. Quilea birds invasion was also found among the major constraints faced by the participants. Since the project had a positive and significant influence on rice production, it is recommended that a similar programme should continue to be implemented in the area after the implementation of Tugan-Kawo irrigation project.

      Josephine R. Bayonito

Abstract: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element. Recent researches have shown that human language is much more complex than it was previously thought. Many literatures are proving that the use of information and communication technology in language learning has several potential advantages. The major concern of this survey study is to determine the acceptability of Computer-Assisted Language Learning Software (CALLS) in teaching Mandarin as perceived by the students and teachers. CALL software was examined in terms of (1) instructional design, (2) program instructions, (3) program transition, (4) user interface, (5) user control, (6) phase control/branching and (7) error handling. The assessment of acceptability of the CALLS in teaching Mandarin was achieved using the five-point Likert scale with corresponding description. The overall means 4.48 and 4.45 which were obtained from the students and teachers’ evaluation respectively, both has the descriptive interpretation of “highly acceptable”. Both the students and the teachers expressed that the computer-assisted language learning software facilitated learning and that they desire to use CALLS for various Mandarin topics.

      Fatima-Ezzahra Anaibar, Sanae Essenhaji, Rachida Habbal, Noreddine Ghalim, Nourdin Harich

Abstract: Background: Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Currently, it becomes increasingly more common in developing countries as Morocco. The Alu family of short interspersed elements was widely used as a highly informative tool for studying genetic structure of human populations because of their unique mutational mechanism. In this study, we aim to investigate the association between four Alu polymorphisms located at the ACE, FXIII-B, PLAT TPA-25 and APOA1 genes and the risk of MI in Moroccan population.

      Magboul. M. Sulieman, Ibrahim. S. Ibrahim, Jamal Elfaki

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the land suitability of some River Nile terraces for crop and fruit production at Khartoum North, Sudan. For this purpose, nine soil profiles from three river terraces were selected to cover the different physiographic positions. The land suitability evaluation for annual crops and fruit tress was carried out by matching site conditions with the crop requirement with respect to the characteristics such as: climate condition, topography, drainage, texture, CaCO3, CEC, % O.C, salinity and alkalinity. The suitability for crops, vegetables and fruit were divided into excellent, good, moderate, weak and not suitable. The soils of the study area were classified into: Typic Torrifluvents (unit 1), Entic Haplocambid (unit 2) and Typic Haplocambid (unit 3). The study showed that the soils of the three units were moderately suitable (S2) due to limitations of inundation, fertility, wetness, erosion, and physical limitations. Results indicated that the suitability of units 2 and 3 were weak for Arachis hypogeal L, Alluim cepa, Vitis spp, Citrus sinensis and not suitable for Phaseolus vulgaris.

      Surya Verma, Bhumika Kohli

Abstract: Human brain is the most precious and typical creation of god. The man responds to the things just because of the brain. To preserve this typical thing a project named ‘Blue Brain’ which is also called the first virtual brain started in 2005. Scientists are in research to develop an artificial brain that can work, respond, contemplate and take decisions without any effort. The effort is to upload a human brain into machine. The aim is to preserve the human brain after death so that the data, intelligence, personalities, feelings, memories of that person should not be lost. This paper includes the complete research work explaining the functioning module of blue brain and the recent developments which are going through it.

      Kalpana Prasad

Abstract: Local inhabitants in rural areas of Jharkhand rely on traditional medicine as their primary form of health care, yet they are in danger of losing both their knowledge and the plants they have used as medicines for millennia. The study was conducted in the rural areas of Bokaro District. The aim of this study which included an ethnobotanical survey was to assess the current level of knowledge about medicinal plants and to analyze and catalogue such knowledge based on relative frequency citation (RFC) and use value (UV).

      Moses Peter Musau, Nicodemus Odero Abungu, Cyrus Wabuge Wekesa

Abstract: Most of the economic dispatch (ED) works so far deal with real power dispatch only. With the integration of renewable energy into the grid, reactive power dispatch cannot be ignored any longer due to its importance in providing security and reliability in power system planning, operation and control. This paper deals with the formulation of combined real and reactive economic dispatch (CRRED) subject to equality, inequality and stochastic constraints. An effective algorithm that uses a hybrid of distributed slack bus (DSB) formulated using combined participation factors (PF) and multi objective reinforcement learning (MORL) is proposed in this paper. The IEEE 14 Bus was used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed CRRED formulation and Hybrid method .The numerical results obtained show that combining real and reactive power results in a 0.95% decrease in the overall generation cost as compared to a case in which only real power is considered. Further, when the losses are distributed in the entire network using the DSB, then the overall generation cost is reduced by 29.6% due to the reduced losses in DSB model.

      Lessyana Destin, Machfud, Yandra Arkeman

Abstract: Land Registry Office is an government institution that engaged in service field. In this sector, the increase of people satisfaction is the most important thing that needs to be maintained. However, the limited service resources make it not comparable to the rate of service request. Therefore, it will cause queue. One of the services in Bogor District Land Registry Office which has a high intensity of service request every day is certificate checking. This study aims to analyze the performance of queue service system of certificate checking and to develop a model of service that is improved and can meet the needs of the service. The development of queue model is done by making a simulation using the software Arena 14.00.00. Arena simulation results were tested by t-test to verify that the simulation model has been represented of certificate checking service in Bogor District Land Registry Office. Analyses of the simulation include the analysis of waiting time and queue length, utility analysis, and bottleneck analysis. From the analysis, there are inefficiencies that result in long waiting periods and a large number of files that have not been processed. the percentage of files that can be completed in every day at the existing condition is only 57.40% of the incoming beam. Scenario improvements were made to cope with the jam on phase experiencing a bottleneck. The improvement scenario can increase number of output to 96.20%, and boost the waiting time to become 0.278 hours from the previous of 1.56 hours.

