IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Chaitanya.K, Mahmood.S.K, Ranakausar, Sunil Kumar.N
Biological waste water are characterized by the exposure of microorganism to transient conditions, where biomass is submitted to alternating periods of high and low substrate concentration and aerobic and anaerobic environments which make some microorganisms respond the production of polymers and various biochemical agents. Bacteria utilize siderophores to help the process of ferric iron uptake in environment. This process can found across three domains and is necessary for microorganisms to obtain iron needed for essential process. The present investigations were undertaken to check the siderphore producing activity of bacteria which produces polymer. A total of 640 bacteria were isolated from waste water pond. Among them 198 bacterial strains showing polymer production wee isolated. Out of which 12 potential strains were selected and investigated for siderphore activity. The result showed that out of 12 bacteria some of them showed siderophore activity.