Maita L. Aban , Leif Marvin R. Gonzales , Lolito C. Bestil
The quality of forage affects consumption, nutrient intake, and the resulting animal performance. Voluntary intake of tree/shrub forages as affected by their pH levels was investigated using 24 heads of goats. Several forages were analyzed for their pH level and were categorized as low (3.25-4.50) medium (4.51-5.76) and high (5.76-up) pH levels. Two samples in each category were used and was set-up in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Voluntary feed intake (VFI) was established by adding 20% of the days offering based on previous days intake. The six (6) forages tested were Kakawate (Gliricidia sepium), Madre de agua (Trichanthera gigantea), Acacia (Samanea saman), Gmelina (Gmelina arborea), Robles (Cassia siamea) and Santol (Sandoricum koetjape). Forages with high pH levels that approximate the ideal level of ruminal pH such as Kakawate and Madre de agua, followed by Gmelina, had significantly higher intakes of dry matter (DM) both in actual amount and as percent body weight, organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) than those with low pH levels. Voluntary intake of crude protein (CP) among forages tested appeared to be not dependent on pH level. High pH level forages appeared to have a great potential as ruminant feed showing high levels of voluntary intake.
Napoleon K. Taguiling, Miguel N. Buyucan, MA. Louisa Taguiling
The study was conducted to document traditional practices in managing wild honeybees; to evaluate the adaptability of commercial apiculture; and, to assess the profitability of traditional and commercial apiculture in Ifugao. Keepers of wild honeybee were interviewed on the various aspects of its traditional management. An apiary was established using commercial honeybee (Apis mellifera). Two wild honeybee species, Apis cerena with two sub species, the dark-brown and the brown-colored species, and the Apis dorsata are being managed by beekeepers. Keepers of wild honeybees apply traditional management techniques to ensure future harvest and to increase the yield of harvest.
Dennis Nchor, Samuel A. Darkwah, LubošStřelec
This paper analyses the implication of exchange rate depreciation and nominal interest rates on inflation in Ghana. It makes use of an autoregressive distributed lag model and an unrestricted error correction model. The results from the study show that in the short run a percentage point increase in the level of depreciation of the Ghana cedi leads to an increase in the rate of inflation by 0.20%. A percentage point increase in the level of nominal interest rates however results in a decrease in inflation by 0.98%. Inflation increases by 1.67% for every percentage point increase in the nominal interest rate in the long run. The study could not prove a significant long run relationship between exchange rate depreciation and inflation.
Tiurlina Siregar , Bambang Ari Wahjoedi
Background: Sentani is a district in the southern part of Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. This district rich of zeolite that is mostly consist of mordenite (CaNa2K2) Al2Si10O24 with degree of crystallinity of 53.14% (analyzed with X-R Diffractogram).
Polyethylene composite with natural zeolite fillers will have a high hardness, so it can be used as a rigid and hard plastic packaging
Irina M. Martinez and Toni DiDona
This research project was designed to explore the job attributes that influence the decision to accept or reject a job offer. Job attribute preferences were examined in individuals living in Colombia, Venezuela and the United States. The study used a convenient sampling method that included 101 working adults. The survey was administered anonymously via the internet, and the candidates were asked to answer a researcher developed questionnaire that contained items measuring job security, salary conditions, education, and training. The study was intended to investigate differences between ethnicity and job attribute preferences. The results indicate that there was no significant differences across countries in job attribute preferences. However, employees from different countries did rank their preferences in different ways.
Dr. Naveed Shibli, Nazima Ameen, Aqsa Sattar, Asima Bashir, Samra Bani, Naila Nawaz, Siara Yousaf, Iqbal Mehmood
To test a few global etic findings about cyberpsychology in case of student community of Pakistan the present study was designed. 100 computer user subjects including 50 male and 50 female subjects studying in various departments of Punjab University Lahore were served with a questionnaire containing questions about social, psychological, behavioral and physical impact of internet use felt by users. Results indicate a dominated etic similarity among users however with emic cultural coating.
Dr. Naveed Shibli, Anum Gul, Snober Aftab, Sundas Shbbir, Syeda Ruhma Nasir, Sunila Shahzadi, Siara Yousaf, Iqbal Mehmood
Pre and post marriage anxiety level among male/ female subjects belonging to upper and lower income groups/ social classes studied in the present study in a before after design, no significant difference was found among males and female belonging to lower income/ class groups in pre and post marriage anxiety level however in case of female belonging to upper income group/class such difference was present.
Rickey Rani Boruah, Dr. Satvinder Kaur
Handloom sector is a major non-farm employer in the country. About 16 million weavers depend on this sector in the country. Handloom weaving is one of the most important nonagricultural sources of income in India. In the present paper an attempt has been made to analyse the economics of weavers’ cooperative societies in twelve selected districts of Assam. The study is based on a sample of 60 weavers’ cooperative societies. To find out the profile, production, marketing and financial management of weavers’ cooperative society’s primary and secondary data has also been collected. The study reveals that central and state governments have evolved many schemes to uplift the economic condition by providing incentives in the form of grants and loans to impart training on new designs, modernization of looms etc. But handloom weaving units continue to be in the grip of problems. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to familiarize with the current status of handloom Weavers’ Cooperative Societies.
Surjya Chutia
Health and hygiene status of a population group is one important indicator of human development. It is largely depends upon the physical quality of environment of a region. It is a matter of concern that the Hunan Development Indices (HDIs) of the Schedule Tribes population continue to be lower than the non tribal population in terms of all parameters such as, education, income, health & hygiene status etc. The tribal people are generally living close to nature and they are influenced more by traditional socio-cultural and environmental dimensions in their health practices. Moreover, the socio-cultural attributes differ from one tribe to another, which result in difference in the health- hygiene and demographic behaviours of different tribal groups.
Mohd. Farman Ali, Renu Jain, Manoj Sharma
In this present paper we establish the results of Double Dirichlet average of M-Series and use fractional derivative. Some particular cases of our result are the generalization of earlier results.
Dhaval V. Modi, Chirag M. Bhadesiya and G. C. Mandali
Theileriosis in crossbred cattle is caused by Theileria annulata and is known as ‘Bovine Tropical Theileriosis’ in tropics. The chief vector responsible for transmission is Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum and other ticks species belonging to the said genera. The disease is now reported more frequently and is of major economic importance due to losses associated with morbidity, mortality, decreased production as well as lowered working efficiency of affected animals. The present study was undertaken to evaluate hematological as well as biochemical alterations in crossbred cattle infected with Theileria annulata in Banaskantha district of Gujarat state, India.
Shalini Kushwaha and Paramjit Chawla
Physiological and psychological changes occurring during the menopause influence both symptomatology and sexuality. Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) and amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) leafy vegetables which are rich in micronutrients are helpful. So, the study was designed to see the effect of supplementation of dried drumstick and amaranth leaves powder on menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. Ninety postmenopausal women aged 45-60 years were selected and divided into three groups viz. Group I, II and III having thirty subjects in each group.