      Ms. Anjali Bharat Nair, Dr Jagmeet Madan, Ms. Nandita Dhanaki

Abstract: Enteral feeding formula has shown to be beneficial in cancer patients, where otherwise the gut is efficacious in digestion and absorption of food but oral intake is not possible due to anorexia, tumor burden, and side effects of treatments. Long term enteral feeding programmed with extreme use of commercially available expensive enteral formula all pose a requirement of development of an Low Cost Enteral Formula (LCEF). Aim: to formulate low cost enteral formula and analyze its nutritional composition in comparison to other commercial formulae available in market. Material and Methods used: the low cost enteral formula using indigenous grains was developed by undergoing to different procedures. The formula obtained was then standardized along with commonly used commercial nutraceutical products. Both these were evaluated for nutritional value and cost. A study was conducted wherein LCEF was supplemented to post surgery head and neck cases in comparison to control group who were fed a commercially available nutraceutical supplement. A pre and post intervention comparative study was conducted including various parameters- weight, MUAC, BMI, Serum Protein, Serum Albumin and hemoglobin. Results: the low cost enteral formula developed, provided similar macro and micronutrients with low cost as compared to commercially available formulas. The results as indicated by various parameters showed that the experimental and control group had similar results. Patients also had good tolerance for the feed. Conclusion: LCEF can be used as an enteral formula in exchange to other commercial nutraceutical supplements available because of its cost effectiveness, similar nutritional content, easy to prepare at home, with nutrients in natural food form, making adaptation to normal foods easy and thus providing emotional comfort to patients.

      Lahar Mishra, Ratna Kendhe, Janhavi Bhalerao

Abstract: This paper focuses on understanding the concept of MIS, the need for MIS, the advantages of MIS in an organization, the MIS model, decisions and the decision making system and majorly the role of MIS in decision making. It talks about MIS in brief considering the concept of MIS, the MIS model that is used by organizations, how MIS is beneficial, why is there a need of MIS in an organization. It then gives an overview of decisions and the decision making system which is necessary to understand the decision making process. Finally, the major focus of this paper is the role of MIS in decision making of an organization. How decisions are made in an organization using MIS, what challenges are faced by the organization in this process and a few recommendations to curb these challenges. It provides a brief understanding of why MIS improves decision making.

      Raweh Mohamed Shamsan, Dr. Moses Otieno

Abstract: Public relation is very relevant in organizations today since it has become the most powerful tool to express the image of an organization to the public. Public relations are often key strategic enablers in today’s highly competitive business environment. Well-articulated Public relations strategies will always provide a good working strategy aimed at improving the company’s image to the public. Public relations strategy is seen to be the outcome of a strategic thinking process by senior management mainly to improve on strategic management in order to have a better company’s image communicated to the public. Strategic Public relations provide the top level management with vast means of communication to the public in order to be in touch with its clients.

      Evinah Mbayisi Muhanji, Mr. Boaz Ngari

Abstract: In order to keep up with the competition and changing consumer needs and wants in the competitive business environment, commercial banks are forced to adopt effective Integrated Marketing Communication strategies to promote their products/services beyond boarders thus creating awareness hence growth of their marketing share. ICM strategies enable Commercial Banks to attract and retain customers thus increased return on investments. The emergence of integrated marketing communications (IMC) has become one of the most significant examples of development in the marketing discipline. It has influenced thinking and acting among companies but also authorities, state owned companies and political parties, all facing the realities of competition in an open economy. This study addressed the following research questions; what was the influences of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing on the sales performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya? In methodology, the study adopted a descriptive survey.

      Joyce M. Mponda, Gilbert Kipkorir Biwot

Abstract: The achievement of high levels of performance from the human resources in an organization has been a very emotive issue both in the public and private sector organizations. However there was a near unanimity that all the human resources disciplines ranging from employee relations, to deployment and which have an effect on organizational performance attribute. The human resources discipline that has generated a lot of problem is the human resources deployment which has been proved to have serious effects on productivity, innovation and motivation as well as quality, effectiveness and efficiency in the banking sector and other sector. This study seeks to establish the effects of deployment programs on employee performance. It has taken into consideration such performance factors as employee productivity, employee motivation and employee innovation and take in depth analysis of whether they are affected by human resources programs of deployment. The study was conducted at post bank coast Region. The study adopted explanatory approach design to research. The population of the study was seventy (72) employees of Post bank Coast Region. The study took a sample of forty nine (49) employees as its unit of analysis; a stratified random sampling method was used in selecting the sample of study. The data was obtained from secondary and primary sources. The data instrument that was used in collecting data include the structured questionnaires, and the participant observation methods processes, a company has the pedigree to increase employee’s performance in more positive ways than negative ways.

      Belly Onanda

Abstract: The study investigates the effect of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance of selected 7 KCB branches Mombasa county. KCB is making numerous efforts towards the motivation of its workers but the challenge facing the implementation of these measures continues to persist. The motivated employees under no circumstance will churn out decreased performance. The study therefore concluded that great strides be made to motivate all staff to enhance performance. The researcher recommends that management attaches more importance to issues of employee motivation to make the institution survive amongst its competitors.

      Beatrice Kananu Kahiu

Abstract: Despite the government initiative for procuring entities to implement e-procurement, the process has been slowly implemented. E-procurement is a practice if implemented might lead to efficiency, transparency and reduced cost. However, it’s slowed implementation raises concern as to determinants of implementation of e procurement. Consequently the purpose of the study was to assess the determinants of e-procurement implementation in procuring entities, with specific reference to Lamu county service delivery coordinating unit. Specifically the study sought to determine the role of ICT infrastructure, level of employee competence in Information Technology, public procurement regulation and management commitment on implementation of e-procurement in procuring entities. Employees in the Lamu commissioner’s office, treasury and prequalified contractors were the target population of the study.

