IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ch.Raju, T.Bikshapathi, A.Srinivas Reddy, J.Sathyanarayana, R.Vijay Kumar , M. Krishna Reddy
Bezoars were isolated from gastrointestinal tract of certain goats and they were used for the treatment of ailments like snake bite, old age, plague, high fever, convulsion, stroke, epilepsy and evil spirits as it was believed that bezoars had healing powers. Bezoars are classified according to the materials which they are composed. In view of the lack of information and owing to importance of the problem towards medicine preparations and its health hazards the present study has been undertaken. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the hematololgical, histopathological and biochemical changes in goats due to bezoars formation. The hematological and biochemical analysis indicate the formation of bezoars caused significant influence on different blood parameters which intern lead to functional and structural alterations at cellular level as evidence by the histopathological changes observed.