Ami Shukla, Manju Khare, K N Shukla
Solar Photovoltaic system generates both electrical and thermal energy from solar radiation. In this work, an attempt has been made for evaluating thermal, electrical and exergy output of solar PV module (Tata BP 184459) at Energy Centre, MANIT Bhopal. Using the first law of thermodynamics, energy analysis was performed and Exergy analysis was carried out to determine exergy losses during the photovoltaic conversion process by applying the second law of thermodynamics. The operating and electrical parameters of a PV module includes module temperature, overall heat loss coefficient, open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, fill factor, etc were experimentally determined for a typical hazy day (12 May 2014) at Bhopal. The experimental data are used for the calculation of the energy and exergy efficiencies of the PV module. Energy efficiency is seen to vary between 6% and 9% during the day. In contrast, exergy efficiency is lower for electricity generation using the considered PV module, ranging from 8% to 10%.
Manju Somanath,V.Sangeetha and M.A.Gopalan
The non-homogeneous Diophantine equation of degree seven with five unknowns represented by EQUATION is analyzed for its non – zero distinct integer solutions. Employing suitable linear transformations and applying the method of factorization, two different patterns of non-zero distinct integer solutions to the heptic equation under consideration are obtained. A few interesting relation between the solutions and special numbers are exhibited.
H. E. M. Khairul Mazed, Md. Hasanuzzaman Akand, Md. Nazmul Haque, Md. Ashraful Islam Pulok and Subrato Gope Partho
The experiment was conducted in the farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh during October 2012 to March 2013 to determine the effect of potassium and stem pruning on yield and economic analysis of tomato. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The experiment consisted of two factors: Factor A: K0=0 kg K2O/ha, K1=150 kg K2O/ha, K2=160 kg K2O/ha and K3=170 kg K2O/ha; Factor B: P0=No pruning; P1=One stem pruning; P2=Two stem pruning and P3=Three stem pruning. In case of potassium, K3 produced the highest yield (65.96 t ha-1) and lowest yield (43.83 t ha-1) was from K0. For pruning, P3 produced the highest yield (66.86 t ha-1) and lowest yield (52.32 t ha-1) was obtained from P1.
Varinder Pabbi
Fuzzy systems are extensively used in both applied and experimental medicine and are one of the most prevalent subjects of today’s Medical Informatics. Despite some limitations of their use due to information, economical, educational and other reasons these systems are widely acknowledged in medical institutions operating in all levels of healthcare. The accuracy of some up-to-date fuzzy systems today matches the diagnostic abilities of physicians that are why it holds an important role in risk-assessment and diagnostics in pharmocology. In this paper, I have done work on the fever symptoms that help in the diagnosis of dengue fever symptoms with the help of some doctors on the basis of fuzzy rule system I tried to give a better identification of dengue fever on the sample based, on the lab features and clinical symptoms.
Muhammad Asif Qureshi
Measuring the employee performance in the bank sector has become a vital policy tool for all bankers since it enhances the overall performance through applying different human resource practices. Recently, personality traits and emotional intelligence have become more accepted at the level of human resource researches especially in the growing banking sectors. However, the nature of relationship among these variables and other human resource practices is still under study especially in relation to the employee’s performance. This paper presents a conceptual framework including the human resource practices and its effect on the employee performance. It also suggests studying the mediating effect of personality traits as well as the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on this relationship
The aim of the study was to find out the efficacy of Ischemic compression followed by stretching on Myofascial trigger points.
Swapna S , Abdul Azis P.K.
Throughout the last century, riverine ecosystems have suffered from intense human intervention resulting in habitat loss and degradation and as a consequence, many fish species have become highly endangered, particularly in rivers where heavy demand is placed on fresh waters. River Achenkovil originating from the mighty Western Ghat mountain ranges reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Central Travancore is under the crushing pressure of environmental degradation caused by unprecedented human exploitation. A study has been conducted from February 2004 to January 2005 to document the fish diversity in the river system. A total of 52 species belonging to 5 orders and 18 families were collected. Cyprinidae was the most dominant family (68.50%) followed by Cichlidae (7.56%) and Ambassidae (6.73%). Results suggested that environmentalists and governmental agencies should pay responsiveness to protect the existing faunal wealth.
Mupuri Prasanth Babu, P. Ravi Shankar
This paper presents a new technique for robust Image matching based on the combination of wavelet transform and Color-SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform). Low frequency and High frequency sub-bands of the image are extracted using wavelet transform and then color SIFT method is used to extract color feature descriptors. A novel matching techniques used to validate true matches by establishing relationships between candidate matching features. The proposed method is tested on many image pairs at different conditions. Performance of this method is compared with Color-SIFT and basic SIFT methods.
Mr. K. J. Kucche, Dr. S. S. Jamkar,Dr. P. A. Sadgir
This paper reviewsthe literaturerelated to quality of water for making concrete.The allowablelimitsof physical and chemical impurities and the test methods of their evolution are compiled.The limits of impurities as perIndian, Australian, American and British standardsarepresented. From the literature it is seen that, the reaction between water and cement affect the setting time, compressive strength and also lead to softening of concrete. All the impurities may not have adverse effect on the properties of concrete. The use of impure water for concrete mixing is seen to favorable for strength development at early ages and reduction in long term strength.
C.Basavaraju, Dr.Chandrakanth.H.G
The detection of modulated signals and analysis has been verified under white Gaussian noise channel for different signal to noise ratiolevels.The up gradations of detection performance and reliability have been enhanced under white Gaussian noise channel using spectrum analysis method. In this paper we have developed different models and performed simulation using Mat lab version 2014a by spectrum analysis method for several digital modulated mobile signals commonly used in today’s communication world. The proposed spectrum method is based on modified Periodogarm algorithm is superior in simplicity of computation to detect the presence of mobile modulated signals efficiently at low SNR which can be used to sense spectrum effectively to solve the problem of spectrum scarcity.
Manish Kumar, Dr. R.Ramesh
In this paper we propose an efficient pipelined architecture for low power,high throughput and low area adaptive FIR filter based on distributed airthemetic. The throughput rate is significantly increased by parallel look-up table(LUT) update. Reduction in power consumption is achieved by using a fast bit clock for carry save accumulation. We have shown that sampling period could be sequentially reduced by using carry save accumulation for DA based inner product. It involves half the number of register compared to the existing DA based design to store of input samples. The system is implemented in FPGA that enables rapid prototyping of digital cirtcuits.
Siva Prasad Penkey, Dr Nihal Anwar Siddiqui
Accident prevention is the key in effective Health, Safety and Environmental management system of any Organization. Understanding the pattern of accidents and ratios helps in preventing major accidents. The older theories on accident prevention have influenced the safety professionals to design accident prevention programs. However, over a period of time, rapid growth in industrials activities are challenging the theories. Hazards are different for different industries and hence resultant safety risks are not uniform. A need arisen to further review and interpret the accident patterns. This paper focused on reviewing and highlighting the gaps in interpretation of accident triangles with respect to Oil and Gas (upstream). How the Oil and Gas is interpreting the accident occurrence and evolving with preventive measures
Vidya A. Sawarkar
Currently, Microwaves are widely used in chemical Industry to accelerate chemical reaction. Some research result has shown that microwaves heating can significantly accelerate the reaction. The purpose of this experiment was to synthesize of dibutyl pthalic by using butyl alcohol, pthalic anhydride and catalyst as a sulfamic acid under the microwave oven. Kinetic study of above system was carried out it is found that reaction is very fast under microwave oven. Use of microwave energy to heat chemical reaction leads to not only reduce the chemical reaction from hour to minute also reducing side reactions and increases the yeid and improve the reproducibility.
