IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Jyoti Purohit
Since the Industrial revolution in the World, there has been tremendous increase in the vulnerable activities of humankind to the climate and environment of our Planet. In particular, during the last 100 years, the astronomically fuel consumption in various technological and household utilities have aggregated devastating impacts on the environment, like global warning, ozone layer depletion, volatile weather etc. This resulted adverse effects on our climate, resulting it more erratic and volatile in various forms of disasters across the World. This paper discusses the effects of climate change on the flood disasters in India and World level. It also discusses my case study on the devastating flood in Kawas (Barmer) in the Thar Desert, which struck during August month of 2006, from the perspective of execution of Disaster Management. Though the case study is not linked directly to climate change aspect, however, the extreme weather in Kawas region during flood may be due to climate change. Therefore the presented case study is just aimed to show the indirect adverse effects of climate change in the form of Flash Flood in the desert area, which has led to great challenge for the people and the administration which are normally do not accustomed to Flash Flood.