Dr. Vandana Singh, Deepika Ahuja
Jaman, M. J., Hasan, M. F., Robbani, M., Masumbillah, T. R., Ferdous, K., and Rajib, M. M. R.
Conspicuous color, quality, taste and flavor highly depend on maturity stages of mango which differ with varieties. Both farmers and consumers confused to determine the exact stages with visual estimation due to nonexistence of pricy and arduous colorimeter. An android based mobile software “On Color Measure” (developed by PotatotreeSoft, Version 3.0) was experienced to detect fruit color for maturity indices of “Mallika” mango with physiochemical quality assessment. The dark olive green peel color was marked as earliest physiological maturity (stage-1), while the subsequent maturity stages determined at 2-days intervals as stage-2 (olive), stage-3 (apple green), stage-4 (brown), stage-5 (saddle brown) and stage-6 (dark golden rod color).
Siti Maftuhah Damio, Hazrat Usman Mashwani
Reading, writing, listening and speaking are the four primary and required skills of every language. Of the four skills of a language, speaking is the skill that always matters the most for a language learner, and it is considered essential. According to Nazara (2012), speaking is an important and essential skill of the four language skills, and as an EFL student, one needs to master the speaking skill. However, the majority of Afghan EFL undergraduates face difficulties in this all-important skill of the language. According to Zia and Sulan (2015), for most of Afghan undergraduate EFL learners, reading and writing are easy, but in oral communication, they are not accurate and fluent. Hence, this study was conducted to investigate the factors that affect the Afghan EFL undergraduates’ speaking skill at Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University Kunar, Afghanistan.
Nadia Sutra Lismi, Wiyatmi
This kind of research is qualitative descriptive research. The study is intended to identify, describe, and analyze images of patriarchate in current Indonesian short story writers. The data in this study is qualitative data and the source of the data is current Indonesian short story writers. The purpose of this study is to describe the position of women in the community and the views of the patriarchy male. Studies show the positions of women in patriarchy as reproductive objects, powerless, beneficiaries, sexual desires and easily conjured.
Mohamed A. Eno, Mohamed Aweys, Amina M. Abdi, Mohamud Abukar, Asha M. Abdi
From clan-based politics in the years leading to independence to clan-shaped legislature and clan-oriented cabinets in the civilian governments following independence, military dictatorship and malfeasance dominated 1970s and 1980s Somalia. Early in 1991, the country became swamped in a clan-based civil war that crumbled state structures and the public services they provided. The ensuing lawlessness increased monumentally, making violence and abuse against women, children, minorities, and the vulnerable among the society very rampant.
Pwint Hay Marn Aung, Myat Lin, Saw Hto Lwe Htoo, Kyi Moe
Virgin coconut oil is becoming more widely known and used as a beneficial food oil. VCO is the purest form of coconut oil which is water like white in color. It is high in antioxidants (vitamin E) which help to prevents the peroxidation reaction. Mechanical screw press methods are used to extract virgin coconut oil in this study because the mechanical extraction is a greener and healthier way of manufacturing oil due to there are no solvent (chemical) residues in the oil. Small quantities of oil were required for analysis in the laboratory, hence it is desirable that a screw press that can be efficiently handle small amount of oil-seed/nut was provided.
Pwint Hay Marn Aung, Myat Lin, Saw Hto Lwe Htoo, Kyi Moe
Virgin coconut oil is becoming more widely known and used as a beneficial food oil. VCO is the purest form of coconut oil which is water like white in color. It is high in antioxidants (vitamin E) which help to prevents the peroxidation reaction. Mechanical screw press methods are used to extract virgin coconut oil in this study because the mechanical extraction is a greener and healthier way of manufacturing oil due to there are no solvent (chemical) residues in the oil. Small quantities of oil were required for analysis in the laboratory, hence it is desirable that a screw press that can be efficiently handle small amount of oil-seed/nut was provided.
Yoga Surahman Priatmojo, Shinta Permata Sari
The Sharia investment market is currently increasing and investors are concerned because it does have advantages. There are many reasons why people are getting concerned about the Sharia investment, not only because investment does not have usury practice, maysir, and gharar, or because this investment is not focused on the investors’ profits only, but also because its principles do not contradict with the prevailing Islamic value.
