IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Martin Kariuki Kamau, Dr. Jane Omwenga
This research project has analyzed the challenges influencing sustainable monitoring and evaluation of solid waste management projects in the County based on four independent variables namely; technical capacity, performance indicators, budget to support M & E of solid waste management projects and coordination in terms of solid waste depository points and consistency in enforcement of the policies. Random sampling methodology was adopted. At a confidence level of 95% and a significanc level of 5%, a sample of 73 respondents was used for data collection by use of semi-structured questionnaires. Secondary data was collected using published sources such as journals and published articles. Data collected was analyzed using measures of central tendencies, percentages, SPSS, ANOVA and multiple regression and presented using frequency distribution tables and charts. The four independent variables studied were found to collectively influence the dependent variable which is sustainable monitoring and evaluation at 62.1% with 37.9% influence due to other variables not captured in this study. Performance indicators recorded the greatest influence on sustainable monitoring and evaluation at 58%, technical capacity at 19%, coordination at 16% and budget at 7%.