Reynaldo DC. del Rosario
Amjad Ali Zalah, Fairs Ali Essa Ghazi, MOHAMMED YAHYA AL-KHAYRI, Ali Ibrahim Marzouq, Muhammed Ibrahim Muhammed Shabi, Abdulaziz Khamis Jamaan Al-Zahrani , Hasan Gailan Hasan Qinaee, Ibrahim Abdullah Nasser Mobarki, Mohammed khalaf Mohammed Khawaji, Hatim Mohammed Khobrani, Nasser Ahmad Albarati , Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed Jaafari, Taher Essa Jaafary, Turki Mohammed Khawaji, Hussain Ahmed Mohammed Qadi, Adel ahmed sak , Nasser Deban alhodal, Abdulrahman Ahmed Ibrahim Khormi
Healthcare-associated infections are the most common kind of patient harm in hospitals. Although 5–10% of hospitalized patients in developed countries have similar infections, the burden of disease is much higher in low- and middle-income countries. Preventing the spread of infectious diseases requires widespread, systematic use of hygiene practices by healthcare workers, but only around 40% of those who should comply actually do so. There are several reasons why hand cleaning is so important in a healthcare setting. It prevents patients from catching infectious diseases that originate inside their bodies as well as those brought in from outside, as well as the spread of germs from one person to another. When combined with other safety measures, it protects medical personnel from the hazards of occupational infections. Reports show that for every 100 hospitalized patients, 10 in emerging and low-income countries and 7 in high-income economies contract at least one HCAI.
I Ketut Dedy Suryawan, Dw Ayu Agung Indra Swari, Gede Herdian Setiawan, Cokorda Gde Agung Surya Pramana
The platform for making Curriculum Vitae and job application letters is a medium for job applicants in making CVs and job application letters online. The problem that is often experienced by job applicants when preparing a CV or cover letter is making a design. It is hoped that job applicant researchers can be assisted in making ready-to-use CV files and job application letters quickly and without the need to have expertise in design. The website-based platform is designed using the Laravel framework. The final result of this research is that a website-based CV and job application letter creation platform was successfully created with the testing technique used, namely Blackbox Testing, which shows the results obtained by the system can run as expected. SUS (System Usability Scale) testing was also carried out, where the conclusions obtained, this platform has been made properly and received a grade "B". With this platform, it is hoped that it can help applicants to make CVs and job applications in a short time.
Joseph Mwendwa Musinga, Amos Musili King’ola
Telecommuting entails employees being allowed to work from their homes full time or even part time maintaining constant connection to the office through digitization. With regard to Job design, it is a well-thought-out as a suitable substitute of working from the normal offices in the modern world. With advancements in technology, wider operations competing with the need to cut down costs, organizations have increased their focus more on the components of teleworking. In the recent time of successive lockdown and imposed restrictions created by COVID pandemic intensified the use of telecommuting.
Maria Dyah, Yusuf Latief, Leni Sagita Riantini
Indonesian Government is actively pursuing the transfer of nations capital city or Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) to East Borneo Province. The transfer process demands high rise building constructions for executing governance. The constructions themselves would mostly use design and build scheme to merge the design stage and construction stage parallelly for acceleration purpose. However, throughout the recent years, accident level in construction sector in Indonesia experiences inclining trendline which is concerned to cause project delay, cost increase, project discontinuation, and disreputable companys image.
Abdiaziz Hussain Hassan; Md. Istiaque Hossain
For the fishing towns that rely on the fishermen of Mogadishu, fishing is a significant source of revenue. The purpose of this study was to gather information on the economic and societal circumstances of these fishing communities in order to identify pressing problems that could be resolved in order to preserve their way of life and secure their participation in the conservation of fish species. Using a questionnaire distributed to the fishermen living along the Mogadishu Coast, information was gathered in a single "snapshot" study. The study illustrates that all of the women employed at the Liido, Urubo, and Abaydhahn landing sites are traders who are smaller than males in business, and it also demonstrates that most fishermen do not own their own land., Bank loans may not be available to fishermen without their own land, and the absence of a strong community-based organization in the fisheries forces poor fishermen to rely on other sources of income, such as wages in other industries like agriculture, construction, etc., or engage in destructive fishing techniques to survive during closed seasons. To finance the purchase of fishing-related supplies, some fishermen borrow money from wealthier fishermen and other local moneylenders. Their ongoing debt to the conventional financial system and a lack of inputs are the key barriers to raising their standard of living.
