IJSRP, Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2020 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Miss Subhashree Mishra, Dr. H. N. Atibudhi
Women are a vital part of any society. Over the year, there is a gradual realization of the key role of women and her contribution to the family income and employment is increasing as a result of women empowerment in the country. The World Bank (2001) has suggested that empowerment of women should be key aspect of all social development programs. For ages women in rural India have not received much attention and recognition. They were engaged in domestic work and some other supportive work in the family sector. The term “Empowerment” was introduced at Nairobi, Kenya during International Women Conference in 1985. Women empowerment has many dimensions i.e. social empowerment, economic empowerment, cultural empowerment, legal empowerment and political empowerment.