International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

* All listed papers are published after full consent of respective author or co-author(s).
** For any discussion on research subject or research matter, the reader should directly contact to undersigned authors.

Study on the fecundity of Cyprinus carpio communis (Linneaus, 1758, introduce)
      Shaheena Shafi, A.R.Yousuf and Muni Parveen

Abstract: Mature specimens ranging in weight from 47.00g to 4450g and in length from145mm to 610mm were used. Weight of ovary in the fish fluctuated from 4.0 g to 707 g with a mean value of 33.47. Absolute fecundity of samples varied from 3173 to 629230 and the relative fecundity varied in the range of 21.00 - 223.00 with a mean value of 91.17. The mathematical relationship of fecundity with other variables viz: fish length, fish weight, ovary weight and ovary length, and between fish weight and ovary weight and ovary length was calculated.


Efficient Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Some 1,2,4 trisubstituted Imidazolin-5-One
      A. K. RATHOD

Abstract: A successful application of microwave irradiation has been studied in which series of different 2-aryl-4-arylidene-1-carboxymethyl-2-imidazolin-5-one (3a-f) were synthesized in high yield using a microwave method. More chemistry techniques have many advantages i.e. very rapid reactions, low energy, consumptions and safe operation, high yield, less time.


Wind Turbine Blade Efficiency and Power Calculation with Electrical Analogy
      Asis Sarkar, Dhiren Kumar Behera

Abstract: Wind turbines work by converting the kinetic energy in the wind first into rotational kinetic energy in the turbine and then electrical energy that can be supplied. The energy available for conversion mainly depends on the wind speed and the swept area of the turbine. A 1kW @ 11m/s, 1 meter diameter wind turbine designed with the support of software. The wind turbine blades power and efficiency has been measured at different tip-speed-ratios as well as calculated using software tool. The wind turbine blades power and efficiency has been measured at different tip-speed-ratios and a maximum efficiency of 30% at a TSR of 11.6 was recorded, verifying the blade calculator’s accuracy. This paper is an insight into the design aspects of a wind turbine, like turbine blade design, wind power and output power calculation.


Characterization of Duplex Stainless Steel Heat – Treated at 1300°C
      R. Jayachitra, V. Muthupandi, K. Vijayalakshmi

Abstract: Attenuation characteristics and ultrasonic velocity of duplex stainless steel test coupons held at 1300°C for 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes period and later water quenched were found to be strongly influenced by the microstructural features. Attenuation increases with increase in grain size while longitudinal velocity is influenced by both the austenite content and the grain size. Elastic constants show better correlation with shear wave velocity than longitudinal velocity. However, for bulk modulus correlation coefficient (R) is 0.8 while for other elastic constants (R) value is more than 0.9.


Actinobacterial diversity of mangrove environment of the Bhitherkanika mangroves, east coast of Orissa, India
      J. Rajkumar, N. S. Swarnakumar, K. Sivakumar, T. Thangaradjou, L. Kannan

Abstract: Studies on actinobacteria of marine habitats gaining international importance due to its proven abilities of novel compound production. Information on actinobacteria of the mangrove environments is less and hence the present study was carried out in the different mangrove environment of Bhitarkanikka, Orissa. A total of 116 actinobacterial colonies were recorded from 30 mangrove and marine sediment samples of Bhitherkanikka mangrove environment east coast of Orissa. Among them, 67 isolates of were morphologically distinct on the basis of colour of spore mass riverside colour, Arial and substrate mycelia format production of diffusible pigment sporophore morphology. Forty three isolates were assigned to the genus Streptomyces, Saccharopolyspora (5), Nocardiopsis (5), Micromonospora (3), Actinomadura (5), Actinomycetes (1), Actinopolyspora (5).


Social Networking as an emerging tool of communication A study of Facebook usage by Kashmiri Print Journalists
      Shahana Islam, Ronaq Moon

Abstract: Social networking sites including Facebook are changing the way journalists interact. Journalists use social networks to gather and disseminate information as it takes seconds to reach the masses. The current study is conducted to examine the utility of the most commonly used social networking site, Facebook, in collecting and reporting news by Print journalists in Kashmir.


Comparative Analysis of Microstrip Coaxial Fed, Inset Fed and Edge Fed Antenna Operating at Fixed Frequency
      B. Jyothi, B.T.P.Madhav, V.V.S. Murthy, P. Syam Sundar and VGKM Pisipati

Abstract: There are so many techniques are available for feeding the microstrip patch antennas and each are having their own significance and impact on these antennas. The functional characteristics and output parameters of these microstrip antennas will be affected by choosing different feeding techniques. This paper deals with the comparative analysis of coaxial, inset and edge fed MSPA’s with their simulated performance characteristics. All the three models are designed and simulated using Finite Element Method based antenna designing software Ansoft HFSS.


Evaluation of plant growth promoting attributes and lytic enzyme production by fluorescent Pseudomonas diversity associated with Apple and Pear
      Ruchi, Ritika Kapoor, Ajay Kumar, Amit Kumar, Sandip Patil, Shobit Thapa and Mohinder Kaur

Abstract: Replant problem is very serious problem which suppress growth and yield of apple and pear in all major fruit growing areas of the world. Fluorescent Pseudomonas has potential to synthesize different secondary metabolites with diverse PGPR activities which enhance soil fertility and promote plant growth. Under the present study twenty six Pseudomonas strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of apple and pear plants of their normal and replant sites and found that the Pseudomonas count was more in normal site as compare to replant site. They were further screened for the production of various PGPR activities and proteolytic enzymes production viz. protease, chitinase and glucanase. AN-1-UHF, AN-5-UHF, PN-7-UHF and PN-13-UHF were selected on the basis of their higher PGPR attributes and proteolytic activities. These strains were further found to be very efficient in antimicrobial activities.


