IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Aarti Sharma
In recent years, emerging market economies (EMEs) are increasingly becoming a source of foreign investment for rest of the world. It is not only a sign of their increasing participation in the global economy but also of their increasing competence. More importantly, a growing impetus for change today is coming from developing countries and economies in transition, where a number of private as well as state-owned enterprises are increasingly undertaking outward expansion through foreign direct investments (FDI). Companies are expanding their business operations by investing overseas with a view to acquiring a regional and global reach. . Foreign direct investment (FDI) in India country assumed critical importance in the context of this liberalization. Though India is the tenth most industrialized country in the world, it is well known that it is mainly agro-based with around 70% population engaged in the farm sector. However, in the initial stage of liberalization, FDI was centered on the urban manufacturing sectors because of its civic infrastructure, labor availability, flexible taxation mechanism etc. The success story of FDI in these sectors is known to us. The present paper is an attempt to study the future prospects of FDI in India in pension funds.