Issoufou Mamoudou, Kpatinde Talagbe Aime, James Njuguna
Black carbon (BC), an outcome of incomplete combustion of fossil fuel and biomass burning, has a global and regional influence on radiative forcing and a large effect on the environment and human health. Several studies concerning black carbon emissions and its impacts on climate, environment and human health, have been carried out, but only a few have considered ship emissions. However, it was reported that black carbon from ship emissions affected the climate, environment, as well as human health, particularly in the Arctic region and coastal areas. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to do a review on BC emissions from the ship. In achieving the objective of this study, several papers including articles, reports, and scientific assessments on black carbon emissions from the ship were reviewed and synthesized.
Emmanuel C. Oba, Pius C. Anyadiegwu, Abednego G. T. George, Ethelbert C. Nwadike
Studies previously carried out on pure bending analysis of isotropic thin rectangular plate using total potential energy functional have mainly used second order (Ritz energy function) and fourth order (Galerkin and work error energy functional). The objective of this study is pure bending analysis of isotropic thin rectangular CCCC, CSCS, CSSS and SCCC plates. In this paper, third order energy functional is used for analysis. The Rayleigh Ritz energy method of direct variation approach for plate analysis is adopted. The third order energy functional method is derived from first principle by using equations and principles of theory of elasticity. Polynomial series is used to formulate the approximate shape functions for the plate with various boundary conditions. Direct variational calculus was applied on the third-order energy function to obtain the coefficient of deflection which was used to determine the stiffness component for the plates. The coefficients of deflection for CCCC, CSCS, CSSS and SCCC are obtained for various aspect ratios (ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 at the increment of 0.1). The various coefficient of deflection is used to obtain the deflection at the center of the plates. The central deflection of the various plate with aspect ratio (ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 at the increment of 0.1) from this studies were compared with the values of Szilard (2004) and Timoshenko and Krieger (1959). From the comparison, it was observed that the maximum percentage difference recorded for CCCC, CSCS and CSSS plates was 3.58, 4.91 and 1.79 respectively. While for SCCC there was no significant difference. These values of percentage differences are relatively small, which indicates that the method of this present study is considered adequate, satisfactory and reliable for analyzing pure bending isotropic thin rectangular plate.
Nadia Amalina, Dr. Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur S.H., M.H
In 2016, the number of Internet users in Indonesia was 132.7 million users or about 51.5% of the total Indonesian population, and around 63.1 million internet usage came from smartphone users. Cities in Indonesia are experiencing many positive changes and Indonesia is implementing Smart City. Bandung is one of the Smart City. One of innovative application of Bandung Smart City is made an application to help business actors in Bandung city to facilitate in doing business licensing by using an application called GAMPIL. GAMPIL Application user has user experience and user satisfaction with the average value of moderate category in the continuum line of research. User experience towards user satisfaction of GAMPIL Application users have a positive and significant relationship with a value of 99,2% and the remaining 0,8% are influenced by other variables.
Farhandhika Giswara, Indrawati
Bandung is a city that become one of the largest growth in Indonesia. Bandung is also one of the centers of economic, social, political, and national administrative activities. The population growth rate reaches 3.5% per year and the total population is predicted to reach 4.1 million by 2031. This becomes a more serious challenge for Bandung in growing urban development and maintaining the quality of life of its citizens. Some of the issues that become serious problems for Bandung City are to build a sustainable urban facilities such as transportation, city cleanliness (including free from garbages, flood, slums, clean water), satisfaction rate of facilities and services, and infrastructure developments. The existence of smart cities provides an appropriate solution to the urban quality of life for its citizens. This paper intents to propose measurement tool to test the model of urban quality of life in a city. The study found 4 variables and 22 items which are valid and reliable to be used for further
Ahmed, Hassana Kudirat
Information is an indispensable element which is crucial to the development of human societies. This study investigated the information needs of automobile technicians and road transport workers in Offa Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of study comprises 2976 automobile technicians and road transport workers in the communities of Offa Local Government Area.
