Md. Tareq Imam, Mahmoodul Islam
A high and efficient green light (550 nm) LED’s design and performance characteristics were studied in this work. Using Vegard’s law, the calculated mole fraction was found to be In0.28Ga0.72N. The lattice parameter was investigated and amount of strain involved in the structure was also calculated alongside a lattice matched structure. For zero strain the critical thickness of the structure was also determined. Some electrical and optical properties were investigated like Internal Quantum Efficiency (IQE), External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) and Optical output Power. Each parameter were observed against the change in Current density. The effect of Shockley read Hall parameter was also investigated for achieving high Internal Quantum Efficiency, External Quantum Efficiency and output power as well.
K.A.S. Navarathne
There is a general agreement among experts that entrepreneurial traits and general behaviour of entrepreneurs are very strong. However, experts have arrived at contradictory conclusions regarding whether these influences have been favourable or unfavourable for the growth of entrepreneurship. Empirical evidence regarding the role is also inadequate and therefore inconclusive as well. It cannot be denied that there is a growing need in this country to study the entrepreneurial traits of srilankan entrepreneurs. In the above background an empirical study was conducted using a sample of 54 small scale entrepreneurs who obtained the ‘Mihijaya’ loan in year 2008 from Bemmulla Samurdhi bank society in Aththanagalla division of Srilanka. The study involved a comparative measurement of levels of noticeable entrepreneurial traits and entrepreneurial success achieved by small scale entrepreneurs, examining links between these variables. The findings suggest that the entrepreneurial traits have a major influence towards the entrepreneurial behaviour. However, it is also observed that the nature of these factors and can make all these attributes of entrepreneurial traits play a favorable role for growth of entrepreneurship in the Srilankan society.
F.A.Faisal, M.A.Bashir
In this paper, we have solved seepage flow derivatives in porous media by using the Adomian Decomposition method (ADM). Our solution proved rapid convergence to the exact solution.
OGUNDIPE, Stephen Oluwafunmilayo, OJO, Funmilayo Yemi
Adolescents’ sexuality has become an issue of controversy between the family, school and the church with each of the agents pointing accusing fingers at each other. The church could be a powerful force for social and behavioural change, particularly in the current efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Anecdotal evidence suggests that church youths are sexually active but few studies have documented the sexual practices of these youths in the church. The purpose of the study was to examine adolescents and sexuality education and the implication for pastoral counselling in the contemporary situation of Nigeria. Scholars are of the opinion that attitudinal and behavioural practices are formed most times based on social trends that are in vogue within an environment.
G.G.G.M.Nadeera Hemamali, P.L.Jayasinghe, C.Kasige
The purpose of this experiment was to compare the calibration factors for Cs-137 and Co-60 of six radiation measuring instruments in fast five years to evaluate the accuracy of radiation measurements of different instruments. For this comparison, we used survey meters with different type of gaseous ionization detectors mainly GM tube, Proportional counters and ionization chambers.
Nely Arif
The Indonesian government has recently started implementing the 2013 Curriculum. There are some aspects are revised in that curriculum. One of them is removing English as compulsory subject in the primary School level. It has been a contradiction among many parties such as teachers, parents’ group and education observers. Therefore this paper tries to present Teachers’ Opinion about removing English as compulsory subject in the primary school level. The population in this research is all teachers that were taught by the researcher during PLPG (Training for Certified Teachers) on August 2014 at rayon LPTK university of Jambi. The data were collected through questionnaire. Random cluster sampling was used here. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that majority of teachers who become samples do not agree if the English subject is removed from elementary school level.
Dheyaa A. Bilal Mustafa M. Rasheed
The microwave signal depolarization caused by storms particles is one of the major problems in utilizing microwave bands for terrestrial and space communication especially at desert and semi desert area. This aim of this research is to study the effects of dust particles on the polarization state of microwave signal. The calculations, which were based on the probability density of Iraqi dust storms, were performed for six frequency bands of microwave signals. Results showed that strong and severe dust storms can highly depolarized the microwave signal through induced differential attenuation and differential phase shift. These two parameters also depends on the shape of the dust particle, particles with low axial ratio can induce relatively high differential attenuation and differential phase shift, and therefore cause more depolarization in the signal. It was found that the relative humidity can only affect the differential attenuation and this effect is minimized at band of high frequency.
Christian C. Mbaocha, Lakpah Emmanuel A, Jonathan A. Emmanuel
In industrial applications, when considering the performance of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, it is worthy to note that the dimensional accuracies as well as surface finishes of parts produced by the machine tool rely strongly on the accuracy of the motion that each axis of the machine.The overall accuracy of the CNC machine tool is determined by the mechanical characteristics of the machine as well as the characteristics of the control system driving the individual tool. To maintain the quality of the finished product, it is necessary to optimise and sustain the level of accuracy of the machine tools so that defective parts can be prevented in manufacturing. A CNC Machine is programmed to travel along a predetermined path, and any deviation from the programmed path would constitute an error. The purpose of this project is to design a three-term (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) digital controller to optimally improve the movement and accuracy of the control valve in anelectro-hydraulic servo-valve control system used in a numerical machine tool control and to accurately position the machine tool in the desired location on the workpiece. The three-term controller is designed to improve the phase margin lower than 0.498o degree, less than 5 percent overshoot , a settling time below 0.0141 seconds and a rise time less than 5 seconds when subject to a unit step input, which reduces the damping ratio below 0.182.
Ibraheem Mikail Abiola
Islam came into Ibadan land through trade relation that had been established between Hausa, Nupe and the Yoruba people. These category set of people exchanged kolanuts, animal skin, leather and grandnuts as medium of trade as far back as 14th and 15th centuries. Thus, the age long trade contact and communication between these mentioned groups of people further consolidated the advent and spread of Islam in Ibadan land. After the collapse of old Oyo Empire, many refuges migrated into Ibadan to settle because they were unsettled and displaced from their hometowns. By 1830, the dominant Yoruba and Hausa Muslim groups that settled in Ibadan land include the Oyo-Yoruba, Ife and Egba, Nupe and Bornu groups.
Mutie Juliet Mwende, Dr. Julius Bichanga, Jared Mosoti
Agency banking has become one of the essential services in the banking sector in bringing their services closer to the people at the grass-root or in remote areas where brick and mortar branches are not present. This study focused on the role of agency banking in providing and availing the banking services to the customers’ .The purpose of the study was to explore the functionality and contribution of agency banking. This study assessed the Role of agency banking in increasing accessibility to banking services and helping in decongesting the banking halls in Kitui central district, through an analysis of the costs and benefits raised by agency banking and how these are distributed among the stakeholders.
Haerani Rasyid, St. Rabiul Zatalia R, Syakib Bakri, Hasyim Kasim, Melda Tessy, Dina Nilasari
There is correlation between inflammation and hypertension. The vascular inflammation associated with hypertension could be the link between high blood pressure levels and the atherosclerotic process, which is the principal origin of cardiovascular disease. Cluster differentiation-40 ligand (CD40L) may serve as the link between the processes of thrombosis and inflammation. Recent trial has demonstrated that CD40-CD40L is critical in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.The roles of CD40L implicate it as a end-stage mediator of endothelial dysfunction among patients with cardiovascular disease, which is indicate CD40-CD40L system is important marker for inflammation activation and thrombosis consequence in hypertensive subjects.
Lefayet Sultan Lipol
There are lots of important topics in the subject textile technology to study on. And the project work is perhaps the most liberal & formal way to have a detailed study on these topics. Here we choose topic Study of Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics by Using Different Technique with Azoic Colors & Their Comparative Study. To carry out the entire project we select our college [Now Bangladesh University of Textiles] laboratory since all necessary arrangements are available here. We did not adopt the conventional way to carry out experiments; rather we used a conventional & standard method in this project.
Jayaram Mohan, Hena Firdaus, Upendra Nongthomba and S. R. Ramesh
LIM domain proteins are involved in diverse biological processes, such as, development and differentiation, by assisting in protein- protein interaction. Beadex, the LIM only protein in Drosophila, is coded by dLMO gene. Beadex has two tandemly repeated LIM domains. Beadex is normally expressed in the wing pouch of the third instar wing imaginal disc during patterning. Initial studies with Bx gain of function mutants showed that over-expressed Beadex can bind to Chip and thereby interfere with formation of a functional complex between Apterous and Chip during wing development. Beadex localizes in nucleus in early stages of muscle development. Present study is to understand the role of Beadex in muscle function. We show that Beadex is necessary for survival and proper functioning of the Indirect Flight Muscle in Drosophila.
M.Kaleeswaran, C.Rajalakshmi
The study was conducted to investigate the role of female labour in agriculture in Erode District during 2014-15. An interview schedule was used to collect data from a convenient sample of 300 respondents. Most of the respondents were landless female agricultural labours. They show active participation in agricultural activities. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools-percentage analysis, Weighted Score Ranking Analysis and Kendall’s Co-efficient of concordance. The findings about the socio-economic conditions of the respondents includes age, marital status, number of members in the family, educational qualification, community, type of family, daily wage, monthly income, earning members in the family, account holding position, own house and type of house were analyzed using percentage analysis. The Weighted Score Ranking analysis is used to analyze the reason for accepting lower wages than men for the same work. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance is used to examine the problems faced by female agricultural labourers at home.
Abhay Kumar Trivedi
In this paper, difference between the Celltick Versions -, and are being explained. Only Functional Differences are covered in this paper. Through this paper, differences between the different version of Celltick is being tried to showcase such that the decision while selecting the correct version would be more helpful using this paper.