Secure Biometric Authentication Using Recursive Visual Cryptography
      Mrs.Lakshmi Madhuri.K., Mr.Viraj Thakur, Mr.Rajesh Jaiswal, Mr.Sandesh Sonawane, Mr.Rohit Nalavade

Abstract: Recursive Visual cryptography takes the idea from the basic scheme of Visual cryptography to hide multiple secrets recursively in the single image. [1] This paper proposes a scheme of recursive creation of shares using the basic scheme and embedding secrets into the shares. This results levels of share creation i.e. n- secrets equals n/2 levels. This paper also provides secured authentication for the user, using the Biometric authentication [6-7] Thus the proposed paper is implemented in any of the real time applications.


Assessment of performance evaluation of reed (Phragmites karka) in constructed reed bed (CRB) system for domestic sludge, Ujjain city
      Sushil Manderia

Abstract: Sludge is crated by modern societies as unavoidable byproducts as population growth, industralization, urbanization, homeowners, modernization, residences, institutions and commercial and industrial establishments. The proper utilization and disposal of domestic sludge is one of the most critical issues facing today. Performance of reed in a constructed reed bed system (CRBs) for domestic waste was evaluated. Removal efficiency of some physico-chemical parameters (pH, conductivity, organic carbon, organic matter, nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4−N), total kzeldhal nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus) in domestic waste emanating from residential areas in Ujjain city. The size of CRBs were 35m length x 25m breadth and 50m depth and 12m diameter cemented tank were used for sludge treatment in the field. The CRBs was composed of a gravel bed supported below on a layer of pubbled, local clay. Initially CRBs was planted with locally grown grass, Phragmites karka at the rate of 6 to 8 plants per m2. Parameters assessed in both the reed bed sludge complex initially and after 15 days. Sludge can be dewatered and converted into biomass and a low-grade compost without chemical addition or energy. Removal rates of TOC (43-48%), TKN (58-61%), NH4−N (50%) and NO3−N as 58% were recorded. The data and results presented in this paper support the notion that CRB sludge treatment systems and the use of reed beds provide an efficient and ecological principle based an effective alternative for domestic sludge treatment.


Commonly used Media by Adolescent Girls to Seek Information Regarding Current Trends in Women’s Physical Appearance
      Ragini Mishra, Mrs. Vidya Dayal, Sudha Mishra

Abstract: The aim of research study was to find out behavior of adolescent girls as influenced by or in response to the influence of ‘commonly used media by adolescent girls, to seek information regarding current trends related to women’s physical appearance’. Purposively, from three schools 120 adolescents (60 early adolescent girls and 60 late adolescent girls) were randomly selected for the study in Kanpur city of Utter Pradesh. A self constructed questionnaire was used to find out the most commonly used media (television, magazines, cinema and internet.), among adolescent girls, to seek information regarding current trends related to women’s physical appearance according to the age and socio-economic status of adolescent girls. In Data was analyzed in terms of percentage, frequency and chi square (χ2). Findings reveal that commonly used media by adolescent girls were television (91.67%), magazines (89.67%), cinema (81.67%) and internet (25.83%) respectively.


Analysis of Vegas Using Network Simulator
      Jitender Sharma, Dr Amit Kumar Garg

Abstract: Information sharing has become the basic need of time, and internet supports us to share the information in one of the fastest possible ways. Internet has emerged as the basic need of the time. Internet has influenced every part of our life. Shopping, communication, entertainment, business, information, education all aspects of one’s life are available on internet There has been a tremendous increase, almost an exponential rise, in the number of internet users in the recent times, which resulted in the form of congestion problem over the wide area network (WAN). Window size is an important parameter to avoid congestion. The basic idea of this work is to simulate TCP variant Vegas using NS2 at different delay times and window size, to find which is best suited window size for this variant, depending on the parameters like bandwidth and delay time.


Development of Maintenance Strategy to Improve Performance of Induce Draft Wet Cooling Tower
      Alok Singh, S P S Rajput

Abstract: Throughout the years, the importance of the maintenance management system and their functions has grown rapidly. Cooling towers are used in many process applications in the various industries. Reliability of these towers is crucial. In many cases, redundant towers are installed to ensure a process will not have to be stopped due to a cooling tower failure. The most prevalent cause of cooling tower downtime is failure of bearings, improper water distribution by the nozzles, fan unbalance, failure of the gearbox or associated mechanical components, such as the driveshaft or disc couplings etc. Further, the elimination of these components reduces the losses in the drive system and offers the possibility for improved overall system efficiency. To succeed in the ever-growing competitive global marketplace, it is vital for modem industries to reduce costs related to asset maintenance, repair and replacement, which directly affects the cost of manufactured products. Unplanned downtime results in high maintenance costs. Consequently, improving maintenance efficiency provides substantial benefits to equipments. Cooling tower maintenance considering future uncertainties could improve the efficiencies of the heat transfer processes and as a result, improve the performance of the cooling tower. As a step towards incorporating uncertainties in the cooling tower consideration, this paper presents a cooling tower maintenance methodology including cooling tower trouble shooting with their causes and remedies, preventive maintenance schedule for cooling tower, optimization of cooling tower overhauling activity in maintenance and monitoring technologies. The methodology has been presented, allows the easy maintenance and monitoring of cooling tower with the use of new technology in drive assembly. In this present work we have prepare a preventive maintenance schedule on the basis of their failure and causes. This increases the utilization of the cooling tower and reduces the uneven breakdown maintenance.