Hemanth Kumar, Pratik Pimparkar
Internet of things has been increasing at a tremendous rate since last few years. Thus, it has been an active area of research. Data from a single node can provide enough information for various conditions on the field. However, the data from the IoT is used to get an inference on a high level which can be used to take corrective actions. To take the corrective actions, the data should be mined properly which in turn depends on correct data from the sensor. Data fusion techniques are used to provide correct data from the sensor to the data mining algorithm. Data fusion in IoT is not a well-researched topic. In this design, various data fusion techniques are examined, and a hierarchical approach for data fusion in IoT is proposed. The design uses Fuzzy Kalman Filter for state estimation, and Dempster- Shafer method for decision fusion to create a dynamic context-aware system. The proposed design is also scalable for a higher number of nodes in the network which is not found in all implementations. The research also offers a design metrics which can be used for comparison of different data fusion.
Eny Sendra,Herawati Mansur, Anggraini Khodijahturrohmah
Breastfeeding as often as possible during the first day of life, can release meconium in infants. Meconium have a bilirubin, when it discharges, it can increases reabsorption of bilirubin and cause jaundice in infants.
E. C. Ogundu., G. D. Eyoh,, N.B. Idiong., M. D. Udo.
Twelve (12) West African dwarf goats were fed for fifty six (56) days intensively with cassava peels meal (CPM ), Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) using pamicum maximum (PM) as basal diet and maize based diet as control. Diet A is 52% maize-based diet while diets B, C and D are diets which replaced the 52% maize with 25%BSG/75%CPM, 50%BSG/50%CPM, 75%BSG/25%CPM respective. Results show that packed cell volume of diet C was not significantly higher (p>0.05) than A but significantly higher (<,0.05) th n D and B. Erythrocyte count of diet C was significantly higher (p<0.05) than B but not significantly higher than others
Datuk Dr Mahamad Zubir bin Seeht Saad
Employee motivation is the key factor to boost up the function of an organization. In the globalization phase, every company needs to sustain in the fierce competitive market.
Rana Neha, Mathur Shabla ,Dr. Taneja indu & Dr. Taneja Evita
The market of nutritional supplements is proliferating. Hair loss and skin related concerns are faced by everyone these days. To be able to provide effective treatment for Hair loss, Hair fall, Alopecia, Nail and Skin health, Gray hair and many other related issues, these herbal compositions should not only have correct balance of vitamins, amino acids and minerals but also should be upgraded time to time, in accordance to latest clinical findings or developments. Over time, the supplements should be reformulated or upgraded owing to the research confirming the benefits of specific nutrients like Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM)and Green Apple Skin Extract. MSM is responsible for Keratin & collagen production for structuring skin, hair and nails. The antioxidants in green tea extract prevent hair-loss and boosts up hair-growth. The supplement can be upgraded by adding Saw Palmetto extract to treat Alopecia in men.
Sri Ulina Ginting, Aryani Atyatul Amra, Rodiah Rahmawaty Lubis
Background : The axial length of the eye is one of the factor that determine a persons refractive status beside the curvature and strength of the corneal dioptre. In myopia, the axis of the eye is longer than normal and so is the dioptre of corneal and it was said that the elongation of the axis is directly proportional to the degree of myopia.
OTING William Kamis Avellino, Fridah Mwarania, AL-HASSAN Abdul Wahab, KPATINDE Talagbe Aime
Solar energy is gaining attention worldwide as the most promising alternative and reliable source of energy. With increasing population and development, Solar energy in Uganda is receiving increased energy demand which can only be met through exploring other alternative sources of energy rather than heavily relying on traditional sources like charcoal, gasoline firewood and hydropower. The country lies along the equator and has a very high potential for solar energy production.
