IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Philip Samuel Kongoley – MIH
This paper attempts to investigate the challenges in marketing a tourist destination, a case study of Sierra Leone. This paper offers a comprehensive understanding of the concept of tourist destination marketing and challenges. It is descriptive as it describes destination marketing concept and opinion of respondents on the challenges of marketing destination.200 respondents from the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and National Tourist Board were selected using a simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was administered among the respondents and only 200 was returned filled which form the bases for analysis. The collected data was analyzed by the used of Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences and Garrett ranking. It was found out that Sierra Leone cannot attract tourist due to inadequate fund for marketing plans as a major challenge. It is recommended that the government of Sierra Leone to ensure that adequate funding is provided for the marketing and promotion of the country if it to be a tourist destination.