Impact of Beam Divergence on the Performance of Free Space Optical System
      Gaurav Soni, Jagjit Singh Malhotra

Abstract: Free space optical communication system (FSO) is a potential solution for increasing bandwidth demands. The FSO has a capability to provide high speed data communication, economic and quick deployable. With recent advances and interest in Free Space Optics (FSO) for commercial deployments, a proper understanding of optical signal propagation in different atmospheric conditions has become essential. Although FSO has several advantages, but at the same time FSO faces a major challenge from scintillation introduced by atmospheric turbulence but improvement in performance of FSO Link has been observed with the use of small beam divergence angles. In this paper, the simulation performance investigation of varying beam divergence angle for FSO system is carried out. The performances are analyzed in terms of bit error rate (BER), Quality factor (Q) and eye diagrams.


Estimation of an L-G Fault Distance of an Underground Cable Using WNN
      Biswapriya Chatterjee

Abstract: In this paper we have developed a three layer Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) for L-G fault location of an underground cable. Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is used for training of the network. Simulation result and graphs shows the effectiveness of WNN as a fault locator network.


Financial Performance Evaluation of Depositories in India (A Comparative study of NSDL and CDSL)
      Prof. Kaushal A. Bhatt, Prof. Kinjal Bhatt

Abstract: Depository is an institution or a kind of organization which holds securities with it, in which trading is done among shares, debentures, mutual funds, derivatives, F&O and commodities. The intermediaries perform their actions in variety of securities at Depository on the behalf of their clients. These intermediaries are known as Depositories Participants. Fundamentally, there are two sorts of depositories in India. One is the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and the other is the Central Depository Service (India) Limited (CDSL). The investor who is known as beneficial owner (BO) has to open a demat account through any DP for dematerialisation of his holdings and transferring securities. Depositories were setup with the objective of providing convenient, dependable and secure depository services at affordable cost to all market participants. All leading stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange, Calcutta Stock Exchange, Delhi Stock Exchange, The Stock Exchange of Ahmedabad, etc have established connectivity with CDSL or NSDL. The paper entitled “Financial Performance Evaluation of Depositories in India” (A Comparative study of NSDL and CDSL) focuses on financial performance of both the depositories i.e. CDSL and NSDL of India. This study is purely based on secondary data and the period of the study is April – 2006 to March – 2011 i.e. five consecutive financial years. Main objectives of the study are (i) To comment on Financial soundness of the depositories during the period under study, (ii) To check Total Expenses to Total Income ratio of both the depositories, (iii) To check Operational Income to Total Income ratio of both CDSL and NSDL during the study period and (iv) To analyze Return on Investment of depositories during the period under review. The scope of the study is limited to Depositories and its profitability during the study period. To check the significance of Hypothesis, one – Way ANOVA has been used as a statistical tool apart from using Mean, Standard Deviation and Co-efficient of Variance.


Management Training Needs For Micro Women Entrepreneurs
      D.Shanthi Revathi, Dr.Jayasree Krishnan

Abstract: Entrepreneurship amongst women has been a recent development. The entrepreneur is a person who has enterprising quality, takes initiative and establishes an economic activity or enterprise. Starting and operating an enterprise involves considerable risk and effort on the part of the entrepreneurs, particularly in the light of high failure rate. The enterprises started by women are so greatly influenced by the decisions and desires of the members of the family, women entrepreneurs who receive support from family, relatives and other support systems could manage their own enterprises successfully. Entrepreneurial talents and capabilities are latent in all communities but their translation to innovative action depends on appropriate stimuli and environment and these stimuli can be generated trough training. Training women for entrepreneurial and managerial capabilities should be conceived as one of the most important factors for accelerating growth. Efforts are being made along these lines, however they are limited only to bring changes quantitatively but not qualitatively. Hence appropriate training and interventions are needed to bring qualitative changes in the situation. An attempt was made in this study to examine the quality of micro-enterprise management by women in socio-cultural milieu and to project the management training needs of women entrepreneurs.


Employee Performance Appraisal System and Use of Iris Biometric System in Human Resource Management Software
      Yogesh Kumar Jakhar, Mrs. Savita Shiwani, Mr. Naveen Hemrajani

Abstract: Human Resource is the backbone of any organization. Human resource management (HRM) is the only responsible factor ensuring that the right people at the right place and at the right time to execute corporate plans. Computerized Systems are being used to this effect in a big way. In this paper proposed a system for calculate performance appraisal of employee by a mathematical model and describe an eye’s Iris-based biometric attendance system. We propose a performance appraisal system using multi aspect evaluation of employee in a software company. These aspects are Skills, Knowledge, Regularity, Effectiveness, Coordination and administration. Further these aspects are sub divided into sub aspects to ensure employee performance appraisal truthful. The proposed software store employee details and Iris image in database. Every day when employee comes, camera detect Iris image and match with stored template in database. Employee id gets from database and makes employee today attendance and stored in database permanently. At the end of month, salary also calculated with help of attendance and also maintains leave status.


In-Vitro Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Bauhinia Variegata Linn
      Sonam Pandey, R. C. Agrawal and S. Maheshwari

Abstract: In this present study our aim was to evaluate In vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential of methanolic extracts of Bauhinia variegata Linn. Different parts of Bauhinia variegata like leaves, bark and flowers have free radical scavenging activity by hydroxyl radical scavenging method. All extracts have different level of antioxidant activity. Methanol extracts was found to be good solvent for extraction and having good antioxidant activity. IC50 value of Bauhinia variegata leaf, stem bark and floral buds are 17.9, 19.5 and 17.2 ug/ml. The Reducing power of extracts was carried out with ascorbic acid as a standard reducing agent. All the analysis was made with the use of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (UV -1601 SHIMADZU). In this plant (Bauhinia variegata) leaf, stem bark, floral buds extracts there was a remarkable concentration dependent free radical scavenging and reducing power was exhibited. These findings demonstrated that Bauhinia variegata possess free radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity as well as antioxidant activity in vitro. In conclusion the present study indicates that Bauhinia variegata may be a potential source of natural antioxidant.


