IJSRP, Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2022 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Binu C T
Adhoc Network for real time application require highly secure infrastructure. The real time application require data in its derivative forms. Security mechanism increases adhoc network in its actual form. The connection of smart devices such as mobile phones, iPad etc. to the internet result in the improvement of computation everywhere. The computational capability of devices are very important while using computation to solve problems. The existing systems have problems with scheduling of tasks while doing high speed adhoc network with security. The proposed system have unique registration number of which 6 digit given by the user and 4 digit by the system and scheduling is based on this unique number. There is a Registration layer in each devices. The last 4 digit in the registration number defines the capacity of the device to do computation. A new Sorted Encoding Encryption and Decryption is to provide information security to the devices