Prem Kumar
What happens, if we mistakenly send an SMS [Short Message Service] to a person to whom it was not meant to be? Can we Recall/Delete message before it is read by the receiver? Currently, we do not have a provision in SIM [Subscriber Identity Module] by which we can Recall/Delete the sent message before it is read by the receiver. This Paper talks about a facility to be provided in SIM in the form of an Application where a Recall/Delete Message facility can be provided to the end user. Through this facility, one can Recall/Delete the message sent to a particular recipient, if he/she has not read the message.
Dr Meher Lakshmi Konatam, Dr Triveni. B, Dr Md Shoiab Zeesham
Soft tissue metastasis is rare in carcinoma breast and can mimic soft tissue sarcoma. We present a rare case of a young lady presenting with forearm swelling. On examination, lump is found in the breast. Histopathological examination of breast lump revealed invasive ductal carcinoma and similar histology in forearm swelling also suggesting carcinoma breast metastasizing to forearm.
Dr Meher Lakshmi Konatam, Dr Sree Lakshmi. S, Dr Md Shoiab Zeesham, Dr Apuroopa.J
Primary diffuse large lymphoma of urinary bladder is a rare extra nodal lymphoma with very few reported cases in literature. Amongst the reported cases of primary urinary bladder lymphoma, low grade lymphoma of MALT is the commonest, while amongst the high grade, diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the commonest. We report a case of elderly lady presenting with pain abdomen and dysuria, which upon investigation diagnosed as primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of urinary bladder.
The present study aimed at finding out the gender difference in leadership style among school students. The study was conducted using simple random sample of 200 male and female (N=100 each) school students from the population of 980 school students from Jaffna. The tool used in the study was the Revised Version of Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire (Sergiovanni, Metzues and Burden, 1969). The Questionnaire was administered to the students by uniform instructions. The data was analyzed using mean, SD, and‘t’ ratio statistics. The findings of the study reveal that male school students have more ‘concern for task’ leadership style and the female school students have more ‘concern for people’ leadership style compared to their counterparts.
Yohana H Yantewo, Suryani Asad, Asiah Hamzah and Andi Zulkifli
Keerom regency has a high maternal mortality rate and still increased steadily. Consequently, Regency Health Services in Keerom proposed a program so called Cohort problem based Ante Natal Care. This program was conducted by thoroughly followed all pregnant women from the beginning until they delivered babies to find any problems regarding their pregnancies. Some interventions were done to solve the problems to prevent mortality. This study aimed to describe the potential obstetrical dangerous and obstetrical dangerous pregnant women in 3 Health Centers.
Sarabjeet Singh
Use NFC tag and Android Application to retrieve information of any automobile
Amit Kumar Rai
This paper describes the requirement of Firewall Service in the Android Architecture for restricting the access of applications and Services from using shared resources and network access.
Dr Eshan Awasthi, Dr Pallav Ghoshal, Dr Abhilasha Goyal , Dr Sharad Awasthi
Class II malocclusions are one of the most frequently encountered conditions in orthodontic faculty. Growing Class II malocclusions are treated by functional appliances when the component involved is mandibular retrognathism. Variety of functional appliances are used depending in the age of the patient , type of malocclusion , severity of malocclusion & patient compliance. The current case is of a 12 year old male patient with a Class II malocclusion due to mandibular retrognathism & a clockwise rotating mandible excessive overjet & overbite , convex profile The objective of the treatment was to correct sagittal discrepancy and also redirecting the growth vector from clockwise rotating to closing the mandible. The treatment was two phased with phase I in which a vertical activator was given which patient wore for 14months followed by phase II fixed mechanotherapy for stabilizing the occlusion which lasted for 12 months. The sagittal improvement was seen with mandibular growth stimulation and also the closure of mandibular plane was observed. Maxillary incisors showed slight retrusion with labial flaring of lower incisors. Significant improvement in overjet , overbite & profile was seen and the results were stable six months post retention.
Bharat Bhanjana
In this paper, a brief description of SECURE COMMUNICATION between the CARDS and the OFFLINE ENTITY (server) are explained. With describing the process, it also introduces with the types of securities that can be implemented to makes Communication secure. And at last, this paper familiarizes with some of the Secure Channel Protocols that are currently being suggested by Global Platform.
G.Naveen Kumar, Y.V.Mohana Reddy, K.Hemachandra Reddy
We report on synthesis of two highly disperse nanoparticles viz. Fe2O3 & f-Fe2O3 using chemical reduction method. Reaction was initiated to mix solution A (i.e. Fecl3 6H2o) into solution B (i.e. Fecl24H2o) together under the presence of ammonium to develop nanoparticles. Mechanical properties of above mentioned nanoparticles filled with polyester polymer nanocomposites were fabricated to assess the possibility of using this filler as a new material. Methacryloxypropyl was used as a functionalization agent to prepare f-Fe2O3nanoparticles. Mechanical properties of f-Fe2O3 nanocomposites were improved with the help of functionalization when compared with Fe2O3 nanocomposites. A functionalization of nanoparticles favours the composite fabrication with a lower curing temperature as compared to the as-synthesised nanoparticles filled polyester nanocomposites. Thermogravimetric analysis showed an increased thermo-stability of f-Fe2O3 nanoparticles filled polyester nanocomposites as compared to the Fe2O3 nanoparticles filled counterparts. Mechanical and thermal properties were increased due to the homogeneous particle dispersion and chemical bonding between nanoparticles and polyester matrix. The nanoparticles become magnetically harder after incorporation into the polyester resin matrix.
Sapna A. Aekre, Prof. R. K. Krishna
Leap protocol offers many security benefits to WSNs. However, with much research it became apparent that LEAP only employs one base station and always assumes that it is trustworthy. It does not consist of defence against hacked or compromised base stations. In this paper, intensive research was undertaken on LEAP protocols, finding out its security drawbacks and limitations. One of the biggest concerns of WSNs is that they are very defenceless to security threats. One of the biggest concerns of WSNs is that they are very defenceless to security threats. Due to the fact that these networks are susceptible to hackers; it is possible for one to enter and render a network. A solution has been proposed in order to overcome the security issues faced in implementing this protocol whilst employing more than one base station. The performance of the proposed solution has been evaluated and simulated to provide a better network performance.
G. Lokesh, A. K Srivastava, P. K. Kar and M. K. Sinha
The immense variability in the population of tropical tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta D is an intriguing aspect to exploit heterosis effect in important quantitative and qualitative traits. In the present study, two reciprocal crosses with four combinations were prepared such as semi-domestic Daba (S-d) x Laria, Laria x Daba (S-d), Daba (wild) x Daba (S-d), Daba (S-d) x Daba (wild) and Parallely Daba (S-d) is maintained as control. The important grainage parameters such as coupling behavior, fecundity and emergence pattern of parent in captive condition was observed. The larval hatching and rearing (growth) performance of F1 larva was recorded, followed by assessment of cocoon traits. Erratic moth emergence was observed in the wild populations, while, in Daba (S-d) almost synchronized emergence and 100% self coupling observed although there was low coupling rate in the different crosses.
Nishant Prakash
Cellular devices have become integral part of our life and it will be, till dooms day in one way or the other. The broadband and Wi-Fi is the basic necessary ingredient of our life, it has multiple advantages but few disadvantages are such that it keeps our life at risk. People working in manufacturing units are prone to fatal accidents if they are constantly buzzed and similarly many more examples are there. This White paper deals with a problem and its impact that arises from cellular data that is used in different places where it should not be used. By the end of this white paper, my objective is to give a concept to the world to create a device like Jammer that jams only cellular data.
Nishant Prakash
Payment system is the mechanism that enables the smooth transfer of finances between buyers and sellers, or between banks. In the contemporary society, no monetary activities are possible without the transfer of paper currency. It can readily be said that payment system is one of the most important social infrastructures. Gone are the days when payments were used to be in cash only, slowly and gradually cheque came into picture and after that internet banking. After Internet banking mobile banking or mobile payment, in this way we can say money is transformed from paper to card to mobile and now to software. Now we hear the term contactless or proximity payment in which payment is done via NFC. Evolution of money brought the changes in security aspect also These technologies are getting wider day by day, NFC uses Secure Element for the transaction but now a days, payment can be done without involving Secure element (i.e.) only by the help of software that is build in the Operating system of the mobile phones.
Priyanka Singh, Shipra Gupta
The rapid increase in women’s participation in the economic activity has led to an increase in reliance on alternative child care for young children, including both child care centres and at-home care. The present study was undertaken to determine the influence of non-maternal caregivers on morbidity profile; dietary intake; and cognitive, motor and language development of preschoolers looked after by caregivers at day care centres and nannies at home. Eighty preschool children between 2 - 6 years of age; 40 looked after by caregivers at day care centres (DCC) and 40 by nannies at home (NH) constituted the study sample. The findings revealed that mothers of NH subjects spent longer time at work place; thus, nannies at home also spent more time per day with the subjects. The DCC subjects experienced more frequent episodes of cold, cough and fever. No significant differences were observed in the intake of different nutrients among subjects in the two groups. Cognitive, motor and language development were better in NH group. At-home care emerged as a better non-maternal care setting for preschoolers; and nannies seemed to provide more positive influence on the health status, dietary habits, and development of subjects as compared to caregivers at day care centres.
Anubhav Tiwari
This paper talks about •Why Dot Net Charting? •Features of Dot Net Charting? •How to use?
Sachin Tyagi, Neha Sharma
Wireless networks over the year have undergone huge technological advancements. Due to integration of all three types of services viz. voice, data, video, during improvement in wireless technologies, bandwidth has become the most crucial network resource that needs to be optimized for these bandwidth hungry services. In multihop scenarios (in WMNs), performance depends on the routing protocol to properly choose routes, given the current network conditions. To efficiently optimize these wireless networks, efficient routing and scheduling techniques needs to be incorporated to improve Quality of Service (QoS). Routing and scheduling techniques have been analyzed. Different techniques in various technologies are discussed to improve network performance.