Emgba Samuel Kafu, Olonisakin Adebisi
Phytochemical and antibacterial activity of Maytenus senegalensis, Mitracarpus scaber and Lecaniodescus cupanioides were carried out using hexane and ethanol as solvents. Phytochemical tests revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and resins in all ethanolic extracts of the three plant samples. The results of the antibacterial activity using five pathogens revealed that Lecaniodescus cupanioides had the highest zone of inhibition of 30mm at 125µg/ml against Staphylococcus aureus. Maytenus senegalensis was active against Salmonella typhi with the zone of inhibition of 16mm at 62.50µg/ml, Staphylococcus aureus 8mm at 31.25µg/ml and streptococcus pneumonia 8mm at 62.5µg/ml. Mitracarpus scaber was active against Escherichia coli and salmonella typhi with zones of inhibition of 20mm at 15.62µg/ml and 15mm at 31.50µg/ml respectively. For hexane extract, only Lecaniodescus cupanioides was active against Staphylococcus aureus with zone of inhibition of 8mm at 7.8125µg/ml.
Dr. Gargi Dutta
The right to food aims to bring about a change in the lives of millions of persons suffering from hunger. To ensure a world free from hunger this right needs to be justiciable . Justiciability means a mechanism which ensures every instance of violation of the right can be redressed by the judiciary or any quasi judicial organ. There are two sets of mechanism for the redressal of the right to food, one at the international level represented by the International Court of Justice and the United Nations treaty bodies and the other at the domestic level. At the international level the justiciability largely depends on the consent of the states while at the domestic level the legal frame work is highly inadequate. Therefore the international organisations and the Nation States needs to wake by to the sufferings of the hungry and starving population and take steps to make the right to food a truly justiciable right.
Dr Parveen Prasad
Diversity has been established to be a compulsory imperative in Organizations today. Human Resource policies are being tweaked to accommodate a workforce who is diversified in a multitude of aspects including gender, which appears to be a popular variant in diversity. This study investigates the nuances of changing perceptions of people towards stereotypes of gender. The implication of gender based character is considered important in making assumptions about the behaviours of the gender. In this study, 440 respondents of various ages and occupations were contacted as primary data, to mark their perceptions of character associated with gender like aggression, domination and being excitable. The findings appear to be counter intuitive to popular stereotype perception where 34 per cent of women are considered aggressive, 35 per cent of women are considered dominating and 35 per cent of women are established to be excitable and volatile. These findings reflect the changing scenario and environment of female gender today which is being manifested in their non stereotype behaviour.
S. Das, S. Prasad, N. Roy, N. Handique
he hierarchy of urban settlements was first brought within the purview of geographical enquiries by G. K. Zipf in 1931, when he coined the term Central Places. The concept of Central Places was further developed by Walter Christaller in his monumental work on “Central Places in Southern Germany (1933)”. The theory postulates that to maintain efficiency of the settlements, the number of hierarchical central goods and services (functions) fall into categories. The theory is based on a distinction between centres, which are the seats of a supply of goods and services, and peripheries (regions complementing the centre) where demand, i.e. population using them, resides. The notion of centrality justifies clustering in a same place production of service of same level and of same range intended at the population which is scattered in the complementary region (or influence area), whose customers are polarised by the centre.
Lanke Vishal, Pawar Atul
Poor product performance is one of the major causes for its market failure. They tend to have their roots in inadequately drafted Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs), poor architectural and design decisions, and inadequate NFR testing practices right from the beginning. Performance, reliability, and availability considerations must be built into the system from the time it is conceived.
Ringson J., Lincoln Hlatywayo , Faith Zimondi, Nyatsanza Taurai
This study is an analysis of the challenges faced by care-givers in coping with OVC burden at household level. Using the quantitative and qualitative techniques the study was conducted among the rural care-givers in conveniently sampled wards in Gutu District of Zimbabwe. The study was largely informed by the Psychosocial Support (PSS) Model- the wheel model by Tigere (2006) and the Ubuntu Theology by Tutu (1994) and Mbiti (1995) who advocated for the strengthening of social fabric through a communitarian approach rather than individualism in child care and support. Data was gathered through semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews.10 community leaders were interviewed while 30 caregivers and 20 OVC completed questionnaires.
Shazia Iram and Sumera Abrar
Microorganisms play a significant role in bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil and wastewater. In this study heavy metal resistant fungi were isolated from the waste water treated soil samples of Hudiara drain, Lahore. The optimum pH and temperature conditions for heavy metal removal were determined for highly tolerant isolates of Aspergillus species along with the initial metal concentration and contact time. Biosorption capacity of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger was checked against Cu (II) and Pb (II) respectively. The optimal pH was 8-9 for A. flavus and 4-5.4 for A. niger, whereas the optimal temperature was 26°C and 37°C respectively. Moreover, the biosorption capacity of A. flavus was 20.75-93.65 mg/g for Cu (II) with initial concentration 200-1400 ppm. On the other hand the biosorption capacity of A. niger for Pb (II) ranged from 3.25-172.25 mg/g with the same range of initial metal concentration. It was also found that equilibrium was maintained after maximum adsorption.
Shazia Iram, Sumera Abrar, Iftikhar Ahmad, Tassawar Khanam, Atiya Azim, Mukhtar Ahmad Nadeem
Present study was focused on intake of duckweed by chicks and to evaluate the growth performance and carcass characteristics of chicks. A total number of 106 chicks were allocated to 3 treatments with 3 replicates. The treatments were categorized into group A (25% duckweed and 75% commercial feed), group B (50% duckweed and 50% commercial feed) and group C (100% commercial feed). Results showed that crude protein was higher in group B followed by group A while in group C crude protein was lower but total feed intake, average weight, live weight, meat and bone weight, skin weight, head weight, liver weight, intestine weight and shank weight were higher as compared to group A and group B and this was due to the fluffy nature of duckweed and small size of crop. It was concluded that sewage grown duckweed can be successfully utilized as poultry feed. Chicks can survive on duckweed and farmer can save money. This is the first study in Pakistan.
Mohd Salim, Pramod Kumar, M.K. Gupta and Saurabh Kumar
Jhilmil Jheel is a saucer shape wetland and is one of the most important wetland of Haridwar district (Uttrakhand, India) and also happens to be a conservation reserve for swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli duvauceli) declared in 2005. Consequently highly fragmented sections of swamp deer habitat remain few and far between, and Jhilmil Jheel happens to be the last refugee for this magnificent and highly endangered species. Wetlands are considered one of the highly productive ecosystems in the world and provide a potential sink for the atmospheric carbon. Therefore, a study was conducted to estimate the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool in Jhilmil Jheel wetland under different land uses i.e., grassland, plantation and natural forest in different seasons i.e., autumn, winter, spring and summer. The results revealed that in autumn season, SOC pool in grassland was maximum (81.38 t ha-1) followed by natural forest (76.85 t ha-1) and the least was in plantation (55.95 t ha-1), in winter season, the SOC pool in natural forest was maximum (131.31 t ha-1) followed by plantation (123.78 t ha-1) and the least was in grassland (72.92 t ha-1), in spring season, the SOC pool in natural forest was maximum (170.46 t ha-1) followed by plantation (155.133 t ha-1) and the least was in grassland (73.17 t ha-1) and in summer season, the SOC pool in natural forest was maximum (123.89 t ha-1) followed by plantation (114.61 t ha-1) and the least was in grassland (64.73 t ha-1) respectively.