      Grace Mwanjumwa, Dr. Fridah Theuri Simba

Abstract: Relief organizations deal with emergencies sometimes which are unpredictable. It may be difficult to plan the procurement and one may need to break some procurement regulations to deal with the emergencies and unpredictable situations. During an emergency and disasters, procurement of supplies is required. There may be over supply of the humanitarian supplies which may end up wasted once the emergency is over. The procurement chain of relief organization such as ICRC-Kenya provides emergency relief responses during disasters. Relief organization have a responsibility to fulfill their mandates without jeopardizing their relationship with such stakeholders as donors who fund such relief programs and at the core of maintaining this relations are the managers who have to come up with procurement policies aimed at streamlining these functions.

      Pius Mwanza, Boaz Ingari

Abstract: Developing successful strategy in distribution in today's fierce competitive environment is a complex undertaking. The general objective of the study is to establish the strategic role of distribution as a source of competitive advantage by fast-moving consumer goods firm in kenya. Specifically, the study addressed the following objectives:To establish the extent to which indirect distribution adopted by Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Kenya can be source of competitive advantage.To establish the extent to which direct distribution adopted by Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Kenya can be source of competitive advantage and To establish the extent to which Intense distribution adopted by Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Kenya can be source of competitive advantage. This research adopted a descriptive research design. The researcher used a questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument.

      Matthew Chiwaridzo, Maina Lynette Msiska

Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of physiotherapy among sports coaches in government –administered high schools and determine the factors associated with the level of knowledge in Harare, Zimbabwe. Sports are a fundamental part of human existence across all ages with well documented positive health-related benefits. As such, high school sports form an integral component of the school curriculum in Zimbabwe with adolescents participating in local inter-schools or national competitions under the auspices of school coaches who in most cases are just but school teachers with respective passion for the sport. A recent observation of the inter-scholastic and national sporting events in Harare involving adolescents showed that sports-related injuries are common and the predominant number of these injuries could be avoided or severity reduced if the schools had medical personnel such as physiotherapists incorporated into their teams as resident sports physiotherapists.

      Dr. K. Sunil Naik, Dr. Kiran Anaparthi, Dr. Yadlapalli Ratna Sree

Abstract: Missing regular appointments to ART centres in Srikakulam have increased by over 5% in the last one years. In 2015, between January to June, with the help of staff of ARTC, RIMS GH, Srikakulam, we conducted a retrospective cohort study in srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh. PLHIV of age group 15-74, and regular on treatment at srikakulam by the end of DEC 2014 were considered for study at 50:50 gender ratio. In the study, a total of 1258 new missed appointments were found out of 22800 scheduled appointments. The most frequently reported drug regimen in missed appointments were TDF+3TC+EFV (TLE) (752 episodes), ZDV+3TC+NVP (ZLN) (442 episodes) and ZDV+3TC+EFV (ZLE) (56 episodes), and 24-44 age group has a share of 70% new miss. So, we recommend a thorough relook into national guidelines for implementation of TLE as single drug, owing to its high rate of missing appointments in productive age group (25-44 years) as it may hamper the national program and a further study recommended for cause of rejection of regimen in PLHIV is much needed.

      Janhavi Bhalerao, Ratna Kendhe, Lahar Mishra

Abstract: Web mining merges two areas of research: the World Wide Web and data mining. Web mining is applying data mining methods to estimate patterns from the data present on the web. This helps in improving web based services. It also has various commercial uses in the areas of artificial intelligence, business support services, personalization of web services and so on .Effective user behavior patterns can be found by applying mining techniques like clustering and association rules to web log data. This paper provides the overall perspective of web mining. It mainly focuses on the application of various data mining techniques to web data to obtain patterns of web usage.

      Ratna Kendhe, Lahar Mishra, Janhavi Bhalerao

Abstract: Privacy preserving has becomes important issue in the past decade due to the immergence of various data mining techniques. Privacy preserving data mining has become extremely essential because it allows sharing of critical data for analysis purposes. The availability of personal data has made the problem of privacy preserving data mining very critical. This paper aims at giving an overview into data mining and the concept of privacy preserving. It gives an insight in to privacy preserving models, framework and techniques.

      Prof. Rohini Chandrica Widyalankara

Abstract: This study investigates the formation typology of borrowings within the genre of information and communication technology (ICT) in Sri Lanka utilizing a corpus of Sinhala secondary terms. The main instrument of analysis is the Glossary of Computer Terms- Sinhala Dictionary Resources a bilingual corpus of 5,086 ICT terms in English with their equivalent terminology provided in Sinhala. Data collection utilized random and then selective sampling procedures and shortlisted the final terminology (n=500) which underwent typological identification and term analysis to discern the borrowing procedures. Formulating and applying the Expediency Hypothesis this study theorizes that preference for importation is due to convenience and sociolinguistic laziness.

      Muhammad Rusdy

Abstract: Breaking of dormancy in seeds of Centrosema pubescens was investigated through laboratory experiment to elucidate the best method that can be used to enhance germination of the seed. The treatment were: 1) control, 2) scarification with sand paper, 3) immersion in hot water (80oC) for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 minutes and 4) immersion in sulfuric acid for 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 minutes. The results showed that regardless of immersion time, sulfuric acid scarification had the highest germination percentage, followed by scarification with sand paper and immersion in hot water. The lowest germination percentage was obtained in control. Scarifications with sulfuric acid for 18 minutes was the best method for breaking dormancy of Centrosema pubescens which resulted in an increased total germination to 100% , the highest germination speed and the lowest germination time.

