IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr.Nitesh Kumar, Dr.Snigdha Maity, Dr.Harshmohan Pathak
Congenitally missing teeth is the abnormality in the number of teeth. Also called anodontia. it can be total or partial anodontia. Studies shows that there is 35% missing of 3rd molars in the subject examined. Other commonly missing teeth are maxillary lateral incisor, & maxillary & mandibular 2nd premolars, often bilaterally. Congenitally missing deciduous teeth are uncommon but when occuring involving maxillary lateral incisor & mandibular cuspids. This paper describes the case of a young female patient with partial anodontia came for the extraction of over retained deciduous teeth followed by a proper treatment.