Kadam Surendra S. and Tiwari Lalchand .R.
Zooplankton was sampled from Dandi creek -west coast of India (190, 48.041’N and 720, 41.255’E) on monthly basis from September 2009 to September 2010.Three stations were selected for collection of zooplankton, station 1 was in the open sea, station 2 was in the mouth of the creek and station 3 was in the creek. These stations covered an area of 12 km long and the depth varied from 2.7 to 25.5 meters (average 13.22 m). Five metals including Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As) were analyzed in the zooplankton using Plasma Emission Spectrometer. Out of these five metals Arsenic (As) and Mercury (Hg) were not detected in zooplankton sample throughout the study period. The concentration of heavy metals shows variation in open sea, mouth of the creek and inner creek area .
Navjot Kaur, Gaurav Soni
Free space optical communication provides a very important method for the satellites orbiting around the earth to communicate with each other. Inter-satellite optical wireless communication systems (IsOWC) are one of the important applications of FSO/WSO technology that will be expand in space in the near future. These systems provide a high bandwidth, small size, light weight, low power and low cost to present microwave satellite systems. In this paper, optical inter-satellite link (ISL) is modeled using optisystem software between two satellites separated by a distance of 1700 km at data rate 3 Gbps at varying modulation formats.
Aashima Bhardwaj, Gaurav Soni
This paper discussed on a simulation of optical transmission system in optical fiber. To achieve the foremost effective performance of communication system, dispersion should be stipendiary. Fiber bragg grating is chosen as important components to compensate the dispersion in optical communication system. The simulation of transmission system will be analyzed based on different parameters by using optisystem simulator. A 20 Gb/s Non Return To Zero (NRZ) signal is launched onto 50 km long standard single mode fiber. By simulating a model of communication system and using the most suitable settings of the system which include input power (dbm), fiber cable length, the performance of the system will be evaluated. Comparison of eye diagrams show a marked improvement in the link performance due to compensation of dispersion.
Anjietha Khanna
In this paper, hybrid approach is introduced where a process known as ‘watermark’ is enabled to mark digital pictures with undetectable secrete information that are invisible by using principal component analysis and discrete wavelet transform to provide a complete copyright protection system. The concept of key dependent basis function and its application is introduced to secure robust watermarking for copyright protection and to design a secure public black-box watermark detectors which shows high imperceptibility and performance where no noticeable difference is seen between watermarked and original image.
Anuradha C.K Rao, Bhavna Nayal, Raveendra G. Patil.
One of the most common malignancies to afflict women, cervical cancers have a high worldwide incidence. Papanicolau (Pap) test is the screening tool, ustilised widely for early detection of cervical neoplasias. However, a high load of Pap smears has resulted in errors associated with this test. Rescreening methods serve to monitor this primary cervical screening programme. This study was carried out to detect epithelial abnormalities which were otherwise missed on primary screening, using different rescreening methods and to identify the cause for such error.
Dr.Shekar.M, Dr. Chandrasekar.C, Dr.Sharan Patil.
Interlocking nailing potentially is complicated by failure of the hardware around the nail aperture for distal metaphyseal fractures, communited fractures, fractures with delayed union, and fractures with small nails.
For many reasons, broken screws occur most often after static interlocking of femur & tibia. Fatigue failure causes bending & breakage of the screws.
Dr.Sujata Pandit Sharma ,Dr.Brajbhushan
The role of diet in the development of disease reported by many studies. The present study investigates the nutritional efficacy of pineapple juice in the treatment of Bronchial Asthma. This study has been conducted in a Nature cure and Yoga center, namely Hilltake Health Homes Pvt. Ltd. at Sanga, Bhaktapur, Delhi. Eighty-two (41 Male and 41 Female) subjects suffering with bronchial asthma were randomly allocated into the case and control groups. Forty-one subjects aged 30.22 (± 6.08) years formed the intervention group, while remaining forty-one subjects aged 32.15 (± 9.57) years constituted as control group.
Andrea Tovar-Aguilar, Jesus Agustin Badillo-Corona and Noé Durán-Figueroa
MicroRNAs are RNAs of 21-22 nucleotides in length that are known as negative regulators of gene expression. By its molecular mode of action, have been described important biological roles in the development and physiology of plants, animals and fungi. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the miRNAs perform essential functions such as juvenile-adult transition, morphogenesis of leaves and response to biotic and abiotic factors. At genomic structure, sequencing studies demonstrate that miRNA genes are similar to genes encoding proteins. Thus, the MIR genes have promoters directing their expression in specific tissues. In this work, we cloned and characterized the promoter activity of miRNA858 in Arabidopsis. The transgenic lines generated show that miRNA858 promoter is active mainly in flower, this expression activity suggest that miRNA858 has functions in this tissue. This result is a first approximation for to know the biological role of miRNA858 in Arabidopsis thaliana.
ZHOU Jun , ZHAO Hongzhong, BELINGA Thierry , GAHE Zimy Samuel Yannick
Using the Calderon-Rossell model modified, this paper examines the macroeconomic factors that affect the stock market development in Cameroon. We find that: stock market liquidity and financial openness represented by foreign direct investment and private capital flows are important determinants of stock exchange development in Cameroon. Contrary to the results found in many other African States, Economic Growth and the Banking sector development still do not have a positive and significant impact in the Stock Market development of Cameroon.
Dr. K.V.L. Sudha Rani, Dr. B. Sudarsi, Dr. R. Siddeswari, Dr. S. Manohar
This study was conducted to correlate the portal vein diameter measured by ultrasound to development of oesophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis of liver with portal hypertension.
92 patients with cirrhosis admitted in OGH were selected for the study USG was conducted in all patients to note portal vein size and splenic size. Upper GI endoscopy was done to detect presence of varices with different grades.
Preskovia.S , (Mrs.)P.Vigneswari
In this paper an efficient multiband flexible divider for Bluetooth, Zigbee and other wireless standards is proposed based on pulse swallow topology and is implemented using Xilinx ISE 9.1i and modalism SE10.0b.It consist of a propose wideband multimodulus 32/33/47/48 prescaler, swallow s-counter ,p-counter. As a modification I have implemented a modified multiband flexible divider by replacing norgate by pass transistor in a wideband single phase prescalar clock 2/3 prescaler. Compared to the proposed system modified one will reduce the area,circuit complexity, power consumption,transistor counts .
Aditi Thakur and Narsingh Kumar
The boundaries of two most dominant spheres of life viz. personal and professional are getting blurred as there is a constant encroachment from one onto the other. Consequently, work-life balance has become a prominent issue for organizations and employees alike despite various organizational interventions.
Dr. NSSR Murthy and R. Srinivasa Rao
The issue of road accidents is an increasing problem in developing countries. This could be due to increasing road traffic/vehicle occupancy. This has been increasing over years. Regulating traffic on roads is an important task. There by reducing accidents in accident prone zones. The accident was drastically increased over a decade from 4% to 31%. This is a alarming issue. The analysis and identification of such road accident prone zones is essential to reduce the accidents. A model was developed based on intersection parameters and no. of accidents by regression analysis.
