IJSRP, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2023 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ched Nyamanhindi, Jean Mukoyi
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underlines the importance of eliminating all harmful practices which include child marriage under SDG 5, which emphasizes gender equality and women and girl empowerment. Child marriage is a major threat to human security especially to young girls in developing countries. It ranks high as a Sexual Gender- Based Violence (SGBV) and harmful practice. The research provides a guided vision and direction to policymakers in governments, universities and academia, migration practitioners, development agencies and communities to influence appropriate policy action to end the problem of child marriages. The research used the case study approach to investigate the interlink between child marriages and human security in the area of Burma Valley, Manicaland, Zimbabwe. A sample of 60 respondents consisting of key informants such as traditional leadership, Ministry of primary and secondary education, sports and culture, Ministry of health and child care and the Zimbabwe Republic Police participated in the research.