Akpan, Nsemeke John, Dr John N. Ugbebor, Dr.(mrs) Ngozi Mbah Udeh
Methane from ruminants is a principal contributor to greenhouse gases consequently, sustainable mitigation strategies for enteric emission is in high demand. This study is aimed at modeling bio-methane production process in the bio-digesters using a combination of correspondent feed additives for methane emissions reduction. In this study, the experimental animals were exposed to 5 different feeding trials each, animal waste were collected after the feeding trials. A set up of 5 units of 50litres biogas digesters to cater for the digestion of 4 animal waste substrate and 1 control sample was used as experimental facility for biogas collection. Biogas yield was measured at the end of 14 days.
Chol Gabriel Majer
This study examines leadership style of management on managerial strategy in public sector in South Sudan. The research used mixed method approach with descriptive method to determine the effect of leadership styles on managerial strategy. The population of the study comprised of all the 50 staffs with sample size of 45 respondents. Simple random sampling as well as purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used in this research. Questionnaires were used to collect data on leadership style and employee performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. SPSS software was used to calculate simple analysis. Themes were also developed from the interview transcriptions.
Bolujo Julianah Adefunke, Prof Adegbie
Introduction: The quality of financial reporting implies how well a standard can detect and document any material misstatements in corporate financial reports This, gives need to a standard to follow which is meant to give accurate and meaningful information of the sales and the nature, timing and uncertainties of the cash flow, to those who need it. However, IFRS has been widely speculated by different scholars and practitioners to be capable of bringing about improved quality in financial reportage (Irvine & Lucas, 2016) but most corporate firm found it difficult to blend with this principles due to their inability to comprehend the reporting standard which demand thorough understanding. As a result of this incomprehensiveness, this study evaluate the influence of IFRS adoption on quality of financial reporting on selected quoted companies in Nigeria
Yeti Kuswati
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of leadership and employee motivation on community satisfaction through work performance. This research is correlational, which connects variables. The research method used is the quantitative research method, and the analysis technique used is path analysis. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from respondents through a questionnaire instrument from each research variable. Secondary data is obtained from supporting data that is still related to the research object. The sample used in this research is random sampling. The results of this study indicate that leadership and motivation have a significant effect both partially and simultaneously on work performance, and work performance has proven to affect community satisfaction. The findings show that leadership is the most significant influence in influencing work performance.
J.A.D.P. Susanjalee, A. Samyuktha, P.G.C.P.S. Gamage, S.Sujendren and K.E.Karunakaran
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has become a global burden and affects more than 10% of the population. There are many triggering factors which cause progressive and irreversible damage to the kidneys. Among those factors Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a leading cause of CKD. In Sri Lanka the number of CKD patients rapidly increased in last three decades and still CKD is an unsolved problem and it seems that the disease severely affecting the patient’s lives due to multiple factors including lack of proper treatment facilities. Hence this study was aimed to assess awareness and practices on preventing Chronic Kidney Disease among diabetic patients attending medical clinic at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa.
The Heavy metals are most vulnerable environmental pollutants and their toxicity has been increasing significantly in the environment. The present study, evaluates the levels and occurrence of heavy metals like lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in Chinna waddepally lake of Warangal District, Telangana State. The sampling stations were selected on the basis of the entry of pollutants in the lake. The heavy metal content have shown upward trend and followed the sequence: Fe>Cu>Pb >Zn> Cd>Cr. The area under study receives domestic sewage, and some undesirable activities like, washing of cattle, dumping of garbage, washing of clothes, bathing and idol immersion which take place in a large scale during and after several regular festivals.
Eyoel Demisse Reta, Abel Zegeye W/Gebriel
The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of leadership style on organisational performance with specific reference to private commercial banks operate in Dire Dawa Administration. The study adapted a cross - sectional survey quantitative designs. The target population of this study was the leaders in different level and employees in the 6 private commercial banks, Dire Dawa Administration. The study used purposive sampling to select 81 leaders and proportional stratified random sampling to select 208 employees from the target population. This study was used primary and secondary data. Collected data was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics through the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive statistics were given using percentages, mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics were carried out using independent sample T-test and multiple regression analysis. The result showed that both transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style exhibited positive and significant effect on organisational performance in private commercial banks of Dire Dawa Administration. The study concluded that transformational leadership is more effective than transactional leadership in inducing organizational performance in private commercial banks of Dire Dawa Administration and, therefore, recommended to practice transformational leadership style according to the work situation.