Dr. S. Manohar, Dr. R. Siddeswarir, Dr. Karthik
Familial hyperaldosteronism type 1, also called glucocorticoid – remediable aldosteronism (GRA) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder associated with variable degrees of hyperaldosteronism, high levels or hybrid steroids (e.g., hydroxycortisol, 18 – oxocortisol), that are suppressed with administration of glucocorticoids. A 14 year old female presented with weakness of sudden onset in all four limbs. On examination she is found to be hypertensive and investigations revealed hypokalemia with elevated aldosterone levels and suppressed plasma renin activity leading to a diagnosis of GRA. Suppression of ACTH release with exogenous dexamethasone is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic strategy. Treatment with the mineral corticoid receptor antagoinsts spironolactone and epleronone is also efficacious.
Miss. Smita S. Auti, Prof. Nagnath B. Hulle
The system is a flourishing research area in the field of wireless communications. This paper presents the overall framework of the necessity as a safety monitor for Alzheimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s patient is a person having the difficulties about memory with the concepts of place & time. Global Positioning System (GPS) locator watches for patients are essentially RT-trackers that allow the family members or caregivers to have a complete access to whereabouts of person 24hrs. The GPS technology is placed inside a cavity made from a polycarbonate material which is in the midsole of the shoe. GTX says, the normal duration of the shoe - one to three years. The design of the system gives Energy efficiency, robustness, and reliability.
Anubhav Tiwari
This paper talks about
•What are different ways to pass data from one page to another one in ASP.NET?
•How the code is written in each of the ways to pass data?
•Which way is suitable for which scenarios?
L.M.Kashid, N.J.Pawar
The development of electrochemical methods for mineralization of agricultural organic pollutant imidacloprid in aquatic environment was investigated. In the present paper, the electrochemically generated strong oxidants destroy the pesticide in the bulk solution by oxidation reaction. The disappearance of pesticide as a function of time was estimated by differential pulse polarograph (DPP). As first, we have studied the electroanalytical behaviour of imidacloprid insecticide by DPP using a dropping mercury electrode (DME) as working electrode and Hg/Hg2Cl2, Cl-(sat) as a reference electrode in Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 3.0−10) as a supporting electrolyte.
GebrekirosHagos, Kebede Abrha
The Aim of this conclusive research study was to examine factors affecting job satisfaction of Mekelle University academic staff as explained by Herzberg job motivator and hygiene factors. A random sample of 60university employees of Mekelle University was selected as a statistical sample. Employing a descriptive survey method and data were collected through questionnaire. The campus members were generally satisfied with their jobs. However, female faculty members were less satisfied than male faculty members. The factor “Achievement” was the most motivating aspect for faculty. The least motivating aspect was “salary.” The demographic characteristics were negligibly related to overall job satisfaction.
Mafaisu Chewae, Sameer Hayikader, Muhamad Hairulnizam Hasan , Jamaludin Ibrahim
Recently, internet is one of the most efficient and effective ways to communicate and sharing the information especially in terms of social networking sites. With over billions of users connected through online social network and due to the popularity of social network sites, more people are concerning about the privacy and it has become an important issue. In this paper we will review how the current privacy plays on social network sites, analyze how personal information is being influenced by internet and social network, and also we will discuss how the privacy become a risk and how to employ security awareness to avoid privacy risk.
K.K.A. Nipuni N. Perera, Y.H.P.P. Priyadarshana, K.I.H. Gunathunga, Lochandaka Ranathunga, P.M. Karunarathne, T.M Thanthriwatta
Evaluating the contact center agent’s voice handling skills is important in order to enhance the customer satisfaction, through employee performance. Conventionally, supervisors in call center monitoring divisions listen to contact center agents’ conversations and then assign scores for the voice of the agent which end up in most cases bias and as erroneous evaluations.
In order to minimize the above mentioned problems, this paper discusses a system, we implemented to evaluate contact center agents’ voices automatically avoiding human error and bias decisions. This software application considers speech rate, voice intensity level and emotional state of the contact center agent for their voice handling evaluations. According to the conducted research, it can be seen that the accuracy of evaluating the giving of instructions clearly using speech rate is 72%, evaluating listener comfortable voice intensity of agent is 83% and accuracy of emotion recognition of the agent’s is 83% in the implemented system.
Dr. R. Siddeswari, Dr. S. Manohar, Dr. B. Suryanarayana, Dr.B.Sudarsi, Prof. Dr. Prashanth
Mid brain is often affected in patients with embolic stroke occurring in the posterior circulation usually with concomitant involvement of other structures as the pons,thalamus and the cerebellum.Here we are presenting a rare case of internal carotid artery thrombosis with hyperhomocystenemia presented with bilateral ptosis with mid brain infarction in a 40yr old non hypertensive and non-diabetic farmer.
Ji-Yeon Kim, Jeong-eun Lee, Soojin Cha, Se-Hoon Lee, Jong-Il Kim
Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) is the most common type of non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (nccRCC). Among the PRCCs, type 2 PRCC (PRCC2) often presents with highly aggressive tumor behavior and relative resistance to chemotherapy. In contrast to clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the genomic alteration landscape of PRCC2 has been poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to investigate genetic alterations involved in the pathogenesis of PRCC2.
Kankia, H. I., Zainab, S. A
The aim of this work was to investigate and compare the phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities of different crude extracts from leaves, barks and roots of Khaya senegalensis. Two different organic solvents including methanol and ethanol were used to prepare the crude extracts from the fresh and dry leaves, barks and roots. Antimicrobial activities of different crude extracts from dry and fresh leaves of Khaya senegalensis were determined by agar disc diffusion method with minor modification. In vitro phytochemical screening for all crude extracts from all leaves, barks and the roots were tested and shown positive result for all the compounds. The methanol crude extract and its derived fractions from leaves, barks and roots showed small and moderate antibacterial potential with one gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and three gram negative (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria in the range of 0–21%. In conclusion, all organic crude extracts from leaves, barks and roots could be used as potential sources of new antimicrobial properties.
Sheetal Rakangor, Dr. Y. R. Ghodasara
NLP is an area of research where many researcher have presented their work and is still an area under research to achieve higher accuracy. Researcher is going to use NLP for automatic question generation system. As in any education system, examination is conducted to judge the caliber of the students. So to conduct the examination, educator needs to generate the questions manually which is very time consuming process, so researcher has decided to develop system through which, automatic questions can be generated, and time and efforts will be reduced. To develop automatic question generation, many researcher has presented their work and many algorithms are proposed to generate the automatic question from given sentence or text. This paper presents review of work to generate questions automatic from inputted text. Paper reviews methodologies with respect to the phases of question generation.
Dr. Nasreldeen Gidam Elnagy
This research finds to answer the following questions. What is the importance of measuring and analyzing the environmental costs of industries companies? What is the relationship between environmental costs and financial statements? How to include this environmental cost in our financial statements? Research study the concept of environmental quality accounting costs of concepts related to environmental pollution. And the degree of interdependence between the concept of environmental accounting, and increase awareness of the environmental responsibilities to led the need for attention to accountants and decision makers to the problem of pollution and knowledge of different aspects to gaining the costs borne by enterprises to reduce or remedy the damage caused by pollution measurement, the firms operating in the sugar industries or practicing active would not pollute the environment, it must disclose environmental accounting information in order to meet the demand of stakeholders on this information allowing them to evaluate past decisions or assistance in making the current or future decisions.