Study of a most meaningful Block Decodable Line Code for High Speed Optical Communication

Abstract: In this paper a coding scheme is presented that allows the use of high-rate error control codes with a simple line code that gives tight run-length bounds. This implementation offers a small decrease in the overall code rate and is of particular interest in high speed optical communication systems. This code provides a most feasible mechanism for fruitful operation of an Optical Fiber Communication System.


The effects of climatic change on the diversity & composition of phytoplankton community in Tungabhadra Reservoir
      C.M Nagabhushan and B.B Hosetti

Abstract: The autotrophic plankton comprising the major position in reservoirs acts as a basic food material in the aquatic food-chain. Plankton acts as biomarkers for the water quality assessment which facilitates fish production. 21 hydrological parameters with meteorological factors were studied in Tungabhadra reservoir (TBR) at 15o 12’ 18” N and 76o 13’ 30” E from Jan 2009 to Dec 2010 covering summer, monsoon & transition periods chiefly to understand the plankton productivity. Qualitative analysis varied significantly during the study period. Maximum diversity was recorded in the months of Dec-Mar. A total of 53 species of phytoplankton representing four classes were recorded in the up-streams. Among the Bacillariophyceae, melosira was significantly dominant. Abundance of desmids was the indication of relatively unpolluted condition in the up-streams of Tungabhadra Reservoir. Yet it is experiencing drastic climatological changes.


Mobile Banking as Technology Adoption and Challenges: A Case of M-Banking in India
      Archana Sharma, Dr. Vineet kansal

Abstract: If technological revolution is at its peak, one of the notable sectors of the economy where technology is at it helm of affairs with respect to customer service is BANKING. Over the years, banking has transcended from a traditional brick-and mortar model of customers queuing for services in the banks to modern day banking where banks can be reached at any point for their services. In today’s business, technology has been on the predominant indicators of growth and competitiveness. The banking industry today is in the industry of its revolution. Information technology has basically been used under two different avenues in banking. One is communication and connectivity and other is business process. Today, banks have welcomed wireless and mobile technology into their boardroom to offer their customers the freedom to pay bills, planning payments while stuck in traffic jams, to receive updates on the various marketing efforts while present at a party to provide more personal and intimate relationships. This paper examines consumer adoption of a new electronic payment service as mobile banking and the factors influencing the adoption of mobile banking in India.


Configuring an EIGRP based Routing Model
      Er. Ankit Sharma, Er. Sheilly Padda

Abstract: The term routing is used for taking a packet from one device and sending it through the network to another device on a different network. Routers don’t really care about hosts—they only care about networks and the best path to each network. Due to the major role that routing protocol play in computer network infrastructures, special cares have been given to routing protocols with built –in security constraints. In this paper we have shown how we can do routing with an EIGRP based routing protocol. A network model of Cisco routers has been employed in a network simulation software ‘packet tracer’. Eventually an EIGRP routing protocol has been configured and run on a network model. Among all the routing protocols available EIGRP protocol has been mostly used for routing a complex network.


An Effective Approach for Prevention of Phishing Attack
      S. Thiruvenkatasamy, C. Sathyapriya

Abstract: An effective approach for phishing Web page detection is proposed, which uses Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) to measure Web page visual similarity, and gives digital water marking approach for more authentication purpose. First convert the involved Web pages into low resolution images and then use color and coordinate features to represent the image signatures. This paper proposes to use EMD to calculate the signature distances of the images of the Web pages. To train an EMD threshold vector for classifying a Web page as a phishing or a normal one. Digital watermarking approach is used to protect the original Web pages.


Study on the efficacy of supplementation of functional beverage on the blood profile of Sportswomen
      Anupriya Singh, Anita Kochhar

Abstract: Sports drinks are much relevant to the Indian sports scenario because of the fact that many of the Indian sports persons are undernourished and anaemic. Functional beverage was prepared by using whey water, pearl millet [Pennisetum typhoideum], cauliflower [Brassica oleracea var. botrytis] leaf powder, banana and jaggery at three different levels i.e. S1, S2 and S3. The developed functional beverage was organoleptically evaluated by a panel of judges and students by using nine-point hedonic scale. Both the panels gave the highest overall acceptability scores to the S1 level which was prepared by using 2.5 g cauliflower leaf powder, 5 g pearl millet, 10 g jaggery, 20 g banana and 63 ml whey water per 100 ml. The most acceptable level was chemically analyzed. Thirty sportswomen in the age group of 16 to 18 years were selected from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The study was divided into two periods i.e. control and experimental. During control period the subjects were observed without supplementation for a month while during experimental period the subjects were supplemented with 200 ml of developed functional beverage for 3 months. The haematological profile, blood glucose and serum retinol level of the subjects were analyzed.