Malka Jayathilake, Deepthi De Silva, Romesh Gunasekera
The optimal management of Cleft palate patient from birth to completion of the treatment continue to present a formidable challenge the professionals of the multidisciplinary cleft clinic (MDCC) specially children with Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS) than the children with Isolated cleft palate (ICP). The children with PRS have more challenge to develop normal articulation of consonants (Speech sounds except vowels) than ICP due to they are associated with congenital sequence of multiple anomalies, which cause to occur delayed surgery procedures.
Tito Setio Ariowibowo, Tri Ratnawati, I A Brahmayanti
This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic variables (through indicators of inflation, exchange rates, and interest rates), operational financial performance variables (through BOPO ratio indicators, sales volume growth, and reference coal prices), and financial distress detection variables (through ratio indicators liquidity, leverage, and profitability) to detect financial distress as an effort as an early warning system for coal mining companies listed on the IDX for the 2019 – 2021 period.
Bobby B. Dela Cruz
Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected the agricultural sector in the Philippines. As the production of rice is affected by the lockdown, the Filipino farmers also suffered. The pandemic and the lockdown imposed in response to it have added to the burden for farmers and traders, whose movements are now restricted. In this study, the researchers aimed to give light to the experiences of the local farmers during the pandemic. These experiences are mainly focused on the effect of the pandemic on their livelihood, financial status, and their mental health. The data was collected through interviews by giving them questionnaires.
Bobby B. Dela Cruz
Since the start of COVID-19, the education, economy, transportation, and basic lifestyles of not only Filipinos, but the entire globe, have been brought to a halt. The vegetations and crops have been reduced thus lowering the rate of our economy; educational Institutions have been closed down that resulted to having online and modular learning. The same applies to working and employment, given this situation which lead to ponder the thought, "what is the effects of COVID-19 to the parents working abroad?". The study used phenomenological design to determine the impacts of Covid-19 to the livelihood of parents working abroad. The sample population was acquired by non-probability purposive sampling in which only 10 OFW parents who’s livelihood is affected by the pandemic were the participants. The research study used a profile form and unstructured online mediated interview as tools for data gathering. The data collected are analyzed and interpreted to answer the study’s research question.
Yunita D. Indriani, E. M. Rosa
Objective: The objectives of this scooping review are to analysis of Patient Centered Care (PCC) implementation on Surgical Site Infection (SSI) reduction in geriatric patients. The results of this scooping review are expected to provide information related to the implementation of PCC to reduce the incidence of SSI in geriatric patients. Introduction: There are at least 234 million operations every year, with the frequency of occurrence of SSI reaching more than 20% in the world. During the last decade, the incidence of SSI has increased very rapidly each year, about 500,000 patients experiencing SSI. Age has been confirmed as a risk factor for SSI after surgery.
Kareem Kamil Mohammed, Safaa Kamel, Alaa Kamil
Glucose 6-phosphatase dehydrogenase (G6PD) is the key enzyme of the hexose monophosphate pathway. In uremic subjects, red blood cells exhibit reduced life spans and are very often the main factor behind the physical activity limitation of the patients. This study was conducted to determine the effect of uremia on GGPD activity and if there is any relationship between the effect of enzyme activity and the number of RBCs by measuring Hb. Also, the study aimed to elucidate the effect of a single dialysis session on G6PD.
Hasni Yulianti Azis, Rustam, Muhammad Yusri Karim, Alimuddin, dan Nurfadilah
Snakehead fish (Channa striata) is a freshwater fish commodity with important economic value. This study was aimed to analyze the survival rate, growth, and production of snakehead and tilapia fish reared by the polyculture system in tarpaulin ponds. This study used containers in the form of tarpaulin ponds measuring 4 x 3 x 1 m in length, width, and height respectively or 12 m3 in area of 6 pieces. Of the 6 pools, 3 pools used a partition measuring 2 x 3 x 1 m. Each pond is equipped with aeration equipment and a water management system (inlet and outlet) and the bottom of the pond is covered with soil as a bottom substrate with a thickness of 20 cm.