Mohamed Youssef Khalaf Elwadeya, Khalid S. A. Al-Khateeb, Nurul Fadzlin Hasbullah
The photon splitting of an UV into entangled pair of different wavelengths using non-linear crystals is a complicated procedure in the quantum authentication process (QAP) as presented in the six states deterministic protocol (6DP). A simplified process is proposed; the photon splitting process is replaced with basic polarization splitting of a single wavelength in the visible range. The quantum states are prepared, as usual, using retardation wave-plates. The transmitting station sends to the receiver a sequence of random polarized pulses via a quantum channel. The receiver blindly flips the quantum states using half wave-plate before sending back to the transmitter. The transmission of quantum states is made within a secret time interval which, based on preset path length and pulse travel time, triggers the detection device, and eventually achieves authentication after two more iterations.
Dr. Desai Vidya Sripad, Dr.N.V.S.Chowdary, Dr.V.Sivaprabodh, Dr.Ravi Shekhar
Low T3 syndrome is emerging as the most sensitive independent predictor of short term survival and is associated with adverse outcome in ICU patients .This study was conducted to assess the prognostic value of the complete thyroid indicators in unselected ICU patients.
K.I.H. Gunathunga, Y.H.P.P. Priyadarshana, K.K.A. Nipuni N. Perera, L. Ranathunga, P.M. Karunaratne, T.M. Thanthriwatta
Information extraction plays an important role in text related research and application areas such as text mining and dialogue systems. Information extraction can be done using key word extraction and measuring the semantic similarity between texts. These concepts are applied to address a key issue in the telecommunication contact centre domain where the customer dissatisfaction is increasing due to higher call handling time. The proposed method is a combined with a key word based approach and a sematic similarity based approach with the use of semantic nets. The semantic similarity of two sentences is calculated using word similarity and the word order. Experiments on two sets of sentence pairs illustrates that proposed method provides a similar measure which is significantly correlated to human intuition.
Chandrashekar.M.J, Dr. R Jayapal
Present work deals with the combination of automatic generation control (AGC) with automatic voltage regulator control (AVR) and the implementation of PI, PID and fuzzy logic controller for two area system. The purpose of the AGC is for balancing the system’s total generation against system load and losses. If any mismatch between generation and demand occur the system frequency may deviate from preset value. Thus, high value of frequency deviation may lead to failure of the system. The role of AVR is to hold terminal voltage magnitude of the generator at a preset level. The interaction between frequency deviation and voltage deviation is analyzed and studied in this paper.
Prasad Kalpana, Mahto Kumar Navin
Present study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic effect of aqueous leachates from senescent leaves of Leucaena leucocephala. It inhibited the seed germination, root-shoot elongation and the development of lateral roots in the receptor plant, Radish under in vitro condition.
Nisha Singh, S. P. Phulambrikar
Renewable energy is evolved from natural sources. Photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cells are commonly used Renewable energy sources. A derived DC-DC converter is suggested for efficient renewable energy sources. An efficient Boost converter (BC) topology is discussed in this paper for renewable energy sources. The merits of this topology are reduced EME (Electromagnetic emission), fast transient response and low input current ripple. In suggested topology, 2 identical inductors and an auxiliary inductor are used to reduce the switching loss and switching stress of BC connected with PV system, used PWM technique for triggering the switches. The performance of BC along with PV system is analyzed by Matlab/Simulation software.
Richa Sharma, Ibadaiahun myrthong and S.B.Lal
In the 21st Century, human population is experiencing the manmade plague of environmental noise from which there is virtually no escape, no matter where we are - in our homes and yards, on our streets, in our cars, at theaters, restaurants, parks, arenas, and in other public places. There are many factors, both emotional and physical, which contribute to the variation in human reaction to response. The existence of these variables prohibits defining an exact individual and community response. Exposure to noise induces fatigue, depressed mood and well-being, and decreased performance. Decreased alertness leading to accidents, injuries, and death has also been attributed to lack of sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms. Noise during sleep causes increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased pulse amplitude, vasoconstriction, and changes in respiration, cardiac arrhythmias, and increased body movement.
The Purpose of this paper is to have an overview of various quality models to evaluate the usability of website. It focuses on quality characteristics, quality measurement and evaluation methods for a website. It also analyses about various web metrics which are used to assess the website performance. It also gives an insight about quality evaluation framework comprising quality measurement, characteristics, sub-characteristics and measurable indicators. It concludes with some of the limitations of quality evaluation methods.
Aware Sachin B, Arshad Rashid, Ansari aadil, Bombale R.R.
In web based blood donation system, it is mainly used for maintaining the stock record of the blood. In today’s system first it is manual system and also it when person requires the particular type of blood and if that type is not available in that blood bank then it is time consuming to arrange the blood from other blood bank it may affect the patient health because time is very important in accidental cases. So in web based blood donation system is best for checking whether particular type of blood is available in stack or not and also it gives the location weather that available.
Joseph E. S , Thakre S. B
60-75% of hospital operating cost is directly related to manpower expenditure in the hospitals. Hospital management face problems in terms of motivation, absenteeism and turnover.
Lochan .B
Cloud Computing enables customers with limited computational resources to outsource their large computation workloads to cloud, and economically enjoy the massive computational power, bandwidth, storage, and even appropriate software that can be shared in a pay-per-use manner. Security is the primary obstacle that prevents the wide adoption of this promising computing model, especially for customers when their confidential data are consumed and produced during the computation. Treating the cloud as an intrinsically insecure computing platform from the viewpoint of the cloud customers, we must design mechanisms that not only protect sensitive information by enabling computations with encrypted data, but also protect customers from malicious behaviors by enabling the validation of the computation result.
Nelson G. Laru-An, Simplicia L. Aurora
The feelings and opinions of the students towards their instructors have significant effect of their learning, therefore a knowledge of the qualities of their instructors is essential. This descriptive study was conducted to find out the qualities of instructors preferred by the students at the West Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus, Lambunao, Iloilo (WVSU-LC) with consideration on personality traits, classroom management, instructional skills, methods of evaluation, and student-instructor-relationship. The respondents of the study were the 611 college students of WVSU-LC classified as to course and year level. The instrument was taken from Qualities of a Good Instructor by Carrigan, and other items from Jersild (1963), & Singh & Padilla, 2009). Statistical tools used were the mean, standard deviation and ranking.
Ahmad Jaradat, Noor Azian Mohamad, Ahmad Asadullah, Seyed Ebrahim
Location based marketing has clearly become a primary element in today’s business. The main objective of this paper is to analyse such a growing phenomenon of using such location services by both marketers and customers, providing some motivations and factors that drive both parties to use these services. In addition, some popular applications in this field are mentioned as a real world example to provide deeper understanding on how such applications can facilitate our lives. Finally, an analysis on the issues regarding this topic is made which covers an expected problem in some applications as well as other issues related to the consumers and companies.