Sukirman, Zainuddin, Muhammad Yusri Karim
Mangrove crab is one of important economically valuable aquatic biological resource whose habitat is in estuarine areas (mangroves). Mangrove crab can be cultivated with a silvofishery system, namely cultivation in mangrove forest areas. This study aims to examine the interaction between mangrove vegetation types and bycatch fish species in Mangrove crabs in the silvofishery system. This study used 27 bamboo cages and kept 10 crabs/m2 with an average weight of 200±10 g with a carapace width of ±10 cm.
Prof. Rajesh Pal, Suman Kumar Premee
Eastern region of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) is an agrarian economy and demographic profile is predominantly rural in character with high level of poverty. Small and marginal farmers dominate the scenario of land holding. Main source of income of majority of population is agriculture. There are many districts in the eastern region of Uttar Pradesh, where agro-based industry could be established. Maharajnagar is the one district, where over 11.5 per cent of the total land of the district is covered by forest which offer very good potential for forest based industries. On the other hand, Sonebhadra district is rich in mineral and forest resources. Sonebhadra and Mirzapur can be developed on the basis of development of stone based industries.
Quran is the holy book for Muslims which mainly function as guidance. It was revealed in Arabic and for the maintenance of its originality the Quran must be in Arabic, if it is not in Arabic, it is not the Quran. The translation of the Quran into any languages is called translation of the Quran and it is not called the Quran. Theoretically, this can be accepted because the translation of one language into other languages will never be able to transfer the idea completely. There must be something missing because literal translation will not be able to convey the cultural message a word contained due to the different culture of the language.
JKSL Jayakody, NT Jayatilake, Thushara Weerawardane
Instagram has become a fastest growing social network in the last three years. It let the users to share their status by uploading images with a descriptive text, a location, and certain hashtags that do not necessarily represent the substance of the pictures. So now Instagram has become a most popular photo-sharing website. While it is a relatively simple service, Instagrams simplicity has contributed to its worldwide success. But unfortunately, some people misuse this website for unethical activities such as sharing false propaganda and fake news, terrorist activities, unethical religious activities, illicit drug distributions etc.
Rohani and Ning Rahayu
The dynamics of change in the era of globalization to date mainly lies in the important role of technology. The adoption of technology in many developing countries has brought about drastic changes in tax administration, structure and operations. With the existence of technology that is growing fast in DKI Jakarta, which has the highest portion in Indonesia, it encourages a change in the tax administration model to digital tax administration. One of the changes in tax administration model implemented in DKI Jakarta is the implementation of electronification of a notification of tax payable on rural and urban land and building tax, where taxpayers can make registration and obtain it through an application that has been provided. Before that, a notification of tax payable on rural and urban land and building tax is conventionally printed in a form of paper and then distributed in stages through the District, Sub-District and RW/RT
Eng. Iman Abdullah Alkhreisha, Eng. Eman Nasser Al-Frehat, Yazan Fuad Jarrah
Laboratory is simultaneously the most, and the least used resource of the healthcare system, laboratory tests provide information which help doctors to provide better and more effective care for their patients. It’s often cited that laboratory results are an integral part of every medical decision.
Rasha Hassan
In this era, e-government has transformed the interaction between the government and the citizens. Egypt is a developing country that has recently experienced a transition to e-government. The COVID-19 pandemic has and still deeply changed the world. This study examines the efficiency and the acceptance of e-government factors in Egypt. A proposed model was developed by reviewing the key concepts related to the implementation of the e-government and testing the pandemic influence to accelerate the acceptance and the real usage. Citizen trust in government and technology is urgent to the widespread adoption of e-government.
Otuoku Karl
The purpose of this study was to construct and validate a mathematics test. Five research questions were employed in conducting the study. Test items were constructed and sent to two content specialists who jointly rated the relevance of the MT items. Based on the recommendation of these resource persons, nine to ten items were randomly sampled on each domain specifications and built into the form 1 MT.
Akannam, P.O* and Kakulu, S.E
The impact of industries on selected heavy metals in soil samples of Nnewi-North, Anambra State, Nigeria was studied. The levels of seven heavy metals (Pb, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, and Cd) in top soil (15-20cm), from the area were determined using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric technique. The HNO3-HCl-H2O2 method was used in the soil sample extraction. Accuracy of the method was assessed by the determination of a certified reference soil material, CC-141, obtained from European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) Belgium and the results showed agreement with certified values.
