IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mrs. Omprakash Yadav, Ryan Fernandes, Rohit Tiwari, Sheenam Kaul
Indian Railway is world’s largest human transport system, is currently dealing with a lot of problems, such as availability of confirming seat if available during immediate cancellation / getting down at destination where other waiting list passesnger from that destination can board a train and reach the destination to avoid not allowing the other people who enter the train without buying tickets and then buy tickets from tc, reduce the burden of passenger to carry ticket. However there is no such system that presently in Indian railway gives accommodation to waiting list passengers during their journey and reducing the burden of carrying tickets. This paper proposes the new Seat Allocation system considering the advantage of QR code image that containts information about ticket and passenger info in form of 2d . Moreover, authentication seat allocation checking by tc is done using an another android app for tc which verifies qr code information with the database and reduces the burden of tc. Through this research paper our approach is to make journey of waiting list passengers more convenient in Indian Railway