Harminder Singh
This paper proposes the use of GSMA defined approach of profile switching for UICC to store and switch between multiple profiles on mobile applications. This paragraph is enough for abstract
Agus Zainuri, Suryani Asad, Asiah Hamzah and Burhanuddin Bahar
Keerom regency has a high neonatal and perinatal mortality rate. Consequently, Regency Health Services in Keerom proposed a program to improve the neonatal services. In order to conduct the program, some baseline data have to be analyzed. This study aimed to analyze the importance and performance of service quality in neonatal care. Two hundred and fifty three samples collected from Health Centers and analyzed in Cartesians’ diagram. There were 5 service quality dimensions to be analyzed: tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, empathy and assurance.
Dr. G. Balaraju, Dr. K.S. Amaravathi, DR. S. Ashok kumar .Dr. Gopikrishna Kenchi, Dr. S. Ravinder, Dr. B. Sudarsi
Background : Doppler ultrasound is increasingly used in Nephrology for diagnosis of renovascular hypertension and evaluation of allograft dysfunction. However, its utility in glomerular disease remains controversial.
Mr. Annasaheb Suryawanshi, Mr. Mayur Savasani, Miss. Jinal Shah
Today major issue and a matter of concern for the all human being and the organizations is Stress. It has become a part of life for the men and women employees and housewives as life today has become so complex at home as well as outside that it is impossible to avoid stress. This research is devoted towards finding the factors affecting on stress level of married men and women of Rajkot (INDIA) to furnish with further details to arrive at a better result.
Abhinav Saini
This paper explains the importance of Smoke review on test data. It helps the reviewer to health check the test data before the tester to use test data in application testing. Smoke review of test data determines the stability of test data and it provides criteria for accepting the test data for detailed testing. So reviewer will give the go or not go to testing on the bases of Smoke review of Test data.
Mrs. Damayanti D. Pawar, Ms. Megha Singh
Wireless sensor networks are the widely used networks in case of research and persuasive computing. These networks consist of number of sensor nodes which collect data and send it to the data aggregator for further processing. The use of low powered and energy efficient devices for the collection of data is one of the requirements of these networks and thus energy management becomes an important part of them. One of the major issues related to security which is faced by these networks is that of vampire attacks. These attacks are launched by the adversaries in order to drain the energy from the network so as to create denial of services and abruption. This paper focuses on vampire attacks, their effects on wires less sensor networks and finally also discusses about the modified clean state sensor network routing protocol which is one of the promising work to resist and protect again the vampire attacks.
Ismail HILAL, Jamal Eddine STITOU EL MESSARI, Bilal El OUARAGLI, Youssef SABAN
In order to ensure drinking water supply to the inhabitants of Jahjouka village located in the central north of Morocco, a geophysical Geo-electric study has been performed in order to evaluate the water potential of the land in question. The area being studied has from the top up to 20m depth a clay-marl formation containing large blocks of sandstone rocks. This very permeable formation cannot be linked to the characteristic clay formation of the geological unity of Tangier. The main reservoir has a capacity of approximately 50m before turning to true clay of external Tangier. It is at this horizon where the water has been located, trapped and stored.
Pham Minh Duc, Tran Thi Tuyet Hoa, Nguyen Thanh Phuong, R.H. Bosma, Huynh Van Hien and Tran Ngoc Tuan
In Mekong Delta, viral infection, including white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), monodon baculovirus (MBV), heptopancreatic parvovirus (HPV), infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) and gill-associated nidovirus (GAV) frequently infect to cultured shrimp starting at the postlarvae stage. These viral infections cause high mortality of shrimp and affect to farm income. Previous studies mainly focused on the detection, transmission and genetic variation of the pathogens, but few studied the correlation between disease occurrence and other factors, including pond conditions, culture technique and management.
Rupali Patil, R.D.Patane
For satisfying the need of increasing number of users, their demands for the services and to provide enhanced indoor coverage, Long Term Evolution (LTE) has developed small cellular base stations called Femtocells. However, limited spectrum Availability in the cellular networks causes severe interference Issues in the neighboring femtocell users transmitting in the same radio band. In densely deployed environments, interference problem in co-channel femtocell networks causes significant degradation in performance. In this paper, we propose a Cluster-Aware Soft Frequency Reuse (CASFR) scheme that assigns distinct set of Physical Resource Blocks (PRB) s to each interfering femtocells. At first this scheme checks interference level of the Femtocell User Equipment (FUE) to identify the interfering femtocells. It then form a cluster of all interfering femtocells and apply Cluster Aware Soft Frequency Reuse (CASFR) algorithm to partition area of each femtocell into cell-center and cell-edge regions then assign non-interfering unique sets of RBs to the cell-center and cell-edge users of all the interfering femtocells. This method achieves improvement in the performance for the overall femtocell network by efficiently alleviating the uplink and downlink interference.
Nirzar.V.Kulkarni; Seema Gupta, Ruchika Kataria and Sathyanarayana N
Trogoderma granarium Everts (Khapra beetle) a serious pest of stored grains and stored products with quarantine status is one of invasive species feared around the world. Detection of Khapra beetle live or dead attracts serious trade restrictions and economic fallout, especially in developing countries like India. It attracts strict phytosanitary regulation by many countries in order to restrict the pest at the boundaries. The pest is difficult to control owing to its diapause. It is, therefore, necessary to design a system’s approach to tackle this pest. However, to design such a system, precision knowledge regarding identification, biology and reproductive system is essential. Determination of larval instars according to Dyar’s law helps to identify this pest in infected samples. Identification of adult khapra beetle on the basis of morphology is difficult due to its similarity with other dermestids, thus study of genitalia will specify the species and also aim in understanding its reproduction and fecundity.
Abhinandan Dubey
The automated detection of diseases using Machine Learning Techniques has become a key research area lately. Although the computational complexity involved in analyzing a huge data set can be extremely high, nonetheless the merits of getting a desired result surely counts for the complexity involved in the task. In this paper we adopt the K-Means Clustering Algorithm with a single mean vector of centroids, to classify and make clusters of varying probability of likeliness of suspect being prone to CKD. The results are obtained from a Real Case Data-Set from UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Dr. G.Vani Padmaja
Recent trends in the field of new developments demands key features like high sensitivity and high stability of the core like ‘Silicon’ as in various fields such as silicon chips using high silica technology, Silicon wafers, has all requisite semi-conducting properties, doping ,photoconductivity, junction formation etc.together can be named as “Silicon Valley”. Application of Silicon in the bio-physical engineering, as fibre optic sensors has drawn a lot of interest to researchers in the field of Science and technology. A sol is a dispersion of the solid particles (~ 0.1-1 mm) in a liquid.
Pavana Yogesh Rao, Rajesh Kumar. S, Dr. B.S. Mohanty
Distortion control during and after welding is an important aspect of construction and quality. This paper, aims at distortion control during welding for butt welded joints using methods of sequential welding and welding by jigs and fixtures. First part consists of welding butt joint and controlling the distortion caused in plates of thickness of 4 mm and 8 mm. In sequential welding three welding sequences were created and executed. The second part consists of same sequences done again using stiffeners in 4mm and 8 mm thick plates as welding fixtures.
Dr. Murali Nalabothu, Dr. Naresh Monigari, Dr. Raviraj Acharya
Poisoning is a major problem all over the world, although its type and the associated morbidity and mortality vary from country to country. Most of the poisoning cases are suicidal in nature. Rodenticides are pesticides specifically used to kill rodents. Rodenticide poisoning has varied incidence across the country. Rodenticide poisoning remains a major public health problem in Asian countries.(1) The mortality rates also vary significantly.
Dr. Rohith Poondru Reddy, Dr. Naresh Monigari , Dr. Manjunath Hande
BACKGROUND: Uric acid, which serves no biochemical function other than being an end product of purine metabolism, was first discovered in 1776. A Swedish chemist Scheele isolated it from a urinary tract stone. In 1797, a British chemist Wallaston detected uric acid in a tophus which was removed from his own ear. About 50 years later Alfred Baring Garrod, a British physician showed by chemical isolation that uric acid was abnormally high in gouty patients. In subsequent studies Garrod formulated a rational relationship between hyperuricemia and symptomatology of gouty patients.
Dr. G. Balaraju, M.D, Dr. R. Nagamani, M.D, Dr. D. Sridhar, M.D, Dr. L. Muralidhar, M.D, Dr. K.S.Amravathi, M.D, Dr. Mythili, M.D
Background: Inflammation has a strong association with increased atherosclerosis in RA. Indirect evidence of accelerated atherosclerosis in RA comes from studies measuring carotid artery intima media thickness (CIMT).
Ismail Mustafa Mohammed, Mohammed Ali Bashir
We introduce the concept of a symmetry group of a system of partial differential equations and group-invariant solutions to PDE . Given any system of partial differential equations, it is shown how, in principle, to construct group invariant solutions for any group of transformations by reducing the number of variables in the system. Conversely, every solution of the system can be found using the reduction method with some weak symmetry group.
Dahrul Dahlan, Sangkala, Hasniati, Badu Ahmad
The Indonesian government is currently facing pressure from various parties to improve the quality of public services and increase active participation in providing information to the public and claimed to be more effective. No exception governmental organizations in this regard Unit-Regional Work Units (SKPD) which is spearheading one of the government's obligation to provide services to the community, which then requires every SKPD to compete implement changes within their respective organizations in order to address challenges will the changes. Studies in the literature review is based on several key concepts used form the basis for an assessment of research problems include: (a) theory and the concept of the Organization; (b) Theory and Concepts Organizational Transformation. In general, the concept of the organization as a cooperative association is something that shows the complexity.