Apoorva.D, Dr.Gurumurthy.H
Cells are building blocks of living things. Normal cells multiply when body needs them and die when body doesn’t need them. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of the cell in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. In cancer cells display uncontrolled multiplication, invasion and metastasis and caused by abnormalities in genetic material of transformed cells. Samples of microarray experiments performed on homo sapiens of normal and cancerous cells were downloaded from GEO database and these samples were imported to CLC Main Workbench software and expression analysis is performed to identify and rank common differentially expressed Genes in multiple type of cancer, by using technique called DNA Microarray data analysis which is used to find out expression of large number of genes simultaneously and it provides invaluable information on disease pathology, progression, resistance to treatment and therapeutic approaches for cancer. These genes found are useful for drug design as they act as biomarkers and also can be used in further analysis of fundamental signal transduction pathways that lead to carcinomas, since most genes causes cancer which are responsible for causing other cancer e.g. gene causing breast cancer have chances of casing ovarian cancer hence by finding such genes prevention of getting multiple cancer can be done.
Samar Inderyas, Kamran Khattak, Atif Ali Raza, Zohaib Hassan, Alyami Nayef Mohammad
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of leadership styles on employee job performance on public health care sector of Pakistan. The study examined the effect of transactional, transformational, charismatic, autocratic, democratic, laissez faire leadership styles on employee job performance where power distance played a moderating role in the relationship. Data was collected from 315 nurses of public sector hospitals located in twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad in a non-contrived environment. Findings revealed that power distance moderates the relationship among transactional leadership and employee job performance. The significant link among transformational leadership and employee job performance is also found in the study. Whereas power distance does not moderates the relationship among charismatic, autocratic, democratic, laissez faire leadership styles and employee job performance conversely to previous cross cultural research on leadership. Future research directions are also discussed in the study.
V.T. Bhugul, G.N. Choudhari
In the present work ZnO nanoparticles are prepared by sol gel process and doped with 6 % Aluminium . Inherently conducting PPY-ZnO (Al doped ) nanocomposites were synthesized with varying amount of Al – doped ZnO via in-situ polymerization. These composites were characterized by FT-IR, XRD, TGA, and DSC. The FT-IR results show broadening and shifts of peaks towards lower wave number in all composite samples suggesting better conjugation and some chemical interaction between polypyrrole and zinc oxide nanoparticles. DSC and TGA data suggest that PPY- ZnO( Al-doped ) nano composites have high thermal stability due to better conformation and compactness and reduction of grain boundary volume with the loading of Al-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles, that increase the conductivity of composites.. The X-RD analysis demonstrated the amorphous nature of polypyrrole and its composites with Al- doped nanoparticles of ZnO as well no indication of crystalline peaks.
Dr. Suman Pamecha, Indu Sharma
MGNREGA is an ambitious scheme providing employment to rural people of India. The basic aim of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is to enhance livelihood security of household in rural area. By this scheme Govt. gives assurance of employment to unskilled rural laborer for 100 days. With better implementation such type of scheme may be an effective weapon to fight against poverty. It also aims at transforming the rural areas by improving the socio-economic conditions of people. Rural economy is the back-bone of Indian economic development. Providing employment to rural households will certainly boost the economy. It increases demand for goods and services. In this article an effort has been made to analyses the socio-economic impact of MGNREGA scheme on the life of beneficiaries of Dungarpur district. The findings of the study revealed that the programme has brought the change in the lives of the beneficiaries. Though it is always a debatable issue that such changes, by MGNREGA are sustainable or temporary.
Tatny G. Castanet, B.A., Toni DiDona, PhD
The recent surge of lawsuits against companies for the discrimination of employees under 40, as well as the lack of literature regarding the subject of legal age discrimination warranted this study regarding the effects of ageism on affective commitment. The study explores the concept of the similar-to-my-children effect in regards to workplace commitment and age discrimination. A 25 item questionnaire was distributed to a convenient sample of workers. Evidence of self reported legal age discrimination experiences were found among workers whose age category fell outside the protected age group marked by the ADEA. No relationship was found between experiences of reverse age discrimination and affective commitment. The respondents who reported that they had been told by their supervisors or co-workers that they reminded the supervisor or coworker of their children or younger siblings reported substantially more reverse age discrimination than their peers who had not experienced the comparison.
Mayur G Tayade, R E Thombre, Subroto Dutt
This paper was concerned with an experimental study of parabolic trough collector designed and manufactured. A parabolic trough solar collector uses Aluminium sheet in the shape of a parabolic cylinder to reflect and concentrate sun radiations towards an absorber tube located at the focus line of the parabolic cylinder. The receiver absorbs the incoming radiations and transforms them into thermal energy, the latter being transported and collected by a fluid medium circulating within the absorber tube.
Shivam Bajpai, Rashmi Chandra
Two sugarcane varieties, V1 (an early maturing) and V2 ( a mid-late maturing) were planted during spring season of 2014 in tray culture conditions at IMS Engineering college, Ghaziabad with an objective to study the effect of short term waterlogging on growth and physio-biochemical attributes, RNA isolation and expression of SOD (superoxide dismutase) using gene specific primer pairs.
After about 60 days of planting, waterlogging stress treatment was imposed to plants by transferring planted pots in a bucket filled with water. Treatments consist of control 48, 96 hr. of waterlogging stress and recovery after 2 days of termination of treatments. Observations were recorded for SPAD Reading, RWC, chlorophylls and carotenoid contents, proline, and activity of SOD and peroxidase enzymes, soluble protein content and Cu-Zn-SOD gene expression.
Rakesh kumar Yadav,Aseem prakash Tikku,Anil chandra, C.Rathinavel , Vijay shakya, Ramesh Bharti
A foreign body in the root canal is often diagnosed accidentally. It is usually seen in children but not uncommon in adults. Mostly, the foreign objects get trapped in canal and act as a possible cause of infection. Thorough case history, clinical and radiographic examinations are essential determine the nature, size, location of the foreign body and the difficulty involved in its retrieval. The purpose of this case series is to report two cases of triumphant orthograde retrieval of foreign objects from the canals of incisors, avoiding the need for surgical intervention.
Parag Dhonde, Prof. C. M. Raut
Increasing use of World Wide Web and communication channels like mobile networking has increased the number of images used throughout the world. Continuing advancements in both hardware and software coupled with higher image processing and image vision tools, have made it possible to store huge amount of images. This increase in number of images and image databases has necessitated the need for image mining. The extension of data mining into the image domain is known as image mining. It is an interdisciplinary endeavour that draws upon expertise in computer vision, image processing, image retrieval, data mining, machine learning, database, and artificial intelligence. Rather than the development of many algorithms and applications in various research fields, image mining is still rarely untouched area. It mainly comprises of faster image retrieval and quality of the retrieved image. The extraction of implicit knowledge, image data relationship, and similar type of patterns may be the possible candidature to speed up the process of image retrieval. The proper combination and parameterization of these attributes can help out to retrieve better images at short point in time. This paper incorporates such two algorithms namely- hierarchical and k-means to have a good quality image retrieval at efficient pace.
