IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Anant Tandale
Hydro carbon is released in the atmosphere through rotogauge (Ref photo @) while loading of LPG and Propane in the tankers contributes occupational health problems to the workers, greenhouse gas effect (Ref $) as well as revenue loss though it is insignificant in case of one tanker but it is significant if we consider loading and unloading of tanker at National level per day and Organizational level per year. In order to overcome the problem of releasing of hydrocarbon through rotogauge (for measuring liquid level inside the tanker) it is necessary to study this topic in detail along with the effect of these hydrocarbons on the workers working in that area. To know the effect of released hydrocarbon on the loading operators their medical checkups were done in three different seasons. The result of the study will tell the effects of these hydrocarbons on operators, extent of energy loss and revenue loss as well as the method to minimize the loss of hydrocarbon in atmosphere during loading and unloading of tankers thereby limiting the exposure of the operators to hydrocarbon vapours