Arjun Deore, B. Mathew and B.K.Lande
Monitoring personal locations with a potentially untrusted server poses privacy threats to the monitored individuals. To this end, we propose a privacy-preserving location monitoring system for wireless sensor networks. In our system, we design two in network location anonymization algorithms, namely, resource- and quality-aware algorithms that aim to enable the system to provide high quality location monitoring services for system users, while preserving personal location privacy. Both algorithms rely on the well established k-anonymity privacy concept, that is, a person is indistinguishable among k persons, to enable trusted sensor nodes to provide the aggregate location information of monitored persons for our system. Each aggregate location is in a form of a monitored area A along with the number of monitored persons residing in A, where A contains at least k persons. The resource-aware algorithm aims to minimize communication and computational cost, while the quality-aware algorithm aims to maximize the accuracy of the aggregate locations by minimizing their monitored areas. To utilize the aggregate location information to provide location monitoring services, we use a spatial histogram approach that estimates the distribution of the monitored persons based on the gathered aggregate location information. Then the estimated distribution is used to provide location monitoring services through answering range queries. We evaluate our system through simulated experiments. The results show that our system provides high quality location monitoring services for system users and guarantees the location privacy of the monitored persons.
S. Prema1, K. Chitra, V. Gopal, C. C. Uma Maheswara Reddy
Objective: The present study reports the HPTLC of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extract of Stereospermum colais and GC-MS of an ethyl acetate extract fraction 2. GS-MS chromatogram of the ethyl acetate fraction 2 of study showed 14 peaks in EAESC, besides a number of peaks with very narrow retention time.
Shravan S. Pargaonkar, Mangesh S. Prabhune, Vinaya V. Patil, Prachi A. Deshpande, Vikrant N.Kolhe
A polyaryletherketone biomaterial launched by Victrex and marketed as PEEK-OPTIMA, is suitable for medical implant use, enabling device manufacturers to make high performance implants with tailored properties that are compatible with modern medical imaging techniques. This family of products, manufactured under conditions of ‘no change’ has been achieved using enhanced manufacturing procedures, backed-up with extra physical, chemical or mechanical testing at key stages of manufacture. This paper describes aspects of PEEKOPTIMA manufacture, testing and application.
Abhishek Singh Rathore
This paper is intended to propose a service for pre-paid users to enhance their GPRS data package renew experience. This service will introduce a platform where user can save specified amount of GRPS data predefined by user itself. User can re-use the saved GPRS data whenever they require but in specified limit of time. Time limit will depend on GSM operator.
Kulathunga KMMCB
Stock market development has a paramount importance in an economy. Although most of the growing economies are endowed with growing stock markets, due to prevailed unfavorable econo-political condition in Sri Lanka, Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) remained underdeveloped during the pre-war period. However, due to considerable economic growth and peaceful political environment, CSE reported a robust growth in the post-war period. Nevertheless, despite the impressive economic environment emerged, the stock market growth was not sustained after 2012. Therefore, the constraints for stock market development remain unclear. Thus, this study examined the impact of macroeconomic factors on stock market development in Sri Lanka using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis over the monthly data between 2002 and 2014. Stock market turnover was used as the proxy of stock market development whereas inflation volatility, deposit interest rate, lending interest rate, exchange rate volatility and gross domestic production were used as the key macroeconomic factors.
Imran Faraz, Mansoor-ul-Hasan, Muhammads Sagheer, Shahzad Saleem
Acetone extracts of plants Azadiarachta indica (neem), Citrullus colocynthus (Tuma), Moringa oleifera and new chemistry insecticides emamectin benzoate and thiamethoxam at a concentration of 5 %, 10 %, and 15 % were evaluated for their repellent and mortality effect against Cryptolestes ferrugineus. The results showed that maximum percent repellency (90%) was achieved in plant extract of Azadiarachta indica at a concentration of 5 % after an interval of 72 hours, while minimum percent repellency (3.03%) was recorded in plant extract Moringa oleifera after an interval of 72 hours at a concentration of 15%. Maximum mean mortality (78.43 %) was recorded in Thiamethoxam at 15% concentration after an interval of 72 hours and minimum mean mortality (5.08 %) was recorded in plant Moringa oleifera after an interval of 24 hours at 5 % concentration. From these results it was concluded that plant extracts are more effective as repellent while new chemistry insecticides had high toxic effects as compared to plant extracts against Cryptolestes ferrugineus
Samia Javed
The management in quality management implies that it’s a top management approach, not just a narrow quality control or quality assurance function. Some principles and practices of quality management may vary in firms and industries, but there is common agreement as to the importance of leadership by management in implementing quality management. Top management is mandatory to all strategy and action plans. So the objective of the paper is to empirically investigate the impact of top management commitment on the success of quality management. This study limited to ARL Company in Islamabad. The sample of study consists of executives and managers who are working under functional heads. The researcher used judgmental sampling in selecting the subjects. The instrument used in the study was a survey questionnaire.
N.K.Raut, S.N.Ipper
Let G = (V,E) be a graph, where V(G) is a non-empty set of vertices and E(G) is a set of edges. The degree of a vertex u Є V(G) is the number of vertices joining to u and denoted by du.In this paper hyper Zagreb indices and augmented Zagreb indices for HAC5C6C7 [p,q] and TUC4C6C8[p,q] nanotubes are investigated.
Tarik Sheth, Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh
The aim of this paper is to evaluate and establish a mechanism to evaluate testing tools effectively, at the moment, there are many complex systems are built across the platforms and it is very complex problem to establish one common criterion to evaluate the testing tools. There are lot many tools available in the market at the moment, each to0ls have its own features to test software. For this paper, test cases are first manually tested and then as a part of the regression execution, same test cases are coded in the test scripts and being executed over the application under test. Automated testing is developed which saves time and resources, providing a good ROI. Test automation speeds up the testing process and minimizing time to market. An important contribution of this paper is the development of the metric suite that facilitates comparison and selection of a desired testing tool for automated testing.
Editha N. De Regla
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between the environmental awareness in selected topics in Science and academic performance of the education students, in Bulacan State University, Bustos Campus. To assess the level of environmental awareness of the students, the 30-item environmental awareness test was used. The said test covered five topics in Science namely: Force, Work and Energy, Energy Resources, Wave Motion, Electricity and Nuclear Energy. The environmental awareness test was developed, validated and used by the researcher. The test measure three components or level of environmental awareness namely : perceptiveness, sensitivity and imagination toward the environment.
Gobi Hariyanayagam Gunasekaran, Nurul Hidayah bt. Jusoh, Nurhazirah bt. Saridin
This study was to investigate the physicochemical and microbiological stability of an extemporaneous oral suspension1mg/ml of folic acid.
V.Anilvince, Pallela Narayana Someshwara Rao
Several population-based studies report an annual incidence of diabetic foot ulceration in the range of 2% to 3% in IDDM and NIDDM patients, whereas the prevalence varies between 4% and 10% . These studies also indicate a general trend for higher frequencies of ulceration with increasing age and duration of diabetes. A 3-year retrospective cohort study of 8905 patients in a large health maintenance organization who have diabetes reported a 5.8% cumulative incidence of ulceration (approximately 2% per year).
Kewal Krishan Kapoor
In this paper, the Phishing Attacks and their preventing methods are discussed. These Phishing Attacks are mostly used to theft or extract your personal information by various means which leads in emptying your bank accounts. In addition to this, some preventing measures should be taken in mind to get rid of these frauds.
Employee engagement is integral to driving successful organizations. Employee engagement is a vast construct that touches almost all parts of human resource management. ‘Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals’. Engaged employees are emotionally attached to their organization and highly involved in their job with a great enthusiasm for the success of their employer, going extra mile beyond the employment contractual agreement.
Sabrina Shajeen Alam & Syed Md. Sajjad Kabir
The purpose of the present study was to assess the properly managed classroom in secondary level. 66 students from two Schools were used as respondents for the above purpose. The finding of the experiment is that overall secondary classroom management in Bangladesh is at high risk due to some environmental and personal factors. Classrooms do not have adequate seats; necessary equipments and the classroom sizes are very high. A satisfying fact in our classrooms is that most of the students feel they have good relations with their peers. Necessary steps have to be taken to come out from the problems in the classroom management aspect of secondary education.
Dr. T.Vasanthi, G.Abirami alias kanimozhi
In June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that the novel influenza A, H1N1 as a pandemic. After six months, as of December 29, 2009, it was reported by WHO that more than 208 countries and territories were affected by the pandemic accounting for about 150,000 infected cases and at least 11,516 deaths. .Effective reproductive number is an index which considers the proportion of susceptible people in a community. There are different methods for calculation of basic reproductive number. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive number using data from H1N1 patients in Tamilnadu.
Dr. Rohini Chandrica Widyalankara
In the sphere of communication in Sri Lanka using English fonts for recording Sinhala discourse during the use of Short Message Service or Interlingual Texting is very popular. Analyzing such discourse this study argues that the asymmetry in the phonologies of Sinhala and English, and the difficulty in graphically denoting of sounds of Sinhala in English make the deciphering of Interlingual texts complex leading to unintelligibility and ambiguity of the messages. Data analysis further identifies a formal vs. colloquial dichotomy in the register of interlingual texting. The nonvolitional and nonelective transfer of fossilized English loan phonology of Sinhala too is evidenced in the register. The spread of the language of Sinhala Interlingual texting to English print media too is noted in this sociolinguistic analysis.
