IJSRP, Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2023 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
This study looked at strategies of implementing church moral policies for improvement of morals among full gospel church members of Miharati zone, Nyandarua County. The strategies in place needed revision to be customized to changes of Christians needs in the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya in Nyndarua County. This called for need to identify the strategies of implementation of moral policy in place and look for ways in which they can be improved to sustain integrity in Full Gospel Churches of Kenya churches. The researcher specifically assessed the current status of moral policy in Full Gospel Churches of Kenya, assessed challenges experienced in implementation of moral policy and finally identified strategies for effective implementation of moral policy in (F.G.C.K). Divine command theory guided the study. The targeted population was 300 participants and sample size was 72. The researcher used questionnaires, observation guide and interview guide to collect data. The data collected was analyzed in simple descriptive statistics in form of frequencies and percentages using computer software package for social sciences (SPSS version 20) and research ethics was taken into consideration. The study revealed that moral policy contributes greatly to church integrity; however, no single strategy could enhance church integrity all by itself because strategies supplement each other. Moral policy implementation is a sum total of combined strategies with each complementing each other in their own unique ways. Conclusively, leaders in the churches should embrace moral policy so that they can be used as a source of guidance to all members. Teaching and training members on the importance of fellowship, bible studies, proper mode of dressing, effective way of using social media, evangelism, guidance and counseling members were strategies that were established to ensure effective utilization of church policies. These findings would help to addressing challenges such as high negative