IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
M.G. Sanal Kumar, V Jayalekshmy , R.S. Balamurali
Konni Forest Division, a part of Southern Western Ghats, on the bank of River Achencoil carries long history of man-forest interface and harbours rich floral diversity supporting three different eco regions. The present study aimed to assess the floral diversity of Konni Forest Division and its distribution in relation to various edaphic factors. Forest types are identified by reconnaissance survey. The study plots were selected at random and the plants were marked and identified species wise. Braun – Blanquet model was adopted to enumerate non tree species. Soil analysis and statistical analysis were done using standard procedures. Diversity indices were also calculated to explain the plot wise variation in the floral diversity, dominance, abundance, richness, evenness and distribution. 16 tree species were identified in the moist deciduous habitat, of which 86% showed contiguous distribution, 13% enjoy random distribution and 1% enjoy regular distribution. Evergreen and semi evergreen eco regions are home to 11 tree species. 23 non – tree species were identified of which 5 species have frequency above 50% and remaining below 50%. Various biodiversity indices shows that konni reserve forest is marked with species richness, species abundance, moderate species diversity , even distribution of plant species and no over dominance among species. Soil analysis showed richness in organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium content, but low Phosphorus content. This indicates high fertility and productivity of forest ecosystem.