Lefayet Sultan Lipol
This is an assignment report of the Quality and Environmental Management course [course responsible was Gunn-Mari Lofdahl and Jessica Magnusson at University of Boras] about sales and installation of the ventilation equipment. There are several ventilation equipments but we deal mainly with air conditioning and air cooling machine. Our company’s name is Vent AB. It is situated at Knalleland, Boras. We are supplying and installing the ventilation equipment to the Textile industries in Sweden. Our big customer is Yusi Textile Industries located in Boras. The number of employees in our company is twelve. Our company is located at Knalleland, Boras. In this report, we are going to illustrate about the quality aspect of our company.
D.H.Banaga, M.A.Bashir
We utilized root systems, via correspondence, in other areas of study. In particular, we considered quiver representations , invariant theory and Coxeter groups.
Sarah Khatoon and Sarwar Rais
Detailed petrographic analysis of Talchir sandstones of Lotma nala section has been used to ascertain tectonic setting, source area lithology and climatic conditions prevailing at the time of deposition. Quartz, feldspar and rock fragments are the dominant framework components of the studied specimens. These sandstones are mineralogically and texturally immature and have been classified as arkose and lithic arkose on the basis of QFR diagram. Quartz in these sandstone samples is of monocystalline and polycrystalline nature and feldspars are represented mainly by orthoclase and plagioclase. A wide variety of lithic fragments like granite, schist, shale, siltstone, quartzite, phyllite and gneiss have been recorded in these sandstones. QtFL and QmFLt plots indicate derivation mainly from transitional continental region of continental block provenance. The Precambrian granitic/ gneissic basement has been established as a source for these sediments. The bivariant log-log Qt/F+R and Qp/F+R plot of the studied sandstone specimens indicate that semi humid climatic conditions prevailed at the time of deposition of these sandstones. The petrographic data thus suggests that the transitional continental region comprising of acid igneous, sedimentary, metasedimentary and metamorphic rocks may have been the source of these sandstones.
Arathy B, Aswathy A Nair, Anju Sai P,Pravitha NR
Mutual Funds provide a platform for a common investor to participate in the Indian capital market with professional fund management irrespective of the amount invested. The Indian mutual fund industry is growing rapidly and this is reflected in the increase in Assets under management of various fund houses. Mutual fund investment is less risky than directly investing in stocks and is therefore a safer option for risk averse investors. This project aims at finding out the factors affecting investment decision on mutual funds and its preference over retail investors. This project also aims at finding about the factors that prevent the people to invest in mutual funds. The findings will help mutual fund companies to identify the areas required for improvement and can also improve their marketing strategies. It will help the MF companies to create new and innovative product according to the orientation of investors.
Ms Kavita Pathak, Dr. Sudhir Agrawal
VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) simulation of trapezoidal filtering algorithm was done. The exponentially decaying sequences were considered as the input to the filter. Such kinds of signals are usually obtained after processing (i.e. in analog domain) and digitizing the nuclear detector signals. The trapezoidal filter acts as a pulse shaping filter in a typical nuclear spectroscopy system to optimize the value of ballistic deficit, signal to noise ratio and pulse pile-up losses in order to facilitate improved measurement of time of arrival and energy of radiation particle. The simulation qualifies the algorithm for its implementation in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for real time applications.
Vikas Shrivastava, Dr. Amit Telang
Vehicle collision also known as crash or vehicle accident is a dynamic phenomenon and occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, or any other stationary or moving object. It may result in injury, death and property damage.
Sonawane Swati, Dalvi Sanjaykumar and Pokharkar Raghunath
The present paper study is on fresh water microalgae from region of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. Fresh water microalgae are modern biomass for the production of biodiesel fuel due its faster growth, highest biomass productivity and high lipid content with various conversion methods into biofuel. The biodiesel has very mimic property like petroleum diesel. The study emphasis on fresh water algae strain in the class of Chlorophyceae and Chlorococcum humicola species isolated and convert it into biodiesel by base catalysed transesterification method. The chemical properties of product analyze by standard method Infrared spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy.
R.P.Panda, N.Peetabas
Biodiversity plays an important role in the sustenance of mankind. Loss of Bio-resources will lead to extinction of living beings. The health of natural environment depends upon continuing diversity, if one species is lost from the ecosystem, then all the other species of ecosystem are affected. our earth has already witnessed three mass extinctions in the past and another is on the way. This bio-resources which are not only key to our future food security but also our healthy living and sustenance. It has been estimated that there exists about 5-30 million species on our earth of these only 1.5 million species have been identified. These include 3 lakh species of green plants and fungi , 8 lakh species of insects, 40,000 species of vertebrates and 36,000 species of micro-organisms. Distribution of bio-diversity is not uniform over the earth surface, some regions are rich in biodiversity, while other regions are poor in biodiversity. India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity encompassing a wide spectrum of habitats from tropical rain forest to alpine vegetables and from temperate forest to coastal wetlands. Loss of biodiversity in Daringbadi Hill Forest is a burning problem. The causes are deforestation, climatic change, shifting cultivation , soil erosion, infiltration, encroachment, forestfire and grazing etc. The current rate of extinction demands conservation, strategies of bio-diversity by using in situ and ex-situ method.
Pandey A, Pawar M.S
Panchagavya ghrita [PGG] is one of the medicated ghee formulations, contains five cow products; cow ghee, cow milk, cow urine, cow dung juice and cow curd. PGG was prepared as per established SOP and compared with standard values. Nootropic activity of Panchagavya Ghrita (PGG) was studied using Diazepam induced amnesia in mice and Morris Water Maze test in rat model. PGG also reversed successfully the amnesia induced by Diazepam (1mg/kg, i.p.). PGG was administered in three dose levels of PGG as X/2 (2.5gm/kg), X (5gm/kg) and 2X (10gm/kg) in mice and X/2 (1.75gm/kg), X (3.5gm/kg) and 2X (7.0gm/kg) in rats.
Dr. Mohan Singh Panwar, Pallavi Upreti
The mega hydropower project of (1000MW) Tehri dam has affected 125 villages directly or indirectly located in its vicinity. The 42 sq. kms reservoir resulting from 260 meters high dam formed in 2006 have caused severe environment and social impacts. 37 villages completely and 88 villages partially have faced problems of submergence, displacement, rehabilitation, livelihood. Since agriculture is the main stay of the surrounding villages, it has been severely affected due to submergence of fertile agricultural land (called Talon locally), reoccurring landslides, water availability problems etc.
Lutfun Nahar Nipa, Md. Mohibul Islam
Traffic jam is one of the major problems in a densely populated mega city like Dhaka whereas its population and number of running vehicles are much more than its road capacity. Traffic signaling systems, inadequate manpower, narrow road spaces and overtaking tendency of drivers create pro-longed traffic jams. Due to traffic jam a substantial portion of working hours have to be left on streets which indirectly put adverse impact on economy and unavoidable road accident which results loss of lives. As the number of road users constantly increases, and resources provided by current infrastructures are limited. Intelligent traffic control system has become a very important issue. In this study based on Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm an automatic traffic control system is proposed. The main objective of this study is to reduce the overall waiting time of the vehicle at the cross junction point. For doing this a microcontroller is used which will make the drivers bound to follow the traffic rules by controlling traffic system that brings the result of decreasing the rate of accident, controlling crowd, lowering the tendency of road blocking etc. This approach can be applied in cross road junction which are so busy and the sectors those experience a great traffic load.
Nwankwo Mercy Chinenye
A cross- sectional quantitative study carried out in Kigali within a one year period (July 2011 to June 2012). It evaluated knowledge, attitude and practices towards TB infection among TB diagnosed patients. Sample of 411 TB patients was randomly and proportionately drawn for the study. The validated and translated questionnaires comprised participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, 11 items Knowledge questions, 13 item attitudes questions and 10 practices questions. Trained community health workers at health center, interviewed participants face to face during their routine daily treatment at the health Centre. Data from the field were sorted out, arranged and analysis with SPSS based on analysis plan.
Swathi Rao G, Manipriya Singh, Ramnath panwar Singh
Content based image retrieval system is the technique which uses visual contents to search images from large scale image databases according to the user’s interest. The term content refers to color, shape, texture that can be derived from the image. In this paper an image retrieval system using artificial neural network (ANN) in MATLAB with the help of Gabor filter features is contemplated. In the proposed system, mean and standard deviation of the images are calculated later to the filtering process of the images using Gabor filter. Using the neural network classifier the system is trained and tested and classifies the images from a vast database relevant to the requirement. A database having 1000 images spread across ten categories is taken for the implementation purpose. Net average precision and recall values are computed for the database query. The obtained results show the performance improvement with higher precision and recall values.
Abhay Kumar Trivedi
In this paper, I have explained the functional differences of CAP File versions. Also, this paper helps the user to identify the CAP file version from the CAP file.
Kewal Krishan Kapoor
In this paper, the new Tracking and Data Retrieval Application of your SMART Phone is purposed and discussed in detail. The idea behind this white paper is to TRACK the location of the stolen phone and HIDE all the information present or stored in your Phone, which can be used by the criminals to execute their un-fair Plans.
Oshani PAL, Wijethissa KGCP
Urban parks are focused attention in recent years. Today urban parks promote recreation activities and they are emerging as the most important spaces in urban fabric. Previous researchers studied environmental benefits of urban green spaces but primarily, researchers investigate the physical and emotional motivation of park areas and prevailing problems of unlimited visitation. In this study the researchers have found out the issue of the visitors of their visitation. Researchers have collected responses from the general public in this survey of urban residents in Diyatha Uyana urban park. Through the observation researchers have identified nine existing issues.
