IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
M. G.Sanalkumar, S.Nandakumar, S.Vaisakh, R.S.Balamurali, S. Sankar
Avifaunal composition of Nilgiri Western Slope forests was studied. A total of 160 species were identified of which 9.38% are migratory. 56.25% were common, 35.46% were not common, 1.94% were rare, 1.25% were local migratory by status. Very high richness index (25.56846) and Shannon’s diversity index (4.822978) indicating a luxuriant bird species composition in this habitat. The low value of dominant index (0.008) indicating co-dominance of species and the evenness index value near to one indicating even distribution or continuous distribution of bird species in this locality. Lower anthropogenic disturbances, lack of hydroelectric dams, forest continuity and luxuriant vegetation of the area harbours good avian population in this locality and the area can be considered as a paradise for avian conservation in the Southern Western Ghats.