IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
A.G.Gokula Kumar, R.Thiyagarajan, N.Sripriya
Sensor networks are quite different from traditional networks in different ways: sensor networks have severe energy concerns, redundant low-rate data, and many-to-one flows. Routing protocols developed for other adhoc networks cannot be applied directly in WSN because of the energy constraint of the sensor nodes. Data-centric technologies are needed to perform in-network aggregation of data to yield energy-efficient dissemination. Sensor networks are used in many applications like environment monitoring, health, industrial control units, military applications and in the various computing environments. Since sensor the entire sensor node are battery powered devices, energy consumption of nodes during transmission or reception of packets affects the life-time of the entire network. In this paper we model data-centric routing and compare its performance with traditional end-to-end routing schemes.