Isam Syed Arshad, Talha Muhammad, Ma Xiao-Li
This paper examines the aspects of creating quality knowledge through e-learning environment, how Knowledge management is related to education, correlation between education Knowledge management and student learning results and; how developing communities of practices would help effective transfer of tacit knowledge in students learning results. An efficient system of Knowledge management contains creation and transfer of explicit and tacit knowledge. Study suggests that in education; e-learning environment can come in handy if more attempts are to be made in converting quality explicit knowledge from educator’s tacit knowledge through filtering information quality during conversion process. Learning content should be standardized by the evaluators (Group of students or Individuals) in cognitive structures. Moreover, the study investigates the correlation between e-learning and student learning results. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaires by the students and educators of two Malaysian Universities and were evaluated by multiple regression analysis method. Analysis revealed the measurement of information quality through e-learning can be used to fore see student learning results, and the correlation between them is positive.
Badri Raj Lamichhane, Ranju Kumari Shiwakoti
TV White Spaces refers the unoccupied portions of spectrum in the UHF/VHF terrestrial television frequency bands. Operation on the trial and test are currently underway in various countries and some commercial applications are emerging, looking at improving the utilization. The concept of sharing the highly valued UHF spectrum resource and its use with the primary terrestrial television service is a primary concern today. Wireless broad-band applications are the main focus of trials, nonetheless, the usefulness of this highly sought after spectrum is also being considered for other applications, such as machine-to-machine communications (M2M). This paper reviews relevant regulatory aspects concerning the operational implementation of Television White Space (TVWS) devices in some parts of the spectrum allocated to TV broadcasting. Also the paper overviews the different approaches and considerations currently being reviewed for TV white spaces. These approaches are intended for improving the efficiency of the spectrum resource use, through accessing idle spectrum to deliver low-cost implementation and rapid development of user applications.
Moh. Yamin Rumra
This study is an attempt to "picture" objective conditions dialectic ethnic identity in the local political arena in the district of the Kei Besar, Kei Islands. In this case, ethnic connotations caste system still applies to Kei social system. The aim is to assess the extent to which caste influence and lead to political hegemony in Southeast Maluku district, specially Kei Besar. The method used is qualitative method in the form of historical case studies. Data collection was done by using descriptive narrative. The study results showed that the caste system in Kei Besar still maintained very strong, although some people Kei themselves sometimes do not admit it, giving rise to political hegemony in the Kei islands. Political hegemony in Kei Besar is a condition in which the group Mel-mel (upscale) dominate the group Ren-ren (middle class) and Iri-ri (lower class). Leadership is due to the voluntary consent of the lower class or upper class of society to lead. Approval of the lower classes of this happened because kebehasilan upscale in instilling the ideology of the group. This resulted in the power of government to date only in controlled by Mel-mel class. Even groups Ren-ren and Iri-ri has a considerable intellectual ability, will not be used in the system of government. The point is that the right to sit as a political leader and government in the Kei islands are those from the Mel-mel caste.
Ruddy Roy Watulingas, M. Yunus Wahid, H. M. Djafar Saidi, Irwansyah
The purpose of this study are: a) to know and understand the nature of local government in controlling pollution and / or destruction of the environment; b) To know and understand the relationship Government Authority and Local Government Impact Pollution Control and / or destruction of the environment; and c) to know and understand the factors that influence the effectiveness of pollution control Upper and / or Destruction of the Environment in the city of Manado. To achieve the research objectives, the type of research is a normative-empirical research are presented and processed qualitatively using deductive argument. The results showed that the government and local authorities not to apply the principles of the protection of the public on pollution and / or destruction of the environment in accordance governance rules of good environmental governance, regulation and local government affairs division in the field of the environment is still not mandatory that basic services are not fully materialize principles of autonomy and licensing business or activity between provinces and local districts / cities do not reflect the arrangement of public space, industrial and residential.
Latif Karim, H. Sulaiman Asang, H. Muhammad Yunus, Atta Irene Allorante
The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the ideal type of bureaucratic professionalization of Max Weber and the empowerment of indigenous Papuans in the promotion as mandated by the Special Autonomy for Papua. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study that uses data collection procedures through in-depth interviews (depth interview). The research data includes primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through participatory observation and interviews, while the secondary data obtained through searches of documentation. Data analysis techniques used are through data reduction procedures, data presentation, and making conclusions. The results showed that the characteristics of the ideal type of bureaucratic professionalism Max Weber which emphasizes consideration of rank, education level, Phasing training PIM, and competence have been implemented in Keerom but still less in accordance with applicable regulations. In some cases recruitment and promotion are still found irregularities committed by the Regent as officials of Trustees of staffing where in the promotion process are the transactional politics or political apparatus in which the remuneration of civil servants have been involved in practical political activity and even political money. Advisory Board positions and rank as the institution brewing official candidates to be promoted in office less functioned as it should.
Ms Vineeta Thomas, Dr. Bino Thomas
The present study aims at the investigation of strategies adopted by parents to impart sex education to their adolescents between the age group of 11-13 years. The sample was collected from 50 parents, 11 fathers and 39 mothers who participated in the study. Sex education program is also recommended by the UNICEF, and with the rising number of child sexual abuse in our country, it is necessary to understand if parents are well equipped with the necessary knowledge on the subject and attitude towards sex education. This brings an alarming response from the parents as well as the government where there is a blame game as to who is responsible for a situation like this. This study will also help the researcher to understand the best strategies already being used by some parents, and enable other parents to use the same.
Rajkumari Lalwani, Pushpa Singh, S. R. Yadav, Avinash Sharma, Deepak Patel
Digital information sharing is not a big task in this era, as the number of internet users are increasing day by day. This sharing of data is done only by providing secure network, but this is not possible due to some packet loss. For overcoming this problem different researcher work by using various approach. This paper focus on image watermarking different techniques and its feature combinations. Paper focus on various attacks for the watermark and evaluation parameters for analyzing watermarked algorithm.
K. SathyaPrabha, J. Rajasekar
Bottom ash is a hazardous by-product from coal based thermal power plants. In this study fine aggregate in concrete mix has been replaced with bottom ash and Polypropylene fibre is additionally used to enhance the strength characteristics of concrete. The concrete mix design is done for M25 grade concrete. The mix is prepared for different combinations of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of replacement of sand by bottom ash with 0.5% of polypropylene fibre by total weight of the Cube. The mechanical properties were compared with control mix and it was found that the optimal combination as 30% bottom ash and 1.0% polypropylene fibre. Flexural strength was compared by testing beams of size 1.5 x 0.25 x 0.15m under two point loading. Results showed that there was no degradation of strength for beams with bottom ash as replacement for fine aggregates.
K. Sathya Prabha, Thajudeen. A.K
In this paper presents the test results of fresh and hardened properties of M25 grade concrete incorporating humic acid was added in 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% by weight based on the percentage of cement added. In split tensile strength of the cylinder and flexural strength of beam the maximum tensile strength is achieved in 0.5% of humic acid then the normal conventional concrete. Flexural strength was compared by testing of beams of size 1.0 x 0.15 x 0.2 m under two point loading. Results showed that there was no degradation of strength for beams with humic acid as replacement for the cement.
J.Sujatha, P.Parvathi
This paper focus on two stage supply chain model with a single vendor and a single buyer for a single product, taking into consideration the effect of deterioration and credit period incentives. We study and analyze the benefits of order cost reduction and credit period incentives in a co-ordinated supply chain . Shortage for the buyer is allowed and it is completely backlogged. The demand and shortage cost were taken as fuzzy parameters. Graded mean integration representation method is applied for defuzzification. This paper also includes a detailed numerical examples for more understanding of the proposed strategy.
Asia AJ, Tapre V, Asia AA
Background : Leprosy is an infectious disease which may lead to disability before, during and even after treatment. Despite of taking complete antibacterial treatment some patients with leprosy are left with disability and deformities. They remain reminders of disease leading to social discrimination , economical constraints and loss of confidence among patients.
Angana Mukherjee
The present case study outlines in detail, the effectiveness of the Applied Relaxation technique, combined with some of the cognitive and behavioural strategies, in management of tension-type headache, of a 9 year old boy, referred to here as “Manoj”. The total number of sessions conducted were 12, with follow up sessions being continued. The main aim of the treatment sessions was helping Manoj and his parents to identify the role of psychological factors in causation of the headache; reducing distress associated with the problem of anxiety and also being able to use relaxation during everyday activities apart from the current concern. The results corroborated with the previous findings of use of applied relaxation with tension-type headache in paediatric cases. The role of maintaining factors in persistence of further occurrence of similar somatic complaints are also reflected upon.
Dr. Shereen Fadel Fahmy Bishara, Dr Mahmoud A. Ramadan
Organizations take several financial decisions, one of the most critical decisions affecting company value is financial leverage. Firms projecting a large degree of financial leverage could be beneficial and at the same time risky. This study presents a new approach known as "Maturing Integrated Risk Management" (MIRM), which maximizes the effectiveness of organizational decisions. This approach will enhance the full integration between strategic and operational standards, internally and externally across all over managerial hierarchy levels. In this study we will investigate the relationship between financial leverage and company performance by testing all companies that are listed in the Egyptian Securities Exchange market index (EGX 100) from the year from 2006 to 2012. The results indicate that financial leverage is negatively affecting Return on Sales (ROS), positively affecting Return on Earnings (ROE) and having no significant effect on Return on assets (ROA) and Earnings per Share (EPS).
Benjamin Mugambi Kanga
Truancy is deliberate absence from school on the part of learners without the knowledge and consent of parents. The aim of this study was to establish the factors that contribute to student’s absenteeism and their effects in secondary schools in Meru South District, Kenya. Pilot study was done in three schools from the neighboring Maara district. The study collected views from principals, class teachers, counseling teachers and form two students, purposive and stratified random sampling method was used to select a sample size 298 students 8 Principal 8 counseling teachers and 8 class teachers. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analyzed quantitatively using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 11.5 for windows and presented using frequency distribution table, bar charts and percentages. The study found that unsupportive school culture; family, social economic and psychological factors significantly contributed to truancy. The effects of truancy were identified as poor academic performance for the truants, their class and school the school, wastage of learning time, dropping out of school, poverty to the individual and family in future, involvement with delinquent behavior, family instability, social maladjustment and insecurity in the family. The study recommended that education managers hold regular meetings with principals and teachers to sensitize them on truancy and discuss ways of dealing with truancy in their schools.