Dielectric relaxation behaviour and ac conductivity of acrylonitrile and Vinyl propionate (an-vp) copolymers
      A. Narender, G.Sathaiah

Abstract: Acrylonitrile based copolymers have a variety of industrial applications and attracted the attention of material researchers with increasing interest in recent years to study their electrical properties with respect to their homopolymers. The dielectric relaxation studies as a function of temperature and frequency of the applied field reveals the information about the nature of segmental motion in polymer chain. A systematic measurement of dielectric constant (ε) and dielectric loss (tanδ) on powder pressed pellets of AN-VP copolymer in composition 50/50 have been carried out in the frequency range 200Hz -100kHz and in the temperature range from room temperature to 180oC, covering through the glass transition temperature Tg. Two sets of relaxation peaks on slight above room temperature and the other slightly above Tg are noticed from tanδ versus temperature curves for different frequencies. The peaks are attributed to β- and α- relaxations. Temperature coefficient of dielectric constant (TCε) is evaluated to understand the nature of the temperature dependence, AC conductivity is evaluated to understand the conduction process. Activation energy is calculated from loss (tanδ) versus temperature curves and logωp versus reciprocal temperature curves. Activation energy is also calculated from Arrehenius plots.


Area efficient 0.18um Cmos phase frequency detector for high speed Pll
      Ms. Vaijayanti Lule, Prof. (Ms.) Vrushali Nasre

Abstract: Two phase frequency detectors (PFDs) are proposed in this paper that can overcome the speed and area limitations of conventional PFD. The AND gate based PFD uses 22 transistors. It consumes 161.41uW power when operating at 50MHz clock frequency with 1.8V supply voltage. The NOR gate based PFD uses 20 transistors and preserves the main characteristics of conventional PFD. It consumes 96.67uW power at 50MHZ with 1.8V supply. The designs are implemented using 0.18um cmos process in Tanner 13.0v and can operate up to 1GHz frequency. These can be used in PLL for high speed applications.


An Approach towards Software Implementation of Interactive Color Transformation Algorithm
      Miss. Aarti K. Masal, Asst. Prof. R.R.Dube

Abstract: In this paper we present a recoloring technique called interactive color transfer which is similar to local color transfer which gives a user more control to define local areas & match the local areas in order to perform color transfer. This paper presents a fast and simple interactive algorithm based on local color statistical analysis which is used to impose one image’s color characteristics on another. Here focus on orthogonal color space i.e. lαβ color space without correlation between the axes is given. Target image’s color influence mask is prepared. It is a mask that specifies what parts of target image will be affected according to selected color range. After that target image is recoloured in lαβ color space according to prepared color influence map. In the lαβ color space luminance and chrominance information is separate so it allows making image recoloring optional. The basic color transformation uses stored color statistics of source and target image. Our paper presents an approach towards the software implementation of the proposed technique. The proposed algorithm is implemented in JAVA object oriented language.


The Overview of Change Management and Building Change Management Competency
      Dr. M. V. Subha, Priya Dharshni S

Abstract: Change Management as a hot topic in today’s trend provides a typical process and creates tools to make understanding of people - side of change. An organization that faces stable demands to change and there of uses effective change management above and over with each one of the new inventions may know-how a fundamental change in its operations. Management competency is the existing of a business value that believes change and responds with the understanding, perceptions, tools and techniques to mark the change seamless and uncomplicated. It is that creating change as a part of the “business as usual.” This leads to Change management competency. The purpose of building the competency to cope change is to give people the perspective, authority and skills they need to support many changes they will face. The change management competency is that an organization-wide ability to apply the change management practices effectively and routinely. This paper gives the overview of change management and Building change management competency for success of the organization.


Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for groundwater recharge zone in and around Gola Block, Ramgargh district, Jharkhand, India
      M.P. Sharma, Anukaran Kujur

Abstract: In the present scenario of our world’s burgeoning population which is becoming increasingly difficult, it is must rather than a challenge for any country to meet the task of providing sufficient quantity of water to each and every person in the face of the changing consumption patterns, impacts of the climate change and degradation of the finite land and water resources. The study area comprises hard rock of Precambrian/Archaean and some part of sedimentary deposits. The intersection zones of lineaments provide potential for ground water accumulation and ground water recharge. Occurrence of groundwater in such rocks is essentially confined to fractured and weathered zones. The present paper aims to establish basic information for site selection of rainwater harvesting /artificial recharge structures to the aquifer systems by preparing various thematic maps such as geology, geomorphology, drainage pattern, drainage density, lineaments, Landuse/ Landcover etc. which have been prepared on visual interpretation techniques using the remote sensing data with the help of GIS techniques and topographic information along with secondary information and limited field checks of the study area, that falls in and around Gola block, Ramgarh district, Jharkhand, India. It is an attempt to suggest for maintaining the proper balance between the groundwater quantity and its exploitation.


Proposed Telescopic Op-Amp with Improved Gain
      Meenakshi Suthar, Neha Gupta, Priyanka Soni

Abstract: Before venturing further on the design of our operational amplifier, the first line of business is to determine the optimal topology for the given specifications. The factor that clearly stands out is the high dynamic range requirement of 85 db. Several topologies are given for this task, among these telescopic op-amp is selected. Compensation techniques are used with two stage topology of telescopic operational amplifier (op-amp). Miller compensation technique is used with null resistor to obtain such a high gain. The op-amp is designed on 0.13um technology CMOS process with 5 v power supply and achieved a dc gain of 85dB with a 177.1MHz unity gain frequency.


Next Generation Computing on the Internet (GRID)
      Prof Mr. Vijay A Tathe, Prof Ms Deepavali P Patil

Abstract: Grid computing is increasingly being viewed as the next phase of distributed computing. Built on pervasive Internet standards, grid computing enables organizations to share computing and information resources across department and organizational boundaries in a secure, highly efficient manner. The next generation Grid will virtualize the notion of distribution in computation, storage and communication over unlimited resources. The NGG vision, which has emerged as the vision for Grid Technologies, consists of three complementary perspectives the end-user perspective which implies the simplicity of access to and use of Grid technologies. the architectural perspective where the Grid is seen as a large evolutionary system made of billions of interconnected nodes of any type and the software perspective of a programmable and customizable Grid.