Victor Parzhnytsky, Olexander Savenko, Olga Kaitanovska
We emphasize that in an autonomous mode, in a closed pedagogical and industrial environment, the modernization of vocational education is impossible and not a real thing. International cooperation, pedagogical dialogue, identification of commonalities and differences in the systems of vocational education of different countries and Ukraine are extremely necessary here.
Rudwan Masoud
Many health systems around the world are increasingly facing challenges when it comes to providing comprehensive care and treatment options, for example, due to ongoing demographic changes and aging societies , leading to more patients and increasing age-related health problems . These issues are often paired with structural and spatial disparities, especially in rural locations, resulting in an unfair distribution of medical facilities and practitioners, as well as barriers to access to care. At the same time, the exodus of general practitioners and specialists, as well as the absence of heirs to continue their practice, can be observed in many rural regions. Reasons include, for example, a lack of attractiveness among young graduates to assert themselves in such fields or an inferior work-life balance due to high demand per capita.
Elijah Mutambanshiku Mwewa Bwalya; MacPherson Mutale; Lt Col. Emmanuel Kunda
Analogue terrestrial television has been in existence since the 1940s but was rendered obsolete due to advancement in technology and its inefficient use of the frequency spectrum which is a limited resource. Analogue Terrestrial Television is said to use one frequency to carry one programme channel while Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) can use one frequency to carry multiple programme channels. What this means is that Digital Terrestrial Television allows for transmission of many television programmes using one frequency channel and at lower cost. So what is Digital Broadcasting Migration?
Elijah Mutambanshiku Mwewa Bwalya and Gladys Mwansa Matandiko
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) provides young people with opportunities to explore their values and attitudes and build skills so that they can make safe decisions; including reducing their risk of getting diseases such as HIV and AIDS, avoiding Child marriages and unintended pregnancies, Gender Based Violence, delay sexual debut and sexual abuse. That is why from 2011 an Adolescent Health Strategy was established to start providing interventions on Health issues for the adolescents and young people: unintended pregnancies; identity crisis, drugs and substance abuse; sexual relationships and experimentation; lack of decision making skills and assertiveness; HIV & AIDS; lack of information and Gender Based Violence; lack of access to medical services e.g. contraception; negative cultural and religious practices; failure of parents to educate their children and lack of adherence to proper use of contraception.
Dr. Irshad Nazeer, Isani Gazalabanu Abdul Gafar
Banking industry is a fast growing sector in which technology adoption is at a high pace. The role of employees is shrunk to value added services and customer care. This paper analyses the effect of emotional intelligence on their performance. The study was conducted among bank employees from NBFC , Scheduled banks, Nationalized banks and private banks. Descriptive analysis is used in this research and used raking method based on weighted mean to understand the effective emotional intelligence factors that affects performance. Self awareness, self regulation, self motivation, empathy and social skills are tested using a tool based on emotional intelligence of Daniel Goldman. The results shows that the employees have long service and happy in continuing in Banking sector. The employees are interested in delivering customer based value services though personal interest is low in tasks, but deliver for completing tasks.
Alden Q. Gabuya Jr, Leo T. Zosa, and Joemar T. Minoza
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of the Biometric Attendance System (BAS) of Cebu Technological University-Tuburan Campus during the calendar year 2018 as basis for a proposed system improvement. This study used the quantitative research employing descriptive method that assessed the performance of the Biometric Attendance System as to timeliness, accuracy, graphical user-interface and system maintenance. The study was conducted at Cebu Technological University-Tuburan Campus, Tuburan, Cebu. There were 96 teaching staff and 48 non-teaching personnel who were chosen randomly to evaluate the performance of the Biometric Attendance System. Weighted mean was used to analyze and interpret the data. This study revealed the following findings: the BAS has six (6) features which are touch-screen user interface (TUI), system setup, administrators, finger registration, clock configuration and DTR pint menu.
Murtala Hashimu, Muhammad Garba, Abubakar Ibrahim
Information and communication technology (ICT) has changed the world of library such that activities being carried out manually before are now being automated. The works of library staff are now being characterized by information and communication technologies. Academic libraries were observed to be more equipped with information infrastructures more than any other type of libraries, but no library no matter how well equipped that doesn’t require the service of a workforce that is highly competent in the use of ICT tools, as such information infrastructure will remain unused or under-utilized. It is in connection to this, that this study examined the background and underlined the need for an ICT competency framework that explains the duties and responsibilities of the library professionals engaged. The study also highlighted several aspects of ICT competency implementation and the impacts of ICT on the development of library personnel competencies in general. A descriptive survey design of quantitative research method was used, with a sample size of one hundred and thirty-two (132) drawn from population of one hundred and fifty-two (152).
