IJSRP, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2023 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Amjad Ali Zalah, Fairs Ali Essa Ghazi, MOHAMMED YAHYA AL-KHAYRI, Ali Ibrahim Marzouq, Muhammed Ibrahim Muhammed Shabi, Abdulaziz Khamis Jamaan Al-Zahrani , Hasan Gailan Hasan Qinaee, Ibrahim Abdullah Nasser Mobarki, Mohammed khalaf Mohammed Khawaji, Hatim Mohammed Khobrani, Nasser Ahmad Albarati , Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed Jaafari, Taher Essa Jaafary, Turki Mohammed Khawaji, Hussain Ahmed Mohammed Qadi, Adel ahmed sak , Nasser Deban alhodal, Abdulrahman Ahmed Ibrahim Khormi
Healthcare-associated infections are the most common kind of patient harm in hospitals. Although 5–10% of hospitalized patients in developed countries have similar infections, the burden of disease is much higher in low- and middle-income countries. Preventing the spread of infectious diseases requires widespread, systematic use of hygiene practices by healthcare workers, but only around 40% of those who should comply actually do so. There are several reasons why hand cleaning is so important in a healthcare setting. It prevents patients from catching infectious diseases that originate inside their bodies as well as those brought in from outside, as well as the spread of germs from one person to another. When combined with other safety measures, it protects medical personnel from the hazards of occupational infections. Reports show that for every 100 hospitalized patients, 10 in emerging and low-income countries and 7 in high-income economies contract at least one HCAI.
Amjad Ali Zalah, Fairs Ali Essa Ghazi, MOHAMMED YAHYA AL-KHAYRI, Ali Ibrahim Marzouq, Muhammed Ibrahim Muhammed Shabi, Abdulaziz Khamis Jamaan Al-Zahrani , Hasan Gailan Hasan Qinaee, Ibrahim Abdullah Nasser Mobarki, Mohammed khalaf Mohammed Khawaji, Hatim Mohammed Khobrani, Nasser Ahmad Albarati , Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed Jaafari, Taher Essa Jaafary, Turki Mohammed Khawaji, Hussain Ahmed Mohammed Qadi, Adel ahmed sak , Nasser Deban alhodal, Abdulrahman Ahmed Ibrahim Khormi
(2023); A Strategy To Prevent Acute Infections In Health Care Associations; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)
13(01) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.13.01.2023.p13312