Development, Testing and Monitoring of the Movement of Three Directional Tipper Mechanism
      Sanjaykumar A. Borikar, Hemant V. Karkade, Pramod G. Pokley

Abstract: Conventional tipper mechanism an unload materials only at the backside of the tipper using hydraulically operated boom which may cause the problems of road blockage in the limited space area. The prototype model of three direction movement tipper overcomes the problem of unloading the vehicle on side way by using BOOM (D.C. Motor operated). By using Boom the material can be unloaded in all three directions as per requirement. The prototype is developed and tested foe its movement in all three possible direction to unload the materials in the tipper trolley and monitor the inclinations for its gradualism (linearity). The results of inclination of the tipper in all three directions are obtained with respect to time period with material and without material as 22.800 and 23.240 for 100 seconds of operation of tipper respectively.


A Comprehensive Review of Consumption Pattern and Strategies in Cosmeceutical Market with a Focus on Dermaceuticals in Indian Market
      Abdullah B J, Nasreen R, Ravichandran N

Abstract: Cosmeceuticals are the largest addition to the health Industry and are described as cosmetic products with drug like activities. The term cosmeceutical was coined by Raymond Reed but the concepts were further popularized by Dr. Albert Kligman in the late 1970’s. They are the fastest growth segment in the skin care market. Cosmeceuticals are the advances made within the world of dermatological products with the new beacon in skincare. Cosmeceuticals are topical cosmetic-pharmaceutical hybrids intended to enhance the health and beauty of skin. The use of the cosmeceuticals has drastically risen in recent years. This significantly increases the armamentarium of the clinicians in improving the treatment of skin, hair and other conditions. This comprehensive review attempts to examine the current literature regarding the concepts of drug, cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals. The review also tries to find out various gaps in the cosmetic industry related to consumer behaviour and regulations. The paper tries to find out the consumption patterns of the cosmeceutical products and strategies of the companies to sustain and grow in this emerging market. The review is done through the various published researches in this field across the world. This paper is an earnest endeavour to understand the nuances worldwide and elaborate on the strategies for the Indian market therein. This paper is to expand the recent knowledge about Cosmeceuticals.


Probabilistic inventory model for deteriorating items in presence of trade credit period using discounted cash flow approach
      Neetu, Sapna Mahajan, Dr. Arun Kumar Tomer

Abstract: In this paper, we are using discounted cash flow approach for deteriorating items in the presence of trade credit period. Here it is assumed that the demand during the period (0, T) is a random variable x with continuous probability density function f(x) and the demand rate is a power demand pattern. Shortages are not allowed and deterioration follows the Weibull distribution rate. Mathematical models are derived for three different cases: Instantaneous cash flows, credit only on units in stock, fixed credit period. Inflation and time value of money is also considered.


Extraction of user specified web knowledge using Spatial Data Mining
      Priyanka Tiwari

Abstract: Nowadays the World Wide Web has becoming one of the most comprehensive information resources. It probably, if not always, covers the information need for any user. Those differences make it challenging to fully use Web information in an effective and efficient manner. Web mining is the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from web data including web documents, hyperlinks, log usage of website etc. In this paper we extract data from web using spatial data mining. Spatial data mining is the process of trying to find patterns in geographic data. Spatial data mining is the application of data mining techniques. Spatial data mining follows along the same functions in data mining, with the end objective to find patterns in geography. In this paper we provide an introduction of spatial data mining as well as web. Then we focus on how data is extracted from web using some preprocessing techniques or some steps. It describes a method to extract useful information from a web page using spatial data mining. We are extracting hyperlinks and email from single and multiple websites that’s why it is using spatial data mining because in spatial mining data is extracted from different locations. Different websites will have different web servers means different locations. This method includes some preprocessing steps to extract information. That extracted information will be knowledge.


Clustering of Web Log Data to Analyze User Navigation Patterns
      Aditi Shrivastava

Abstract: As we know the amount of data available online is increasing day by day, the World Wide Web has becoming one of the most valuable resources for information retrievals and knowledge discoveries. Web mining technologies are the right solutions for knowledge discovery on the Web. Application of web usage data can be used to better understand web usage, and apply this specific knowledge to better serve users. Web usage mining is the base for navigation pattern mining and approach of clustering is used to perform that Mining, usage mining deals with the discovery and analysis of usage patterns from Web data, specifically web logs, in order to improve web based applications. A web navigation behavior is helpful in understanding what information of online users demand. In our study we extract the common pattern and do clustering, following that, the analyzed results can be seen as knowledge to be used in intelligent online applications, refining web site maps, web based personalization system and improving searching accuracy when seeking. The experimental results shows the clusters of navigation patterns of user and also the approach can improve the quality of clustering for user navigation pattern in web usage mining systems. These results can be used for predicting user’s intuition in the large web sites.


Analysis of Several 2:1 Multiplexer Circuits at 90nm and 45nm Technologies
      Ila Gupta, Neha Arora, Prof. B.P. Singh

Abstract: The increasing prominence of portable system and the need of limit power consumption in very high density VLSI chip have led to rapid and innovative development in low-power design during the recent years. A multiplexer, sometimes referred to as a "MUX", is a device that selects between a numbers of input signals. This paper represents the simulation of different 2:1 MUX configurations and their comparative analysis on different parameters such as Power Supply Voltage, Operating Frequency and Temperature etc.