Ado Ismail Sabo
The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused significant disruption to a wide range of human activities, with academic commitment at universities being one of the most important. By the end of COVID-19, everyone will recognise that universities cannot be held responsible for the adoption of online studies. However, in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is critical to investigate the relationship between "University Service Quality" and "Student Loyalty" in order to better comprehend the impact of online learning adoption. Studying the Influence of university service quality on student loyalty to online learning adoption in the con-text of the COVID-19 Pandemic, on the other hand, will lead to greater understanding of how students commitment to online learning is linked to how satisfied they are with their universitys services in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, a focus group experiment was conducted with university students to determine their level of loyalty towards their universities based on their online studies instead of face-to-face. According to the findings, students believe they should be compensated in some way because they paid for face-to-face instruction while receiving online instruction. The universities should not charge the same amount for online learning as it does for face-to-face study. Consequently, they lost a lot of faith in the university, and their loy-alty to the university dropped drastically.
Nanda Aditya Putra, Heppy Purbasari
Local government performance is a description of the level of achievement of the implementation of an activity/program/policy in realizing the goals, objectives, mission and vision of the organization contained in the strategic planning of an organization. This study aims to determine the effect of the Internal Control System (SPI), the ability to maintain WTP Opinions, and Local Government Organizations (OPD) on the Performance of Local Governments in the province of Java-Bali in 2016-2018. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the Local Government Organization (OPD) variable had a significant effect on local government performance. While the variables of the Internal Control System (SPI) and the ability to maintain the opinion of the WTP have no significant effect on the performance of local governments.
Lookman Olalekan Kareem, Adeseye Abiodun Akintunde, Oladimeji George Opadijo, Oluranti Babatope Familoni
Background: The hemodynamic and cardiovascular status of women during pregnancy changes in a pattern that completely differs from the non-pregnant state which may aggravate pre-existing asymptomatic heart disease or cause new-onset heart disease in the susceptible heart. This study assessed the electrocardiography patterns of women in each trimester of pregnancy.
Faiz Naufal Alphen, Heppy Purbasari
This research is motivated by the accountability of financial statements which is a benchmark for the quality of a regions financial reports. The population is 121 regencies/cities on the islands of Java and Bali. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method. Testing using logistic regression. The results showed that the decrease in poverty level affected the accountability of financial statements, the size of the local government did not affect the accountability of financial statements, and the amount of capital expenditure did not affect the accountability of financial statements. The ability of the variable to decrease the poverty level, the size of the local government, and the amount of capital expenditure explained the financial statement accountability variable by 6.6% while the remaining 93.4% was explained by other factors outside the study.
Ida Herwati, Jennyla Puspitaning Ayu, Luthfiyatul Mustafidah, Listiyawati Ratna Ningrum, Indah Nur Aini, Muhasim, Lailatul Kodriyah
Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is an application system and a communication information technology system that processes and integrates the entire flow of hospital service processes in the form of a network of coordination, reporting and administrative procedures that aim to assist hospitals in improving existing services at the hospital. The. Information systems can help an organization to be able to carry out various activities more accurately, with quality and on time so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Vigneshwaran Kennady, Priya Mayilsamy
Technology has evolved and has become part of people’s lives today. Information systems (IS) are now embraced in all spheres of management. Essentially, this is because of its efficiency and reliability in different fields. Knowledge of IS has enabled the control of advanced sectors (1). IS helps distinguish raw and factual data, which are helpful to any firm. A company must always follow a specific protocol while handling these transactions, whether placing orders for a customer or processing many invoices.
Jingga Galuh Lumintang, Heppy Purbasari
This research is motivated by the high level of poverty causing the costs to be incurred for economic growth to be greater, so that it can hamper the rate of economic growth. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of Regional Original Income and General Allocation Funds on social assistance spending, the effect of Regional Original Income and General Allocation Funds on the number of poor people, and whether social assistance expenditures were able to mediate the relationship between Regional Original Income and General Allocation Funds on the number of poor people. The population is 122 regencies/cities on the islands of Java and Bali, and the sample is taken by a purposive sampling method.
