IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Lateef Ahmad Mir
The paper exposes the economic viability of the Indian tourism industry by employing secondary data taken from various national and international reports, journals, books, magazines and other pertinent literature of this discipline. The Indian tourism industry is playing an important role in economic development of many sectors of our economy by generating employment both for skilled and unskilled labour force, by improving living standard, particularly of remote rural areas , foreign exchange earnings, infrastructure development, and boosts the world famous Indian traditional Art and craft. Tourism is an important catalyst in the socio-economic development of both rural and urban areas since the last two decades, contributing in several ways and strengthens the inter-connected processes. Tourism industry has potential to strengthen the inclusive economic development. It is a limitless industry with immense growth potential having clear remarkable positive impact on economic and social aspects of Indian economy.