IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Biru Desta, Tariku Jebena
This study investigates the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Career Intention of Prospective Graduates in Ethiopia the case of Jimma University. The population of this study was 362 prospective graduates of Jimma University. The researcher stratified the total population of the study based on their department and the samples were census was employed to the entire from each stratum. In this study, both primary and secondary data were used. The data were collected through respondent administered questionnaire. Quantitative design was employed to produce statistical figure for analysis. Data were entered in to SPSS v.20 and analyzed through cross tabulations and chi-square (p) values. It is found that there is statistically significant association between entrepreneurial intention with the value of (p= 0.030), when the respondents grouped by field of study, entrepreneurial motivation (p=0.001) and parents own a business which directly influence the entrepreneurial intention to become an entrepreneur. This implies that, entrepreneurial education must be introduced into the tertiary institutions which are not currently offering entrepreneurship courses. This may help reduce the rising unemployment situation in the country especially that of university graduates.