Santi Yopie, Riandi
This study aims to analyze the effect of auditor characteristics and company characteristics on audit delays in companies on the IDX in the 2019 financial statements. The research data comes from the number of companies tested the financial statements of companies selected from the annual financial statements of companies listed on the IDX. 2015 to 2019, and which have been through the audit process. The sample was selected through purposive sampling method and technique. The type of data chosen to be used in the implementation of this research is secondary data. The method used in this research is a causal method with a quantitative approach. The data obtained will be processed using the method (system). The results of the study state that the variables do not have a significant effect on Audit Delay, while a significant effect is found on the on Audit Delay.
While coworking has been a trending topic globally since the new millennium, the Sri Lankan coworking industry gets started with the economic boom at the end of the war. As coworking is a new concept in the country, its adaptations and impacts need to study in future adjustments and growth. Hence, as the first research in the subject area, a broad frame-work is developed while using the Theory of Proximity and the Five Coworking Core values as the base. The layouts of two Colombo-based coworking environments were examined; Co-nnect and Likuid Spaces. The results showed that both the coworking environment layout arrangements and co-workers’ attitudes should improve in being true to core working core values. While it gives a standard framework for future research, it sheds light on the Sri Lankan interior designers, business researchers, and venture capitalists towards new opportunities in the coworking industry.
Morris Irungu Kariuki, John Muturi Mwangi & Peter Githae Muturi
This study examined the moderating effect of age in the relationship between debt literacy and indebtedness of formal sector employees in Kenya. The study showed that age has an effect on the amount of debt held by individuals. Research also found level of debt literacy particularly low among youth and elderly. The study using hierarchical moderated multiple regression (MMR) models found that the coefficients for interaction term for debt literacy and age of employees had significant moderating effect. Further, the study revealed the moderating effect of age was positive and significant for Debt Service Ratio (DSR) on one hand and negative and significant for Debt Income Ratio (DIR) on the other.The young and the elderly were found debt illiterate. The government and other institutions should roll out financial education programs
Ratih Ayu Yuniarti
The HPP Law is the Tax Harmonization Law which is part of the tax reform system with the aim of strengthening the economy and accelerating national development. . In the law there are new tax regulations that are considered more in favor of the interests of the general public. Included in the Tax Harmonization Law are changes to personal income taxes and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Olafuyi Basiru Alani, Adekoya Oluwaseun, Tashawa Perrin, Medina Rahman, Roland Saffy
The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected our lives. Movements and trading activities have been paralyzed. People have been forced to normalize into the new normal. The pandemic has shaped the way we live. In an attempt to fight against the pandemic, governments and other health organizations have fostered restrictive measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Some of these restrictions include but are not limited to total lockdown, limited social gatherings and the use of face masks. The use of face masks called for the need to have facial detection machines which can be developed from Keras, Scikit-learn and OpenCV. This paper examines the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is utilized for detecting and classifying an individual wearing a mask.
Ita Kristiana
This writing is based on legal issues regarding the juridical review of the imposition of income tax from endorsement service activities in the world of social media. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the rules governing the imposition of income tax from endorsement service activities and to analyze the object and subject standards of the endorsement tax. The research method used in normative legal research is conducting research from primary and secondary legal sources related to this writing. Tax is a very important income for a country because it can provide a balance. Activities from endorsement services can be taxed because people who offer endorsement services can generate fairly large profits. Therefore, endorsement activities become a place of livelihood for celebgrams or influencers. Endorsement activities are subject to income tax (PPh) due to using the services of individuals. Income tax rules are contained in Article 4 of Law No. 36 of 2008 concerning income tax and provides an explanation of the object of income tax is income earned or obtained by taxpayers, whether generated in Indonesia or abroad, whose income is used to add wealth and to fulfill income tax obligations. the needs of the taxpayer, in any form. The conclusion is that the activities of endorsement services on social media need to be collected for taxes. In collecting income tax from endorsement activities, socialization and clear legal provisions are needed in order to realize justice.
Pipiet Kurniasari, Fatchan Achyani
The goal of this study was to identify the factors that influence risk management disclosure (RMD) in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the manufacturing sector between 2018 and 2020. This study uses managerial ownership, public ownership, board of commissioners size, auditor reputation, leverage, company size, and risk management committee as independent variables.
