IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Hassan Alaaraj, Fatimah Wati Ibrahim
E-readiness of governments has become a vital policy tool for all countries since it enhances the trust of the citizens through applying the principles of good governance. Recently, e-readiness is becoming more accepted at the level of governments, organizations and citizens especially in the growing global open market. However, e-readiness has turned into a core feature of the international socio-economic development due to its ability to transform the society including the movement from traditional relations to more modern ways of thinking or dealing with health, education and production. This paper presents the different international organizations that have developed a variety of e-readiness models to participate in the global digital economy at the level of e-commerce, e-government and general ICT diffusion. Moreover, the paper provides classifications of the assessment models of e-readiness as e-economy and e-society assessment tools, the methods of quantitative and qualitative pictures and finally the area of focus whether it is macro or micro. In line with this, governments should prepare inventive and realistic e-government projects as providing online services. Thus, such assessment tools are fundamental to achieve substantial progress at the level of e-government, e-commerce, e-education, e-health and e-science that constitute the information society.