Explore the Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Motivations for Earnings Management-An Empirical Analysis
      Dr. Amalendu Bhunia, Sri Amit Das

Abstract: This paper attempts to examine the influences on motivations for earnings management from the perspectives of workplace spirituality. The findings suggest that workplace spirituality is a new perception of individuals toward their lives and selves under the influence of the workplace. Such influence further affects the individuals on the acknowledgement of self-group relationships, and the actions of individuals. Therefore, spiritual awareness shows a mediating effect between organizational spirituality and earnings management. Moreover, the mediating effect is greater than the direct effect of organizational spirituality on the motivations of earnings management. In addition, this paper proves that there are no significant variances in the awareness of workplace spirituality among people who have different religious beliefs. Most literatures address earnings management from the perspectives of audits or business ethics, and suggest that moral education is the best way to cope with this issue. However, a sole reliance on the awaking and realization of the individual ethics may not be sufficient to amend current chaotic situations regarding earnings management. In fact, earnings management, in essence, is highly relevant to the opportunistic behaviors of management.


Studies on Anti Diarrhoeal Activity of Synbiotic Plums Juice
      T. Sheela and R.S. Suganya

Abstract: This study evaluated that effect of prebiotic food containing oligosaccharide to enhance the growth and activity of probiotic strains. Plums juice probioticated using different strains of probiotics are Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens, Candida kefir,and saccharomyces boluradii . To select a suitable prebiotics like inulin for the development of synbiotic plums juice and for food preservation. Synbiotic plums juice tested for antibacterial activity against diarrhoea causing pathogen such as Esherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella paratyphi A, Shigella dysenteriae, Vibrio cholerae. Analysis of identified compound from synbiotic plums juice using GC-MS.


Occupational Health Hazards & Efficacy of Protective Masks in Threshing Operation
      Sudesh Gandhi, M. Dilbaghi, M. Mehta, Neelam Pruthi

Abstract: The study was conducted on 20 farm workers to identify the occupational health hazards in threshing operation. Four different protective masks were given and tested on various parameters. Respondents reported respiratory health problems which were mainly due to heat and organic dust in the surroundings. All respondents reported irritation in eyes and throat followed by nose (85.0%) and ears (75.0%). Musculo-skeletal problems were reported showing severe to very severe discomfort in lower arms (m.s.=3.8), upper back (3.6) and upper arms (3.4). Overall discomfort score (ODS) was 7.6 depicting high level of discomfort. Peak expiratory flow rate was reduced by 6.6 % depicting reduced capacity of lungs after day long work in polluted environment. Hood mask was highly acceptable as it showed lowest breathing resistance. Leakage of dust from sides and rate of sweating was medium. Hence, use of hood mask would be helpful to achieve the ergonomics objective of reducing health problems and improving performance.


Software Support for Xml Schema Design Patterns and Pattern Matching of Xml Schemas

Abstract: In current era, XML schema design patterns are used in vast extent to exchange data and to employ the modules for reusability. XML as in plain text format can be transmitted between different applications with different platforms, operating systems and browsers. Design patterns play important role in reusability of already existing solutions. The different XML schema design patterns namely GOF, abstract factory, template, singleton, MVP, MVC are used in varied applications. Softwares like Rational Rose support the design patterns in UML models which in turn can be converted to XML schemas. Rational Rose also supports comparison of two schemas. Softwares like NetBeans IDE and .NET also support XML schema design patterns. This paper focuses on conversion of XML schema design pattern into java code, so that a string can be used from client interface to pattern match the XML schema in servers. This reduces the whole XML schema or UML class diagram to be transmitted from client. XML schema can be converted into java code with help of EMF Framework and other aided plug inns which help in easy searching of existing design patterns for reuse.


Acute kidney injury and paralytic ileus- An unusual presentation of hypothyroidism
      M.L. Patel, Rekha Sachan, K. K. Gupta

Abstract: A 55 year old male patient, known case of hypothyroidism since last four years was admitted to our nephrology unit in a state of drowsiness and confusion. He had paralytic ileus and impaired renal functions at the time of admission. On routine investigations hypokalemia was present, which likely contributed to the paralytic ileus and together with dehydration had lead to renal injury. Nonetheless, hypothyroidism would have been the principal precipitant of both these complications. Both paralytic ileus and acute kidney injury improved with thyroxine replacement.


Searching Technique in Retrieving Software Reusable Components from a Repository
      Kudikala Mahesh Babu, Kudikala Sravana Kumari, Pulluri Srinivas Rao

Abstract: Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines. These engineering principles are frequently getting changed in order to serve various software development organizations. And all the teams in an organization will follow only one process which is running in their respective company. So the components developed for a software product may be useful for them if they develop similar product in future. Even though the components of a developed product related to one firm, else’s teams may require those components. So the components that are identified as re-usable are stored in a repository so that other teams can use them to serve in to get quality product. But to get the re-usable components from a repository we need to search so that we can get our needed component. In this paper, we are introducing a simple searching technique that may effectively retrieve required component from a repository. Here we are trying a web-based search to retrieve the desired component. For this, we are also using test case driven technique in order to meet the required component (means fits our purpose) to be appear in the resulted search based upon its behavior etc.


Enhancing the features of Intrusion Detection System by using machine learning approaches
      Swati Jaiswal, Neeraj Gupta, Hina Shrivastava

Abstract: The IDS always analyze network traffic to detect and analyze the attacks. The attack detection methods used by these systems are of two types: anomaly detection and misuse detection methods. Intrusion detection (ID) is a type of security management system for computers and networks. An ID system gathers and analyzes information from various areas within a computer or a network to identify possible security breaches, which include both intrusions and misuse. An Intrusion detection system is designed to classify the system activities into normal and abnormal. ID systems are being developed in response to the increasing number of attacks on major sites and networks. Intrusion detection is the act of detecting unwanted traffic on a network or a device. Several types of IDS technologies exist due to the variance of network configurations. In this paper, we provide you information about the methods that uses a combination of different machine learning approaches to detect a system attacks.


