IJSRP, Volume 13, Issue 9, September 2023 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Charles Otieno. P. Ochieng, Frank Khachina Matanga, Chrispinous Iteyo
Election of leaders by the people is the aim of democratic procedures. An electoral system is designed to make sure that the results are uncontested in any way and that they reflect the choices of the majority of voters, giving elected officials legitimacy. This study objective was to assess the nation electoral process. Consociationalism, voting, and rational choice theories served as the foundation for this investigation. The researcher adopted a descriptive study design and employed both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The research was carried out from July 2022 to December 2022. Political parties, political analysts, IEBC members, legislators, and voters made up the study target population. The researcher employed the stratified random sampling technique. The strata were created by the target demographic, and a random sample was drawn from each stratum. The researcher used interview guide techniques to collect data, using items that were developed from the study objectives and research questions. Questionnaires and interviews were the two main ways that data were gathered. Voters were handed questionnaires, and interview guidelines were provided for political experts, electoral experts, and IEBC officials. The information gathered through the use of questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive statistics. According to the results, Kenya electoral system is based on the plurality/majority system known as the First Past the Post concept. It is based on the Kenyan Constitution of 2010 and includes a wide range of actors, each of whom has a specific duty outlined in the Constitution. The IEBC is a key player among these parties. The report recommends, among other things, looking at alternative choices including mixed member and proportional representation models since they are more inclusive and produce fair representation as a remedy for the existing polarizing plurality voting system.