IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Deep Shrivastava
Designing purpose of this Quad bike is to manufacture an off road vehicle that could help in transportation in hilly areas, farming field and as a reliable experience for a weekend enthusiast. In order to accomplish this task, different design aspects of a Quad Bike. vehicle were analyzed, and certain elements of the bike were chosen for specific focus. There are many facets to an off-road vehicle, such as the chassis, suspension, steering, drive-train, and braking, all of which require thorough design concentration. The points of the car I decided to specifically focus on were the chassis, drive-train, and suspension. The most time and effort went into designing and implementing these components of the vehicle because it was felt that they most dramatically effect the off-road driving experience. During the entire design process, consumer interest through innovative, inexpensive, and effective methods was always the primary goal