IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Luthfiah Usman, Achmar Mallawa, Mardiana Ethrawaty Fachry
One form of local wisdom in the management of natural resources in coastal and marine areas that is still running today in Alor Regency is Mulung in the customary area of the Baranusa Kingdom, West Pantar District, which had been lost for decades. Mulung is a local wisdom of the Baranusa community in the form of a system of regulating the use of marine resources on a regular basis with the aim of maintaining the sustainability and sustainability of marine resources within a certain period of time agreed by the Customary Council and the King. The research has been carried out from January to March 2021. The aim is to analyze the strategy to maintain the existence of Hading-Hoba Mulung in Alor Regency. The research method is a qualitative descriptive survey and SWOT analysis. The results showed. Strategies to maintain the Hading-Hoba Mulung regulations in Alor Regency include: (1) Strengthening the Hading-Hoba Mulung customary institutions, (2) Development of fishing technology, (3) Development of fishery support facilities (TPI, Ice Factory) and access to marketing, ( 4) Community empowerment through socialization/extension on fisheries related to customary and government regulations, (5) Strengthening supervision activities by traditional institutions and the government in the Mulung area.