IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
AUB Pethiyagoda, K Pethiyagoda
Urinary calculi disease is one of the most common urological disorders. The descriptive cross sectional study was conducted to examine the influence of family history and to find the stone recurrence rate on urinary stone disease in Sri Lanka. The sample size of the study population was 142 with the mean age of 44.65± 13.45 years. They were evaluated with respect to their past history and family history of the disease. According to the results 58% of subjects were without past history, 42% of them were with past history and 85% of subjects without family history, 15% of them were with family history. Although pathophysiology of urolithiasis, is multifactorial a positive family history may also affect the occurrence and the cause of urinary stone disease. In our study familial urolithiasis was observed in 15% of patients which is lower than world literature. This is a significant finding Sri Lanka being an island nation.