Struggle for iron: a key attribute for combating Multi Drug Resistance in human pathogen Candida albicans
      Saif Hameed and Zeeshan Fatima

Abstract: Continuous deployment of antifungals in treating infections caused by dimorphic opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans has led to the emergence of drug resistance resulting in cross-resistance to many unrelated drugs, a phenomenon termed as Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR). Although there is reasonable understanding of major factors which contribute to MDR mechanisms, it appears unavoidable to consider novel MDR mechanisms. The ability of pathogenic fungi, including opportunists like Candida albicans, to sense and become accustomed to changes in the host environment is essential for their survival and confers the basis of their success as dreadful pathogen. Recent findings suggest that in addition to the classical MDR mechanisms, existence of other novel mechanisms controlling MDR cannot be nullified. Improved knowledge of such mechanisms could facilitate the development of novel therapies to combat these intransigent infections. One such significant environmental factor that C. albicans must respond to is iron limitation since they encounter diverse such anatomical sites during the establishment of infection within the host. Considering the importance of C. albicans being the fourth most common cause of hospital acquired infectious disease, this review focuses on gaining insights of new regulatory mechanism controlling MDR in C. albicans as a response towards iron deprivation.


Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a green tea polyphenol suppresses bacilli-induced augmented expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 85B and proinflammatory TNF-α in human monocytes
      Zeeshan Fatima, Saif Hameed and Najmul Islam

Abstract: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), the hallmarks of tuberculosis, are directly induced in human monocytes by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). We have previously shown that the expression of 85B in MTB infected monocytes correlates positively with both the amount of secreted TNF-α and subsequent mycobacterial growth. In this study, we show the augmented expression of 85B in MTB and TNF-α at both the gene and protein levels in MTB-infected monocytes were suppressed by EGCG, a green tea polyphenol, in dose-dependent manner. Of notable importance, the anti-inflammatory mechanism of EGCG was mediated by inhibition of NF-κB pathway. Moreover, EGCG enhances the antioxidant potential of monocytes by ameliorating the intramonocyte sIFN-γ levels, glutathione levels and glutathione peroxidase activity, which correlates with the down regulation of TNF-α in MTB-infected monocytes. Taken together, this study provides the first novel insight into the possible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant role of EGCG that can be exploited in tuberculosis management.


Serum Soluble Fas (sFas) levels might be a discriminator between precancerous and Cancerous Cervical lesion in North Indian Population- A case control study
      Sachan Rekha, Patel ML, Agarwal Reshu, Srivastava Mukesh, Natu SM

Abstract: One of the best characterized apoptosis triggering systems is the CD95/Fas/APO-1 pathway. Aim of the study was to evaluate the serum sFas levels in cervical neoplasia and localized cervical cancer patients and examines its role as a discriminator between precancerous and cancerous cervical lesion.


Acute Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis causes Neurodegeneration in the Subregions of the Hippocampus in Wistar Rats
      Daphne Santhosh, Indira Bairy

Abstract: Bacterial meningitis is known to cause neurodegenerations in the hippocampus, motor cortex and cerebellum. Aim of the present study was to investigate quantitatively the effect of pneumococcal meningitis on hippocampal sub regions in Wistar rats.


Healthcare Information Using Machine Learning Approach
      R. Buvaneshwari, K. Lavanya, R. Vanitha

Abstract: In recent year we develop Machine Learning (ML) approach.ML is to build computer systems that can adapt and learn from their experience.ML is the domain of research and recently it has develop in medical domain .The domain is automatically learn some task of healthcare information, medical management, patient health management etc.,. Healthcare deals with the resource, devices and method require optimizing storage, retrieval and use of information in health and bio medicine. Healthcare diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, illness, injury in human. This paper ML methodology capable of identifying, spreading the information in healthcare. The extract sentence published from medical paper that mention on disease treatment. The result obtains reliable outcome integrated in medical domain.


Cancer, Palliative Medicines, And the Therapeutic and Psychological Role
      Saad Nasser AlShetwi, Abdullah Saleh Alhamad, Abdulrahman Saad AlZeer and Muteb Rasheed AlMutib

Abstract: The word cancer brings a few different thoughts and feelings to those it affects as well as those who are not affected. Many people have dealt with cancer in some way or another, whether it is through a family member, a friend, or through medical treatment. As an illness, it is the source of a great deal of debate and argument as to its etiology, the best methods of treating the disease, and for some, its ultimate meaning.


Pharmacist And Drug Safety
      Mohammed Khamees Al Otaibi, Abdullah Omar Albedah, Bassam Ali AlDuwairij ,Ma’an Mohammad Ali Altaf and Mansoor Abdulrahman Alghazi

Abstract: Pharmacists play a crucial role in ensuring drug safety by providing accurate information, counseling patients on proper medication use, and monitoring for potential drug interactions and adverse effects. This essay explores the key aspects of drug safety, focusing on the role of pharmacists in promoting safe medication practices. The methodology involved in ensuring drug safety, the results of various studies conducted on this topic, and the limitations and challenges faced in this field will be discussed. By highlighting the significance of pharmacist involvement in drug safety, this essay aims to underscore the importance of collaborative efforts in enhancing patient care and reducing medication errors.


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