Jyoti Purohit
Since the Industrial revolution in the World, there has been tremendous increase in the vulnerable activities of humankind to the climate and environment of our Planet. In particular, during the last 100 years, the astronomically fuel consumption in various technological and household utilities have aggregated devastating impacts on the environment, like global warning, ozone layer depletion, volatile weather etc. This resulted adverse effects on our climate, resulting it more erratic and volatile in various forms of disasters across the World. This paper discusses the effects of climate change on the flood disasters in India and World level. It also discusses my case study on the devastating flood in Kawas (Barmer) in the Thar Desert, which struck during August month of 2006, from the perspective of execution of Disaster Management. Though the case study is not linked directly to climate change aspect, however, the extreme weather in Kawas region during flood may be due to climate change. Therefore the presented case study is just aimed to show the indirect adverse effects of climate change in the form of Flash Flood in the desert area, which has led to great challenge for the people and the administration which are normally do not accustomed to Flash Flood.
Sandu Siyoto, Agustinus Sumarno
Internal customer is one component of the hospital that must also be considered of the satisfaction. Many influential factors, one of which is management policy (payroll / reward system strategy, career development system and promotion system) to internal customer satisfaction level. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of management policy (payroll / reward system strategy, career development system and promotion system) to internal customer satisfaction level in RSUD Jombang.
Japhet Ringo & Robert Kingu
Mining is viewed as one of the lucrative economic activities which have the potential of contributing to the development of economies. At the same time, health and safety impacts of mining to the mineworkers have been a major concern to governments, the general public, stakeholder organizations and individuals. Whiles the contributions of mining activities to economic development of Tanzania is well acknowledged, others contend that, the gains from the mining sector to the economy is achieved at significant health and safety costs to the mineworkers in the country.
Nicky Dian Nabilla Justiti, Dr. Adhi Prasetyo, S.T., M.M
Smartphone is the telecommunications media that support the changing of technology development and the users growing very rapidly as the number of smartphone companies increasing. The differences on the list of company market leader in Indonesia and in the world shows the different criteria that required by smartphone users in Indonesia and in the world. Since customer’s needs and wants are different and always changing, the smartphone producers have to be sensitive to these changes and due to a very tight competition. The aim of this research is to test the factors inside modified UTAUT2 model; Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, and Habit, that influence the Behavioral Intention and also whether age, gender and income are affecting the factors inside modified UTAUT2 model in the context of Smartphone in Indonesia.
Taiwo O. A., Raji M. T and Adeniran, P. O
This paper deals with the numerical solutions of solving higher order Boundary Value Problems by Standard Collocation and Perturbed Collocation Methods. We mention the two collocation points as equally- spaced points with boundary points inclusive and equally-spaced points with boundary points non-inclusive. Also, we observed that the accuracy obtained by Perturbed Collocation Method was reasonable when compared with the exact solution. Numerical examples were given to illustrate the performance of the work.
Jovan Febriantoko, Febrianty
This study discussed the quality of capital expenditure program of the Regional Working Unit (RWU) in Wonogiri District in 2010 until 2011.
Owodolu.A.A., Christian Bolu, Abioye A.A.,Boyo H.O. and Onyiagha G.
The application of vision detector using sensing device techniques is important in systematic counting of people both indoors and outdoors. This technique is broadly used in auditorium, lecture theatre and public market. In this paper, the technique uses a camera attached to an Android-based mobile phone which is then applied to capture images that are then transferred to a storage system via USB for image processing and counting. Also, a model for counting people indoors and outdoors is developed. Also, accurate human counting is observed.
Amena Allouch, Sana Nassereddien, Randa Hareb
This paper studies the effect of telling a story while teaching the lesson “Photosynthesis” for students in grade 4 at Safir High School. The study shows how stories increase cognitive development, and that the positive words give you what you expect. Two groups of grade 4 (sections A and B) were taught in two different ways and examined after being learned. The resulting cases ensure the effect of the story while explaining the lesson. The students who had the story strategy 59% took above average (4.5) while the other group 19 % took above average.
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