      Anadi Mondal, MD Didarul Alam, Mohammad Ariful Islam

Abstract: A solar driven ammonia absorption refrigeration system was designed, constructed and tested. It was an intermittent system where ammonia and calcium chloride were used as refrigerant and absorbent respectively. A small capacity vapor absorption system was first analyzed and its characteristics at various points were measured. The main components like evaporator, condenser and generator were designed based on capacity. The necessary heat and mass transfer equations describing the working properties were specified .The experimentally obtained COP was in the range of 0.104-0.126, average 0.118. Information on designing the condenser, evaporator, and generator of the unit has been presented.

      G. Gurunadham, R. Madhusudhan Raju, Y. Venkateswarlu

Abstract: A simple and efficient method is developed for the synthesis of phenyl benzoates (esters) by the condensation of various carboxylic acids with substituted phenols in the presence of anhydrous ZnCl2 in POCl3 .This Lewis acid catalyzed esterification reaction gives good to excellent yields of the corresponding phenolic esters.

      Priyal N Sheth, A.D Badgujar

Abstract: Major causes of death in road accidents are carelessness in safety while driving. In 2012, more than half of all people who died on Utah's roadways weren't buckled [1]. Hence wearing seat belts might have reduced serious crash-related injuries and saved life.

      Dr Shugufta Yasmeen Rather, Dr Samina Sultana, Dr Shaheena, Dr Zafar Ahmad Anim, Dr Intikhab alam

Abstract: Introduction: Caesarean section though a simple obstetric surgery is at times associated with complications. Complications if grave may demand relaparotomy in such patients.

      R. K. Prajapati

Abstract: Human beings are exposed to climate change through changing weather patterns (precipitation, sea-level rise, temperature, and more frequent extreme events) and indirectly through changes in air water, food quality, changes in ecosystems, agriculture industry, settlements and the economy. Global average temperatures are projected by The United Nations & World Health Organization to increase between 1.4 to 5.8OC by the end of this century: an associated rise in sea level is also expected. The number of people at risk from flooding by coastal storm surgery is projected to increase from the current 75 million to 200 million in a scenario of mid- range climate change, in which a rise in the sea level of 9-88 cm is envisaged by the 2100s. [3] The study based by NASA’S Goddard Institute 2005 was the warmest year since reliable data available in the late 1800 century. The Women’s are expected to be affected more than Men from climate change due to they have to take over the biggest part of the additional work burden, specifically additional care work, and the burden of nurturing the family, as well as providing the daily essentials. The aims of this paper are to briefly summaries what are known about likely impacts of climate change on human health.

      L. K. Dospatliev, A. K. Stoyanova, V. N. Kuneva, N. Y. Valchev, G. D. Delchev, N. T. Katrandzhiev, M. T. Ivanova

Abstract: A field experiment with two varieties of common wheat was conducted during the period 2012 - 2014 in the training experimental terrain at Trakiya University of Stara Zagora. An assessment of the impact of treatment`s different options on yield in common wheat variety "Enola" and "Iliko" was made with a two-factor analysis of variance. The effect of the treatment of herbicides was as follows: Axial one (pinoxaden + florasulam) - 1000; Axial 050 EC (pinoxaden) - 900 ml.ha-1; Traksos 045 EC (pinoxaden + clodinafop) - 1200 ml.ha-1; Logran 20 WG (triasulfuron) - 37.5 g.ha-1; Lintur 70 WG (triasulfuron + dicamba) - 150 g.ha-1.

      Sahadeva G N, A. S. Ravindran, T Chandrashaker, H.R.Vitala

Abstract: The refinement of the grain size will improve the mechanical properties of AA-356 alloy by propagating ultrasonic vibrations through the die into the melt and adding Al-5Ti-1B master alloy during solidification. Ultrasonic vibrations produces cavitation effect by reducing pores, degassing and formation of more heterogeneous nucleating sites of AA-356 due to the presence of TiAl3 and Bal2 solutes of master alloy. The melt was vibrated at various frequencies and amplitudes with certain interval of time by adding master alloy (Al-5Ti-1B) at different fractions by using Taguchi Technique. From heterogeneous nucleation experimental results shows that the AA-356 structure was changed from columnar dendrite structure into equi-axed globular grain structure with reduction in grain size. The experimental results shows that due to reduced grain size, the mechanical properties like hardness, ultimate tensile strength were increased.

      Govindharajan.B, Manikandan.S, Mohankumar.P, Raghul.R

Abstract: The aluminium is a matrix material and the reinforcements are E-glass fiber and fly ash with various weight fraction the E-glass fiber is constant and the fly ash is varied 0,3,6,9 wt. % fabricate by using stir casting method. After the composite sample are subjected to examine the mechanical properties such as tensile, compressive, yield, % of elongation, hardness and toughness strength. From the test result the tensile strength of the four different wt.% composite sample is increased gradually adding with increasing the fly ash wt.% gradually (0,3,6,9 wt.%), the 9 wt.% fly ash sample is get higher tensile strength 199.698 N/mm2 compared with other samples. The yield strength of the four composite sample was analyzed during the tensile strength test the yield end point of the specimen is called yield strength it was increased adding with increasing the fly ash wt.% gradually, the 9 wt.% of fly ash sample is get higher yield strength 182.55 N/mm2 compared with other samples. The compressive strength of the four composite sample are increased gradually adding with increasing of fly ash wt.%, the 9 wt.% fly ash sample was get higher compressive strength 432.678 N/mm2 compared with other samples.