Fortune Chimbishi
Farmer led irrigation farming (FLI) is a vital strategy in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers especially the A1 model resettled farmers in Zimbabwe who now operate in an unpredictable natural and economic environment which has become more and more volatile especially under the prevailing climate changing environment and more recently global epidemics like COVID 19. FLI is now a revolutionary agricultural intensification approach which is already in progress and has the magnitude to significantly transform the living standards of smallholder farmers.
Dr. Kishor S. Rajput
One of the reasons of low life expectancy in North East India is the large number of premature deaths of the infants, child and adults. Along with the decline in infant and child mortality rates, the focus now has to be on reducing the premature adult deaths. For that, analysis of the adult deaths and its causes that account for these deaths is very important. One of the important causes of such deaths is the diseases related to the circulatory system. This paper, therefore, attempts to focus on the diseases of circulatory system as one of the important causes of deaths, as provided by the data in the MCCD 2015, in the eight states of North Eastern Region of India. The paper also examines the age and sex variation in this cause-group of the deaths in the selected states.
Dr. Mulinge Daniel
This paper sought to find out the influence of marketing strategies on firm performance of Food and Beverage processing Companies in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional survey method. A census survey comprising 71 senior managers was contacted for this study. Data was analyzed using descriptive and simple regression analysis. The findings established that product and pricing strategies were the most practiced by the food and beverage processing firms. The regression results revealed a positive and statistically significant relationship between Marketing strategies and firm performance. The study recommends for policy makers and management of food and Beverage companies to support these firms by offering marketing management skills, capabilities and push for legislations aimed at low interest rates for startup firms, reduced tax on essential processed commodities and subsidized inputs by the Government.
Ado Ismail Sabo
The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused significant disruption to a wide range of human activities, with academic commitment at universities being one of the most important. By the end of COVID-19, everyone will recognise that universities cannot be held responsible for the adoption of online studies. However, in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is critical to investigate the relationship between "University Service Quality" and "Student Loyalty" in order to better comprehend the impact of online learning adoption. Studying the Influence of university service quality on student loyalty to online learning adoption in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, on the other hand, will lead to greater understanding of how students commitment to online learning is linked to how satisfied they are with their universitys services in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dr Rahul Verma, Dr Vivek Prakash, Dr Sanjay Gupta, Dr Apser Khan
Introduction- Clavicle is the subcutaneous bone and is a part of shoulder girdle. It articulates with sternum medially and acromion of scapula laterally. The clavicle will fracture (closed, open) and affects the movement at affected shoulder joint. Fracture of clavicle will be treated by various mode of treatment (conservative, operative). This study was conducted to evaluate the outcome of plating and intra-medullary titanium elastic nailing in treatment of displaced midshaft clavicle fracture and compare between them on the basis of various modalities.
Akram Kharir Saleh Edkheil, Zaynab Aboulqasim Faraj Albireek, HOUDA TAHIR IBRAHIM, Khaled Elgergeni
Background: Polymer composites for use in prosthetics contain several components, but the main ingredients are the organic component-matrix and the inorganic component-reinforcement. The physical-mechanical properties of the composite depend on the reinforcement content, the bond between the matrix and the reinforcement as well as on the reinforcement distribution. Hybrid composite materials are a combination of either two types of matrix with one reinforcement or two types of reinforcement in one matrix, and other combinations are possible. In that way, it is possible to design and modify - cut the physical-mechanical and functional properties of composites, and process materials with predefined properties.
MSC : Wafula Daniel Chebukati and Dr. Anthony Osoro
This study explored on the effect of employee motivation on performance of agriculture sector in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The specific objective of this study were; employee innovation, employee incentives, employee flexible schedules and employee feedback on performance in Kenyas Trans Nzoia County. The findings of the study are intended to be useful to Kenyan policymakers, agricultural sector and researchers and scholars.
Samson Ojedokun, 1Nicholas Aderinto, 1Ayodeji Ilelaboye, 1Samson Afolabi, 1James Adebayo, 1Oluwatosin Ayantoyinbo, 1Aderonke Afolabi, 1Yetunde Akande, 1Abayomi Olaitan 2Taiwo Alatishe
Study background: Medical students, like any other students, due to psycho-social factors and academic stress they go through, are at risk of psychoactive substance use. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of substance abuse and drug problem among medical students in this study area
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