Smita M. Padle, Ms. Wrushali Mendre
Robust streaming of video over 802.11 WLANs poses many challenges, including packets losses caused by network buffer overflow or link erasures, time-varying wireless channel and video content characteristics etc. To improve the performance of real-time video transmission over 802.11 WLANs, the use of cross layer design approach is required which allows communication between layers by permitting one layer to access the data of another layer, thereby facilitating the exchange of information. One of such design approach includes Application (APP) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers considerations and is explored in this paper. This study focuses on H.264/MPEG4-AVC, the most widely accepted video coding standard and provides better quality compressed video and flexibility in compressing and transmitting video at APP layer and the retry limit settings of the MAC layer can be optimized in such a way that the overall packet losses are minimized. In this paper, the proposed Top-Down cross-layer design involves the mapping of H.264 video slices (packets) to appropriate access categories of IEEE 802.11e according to their information significance.
KPI Inoka and Nilanthi Dahanayake
Three different explants; leaf, root and stem were taken from in vitro grown seedlings to observe shoot regeneration, callus induction and rooting Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Shoots were regenerated on MS basal medium containing 0.1mg/l α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) with six different concentration of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0mg/l). The regenerated shoots were induced root on MS basal medium with Indole-3- butyric acid (IBA) (0.01, 0.1, 1.0 mg/l). Callus was induced on MS basal medium with 0.1 mg/l BAP + 2, 4 D (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0mg/l). Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 10 replicates was used. Data was analyzed using SAS program (9.1.3).
Ashwini Magar, Prof.J.V.Shinde
This paper focuses on segmenting human from photo images. It has found several applications like album making, photo classification and image retrieval. The result can be further applied to many useful applications like part recognition which can be further applied to gesture analysis as well as in tracking. Segmenting human from photo images is still a challenge because of numerous real world factors like shading, image noise, occlusions, and background clutter and also because of great variability of shapes, poses, clothes etc. Previous works on human segmentation requires shape-matching processes. In this paper, we propose a simple method to automatically recover human bodies from photos. We use some haar cascades to detect human body that is haar cascade_upperbody and haar cascade_lowerbody which helps in performing upperbody and lower body segmentation. We need to perform CT (coarse torso) detection using MCTD algorithm for accurate upper body segmentation. Lower body is then extracted accurately using MOH based graph-cut algorithm. Experimental results show that, the proposed algorithm works well on VOC 2006 and VOC 2010 data set for segmenting person with various poses. Thus achieving high performance compared to conventional methods.
T. Chitrakalarani, P. Yugavathi, R. Neelambari
This paper studies the performance characteristic of perishable inventory system with Last In First Out selection policies in Fuzzy environment. In our previous paper [1] we have discussed the performance characteristic with FIFO selection policies. Considering the same conditions as in [1] we have studied the spoilage rate, loss rate, mean time between stock outs inventory level and the distribution of age of items delivered.
Belay kinati Debelo, AsmeraTeshome, Tekalign Minalu
Identifying factors that affect development of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) were the study purpose. The study could help to have deeper insights about challenges MSEs faced. It could also inform leaders’ role they should play to promote MSEs in the zone and sample towns. The target population was entrepreneurs operating in services, manufacturing, construction, trade, urban agriculture, and MSE leaders. Data collected from MSE owners and leaders. Data sources were primary and secondary. Data collection tools were interviews and questionnaires. Collected data analyzed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis with the help of SPSS software.
Md. Nizam UDDIN, Md. Rasedul Islam, Md. Amzad Hossain , Md.Nashin Sobhani , Mohammad Mashud
An experimental study was performed to investigate the lift and drag coefficient of multiple wing. Most of the previous works carried out to increase the lift force and reduce the drag force having the more efficient and effective design. The aim of this project is to investigate the effect of multiple wings on lift and drag force. To perform this investigation a model of multiple wings is constructed and experiments were conducted in subsonic wind tunnel. The model of NACA 0012 symmetric airfoil with chord length of 21cm, maximum thickness 0.12cm, span length 21cm was selected for tri- plane configurations. The aerodynamic characteristics were examined placing multiple wings 12cm apart at low speed condition with various angles of attack like 0, 5,10,15,20 degrees for all the tri plane configurations. The ideal and experimental lift and drag coefficient is measured based on the experimental data. From this experimental investigation it shows that the coefficient of pressure and lift, both are increased with the angle of attack, on the other hand, drag coefficient is slightly decreased.
Md. Nizam UDDIN, Md. Rasedul Islam, Md. Amzad Hossain , Md.Nashin Sobhani , Mohammad Mashud
Leather and Styrofoam are very common figures in our day to day life, as a result a large amount of worn leather and used Styrofoam are thrown away as wastes. These wastes take a long time to biodegrade. So these play a vital role in environmental pollution. But if these wastes are further processed by pyrolysis, valuable energy such as pyrolytic oil, char and gas can be obtained which can meet the crisis of energy. In this project a simple pyrolysis system is introduced with a fixed bed reactor, two condensers, and two outlet pipes, in which the waste leather and Styrofoam are processed to obtain fuels. The shredded leathers and Styrofoam are fed into the reactor and heated up to a fixed temperature. The condensation process is carried out during the passage of the gas (volatile material) formed due to heating the shredded wastes to form pyrolytic fuel. Further different properties of the fuel such as density, viscosity, Calorific Value, boiling point and flash point are determined and a comparison between leather and Styrofoam with diesel and gasoline were made. From the observations it has noticed that, the properties of the pyrolytic oils obtained from leather and Styrofoam don’t fully match with the properties of diesel and gasoline. The Styrofoam can be used as a fuel by further processing but the oil from leather cannot be used as a fuel but can be used as lubricant in the engine.
Mahmud Abadr
Micro and Small Enterprise are the main income generating activities. To help MSEs to operate effectively and contribute to economic growth, they need a wide range of Business Development Services (BDS). BDS includes short-term training, business counseling and advising, market opportunity creation, product design and technology, and market premises, among others. The objective of this research was measuring performance level of BDS providers, in terms of achieving increased impact, expanded outreach and sustainability. This research covered five zonal cities in Tigray. These zonal cities represent government organizations only. An assessment guide used in this research was a Performance Measurement Framework (PMF 2001) that proposes a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators and methodologies for collecting and reporting performance information for BDS BDS providers focused on MSEs. The sample size was 150 MSE operators and 45 BDS Providers. The number of MSE operators in each zone cities, and in each of the selected BDS providers was with equal representation of sectors. Sample MSE operators in each of cities and offices were selected through a stratified proportional sampling method, after purposeful determination of cities and BDS Providers. Consumer survey, providers survey, and for head of BDS provider interview were major instruments used to collect primary data.
Sapna A. Aekre, Prof. R. K. Krishna
Leap protocol offers many security benefits to WSNs. However, with much research it became apparent that LEAP only employs one base station and always assumes that it is trustworthy. It does not consist of defence against hacked or compromised base stations. In this paper, intensive research was undertaken on LEAP protocols, finding out its security drawbacks and limitations. One of the biggest concerns of WSNs is that they are very defenceless to security threats. One of the biggest concerns of WSNs is that they are very defenceless to security threats. Due to the fact that these networks are susceptible to hackers; it is possible for one to enter and render a network.A solution has been proposed in order to overcome the security issues faced in implementing this protocol whilst employing more than one base station. The performance of the proposed solution has been evaluated and simulated to provide a better network performance.