      Sneha Kunte, J.A.Shaikh

Abstract: Modbus Remote Monitoring and Control usually uses RS-485 and RS-232 transport for collecting data from Modbus slaves using established protocols. Of the two, Modbus RS-485 is more common due to its support for multi-drop communication. In this research the user defined function is analyzed, which can efficiently configure the serial parameters like buadrate, parity and slave address, of the any Modbus slave connected to modbus master in multi-drop network. With this function data switching work can be done in more flexible ways with configurable serial parameters. For better commercial usage of the modbus, the master should efficiently communicate and configure the any modbus slave attached to the multi-drop network. This user defined function is more fast and economical way to configure serial parameters than traditional way which consumes more time and money. It is encouraged the effective use of function in the multi-drop system platforms.

      Smitha Asok V, Sajitha V, Jobin Thomas

Abstract: Ponds play many vital roles in maintaining the hydro geological equilibrium of an area. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to determine the water quality of Athiyannoor Block Panchayath by using GIS techniques and water quality index method. A total of thirteen parameters were analyzed of which nine were considered for calculating the WQI. Water Quality Index has been proved to be a useful technique for the overall assessment of the water quality of a water body. In this study, GIS was employed for obtaining the geospatial data of the study area with respect to the themes, Drainage, DEM, TIN and Relative Relief which in turn have significant implications on the water quality of the ponds. Site specific action plans has also been suggested for this study, which ensure the protection and conservation of these small water bodies.

      Renu Raghuveeran, Hashifa Hassan P

Abstract: In the last few decades, it has been recognized that Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) altered the response characteristics of a structural system because of massive and stiff nature of structure and, often, soil softness. The present study makes an attempt to show the response of a structure in earthquake analysis by considering the effect of soil structure interaction. For superstructure G+7 simple square building is considered for seismic analysis. A study has to be carried out for buildings with the same geometry found on varying soil types over pile- grid foundation. An attempt has to be made to find the deformations under seismic loading in the structure and pile- grid foundation by incorporating the effect of soil-structure interaction which is further compared with those of fixed base condition. Influence of variation of the parameters such as, different soil conditions and number of stories are also considered for which the buildings are modelled by alternate approaches, namely, (1) bare frame with fixed supports, (2) bare frame with supports accounting for soil-flexibility using Ansys 14.5.

      Dr. Mohan Babu M, Dr. Supriya Hegde Aroor, Dr. Aruna Yadiyal, Dr. Joylin JM , Dr. Abhijith

Abstract: Cognitive impairment is a replicable feature of Bipolar disorder with measurable changes being present both during episodes and in remission. An observational, cross-sectional clinical study was carried out to study the nature and frequency of cognitive impairment in Euthymic Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD) patients. Participants included 40 Euthymic BPAD patients as cases and 40 controls with no history of psychiatric illness. Current mood symptoms were assessed with Young Mania Rating Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, cognitive functions were assessed by Standardized Mini Mental State Examination (SMMSE), Trail Making Test Part-B (TMT-B) and Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST). There was significant difference between cases and controls in number of errors committed and the mean time taken to complete TMT-B and DSST (p<0.01). in within group analysis of cases there was higher mean time taken and more errors were committed in subjects in the age group of 40-60 years, substance use, lower socioeconomic status, lower educational status and longer duration of illness. The degree of cognitive dysfunction in BD increases with each significant mood episode The relationship of cognitive impairment to functional outcome in BD highlights its significance as a treatment target.

      T Venugopal Rao, B Rajeswari, A Lakshmi prasad and K Keshavulu

Abstract: The present investigation was undertaken with the main objective to determine studies on seedborne fungi of soybean were conducted at DSST and Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. A total of 120 representative soybean seed samples (cv. JS - 335) were collected from major soybean growing districts of Andhra Pradesh viz., Adilabad (60 samples) and Nizamabad (60 samples) during Rainy season 2012. Per cent total incidence of seed mycoflora in Nizamabad and Adilabad districts ranged from 30 to 49.2 % and 23.6 to 45.0 % by blotter method, 14.8 to 28.1% and 11.6 to 22.1% by 2, 4 - D blotter method, 11.8 to 19.3 % and 9.5 to 16.2 % by deep freeze blotter method, 13.1 to 37% and 15.4 to 26.4 % by agar plate method, respectively. Out of nine fungal species recorded, Macrophomina phaseolina was found predominant in the samples analysed from two districts (8.5 to 28.5 %), while the occurrence of Cladosporium sp. (0.3 to 0.5%) was least. Seed transmission of M. phaseolina in apparently healthy soybean seeds (cv. JS 335) was 6 % and 8 % and in artificially inoculated soybean seeds (38.5 % and 49 %) and in naturally infected soybean seeds (32 % and 43.1 %). Germination in the above seed samples ranged from 75% to 72%, 55% to 46% and 59.3 % to 50.5 % in test tube water agar method (in vitro) and in glasshouse conditions.

      M. Usman, V.U. Madu , G. Alkali

Abstract: Recent studies have revealed that the integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on crop has not received adequate research attention. In this paper, maize is considered among the most important cereal crops in Nigeria and all over the world that has high requirement for organic and inorganic nutrients in order to obtain good quality and high yields. The application of inorganic fertilizer for instance has been found to increase maize performance and chemical properties of soil such as pH, total nutrient content and nutrient availability. On the other hand, its continuous use could cause nutrient imbalance, soil acidity, more so, heavy fertilization in crop production systems could exceed what maize pants are able to utilize and can be a major source of excessive nitrate leaching. Similarly, organic fertilizers are faced with the problems of scarcity, slow nutrient release and difficulty in transportation. In view of these constraints, the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers in improving maize crop productivity was reviewed and it was found that the total dependence on organic or inorganic fertilizers does not provide the panacea for enhanced and sustainable maize crop production in Nigeria. Therefore, the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers appears to be the last option and recommendation of the paper for sustaining productivity as well as enhancing the farmers’ level of maize production in Nigeria.

