IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Rabia Noor
The veteran novelist Margaret Mitchell, who made history with her only novel, Gone With The Wind, had been a reporter earlier, which is known to very few. She had been reporting for Atlanta Journal Sunday Magazine in her hometown Atlanta for four and a half years. The current study has been carried out to find out whether the people, who know her, are aware about her reporting career. It also tried to explore whether she can be a role model for female journalists and if any of her messages hold relevance at present. The study found out that a very few people knew that Margaret Mitchell had been a reporter before writing the historic novel. It also concluded that she can be an inspiration for female journalists and writers and that most of her messages, particularly women-centric, hold relevance even today, when women, though empowered to some extent, face similar problems as were faced during Margaret Mitchell’s time.