Neelu Kanwar Rajawat, Rajbala Verma, Inderpal Soni
Present study was undertaken to determine the median lethal dose (LD50) of β-cyfluthrin (β-cyf), a synthetic (type II) pyrethroid pesticide in male and female Swiss albino mice. The calculation of LD50 is an initial screening step in the assessment and evaluation of the toxic characteristic of a chemical substance. The selected single doses of β-cyfluthrin based on the pilot study were 200, 225, 250, 275 and 300 mg/kg b.wt. for male and 350, 375, 400, 425 and 450 mg/kg b.wt. for female animals. Pesticide was dissolved in corn oil and administered orally to different groups of male and female mice, consisting of 10 animals in each group. Signs of toxicity and possible death of animals were monitored upto 96 h to calculate the median lethal dose (LD50) of β-cyf. The results obtained in this study suggest that oral LD50 of the β-cyf dissolved in corn oil was found to be 260.01±30.73 and 407.38±24.68 mg/kg b.wt. in male and female Swiss albino mice respectively.
Elizabeth Ndunge Benson
Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is an exciting and promising approach for solving complex and real world problems. It is crucial for industrial and commercial application as these systems are required to operate in increasingly complex, open, dynamic, unpredictable and inherently high interactive environments.
Elizabeth Ndunge Benson
A car hire service is a form of public transportation that enables a group of people to share vehicles based at certain stations by making reservations in advance. The main objective of car hire companies is to provide quality services to its customers by providing prompt services when required. These companies compete one another and have clients locally and internationally. One of the common problems of car hire is that companies can have difficulty optimizing the number of vehicles in operation. This paper reports on investigations of the relationship between the number of cars and the number of reservations per day with either the acceptance ratio or utilization ratio based on the commercially operational dataset of a cars hire company in Kenya. This paper creates an analytical mode to enable this company estimate their daily costs by looking at the distance to be travelled, route type and car type. A simulation model is also constructed to simulate the best booking policy for the company.
Dr. Fah Campbell
This researcher seeks to advance Thai university students’ English achievement through a greater understanding of the influence of ICT and its impact on students’ English language achievement, students’ participation within English classes and student attitudes towards learning English. This mixed method study was conducted using a pre-test, post-test design. Participants were 278 students attending a rural University in North-eastern Thailand, who were arranged into blended learning and face-to-face classes. A course web site was developed for course instruction. This site and social network tools such as Skype, Twitter and Facebook were utilised by the blended learning class for communications and language acquisition. Data was collected from the pre-test and post-test instruments, class room observation check lists, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and researcher’s field notes in order to compare ICT blended instruction and traditional face to face instruction.
Manisha Deshpande, Dilip Maske, Devarani Devi, Rashmi Choudhari, BrijMohan Arora, Dattatray Gadkari
Bulk crystals of dilute nitride of InSb (InSb:N) are grown using Vertical Directional Solidification (VDS) Technique. Substrates of thickness 500 μm were cut from the crystal and polished to mirror finish. These wafers were found n type in nature using Hall measurements. Boron (B) atoms were diffused in the substrate using ion implantation. Range of Boron atoms in the InSb:N substrate was estimated using SRIM software and SIMS was conducted after ion implantation to verify the Boron incorporation. I-V characteristics of the p-n junctions formed due to implantation of boron indicated diode formation with ideality factor 1.2.
Sagar Deshmukh
The purpose of research on WhatsApp Mobile Application is to analyze and identify number of users who use the WhatsApp messenger in daily routine basis. The research also includes what type of communication medium people prefer in WhatsApp Application eg.Texting, Audio Messages or Calling. This research includes the statistics of users who use the WhatsApp Application worldwide. With the growing need of communication, WhatsApp is a good medium which acts as a communicator not only between two individuals but also in a group where large number of people can interact and has ability to connect worldwide.
Surbhi Gupta
Today, in this time where smart phones eco-system is well funded and thriving over PC or laptop eco-system. This is why majority of smart phone users tries to buy phone with maximum internal storage to store maximum possible data. Smart phones provide varying but limited size of internal storages on phones. To store data beyond the limit of internal storage, either you have to buy an SD card or by deleting old files to make room for new ones or upload the data on cloud storage with fear of loss of data.
There lies the prospect for an intuitive mode of memory sharing between two smart phones either in range or over a distance, connected through the internet. With this concept, we can solve the problem of extra large volumes of standalone storage space on a single device.
Surbhi Gupta
Today, in this time where smart phones eco-system is well funded and thriving over PC or laptop eco-system. This is why majority of smart phone users tries to buy phone with maximum internal storage to store maximum possible data. Smart phones provide varying but limited size of internal storages on phones. To store data beyond the limit of internal storage, either you have to buy an SD card or by deleting old files to make room for new ones or upload the data on cloud storage with fear of loss of data.
There lies the prospect for an intuitive mode of memory sharing between two smart phones either in range or over a distance, connected through the internet. With this concept, we can solve the problem of extra large volumes of standalone storage space on a single device.
Devina Rastogi
In this paper starting with a brief introduction of Mind Mapping and Gantt Charts, it describes preparing Gantt Charts by using a day to day example. Also at last it introduces some automated tools available to prepare Mind Mapping and Gantt Charts.
María del Refugio González-Ponce, A. T. Morales-Vargas. and José J. N. Segoviano-Garfias
In the last 10 years, several parasitosis have been emerged, particularly, the Morgellons disease which has emerged as a highly controversial disease. Is usually associated to a mental illness and because of this, has been defectively characterized and there is a small evidence of whether or not the disease really exist. However, because of the increasing number of patients, in 2012, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has begun to study this phenomenon. Further studies have to be developed in order to collect evidence and study possible treatments. The present work is a proposal, of a possible treatment that could be applied to a patient with the Morgellons disease or with an aggressive infection of parasite or bacteria. Further studies should evaluate if this is a viable treatment.
Win Lai Htwe, Htay Htay Win, Nyein Aye San
Gas turbines are used extensively for aircraft propulsion, land-based power generation, and industrial applications. The stress and displacement analysis of the rotor blade of any turbo machine in the field of design played a very important roll. Rotor blade is the very critical component in the field of turbo machines. The major cause of break down is due to different loadings such as fluid or gas forces and centrifugal forces are acting on the rotor blades. In this study, the first stage rotor blade of the gas turbine is created in SolidWorks software. The material of the blade is structural steel. This rotor blade has been analyzed by using ANSYS14.5. The gas forces namely tangential, axial were determined by constructing velocity triangles at inlet and exist of rotor blades. Three different models with different number of holes (5, 9 and 13) were analyzed to find out the optimum number of holes for good performance.
Dr.Aruna Yadiyal, Dr.Shobhana Mittal, Dr Nandita Shenoy, Dr Ashima Chopra, Dr Prasanna Mitra
Background: Tobacco surveillance among medical students offers an opportunity to assess the preparedness for tobacco control among future health care professionals in India.
Ibrahim Magaji Kotorkoshi, Dr. zulistiana binti zulkifli, Prof. Dr. Karsono Ahmad Dasuki
The demand of energy, global warming and greenhouse gas emission have forced the world to look into alternative sources of energy. Solar thermal technologies are regarded as the most promising technology that can supplement the usage of fossil fuels in power generation. Among the solar thermal technologies, parabolic trough solar collectors (PTC’s) from the concentrated solar power (CSP) technology are the most matured application for the production of electricity and steam generation. The development of parabolic trough solar collectors has been carried out throughout the world for different thermal applications ranging from industrial heat process to generation of electricity. In Malaysia, the use of solar thermal technology for the generation of electricity and industrial heat process is not given much attention. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to review the development of parabolic trough solar collectors (PTC’s) for different thermal applications and pointing out some challenges and prospects associated with the development of PTC in Malaysian environment.
Impacts on ground water quality were carried out in the L B Nagar, Hyderabad by many of the researchers previously. As Environmental Act has forced to close sum of the Industries in the LB Nagar area, would like to observe the present status on the natural system in the area.
Michael Njogu Wahome, Dr. F. Memba, Dr. Willy Muturi
Capital structure has been one of the most controversial issues in the field of finance during past years. There are a number of existing theories and empirical studies observing patterns involved in choosing a capital structure, however until now, there is no universal one. The purpose of the study was to carry out empirical test, to determine the influence of firm specific factors as suggested by various theories on the optimal capital structure of Kenyan insurance firms. The study population involved all the registered insurance firms, the research targeted firms that had a continua’s operation between 2003 and 2012 and the analysis was based on the year-end observations for ten consecutive years.
Michael Njogu Wahome, Dr. F. Memba, Dr. Willy Muturi
Capital structure has been one of the most controversial issues in the field of finance during past years. There are a number of existing theories and empirical studies observing patterns involved in choosing a capital structure, however until now, there is no universal one. The purpose of the study was to carry out empirical test, to determine the influence of firm specific factors as suggested by various theories on the capital structure of Kenyan insurance firms. The study population involved all the registered insurance firms, the research targeted firms that had a continua’s operation between 2003 and 2012 and the analysis was based on the year-end observations for ten consecutive years.