      Mohammed Baqer Hassan

Abstract: Work is a significant source of stress in all occupations; a nationwide poll by the American Psychological Association (APA) showed that approximately 75% of Americans experienced substantial stress at work and nearly half noted that their work productivity decreased because of the stress. A descriptive study is conduct in AL-Najaf City from Dec. 2nd., 2014 to March 15th., 2015. To assess the pediatric nurses’ burnout and to find out the relationship between the pediatric nurses burnout and their demographic data.

      Yakudima Akibu Ghali, Ruban Sugumar, Hassan Abba Musa

Abstract: The behaviour of RC beam and column members at elevated temperatures are being studied experimentally and analytically widely. However, hardly any attention is given towards analyzing the behaviour of structures with SFRC, e.g. SFRC beams, columns, portal frame etc. exposed to fire. Herein, is a paper research to study the impact of fire on steel reinforcement in reinforce concrete structures at elevated temperature that analyzed by means of a three dimensional (3D) nonlinear transient thermo-mechanical finite element (FE) analysis and validated with commercially software ANSYS and SAFIR.

      Subhankar Chattoraj

Abstract: The popularity of home automation has been increasing vastly in recent years due to much higher affordability and simplicity. Being able to control aspects of our houses, and for having the feature to respond automatically to events, it is becoming more and more popular and necessary due to security and cost purposes. We propose to implement an integrated home automation and security system. Our project proposes a low cost solution using off the shelf components to reduce cost and open source software to get around licensing requirements of software. An Arduino controls sensors and actuators that monitor a defined location and take action based on specified parameters like ambient light, temperature etc. The Arduino can also send alerts if it detects an abnormality. The voice recognition schema allows the user to use voice commands to control his house.

      Ajit Kumar Jain, S. K. Katiyar, M. S. Chauhan

Abstract: Non point source pollution needs special attention to control the surface water quality. Knowledge of critical buffer zone is of great importance for watershed management. For this study annual average of phosphate concentration, landsat image and ASTER DEM was used. Image was classified in four land cover classes using ERDAS Imagine software. buffer zones at radial distances of 100m, 200m, 500m, 1000m and 2000m from the discharge point of stream into the lake, were generated by Arc GIS software. Area of different classes was measured using FRAGSTAT software. Six spatial interpolation techniques were compared and best fitted technique (SK) was used to predict the phosphate concentration at all discharge points. Statistical analysis software SPSS was used to correlate area of land use and phosphate concentration. Area of agriculture and barren land in 500m buffer zone was found most effectively correlated with phosphate concentration.

      Hiteshwari Sharma, Rasmeet S.Bali

Abstract: Indian classical music is categorized into two major forms: Hindustani music and Carnatic music which are performed and practiced in North and South India. Raga is the fundamental concept in Indian music on which whole melody of a performance is based and comprises of group of swaras (musical notes) ranging from 5-8 notes. The present work focuses on Hindustani raga identification. We perform raga recognition on a set of ragas and collected dataset of live performances of these ragas, both vocal and instrumental, and performed recognition using machine learning classifiers. A comparative analysis is done between these classifiers based upon their parameters like average accuracy, precision, recall, kappa statistic and results are being formulated. The result shows that K-star algorithm performs better with raga identification with an accuracy of 93.38%.

      Mohd Salim, Pramod Kumar, M.K. Gupta and Saurabh Kumar

Abstract: A study was conducted to investigate the seasonal changes of the nutrients in the soil under different land uses i.e., natural forest, plantation and grassland of Jhilmil Jheel wetland, situated in Haridwar district of Uttrakhand, India. It is a saucer shape swampy wetland where fragmented sections of swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli duvauceli) is present and happens to be the last refugee for this magnificent and highly endangered species. Soil samples were collected from the depth of 0-30 cm from all the three land uses during different seasons i.e., autumn, winter, spring and summer. The higher values of soil pH was observed in summer season and the least in autumn season under different land uses i.e., higher in grassland followed by plantation and least was under natural forest. The soil organic carbon content was higher in winter season followed by spring, autumn and the least was observed in summer season under different land uses.

      John Ogamba King’oina, Misia M. M. Kadenyi and Boniface N. Ngaruiya

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of teachers’ morale on standard eight pupils’ academic achievement in public primary schools in Marani Sub-County, Kenya. The study utilized ex-post facto design. The target population was 320 standard eight teachers in 64 public primary schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to select teachers. The sample size was 100 teachers which represented 30% of the population. Questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. A standardized mock examination mean scores of standard eight pupils was obtained from the Sub-County education office. Data was analyzed using both descriptive (frequencies, percentages and means) and inferential statistics (Pearson coefficient of correlation). All null hypotheses tested at 0.05 alpha level were rejected and led to affirmation that there was a significant relationship between teachers’ morale and pupils’ academic achievement. Based on the results, it was recommended that teachers should be encouraged to prepare teaching-learning instruments, participate in internal quality assurance programmes and attend classes regularly. Teachers should also be motivated and supported by educational stakeholders for better academic achievement in schools.

      Alok Dangarh,Vedang Kulkarni, Rajnish Katarne and Manoj Sharma

Abstract: All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are motorized vehicles with large, low pressure tyres. ATVs are designed to carry one rider on uneven surfaces. ATVs weigh up to 600 pounds and can reach speeds of 75 mph.

      KAWUWA, Abubakar Sarkile, UMAR, Mohammed Jekadafari, YUGUDA, Abubakar Umar, SANI AMINU, Ahmad

Abstract: Climate change is a reality and its impact are felt daily by communities around the world, The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) defines climate change as a change which is attributable directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over a comparable time periods. This paper therefore examines the phenomenon called climate change, its meaning, history as well as manifestations and its implications to Africa. The paper recommended that adoption measures are emphasize in African urban centres and concluded that there is an urgent need to translate awareness of climate change impacts into those tangible adaptation measures at all levels of governance in the African countries.