Rizki Nurma Sari, Mursid Saleh, Fahrur Rozi
This study proposes to explain the students and teachers implementation and problems and solves character education, especially for the nine values of Bumi Cendekia. This study employed qualitative research in a descriptive case study design. One English teacher and three mornings English corner teachers from Bumi Cendekia Junior High School of Yogyakarta were observed and interviewed. The data were gathered through classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. This study revealed that all teachers had a good knowledge of character education, especially for the concept and implementation of Bumi Cendekias nine values.
Jul Hendri, Bastian Lubis, Muhammad Ihsan
Backgrounds: The progression of ARDS causes significant patient morbidity and mortality, with hypoxia being the basic mechanism of organ failure. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the P/F ratio to identify hypoxia as early as possible.
Mathilda Panggabean, Bastian Lubis, Luwih Bisono
Introduction : Central Venous Pressure (CVP) is the measure most often used to guide fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. CVC placement has become common practice for anesthesiologists and intensivists in operating theaters and intensive care units. It is very important to position the catheter tip in the correct position to avoid the consequences of malposition.
Samawi Husein Ramud, Dadik Wahyu Wijaya, Yutu Solihat
Introduction: Gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures cause discomfort to patients. Administration of sedation to relieve anxiety and discomfort, improve the results of the examination, and reduce the patients memory of the event. Effective sedation can be judged by how well the drug achieves rapid onset of sedation, hemodynamic stability and fast recovery time. Ketamine maintains hemodynamic stability and sufficient depth of sedation during EGI procedures. Administering ketamine prevents bradycardia, hypotension and achieves sufficient and prolonged sedation..
Felix Chandra, Achsanuddin Hanafie, Tasrif Hamdi
Background: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a ward that is prone to nosocomial infections. Mechanical ventilation (MV) support is often required by 10-20% of patients admitted to the ICU, where there is always a risk of developed Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia (VAP). Poor oral hygiene can lead to bacterial colonization of the oropharynx and aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions into the lower respiratory tract is a major factor in the occurrence of VAP. In addition, VAP is an important cause of morbidity, increased use of health resources, increased length of ICU stay and costs. Therefore, since 2003, various efforts have been made to reduce the incidence of VAP in the ICU, one of which is the use of antiseptic mouthwash which is expected to reduce the incidence of VAP.
Objective: Obtain the results of chlorhexidine 0,2% mouthwash compared to povidone iodine 1% mouthwash in preventing the incidence of Early VAP in RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan.
Anastasia Aprilisma, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung, M. Ihsan
Introduction: Sepsis is life-threatening organ dysfunction with a high mortality rate. Scoring systems have been widely used in predicting mortality in sepsis patients, which is influenced by many factors. Aimed of this study to determine the role of the SOFA score and APACHE II score in predicting the mortality of sepsis patients in the ICU of RSUP H. Adam Malik.
Mhd Abduh Rifai, Andriamuri Primaputra Lubis, Tasrif Hamdi
Introduction: Coronary-Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is currently a heart bypass surgery procedure that is often performed and with developing technology. The most common CABG techniques are on-pump and off-pump. This difference in surgical technique affects the final postoperative outcome, namely the length of stay and mortality of patients in the cardiac ICU. On- pump CABG performed at cardiopulmonary bypass is one of the most commonly performed procedures and an excellent treatment for ischemic heart disease. However, the results of a recent retrospective study found that length of stay and postoperative mortality can be reduced when coronary artery bypass surgery is performed using the off-pump technique.
Riza Munawar, Muhammad Ihsan, Qadri Fauzi Tanjung
IntroductionNosocomial infection is a serious problem and one of the causes of increased morbidity and mortality rates in hospitals. VAP occurs due to the risk of inoculating oropharyngeal microorganisms, subglottis, sinuses, and the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the supine position. One of the prevention measures that has been published by The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is to create a VAP Bundle which is a series of evidence-based interventions, if implemented together for all patients with mechanical ventilation
Sri Agusti, Mustafa M. Amin, Vita Camellia
Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common articular disease in developed countries and the leading cause of chronic disability, mostly knee OA. It’s chronic nature results in significant physical and psychological burden, including the development of depressive symptoms. In this present study we aimed to investigate factors related to the development of depressive symptoms in individuals with knee OA. 120 knee OA outpatients were obtained consecutively in this cross sectional study. Multiple linear regression was then used to assess relationships of independent risk factors to depressive symptoms severity measured with Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). The final multivariate result in the model that fit the factors associated with depression in knee OA patients were income with p value = 0.012 and r value = -0.152, employment with p < 0.001 and r value = -0.473, BMI with p value < 0.001 and r value = 0.233 were found to contribute to depressive symptom scores for as much as 73.5%. Income, employment, and BMI are independent factors related to depressive score.
