Dr. K.N.P. Kumar
In the following two modules we give a concatenated mathematical statement of the supersymmetry, gravity and warped extra dimension,. It is to be stated in unequivocal terms that the classification is based on the characterstics of the systems under investigation. Perspicuous forbearance, Sophisticated seasoning, constituent structure, concept formulation, concept formulation, beat cadence, interiority of perfect causes, incompatibility of conjunctions, resonantial resumptions, hypothetical propositions, logical compatibilities, on causal correspondences, predicational inherence, emphasis related phenomenological methodologies, Partcipational observation, Background actuality, Addressed aestheticism, polished perception, refined proficiency, Existential worldliness, Existential strife, Predicational anteriorities, apophthegm and axiom, brocard- gnome, implantation and inculcation, pronouncement and proposition, declaration dogma, Character consonance, shift and stratagem, Ontological consonance, Primordial exactitude, Phenomenological correlates, Accolytish representation, Atrophied asseveration, supposition, surmise, theorization Anamensial alienisms, Anchorite aperitif, Arcadian Atticism all delineated in the conditionalities and functionalities and orinetatilities of the system which incorporate the rules and regulations, axiomatic predications and postulation alcovishness of the foregoing state.