      Apurva Patkeshwar, Kushan Kunal Prasad, Suril Dhruv, Dr. Radha Shankarmani

Abstract: Online presence has become an important part of everyone’s life. This paper provides an overview of the technologies used in creating a portal to achieve a unified online identity via integrating user identities across different networks. It mainly focuses on the MVC architecture of the portal, the bcrypt algorithm for a secure log in, OpenID and OAuth implementations for authentication and Oliver’s text similarity algorithm for an efficient search. It also describes the scope for further improvements and possible future developments in achieving a seamless unique online presence across the internet.

      Rohit Maurya, Umesh Kumar

Abstract: In this study, the enhancement procedures over the pre-existing problem is studied that is solid waste (MSW) which is increases increasing. In Future, when we don’t even have land to dispose or landfill till we find a way. Therefore this study can be necessitate to study the properties, major issues, harmful effect on environment ecology and utilization. Therefore, the present study will focus based on literature work related to the field of soil improvement and solid waste related problems. Also Plastic waste (polymer) is more suitable for geotechnical purposes. The various plastic waste with different properties may also be used for different suggested methods. The present study also discusses the methods to be adopted for soil enhancement with the various plastic waste.

      Ravindra Kolhe, J.H.Bhangale, Kishor Kumbharde

Abstract: In this research the effect of copper oxide nanofluid ( pure water mixed with copper nanoparticle with 30-50nm diameter ) on the thermal efficiency enhancement of a heat pipe at different operating state was investigated . The heat pipe made of straight copper tube of outer diameter 12 mm and inner diameter 10 mm. The tested concentration level of nanofluid are 0.3, 0.6, 0.9wt%. This study presents the discussion on the effect of coolant rate, inclination angle of solar collector and effect of nanomaterial concentration on the performance of solar collector. Result shows that by charging the nanofluid to the heat pipe the thermal performance is enhanced. Performance of solar collector was increases with increase in inclination of solar collector and concentration of nanofluid up to certain level and then again decreases. Increase in coolant rate also increases the thermal performance up to certain level.

      Lilian Wata, Cyrus Kamau, Ben Bett

Abstract: The main aim of the project is to investigate the determinants for employees’ attitude towards retirement in the energy sector. In this study, the target population is 500 respondents from the departments of Kenya Pipeline Company. A descriptive case study was adopted for this research. Stratified random sampling method was used for the study. There was inclusion, in the sample, of sub groups, which otherwise would be omitted entirely by other sampling methods because of their small number of population. Research instrument were questionnaires. Data collected was edited to ensure that it is correct and complete thus reducing biases, increase the precision and achieve consistency. Data was then analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and regression analysis which was presented using mean, correlation, standard deviation and percentages. The analysis was then visually displayed using frequency tables.

      Dr.Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi, Dr. S. Banerjee, Dr SK.Irfan Ali

Abstract: Subtrochanteric fracture is commonly seen in young adult and middle age man by high velocity trauma. Present study was taken up to study fracture fixation by PFN, DHS &DCS and compare their result in view of union rate, complication, functional outcome, operative risk and effectiveness of implant. This study helps to decide appropriate implant for subtrochanteric fracture.

      Tien Zubaidah, Arifin, Muhamad Ratodi

Abstract: Diamond polishing is a type of work that requires high accuracy therefore it requires adequate supporting facilities in order to avoid the possibility of potential interference / complaints occurring as the result of non-ergonomic working facilities. This is a descriptive research to describe the state of the working desks and chairs used by the workers on Martapura diamond polishing. The research purposes were to identify the dimensions of working-desks and chairs that are being used and the perceived impact by workers on Martapura diamond polishing business unit. The working-desk and chairs measurement was conducted by using gauge instrument while the data of working-desks and chairs utilization impact was collected by observation and interview to all workers on working site. The measurement result showed that working-desks and chairs at Martapura diamond polishing business unit were not ergonomic yet.

      Prof. E. G. Ubayachandra, L.I.A.S.Thilakarathne

Abstract: The physical service environment plays an important role in shaping the service experience and delivering customer satisfaction. High quality service environment can influence critical customer relationship goals from the initial attraction of the customers through retention and even enhancement of relationship. It is important to identify how the service environment ties up into customer’s perception. This indicates the need of understanding staff expectations and perceptions as the first step in achieving organizational performance. Generally, all customers and staff wish to work or obtain services within a high quality environment.

      Faith Karambu Mbogori, Dr. Kepha Ombui, Dr. Mike A.Iravo

Abstract: National health insurance is health insurance that insures a national population for the costs of health care and usually is instituted as a program of healthcare reform. In Kenya the only National Health Insurance Fund is the NHIF. The study’s specific objectives were to determine the effect of process re-engineering strategy on performance of NHIF, to establish the effect of benefit management strategy on performance of NHIF, to determine the effect of information communication strategy on performance of NHIF and to determine the effect of E-Banking strategy on performance of NHIF. A survey research design technique was used to collect data which involved the use of both primary and secondary data sources. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data.

      Janet Serwah Boateng, Isaac Kosi

Abstract: The quest for increased female representation and participation at the local level government in Ghana has not been obtained probably because we have the neglected the demand and supply side factors account for the paucity of policies and programes to promote participation of women in the local government system in Ghana. Women involvement in decision-making processes in governance for sustainable development is very critical not only because they constitute majority of the Ghanaian population but they are discriminated and under-represented in socio-economic and political development activities thereby bringing about not only a gender gap but also exclusion of women and their needs, interests and perspectives from governance. This paper examined the demand and supply framework so as to prompt stakeholders in their bid to enhance the presence of women in the local government system in Ghana. It also looked at the concept of local government system in Ghana and examined the statistics of women’s representation in the district assemblies. It concludes that women must strive to empower themselves by acquiring the knowledge, skills, resources (i.e. time, money) and motivation. NGOs, political parties as well as government and its agencies should put in place discriminatory policies and programmes as well as legislations that will bring social change to encourage and attract women in local level governance.