Riska Andriyani, Mustafa M. Amin, M. Surya Husada
Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing not only physical disability but also psychological problem. Anxiety and depression are the most common comorbidities found along with coronary heart disease. In this present study, we obtained 85 participants (60 males, and 25 females) to assess the association of coronary heart disease with depression. Spearman and Eta test were used to statistically investigate the association of age, gender, nuptial and employment status with depression among individuals with coronary heart disease.
Nabilah Aulia Hasanuddin, Elmeida Effendy, Vita Camellia
World Health Organization (WHO) noted schizophrenia as one out of 10 disability leading diseases contributing to global burden of disease. It’s exact aetiologies are still elucidated, but recent studies have revealed that schizophrenia may be related to oxidative stress. Selenium, a known oxidative stress factor, consists of two forms; non-organic selenium (selenate), and organic selenium (selenometionine, selenosistein) which can be obtained from dietary intake. In this present study, we measured serum level of selenium from 50 Bataknese male with schizophrenia. Measurement was conducted by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). We found that age and duration of illness are related to serum level of selenium (p = 0.048, r = -0.281 for age, and p = 0.039, r = -0.293 for duration of illness). Serum level of selenium was not associated with positive and negative symptom scale in Bataknese male with schizophrenia.
Agus Pramono, Rr Sinta Irina, Bastian Lubis
Background: Thiamine may be considered as adjunctive therapy in patients with sepsisThiamine administration reduced the Matrix metalloproteinase 9 / Tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1/MMP-9) ratio, which could be associated with better survival. Thiamine can reduce Interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels in patients with sepsis. Thiamine is negatively correlated with lactate levels, thiamine deficiency significantly increases lactate levels.
David Adrian Gultom, Elmeida Effendy, Nazli Mahdinasri Nasution
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a global health issue and the largest contributor to disability affecting about 80% of people during their lifetime and some will develop into Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP). Low back pain also causes mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression. The most common mental health problems associated with low back pain are symptoms of depression. Considering that there is still a lack of awareness of mental disorders that cause an increase in the number of cases of depression in low back pain patients, this present study is to investigate factors related to the development of depressive symptoms in low back pain. 97 samples of patients with low back pain were obtained in this study. Multiple linear regression was then used to assess relationships of independent risk factors to depressive symptoms score. The final multivariate result in the model that fit the factors associated with depression in low back pain patients were age with p value = 0.012 and r value = -0.152, monthly income with p < 0.001 and r value = -0.473, duration of disease with p value < 0.001 and r value = 0.233 were found to contribute to depressive symptom scores for as much as 73.5%. Age, monthly income, duration of disease, are contributing factors related to depressive symptom score among low back pain patients.
Ganda Impola, Bastian Lubis, Sinta Irina
Background: Sepsis AKI is associated with a higher risk of death and in-hospital mortality. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) as the right choice in Sepsis AKI patients with hemodynamic instability, fluid overload.
Akol Abiong Bol and Prof. Kennedy Mutundu
Since the outbreak of the civil war in South Sudan in 2013, just 2 years after gaining independence from the larger Sudan, agricultural production and normal livelihood was disrupted for the locals in most affected region. In 2017 the UN declared that there was famine in South Sudan affecting more than 5.5 million people in the country. For a while now, a number of international organizations have been selling the message of hope to locals and to the international platforms appealing for more funds to aid in the situation of food security in South Sudan, they include the Oxfam, World Vision, CARE, Norwegian Refugee Council, UNICEF, Action Against Hunger, Sudan Relief Fund among other, some have been in the country since 2011. This study seeks to investigate the influence of international humanitarian organizations, on food security among rural communities in Malakal County, South Sudan.
