IJSRP, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2023 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
I Ketut Dedy Suryawan, Dw Ayu Agung Indra Swari, Gede Herdian Setiawan, Cokorda Gde Agung Surya Pramana
The platform for making Curriculum Vitae and job application letters is a medium for job applicants in making CVs and job application letters online. The problem that is often experienced by job applicants when preparing a CV or cover letter is making a design. It is hoped that job applicant researchers can be assisted in making ready-to-use CV files and job application letters quickly and without the need to have expertise in design. The website-based platform is designed using the Laravel framework. The final result of this research is that a website-based CV and job application letter creation platform was successfully created with the testing technique used, namely Blackbox Testing, which shows the results obtained by the system can run as expected. SUS (System Usability Scale) testing was also carried out, where the conclusions obtained, this platform has been made properly and received a grade "B". With this platform, it is hoped that it can help applicants to make CVs and job applications in a short time.