      Grace Njenga, Cyrus Kamau, Sarah Njenga

Abstract: The objective of this study was to find out the factors influencing the employees’ commitment to the organization. Commitment is the feeling of loyalty and oneness that an employee feels towards the organization. This is normally based on personal experiences with regard to the organizations policies and procedures, the receipt of rewards and the interaction the employees have with the agents of the organization. It therefore focused on identifying the factors influencing employees’ commitment in Jodan College of Technology- Thika. The researcher was to identify the factors influencing commitment of employees at different levels that include: the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff and the management. This study targeted 45 employees and a census was conducted on the population and structured questionnaires were used to collect data. The data collected was analyzed and presented, where findings and recommendations were made.

      Ibtisam Mbarak Awadh , Lucy Gichinga and Dr. Anwar Hood Ahmed

Abstract: The Public Service department is the nerve of service delivery to the public and due to the high demand and expectations from the public, staff needs to work over and beyond the normal routine, be able to multitask and get out of the confront zone for them to delivery. This has created a stressful environment as most staff are not used to the new system which has a lot of uncertainties and pressures. The purpose of this study was to research the impact of stress on the performance of employees of the County Government of Kilifi. The main objective was to determine workplace stress and its effects on performance. To establish the effects of Job demand of the job, salary, job security and time pressure on employees performance. The research design was a descriptive survey design and the target population research was the 2300 employees of Public Service department in the seven sub counties of the County Government of Kilifi. The study shows that Job demand was a stress fact that hindered employee’s performance though the stress levels were manageable thus did not affect their performance. A strong positive correlation existed between performance and Job demand. Time pressure was a major stressor as most employees felt due to working for long hours was a major challenge in that dual responsibility of dividing their time as working long hours denies them time with their family and this posed as a big challenge. A strong positive correlation existed between time pressure for the job and performance was noted. Employee felt that to some extent Salary was inadequate but it was not a stressor which hinders their performance. Majority of employee considers their job secure and do not find job security stressful. They also noted that Job Security influence their commitment to their employer. It is therefore concluded that workplace stress affects the performance of Kilifi County employees especially time pressure.

      Belynda M. Achieng, Boaz K. Ingari

Abstract: Across the developing world, there are more people with mobile phones than with bank accounts (Portteous, D. 2007). In 2007, there were over 3.3 billion phone users, and close to 60% of the subscribers lived in the developing world (UNCTAD, 2007-2008). Thus, many entities with a global development focus have turned to the mobile phone as a potential platform for delivering financial services to the “unbanked”. It’s against this background that the researcher saw the need to pursue this study. The uptake of mobile phones in Kenya has been unprecedented. Of vital significance is the rapid absorption of mobile based banking services.

      Kemunto Egra Arisi, Dr. Fred Mugambi

Abstract: The research evaluates factors affecting the performance of corporate social responsibility projects by Equity group foundation in order to assist the foundation to overcome performance problems and to improve performance of their corporate social responsibility projects in order to improve the image of the foundation hence increasing its financial performance. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting performance of corporate social responsibility projects in Equity group foundation. The study focused on corporate social responsibility projects undertaken by the Equity Group.

      Peter Orero Nyangwara, Evelyn Datche

Abstract: Project performance is a critical issue for the construction industry. Project deliverables such as timely completion and client satisfaction are often used as yardsticks to determine success. More often than not, the success of a construction project hinges on the ability of the construction project manager to effectively perform his job functions with the intended efficacy. Because the industry has complexity in its nature because it contains large number of parties as clients, contractors, consultants, stakeholders, shareholders, regulators and others.

      Susan Wauna, Dr. Joseph Obwogi

Abstract: The scope of inventory management in the 21st Century concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for Inventory, replenishment, returns and defective goods, and demand forecasting in East Africa firms are striving to manage this element of Inventory to the best of their knowledge due to the cost implication involved in improper management of Inventory (Lysons& Farrington, 2006). Many organizations have adopted the use of Inventory control procedure as its positive effects are more than the negative ones.

      Isaac M. Mbuvi , Professor Robert Kinyua, Dr. Fred Mugambi

Abstract: Near miss incidences are often ignored by most stakeholders in the workplace and yet every major or fatal accident or incident originates from a near miss that was not prevented or controlled. Management of near miss incidences is directly proportional to the prevention of major incidences and accidents and therefore goes a long way to eliminate or minimize work place hazards and guarantee the safety of the workers with a direct bearing on the overall performance of the organization. Although the near-miss concept has long been understood in the oil industry, what has been largely missing is the integration of near-miss management into the safety culture and day to day operations in a manner that underlines the critical connections between near-misses and behavior.

      Joseph Kiplang’at Rotich, Aaron Mukhongo

Abstract: Internet marketing, or online marketing, is evolving into a broader mix of components a company can use as a means of increasing sales - even if your business is done completely online, partly online, or completely offline. The objectives of the study included identifying the effects ofinternet marketing on sales at TELKOM Kenya in Eldoret; identifying Challenges of internet marketing, establishing the Internet Marketing Environment at TELKOM Kenya in Eldoret and identifying the Product Characteristics of TELKOM Kenya in Eldoret. They used the findings to evaluate the effects internet marketing has on sales and how to apply new marketing strategies also to find out suggested areas to be researched on or make a comparative study.

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