Tabitha M. Kwasira, Dr Stanley Makindi, Joseph Muchiri
Community health strategy (CHS) is an approach of one of the Kenyan Vision 2030 flagship projects that intends to improve the health status of communities, through initiation and implementation of life-cycle focused health actions at level one in Kenya. The overall goal of CHS is to enhance community access to health care in order to improve productivity and thus reduce poverty, hunger, child mortality, maternal death, as well as improve education. The community is empowered to have knowledge and skills in health promotion, disease prevention, care seeking and compliance with treatment, governance and management of health services and claiming their rights. International initiatives have been taken to address both existing and emerging issues. There has been no breakthrough in improving the health situation of households entrapped in the vicious cycle of poverty and illness.
Arjun Deore and B. Mathew
In this paper, we describe an automatic people-counting system based on a wireless sensor network at a mountain area. Several people-counting systems have been proposed separately. However, these systems are not suitable to a place such as the mountain area because of a few problems. In this paper, we develop a system which can count the number of visiting people and sense environment information to protect an ecosystem of the mountain area. For people-counting in the mountain area, our system uses two photo-beam sensors, a big rechargeable power and a solar power. Our people-counting method can automatically count the number of incoming and outgoing people at a special point in real time. Moreover, the environment sensors measure environment information at the mountain area, and constitute the wireless sensor network with photo-beam sensors. To establish this system in Korea Mountain, we did tests on the wireless communications range and the reliability of people counting. By the testing results, we found that the developed system is suitable within 200 meters for effective wireless communications in Korea Mountain. When the width of a path up a mountain is within 1.5m, the reliability of people-counting in our system is over 90%. The number of visiting people and the measured environment information are used to manage and control the mountain.
Maj Arpita Dan, Lt Col Elizabeth M Varghese
Background: Central Venous Pressure (CVP) measurement is used to assess intravascular status. But today complicated procedures are replaced by minimally invasive and simple procedures. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between peripheral venous pressure and central venous pressure in critically ill patients.
Denis Ikachoi, Dr. Hellen .K. Mberia, and Dr. Ndeti Ndati
This study seeks to investigate the extent to which self-esteem plays a mediating role between social media and communication skills among undergraduate students at St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza Campus. It aims to achieve this by (1)Identifying the extent of the use of social media by undergraduate students (2) Exploring the nature of information shared among undergraduate students in social media (3) Determine the extent of the interrelationship between use of social media and communication skills (4) Examine the extent of the interrelationship between social media and communication skills as moderated by self-esteem (5) Assess whether social class moderates the relationship between self-esteem and communication skills.In view of the background and literature review, it was found that students use and access various kinds of information on social media which influences their self-esteem.
O. N. Maitera, D. Kubmarawa, J. A. Ndahi
Geozoological method of prospecting for minerals is one of the easier, cheaper and indirect ways of assessing mineral deposit. The current work assessed the distribution of minerals ,major and trace element contents of termiteria and 10 M adjacent soils from Girei local government area of Adamawa state, Nigeria during rainy and dry season. X- ray diffraction (XRD) method of analysis was used for identification of the minerals present in the samples while the elemental contents of the samples were determined by the use of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method. Six different minerals were identified in the study area which arranged in terms of abundance as follows; quartz > rutile > kaolinite > (anatase and fluorite) > corundrum). Quartz, rutile and kaolinite were the most abundant minerals identified in the study area.
Harsha Gupta, Prof. Deepak Tomar, Dr. Asif Ullah Khan
When data is uploaded from any means of data communication, data may be leaked or attacked. Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are the most vulnerable types of attack found now days. It empowers aggressors to infuse customer side script into Web pages saw by different clients. By the help of this type of injection you can control the page by inserting, updating and modifying the data. SQL Injection attacks are easily possible in PHP, JSP and ASP interfaces. It is so because of the older function interface. In case of Java/J2EE and ASP. Net interface it is not so easy because of the programmable interfaces. The main hassles due to the attacks are: Confidentiality, Authentication, Authorization and Integration. If the website is data driven, SQL Injection attacks are easy to employ. So due to the above characteristics controlling the attacks parameters are essential. Our paper main aim is to prevent and detect different types of attack. So for this means analysis and study has been presented.
Muhammad Shakeel Khan, Rahil Ahmed , Rashida Ali, Syed Asad Sayeed
Chemists are always in search of simple, rapid and inexpensive tests to replace time consuming, uneconomical and complex instrumental analysis. The present paper describes relationship of sodium carbonate Solvent retention capacity (SC-SRC) test association with some physicochemical and rheological properties of flour in view of their sorption capacities. The results have illustrated that SC-SRC values based on flour's multiple characteristics such as swelling power, water absorption, hydrophilicity and structural diversity of hydrophilic polymers affected rheological behavior that predicts end quality of biscuit. It was found that SCSRC was negatively correlated with flour moisture content and positively associated with water absorption capacity. Flour particle size (<125µm) also showed similar positive correlation. Farinograph’s other parameters were also significantly predictive considering only SC-SRC value. Glutomatic proteins were not found linked with SC-SRC value. In conclusion it may be derived that SC-SRC test stands parallel to some cumulative results achieved from Farinograph, MVAG and Kernelyzer.
Adeoye Abiodun E and Salau A.M
The effect of annealing on the structural, optical and the photovoltaic properties of CdS:CuxS heterojunction formed by acid etching of sintered CdS layer prepared and dipping it into a cuprous ion solution were investigated for the purpose of fabricating cheap and high efficient solar cell. Each of the CdS:CuxS sample prepared was characterized using the X-ray diffractometer (XRD), UV-visible spectroscopy and the I-V measurement in dark and light condition after annealing at 200 °C, 250 °C and 300 °C. The study concluded that annealing was crucial for optimizing structural and optical properties of CdS:CuxS heterojunction which eventually affect the photovoltaic properties of the samples.
Md. Helal-An-Nahiyan, Mubina Farhin, Gansub Lim
Computer graphics based 3-Dimensional (3D) modeling has a great impact on the rapid transformation of surgical training. Surgical training has led to a new way of learning microsurgery due to the expanded pressure of decreasing the utilization of animals. We have designed a 3D computer modeling based system with real-time visual and haptic interaction for microsurgery training. All kind of microvascular suturing can be practiced with this virtual blood vessels and surgical tools. This application of our system exposes many phases, comprising simulation of deformable organs, tool interactions, collision detection and suture simulation. In this paper we present a detail overview of the safe and hygienic system, which can resolve the ethical issues.
Md. Helal-An-Nahiyan, Md. Hafizur Rahman, Kazi Ehsanul Karim
Robotics has nourished our life with a great instinct which breaded so many automated machines to perform the functions of human beings to bring much comfort and safety. As time passing by, every little field it being filled up by automated machines instead of human activities. This paper aims at a phenomenal analysis of the current situation of waste collection from the dust beans and then a complete mathematical as well as CAD model is established here to introduce a easy to go robot who performs his activity with a 3 DOF RPR manipulator, to take waste from dust beans to make the environment cleaner and to perform hazardous jobs instead of men.
Frans Pekey, Haselman, Muhammad Rusdi, H. Baharuddin
The process of policy formulation and establishment of special autonomy is done in the phenomenon of two forces: the formal actors "receive" and informal actors "reject" special autonomy. Forms of interactions and conditions that created contravention, disagreement and conflict. Informal actors not involved in the policy formulation process. Actor formal government position themselves as individuals, institutions and autonomous actors in the formulation of policy autonomy. Formal action actors perform rational choice on policy issues, supported by a network of actors who have resources in the interests of the actors exchange. Determination of the special autonomy is the result of the preference of rational actors who competed in a bureaucratic political system and establish special autonomy policy in the perspective of the interests of the integrity of the state. Actor interaction in the form of cooperation, compromise and competition between formal actor to actor informal occurred before the special autonomy policy formulation process begins. Furthermore, during the process of policy formulation special autonomy both in the Region as well as at the Centre, did not occur formal interaction between actors with informal actors. Therefore, the interaction that occurs is the interaction between formal actor to actor formal Regional Center.
Anienye P.N; Ijah U.J.J; Nwambu Nnamdi
Assessment of the effect of kerosene spill on the physicochemical properties of soil ten years after spill at Maikunkele, Niger State was carried out. The pH of the KPS increased from 5.52 to 6.48 while that of the KFS was erratic and ranged from 6.06 to 6.85. There was no significant difference in moisture, nitrogen, organic carbon and available phosphorus contents. There was no significant difference between the height, number of leaves and length of leaf of maize plants in both soils indicating that the polluted soil has recovered greatly. It was observed that when the soil was intentionally polluted with kerosene there was no emergence of maize seedlings at any of the concentrations of kerosene (1%, 3%,5%) used indicating a clear case of phytotoxicity resulting from treatment application which would have been the case if kerosene spill still persisted in the impacted soil.
Harmeet Singh & Rafiq Hussain Andrabi
Regional imbalances in agricultural development of Jammu and Kashmir are the major structural constraints to the equitable rural development of the state, which needs to be overhauled through spatial planning approach. In this approach, the systematic identification of levels of development is the pre requisite. This paper attempts to find out the inter-district disparities in agricultural development in Jammu and Kashmir. With innovative quantification, efforts have been made to analyze the inter-district variations in the level of agricultural development. The agricultural processes of the region are directly controlled by the prevailing physical environmental conditions (temperature, precipitation, terrain, soil etc.) and the socio-cultural milieu (land tenancy, size of holding, technology, workforce, family requirements, irrigation, power ,roads ,marketing, aspirations of the growers ,etc.). Keeping in view the geo-ecological conditions of Jammu and Kashmir, fourteen variables relating to agriculture development have been analyzed by using Z- score technique. The study reveals that Pulwama and Kathua districts are the highly developed region while as Anantnag, Srinagar, Jammu, Budgam, Udhampur, Baramulla and Kupwara fall in medium category group and Doda, Leh, Udhampur, Rajouri, Kargil and Poonch are the least developed regions.