Nilgun Karadayi
In this study, the effect of loan to deposit ratio, non-performing loans ratio, other operating expenses ratio, and non-interest income ratio on the return on assets ratio was examined. In the research, the data of 31 banks was analyzed with multiple regression method using the R-Studio Program. As a result of the study, it was found that the loan to deposit ratio, non-performing loans ratio, other operating expenses ratio, and non-interest income ratio simultaneously affect the return on assets significantly. It was observed that the loan to deposit ratio is a significant and positive effect on the return on assets. The effect of non-performing loans ratio on return on assets is statistically insignificant and negative. The effect of the non-interest income ratio on the return on assets is positive and significant. The effect of the other operating expenses ratio on the return on assets is negative and statistically insignificant. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the loan to deposit ratio on the effective use of bank assets in making profits, to evaluate of non-performing loans together with their place in total credits, to observe the effect of non-interest expenses and other operating expenses on the return on assets, and it is aimed to contribute to other researchers.
Tam Saka Artoka Tarigan, Dr. Rahayu S. Arifin, Reza M. Daniswara ST
In 2009, the Government of Indonesia issued Law (UU) Number 39: concerning the implementation of Special Economic Zones. This product was born for a noble purpose: 1). Accelerating economic development, 2). Building a balanced development between regions, within the framework of one economic unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. Special Economic Zone, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affair is the institution that be assigned to managing the SEZ development program. Until today, the SEZ program is measured every year, using metrics parameters that always changing over year; the impact of it is clear, the SEZ progress evaluation is very difficult to be done, since there is no key performance indicator criteria are established to define a success factor of SEZ program. Lack of effective monitoring and evaluation is a critical weakness in most SEZ programs (2016 ASEAN Guidelines for SEZs).
Engr. Dennis S. Tibe, MIT
The purpose of this study was to speed up the process of data commission to the RCPC, which would easily monitor the pest and disease that affects the plants. So, monitoring the pest and disease that affects the plants and mapping out their existence will be natural and be taken. And also to avoid the pests migration from one place to another. And to generate comprehensive reports for monitoring the pest and diseases. Many conclusions were drawn based on the result of the research and survey. Provincial Offices in Region VIII", as RCPC, can send reports whenever they are on the field at home or on vacation as long as the person can connect to a Wi-Fi or any internet provider.
Iqbal Taufik, M.J Saptenno, J.D Pasalbessy, D.J.A Hehanussa
The theory of distributive justice deals with the determination of rights and a fair distribution of rights in the relationship between the community and the state, in the sense of what the state should provide to its citizens , including justice in the field of law which became known as the principle of Equality Before the Law. Good law is not only to carry out legal certainty, but to guarantee protection and equality of position. In Indonesia, the principle of Equality Before the Law is adopted in Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution. Furthermore, P origin 27 also emphasizes that all citizens have the same position under the law. Based on the 1945 Constitution above , there must be treatment, which should be the same for everyone and for every citizen , including narcotics abusers in the provision of criminal witnesses.
Nassir Mohammed Aden and Prof. Kennedy K. Mutundu
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and their agencies are the cornerstones of international relations, playing critical roles in the implementation of foreign policies and interstate engagements. The United Nations through its agencies is the premier global Intergovernmental Organization while regional foreign relations agendas have been acted through organizations such as the European Union, African Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The purpose of this study will be to analyze the influence of inter-governmental organizations on the performance of the Independent Boundaries and Elections Commission of Kenya (IEBC) in Kenyas national elections.
Millicent Awuor Otieno and Prof. Kennedy Mutundu
Very little has been achieved in terms of poverty reduction, despite the many Self-Help groups that have been formed and operate in Bondo Sub-County due to financial constraints that affect many women. Thus, the study explored the influence of access to credit on reduction of poverty among women groups in Bondo sub-county. The study used a descriptive survey research design using 150 women groups in Bondo Sub-county. Through stratified random sampling, the groups were selected from the five wards in the sub-county. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0 was used for data analysis.
Ibrahim Ramadan
This study aims to focus on two tools used by millions of user, Google Search and ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer), Google Search is a web search engine that allows users to search the internet for information, while ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool that allows users to communicate with a Chabot using natural language. Both tools use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to understand and respond to user inputs, but they serve different purposes and are used in different ways.
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