IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Nitashree Mili
Rural tourism is a recent offshoot of tourism sector that has grown up to be a potential business in its own space. Rural tourism is a form of nature based tourism that uncovers the rural life, culture, art and heritage at rural locations, thereby favoring the local communities socially and economically.Such form of tourism has created tremendous impact on the local economy and socio-cultural scenario of the concern area on one hand and carries a potential scope for the rural residents on the other hand. Rural tourism is an opportunity for rural development.
The Tipam Phakey village of Naharkatia has great diversity of culture, tradition and natural resources which makes it every attractive tourist destination. It is a store house of a unique Buddhist culture that has form the basis of attractions for outsiders. Here, rural tourism promotes the local economy, socio-cultural changes and life style of the people residing in and around the village. This present paper aims at exploring of rural tourism at Tipam Phakey village, which act as an incentive to promote local, socio-economic and cultural changes and lifestyle of the people residing in and around this tourist location and also to find out various constraints and possibilities of tourism development in the study area.